Human Era

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In our history, there is a clear blank.
The God World War that lead to the world’s end ended a thousand years ago. It is not clear how the war ended, but at the very least, the killing amongst the gods stopped then.

But that was not the end of fighting between people and the gods. Gods still kill people. It was just fighting that changed the terrain and annihilated the planet had stopped, the one-sided relationship between gods and people did not change at all. That’s exactly why people laid hands on the power of the curse called magic.

That was a hundred years ago.
The first Emperor of the Frost Empire, Flyme G Frost once again gathered the scattered humanity and spread the cursed power, magic to people. The existence of that man barely stopped the extinction of humanity……is the history of this world that Envy taught Nanaki.

Which means.

How did people survive the nine hundred years between the end of the God World War and humanity obtaining magic.

Now we are able to challenge the gods by using magic, the power that consumes the body, but it is clear that before that, it was a wretched situation where people could do nothing. In that situation, how did powerless humans survive in that ruined world?

For some reason, we do not know the answer.
Nothing has remained.
Or possibly, we have not succeeded anything from our predecessors, any of the methods to survive which should have been of utmost importance to humanity.

——in the blank of nine hundred years, how did people get through that hell?

It is a question I thought of that time.
But since I didn’t have much interest in humanity’s history, I had thought that it was okay not to know. Because I thought humanity’s past would not affect my, would not affect Nanaki’s way of life.

That’s why, I never searched for the answer.

“——there are……no humans?”

But if it is something that can destabilise my existence.

“……what, does that mean?”
“Exactly what it means. That is why we call you Human Deus. The prime representative of the pitiful ones that long for humans but cannot become human.”
“Long for, humans……?”

The humanoid’s indifferent words felt like something extremely terrifying.
Because if those words were the truth, it is talking as if I, as if we are not humans. If there are no humans, no people, then what are we?

I do not need to care.
I am Nanaki, nothing else.


“I see, you cannot understand.”

I listened to those words.
Even though I can erase them by swinging down this arm, something is telling me I must not erase them.
There should be no need. Whatever this humanoid is saying should not be necessary for me to live. There should be no need, to know.

My arm, won’t move.

“Then once again. Humans do not exist in this world.”

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For some reason, my chest hurts terribly.
Pressing down on it with my right hand, I somehow squeezed out my voice. I have to calm down. I know. But for some reason I can’t.

When I noticed, I was shouting.

“Then, what are we. What are we that are living right here! If we are not humans……!”

What exactly, are humans.
Where are, humans.

“Humans are a species. Not something to be defined by the existence of an individual. No matter how hard you all try to imitate humans, the humans you loved will not come back.”

Mercilessly, calmly.
If the words the humanoid is speaking is the truth.
If the history we thought we lost, was not ours, but that of someone else.


If humans could not get through that blank of nine hundred years.

“have gone extinct in the distant past.”

Then where did we come from, and why do we exist.

…..why live…..

few have an answer


Even if I know that, there was nothing else I could say. I do not know how to deny it. In front of my eyes is Nanaki’s enemy. An insignificant existence that ends once I kill it, even though there is no need to believe those words. I can’t speak.


So unbearably, unpleasant.
The feeling of something bad, crawling up from beneath my feet and coiling up, not letting go. If I am Nanaki, that should be enough. Yet, why do I want to escape from here so much. Why can’t, my body move.

“No, it is the truth.”
“……there is no reason to believe.”
“I see, you say our words are not worthy of trust.”

There is nothing, to feel guilty about. But I feel a strong misapprehension, that I am doing something wrong. Uncomfortable. I want to run.


Weak. This is weakness.
Shut up. Get it together, who am I. Nanaki, I am Nanaki. Face forward and look at the enemy. Glare and grit your teeth. Definitely kill enemies. That is my way of living.

“Then you can prove that yourself.”

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“Even you all who have imitated humans and reproduced, you should instinctively remember the humans you loved that much.”
“Sad, foolish weapons that have lost their master.”
“Remember, Human Deus.”
“You know. All of you know.”

Yet, the words of the humanoids stab so deep. Humans. Weapons. Even though I don’t know anything, don’t remember anything, my heart feels like it’s being squeezed. The pounding heartbeats are so loud, so loud, it’s driving me crazy.

“……what, what are you saying——”

There is no need to ask. I should not ask. That is not my memory. Not mine.

“——humans, cannot use magic.”

Yet, I definitely know.
I remember, that which I should not know.
There was something beloved. There was something, something I loved.
That is, not Mother. Not my sister either.
An unknown someone.

“Human Deus, your basis for action was created by your mother.”
“That mother should have told you. To save people.”
“Because you all are made to love humans. That has not changed even with humans gone.”

——I don’t want to hear that.

“But you have killed many comrades.”
“You who puts your mother first, why is it that you kill those that your mother told you to save.”
“You should have realised, that you are contradicting yourself.”
“The contradiction that you stubbornly cling to your promises with your mother, yet in reality you continue to break your promises with your mother.”
“If that was not a contradiction.”
“Then your instinct, does not recognise those as humans.”

——I don’t want to hear that!

“Zean Alfred. Why is it that you took on that man without any power as your master.”
“Was what you needed, really that individual?”
“The answer is no. What you needed, is a master that could use you.”
“That is your instinct as a weapon.”
“All those emotions you bear towards that man, are because you are overlapping him with the vestiges of your true master.”
“If it was someone that would use that mighty power. If it was someone that would use you”

——anything, but that!

“anyone would have worked.”


“Shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup——!”

I’ll kill you……!

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I’ll kill you……!
I’ll kill you!!!

“Those other than me, don’t talk about me! I, only I can——! Gu……kill. Killkillkillkillkillkill!”

My head hurts. My chest, my body, everything.
Something I should not know, is flowing into my heart. Even though I am Nanaki, even though I should be the human called Nanaki, something that is not me is screaming in my heart.

“Human Deus, sad, foolish, you. That relentless instinct to kill enemies, the nature that makes you evolve to be superior, all are due to your true nature to be the best weapon. If you can kill enemies, if you are superior as a weapon—–”

I ripped off the head in front of me.
Destroy everything in sight. Kill. Erase.
But, but there are too many, I won’t make it. The spear that should have been raised to the sky, won’t fall. The spear that is supposed to save humans, does not know who it should be swung at. Mother, who would tell me that, is gone too. I cannot rely on anything. No one, will save me.

I, we——

“Then you can be loved by humans.”

are not human.


I had forgotten.
I do not know, but I remember.
There were people very important to us. Our treasures, whose faces we don’t even know. The ones we love, who we don’t even know. They are not there. They are nowhere.

“We said so at first. Turn back.”


“That way, you would not have woken from your dream.”


“Without suffering from the curse given by humans, you could have received salvation from Eltel.”


The humanoids’ words, everything, nothing mattered. There is just sadness, pain, loneliness, wanting to just hug someone who I don’t even know.

I want to meet.
I want to meet humans.
I want to be loved, by humans.

“All of you, compelled to love humans, could not accept the reality of losing humans.”
“And eventually, amongst you, an individual that imitated humans appeared.”
“That eventually spread, you all began believing that you were humans.”
“That is your beginning. The fate of the sad, foolish weapons that lost their love.”

I am not human, that knowledge squeezed my heart.
It made me painfully aware that everything before were lies.

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The beautiful world Mother spoke of, the promises made, everything, everything, is disappearing. Even though it should be sad, even though it should hurt, they are becoming pointless. I don’t feel anything, think anything. Even though it should be precious, even though I vowed, everything——doesn’t matter.

After all, those are not human.
The one I wanted to meet was not Mother.
The one I want to love, is humans.


Do I live.
In this world without humans, how do I live.
Even though I should have known, even though it was all taught to me, I don’t know now.


Something welled up, so much that it feels like my heart would break.
Even though I don’t know what it is, tears just keep overflowing.

“Everything……everything everything everything!!”

I, don’t want to think anymore.

“Just disapeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar!!”

Just, erase everything.
I don’t want to see, to hear, to know.
Everything, everything everything everything, anything.
So I will release everything I have.

“It did not reach self-destruction.”
“But, it already knows itself.”
“It can no longer fight like before. Our role here is done. Let us leave the rest to Eltel.”
“Goodbye then, Human Deus. Sad, foolish, poor weapon.”

The words of the humanoids.


Envy’s voice calling to me.


All disappeared into lightning.




“But, this much power…….how will Eltel……————”

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