Natural Genius and Natural Disaster

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“Hey Envy, what’s this aerplain?”


It is about a month after I began taking care of Nanaki.


Nanaki ran all over the place when she first came to the capital but she is finally starting to calm down. In this one month I prioritised teaching Nanaki how to read and write. Luckily Nanaki’s memory and comprehensive ability is good, so I managed to get through with ‘a lot’ of suffering. Well, it’s better than suffering to death.

still alive~

Teaching her common sense, literacy, correcting her vulgar tone, there was a mountain of challenges, but as it is said, troublesome kids are cute, I couldn’t leave her alone and ended up spending all my time on her. Even now I think that throwing all my work to Silver for a month wasn’t good no matter how excellent a coworker he is.

nah, just leave it to him

But leaving Nanaki alone made me extremely uneasy.

will the capital still be there?

So I tried something. And it worked amazingly, Nanaki began just staying in my room. I had expected it to fail, but Nanaki was unexpectedly suited to reading. In fact, she advanced her own study of words in order to read books.


And so I finally had time to take my eyes off Nanaki. Seemingly in exchange, Nanaki started to come flying to me to ask questions about things she doesn’t know. Sometimes the questions touched upon the truth of the world, of the capital, so I had to deceive her sometimes.

why not tell her

“Airplanes are machines that fly in the sky, it’s science. Even now they still exist, some aristocrats in Freyline have them. Aristocrats like antiques after all.”

do they use them?

Well, they are only things that they use mana to force to fly. No, float would be more accurate. Even though we live in a world where using magic brings you closer to death, they still buy other’s mana to fly those things just for show, that’s why nobles are beyond saving.

why not use fossil fuels…

“There’s also woshing mashines right? Why does that work even though science and magic are different?”

“Washing machines? …….well, even without technology, simple things can be done with magic. That’s just spinning anyway.”

nanaki is better washing machine

I told a lie.

bad ane

But that couldn’t be helped. Becuase I had a duty to lie. A small, but big lie that technology still lives, just that we changed electricity to magic. But we must survive. That is the decision of the world. That’s why I lied and continued to watch the sacrifices go on.

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I am a guardian of the world, achieving the best for the world is my job.

a horrible job

“More importantly, what book are you reading today?”

strongest maid book

It was very blunt, but I know Nanaki wouldn’t mind so I forcibly changed the topic. Eventually the day will come when Nanaki learns the truth. Until that day, as much as possible, I don’t want to lie to Nanaki. Yes, although I acted as the guardian of the world just now, the truth is I am soft on her. I know.

cant fully approve




Although her appearance as she rolled around while reading the book is a little improper, I chose to overlook this much. If I scold her for everything, I don’t know when Nanaki will explode. It’s not good to tie her down to much. A certain amount of freedom is also necessary, through Nanaki, I was also growing.

into a mom?

“What is it about?”

“Something about girls embracing each other.”

“Wait a sec”

“Aah! I’m still reading!”


After spending our days together, Nanaki’s wariness towards me has relaxed and stealing the book from her was simple.

Nanaki too young for this

“Give it back give it back! Nanaki said Nanaki is still reading it!”

“Let’s see, let’s see.”

yep, r-18

When I took a look at the book while petting Nanaki’s head as she stuck out with her left hand, I understood the fact that the book was about romance between girls. Unhealthy, this is unnecessary for Nanaki’s education.


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“Have this book, Nanaki. This one’s interesting.”

“Why!? Nanaki still hasn’t finished reading that one!?”

“I, not Nanaki. Remember that already.”

“Don’t care! Give it back!”

“That’s a story about a rabbit and a snake fighting.”

‘The snake wins! Give it back!”

“No, the frog is the one that wins.”



Once I arouse her interest she’s easy to manipulate, Nanaki quickly began reading.


“I’ll be going out for a while, Nanaki.”


to salia

That day, most of the books in Salia’s room was thrown away.



Since I managed to secure time for work thanks to Nanaki being engrossed in reading, I naturally took my eyes off Nanaki. I immersed myself in work to make it up to Silver who I troubled all this time. Speaking from the results, I can only say that I was too hasty. I was mistaken.




Even if I was immersed in work, the fact that I was worried about Nanaki still didn’t change, it was when I returned to my room thinking of at least having lunch together. Looking through the room, Nanaki wasn’t there, the book Nanaki was reading was left behind without a bookmark put in it.


Did she go look for a new book? Or did she finally lose interest in reading? Either way, this is a situation that I cannot remain calm in. Even if I’ve taught her common sense and how to interact with people, it is still far from perfect. Moreover, if by some chance somebody becomes enemies with Nanaki, that would be the worst. That alone must be avoided.

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First I headed to Salia’s room.

no reading those books again

“……not here.”

then where?

That means she’s not reading. This is the worst.

not all hope is lost

I went to all the places I could think of. But I still couldn’t find Nanaki, just as I started considering if she went outside and started feeling faint, I found Silver.

asshole’s fault?

“Ah! Excuse me Silver! Did you see Nanaki?”

“What are you talking about. Today is the Five Emperor’s Candidates’ ability exam. I brought her to the training grounds.”

“Wh…….!? Why!? Didn’t I say Nanaki still doesn’t have the qualities to be a Five Emperor so she needed to study first!”

“It wouldn’t matter if she doesn’t have the ability.”

“She’s the successor that Ivaal-sama chose himself!”

“But we still haven’t seen her ability.”

“……you’re gonna regret this, Silver.”


yep, idiot

Yes, I had forgotten that the only ones that understood were me and Ivaal-sama. Silver, Raicou and Salia don’t know. They don’t know Nanaki’s strength, they don’t know the god that Nanaki brings around. I also don’t understand why, but since that day I haven’t seen Ilvang=Nazgul. That’s why Silver and the rest misunderstands.


Indeed, geniuses are gathered in this capital. Silver, Raicou, Salia and me, we can all be called geniuses. Even those chosen to be Five Emperor Candidates would be considered national treasures if they were not in this capital. But, that is still not enough.


That child is not an existence that can be dealt with by talent.

cannot overcome calamity

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“Who is conducting the ability exam today?’

“Raicou, what about it?”

“At worst, Raicou is going to be killed…….”

“Don’t be stupid.”

you are the stupid one

There is no need to even think about what would happen if you throw Nanaki among the Five Emperor Candidates who are all stubborn people. The candidates all have confidence in themselves. They have the conceit of being a special existence that might be chosen to be a Five Emperor. What would happen when a child appears before them that is also similarly a Five Emperor Candidate?

they die

At the very least there would be physical contact. For better or for worse, with Nanaki that may be lethal.

no touch

“Come Silver. You take responsibility!”

“O, oi what are you talking about.”

“Just come!”

you deserve it

I prayed.

pray to Nazgul

Maybe the strength of a Five Emperor Candidate cannot become Nanaki’s enemy, I bet on that chance. If by any case a candidate is recognised as an enemy, that candidate will die. He will be killed. I’ve thought her many things, but it is only that foundation that I cannot change. That’s why I prayed for the candidates to have virtuous hearts, or at least be weak enough that Nanaki doesn’t take them seriously.

but it’s not only candidates

Dragging along Silver who still can’t understand the situation, I ran at full speed to the training grounds where the candidate’s ability exam is being conducted. This situation requires urgency, I used Hiyent=Helios’ mana to carry out high speed movement. We took about three minutes, when Silver and I arrived at the scene, we witnessed that instant.

there’s the tester




Raicou was stabbed headfirst into the ground.


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