“Rietta, raise your head.”

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Killian greeted her in somewhat loose-fitting clothing that was somehow different from his usual outfit. Despite the fact that he was smiling, Rietta thought that his face looked colder than usual for some reason.

“The opportunity has come to repay the favor you have been longing for.”

Killian snapped his finger and two ladies-in-waiting came through the side door.

“You may change your garments first.”

The ladies-in-waiting were holding a flowy and luxurious sleeveless dress.

“I will give my order after that.”


After Rietta changed her clothes, Killian gave out orders to a beautiful woman with long black hair and an exotic appearance. After she nodded her head, she raised and put her hand in front of Killian’s chest. Blue light in the shape of a shield appeared in front of his body before disappearing.

As Rietta entered, Killian looked at her. His red eyes glanced over Rietta’s outfit.

“It suits you.”

Why do I have to wear this?


Her outfit was not that revealing but she was still concerned about how obscene it looked as if it was purposefully made for seduction. However, as soon as Killian started giving his orders, Rietta’s composure for such thoughts quickly disappeared.

“The people you will meet from now on are the delegates representing the Queen and the priests. Lana will stand next to me and Rietta will stand behind me.”

Rietta’s eyes got bigger.

The delegates of the Queen?

“If any among them doesn’t seem to be priests, put your hand on my shoulder. And if you see plague demons or something dangerous, hug my neck.”

Rietta came to her senses. It was not a difficult mission to understand. However, according to her intuition, something dangerous and important was happening. She clenched her hand and nodded quickly.

“Yes, but it will be difficult to know for sure whether one is a priest or not.”

“I know. You don’t have to be perfect.

Killian approached her.

“It’s okay to be wrong. I don’t mind even if you’re uncertain, but if something is suspicious, do this.”

Killian touched Rietta’s shoulder with his fingertips, drawing Rietta’s attention to her shoulder.

“If there are several suspicious people, do this.”

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Killian tapped Rietta’s shoulder with two of his fingers. Then, he tapped her shoulder again with three fingers.

“And if you think it’s definitely strange or dangerous, do this.”

Killian gently grabbed Rietta’s shoulder before gently caressing it. Rietta bit the inside of her lip with a nervous look and nodded.


“I understand.”

The Queen was Killian’s enemy who fought him for her life. It was well understood that she had bad blood with the Archduke of Axias due to their past. However, as Rietta had never heard news of either of their deaths for decades, she thought that it was just a metaphor that they were fighting for their lives.

But even a fool could see that Killian’s orders were unusual.

“Do you need a blessing?”

Killian shook his head lightly.

“Lana’s protective magic is enough.”

When Lana finished casting protective magic on Rietta, Killian smirked.

“Don’t be nervous. Smile. You ladies just rolled around in bed with me. Be shameless and natural.


“Greetings to Archduke Killian Axias. I’m Vincent, the delegate of Her Imperial Majesty, Queen Aversati.”

“I see.”

Killian, who leaned to the side on the seat of honor, smiled languidly and hugged Lana’s waist next to him.

“What brings the delegates of the Queen this far?”

Queen Aversati. The mother of the Crown Prince. More than a decade ago, she lost her two sons to the hands of Prince Killian, son of the deceased Empress. She was the most powerful woman in the Empire.

After the Empress’ death, the Emperor remarried to Aversati. As The Emperor did not take in any other wives, she remained the only companion to the Emperor. Empress Aversati’s reputation suffered due to several incidents caused by her feud with Killian. But the Emperor practically had no woman other than her, and as her son grew up to become the Crown Prince, she naturally possessed power comparable to that of the Emperor. Much to no one’s surprise, she had a long-standing feud with Killian.

Rietta pretended to have a calm smile and looked at Killian’s side. Killian always looked indifferent and languid, even at the current moment, but Rietta saw what he had prepared before going out in front of the Queen’s delegation.

It was difficult to understand. No matter how hostile their relationship was, could the Queen openly hide an assassin or a spy in her delegation? With that thought in mind, Rietta turned to the delegation and felt a tingling sensation burning down the back of her neck.

One of the men in the priest’s uniform was looking at Rietta. The moment their eyes met, Rietta knew he was feeling for her. Instead of divine power, unfamiliar energy scanned through her body creepily. He was not a priest.

“Her Imperial Majesty, who is concerned about the plague circulating in the Empire, is now personally coming to the Grand Temple Havitus to pray for the peace and well-being of the Empire.”

Vincent answered politely even though Killian showed his arrogance by yawning with a woman in his arms even in the presence of the delegates of the Queen. Rietta struggled to raise her trembling hand as she gave a lovely smile towards Killian. She placed her finger on Killian’s bare shoulder, exposed through his loose clothing, and caressed it.

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Killian found her adorable and let go of Lana. Then, he grabbed Rietta’s hand as she passed by and naturally put it on his lips. Cold sweat was dripping from Rietta’s hand.

Killian kissed her on the back of her hand as if to calm her down. Then, he answered.


“Your Grace has not seen Her Imperial Majesty for a long time. You occasionally showed yourself to His Imperial Majesty, but not to…”

Seeing Vincent trying to deceive him with transparent guile, Killian smirked and cut his words off.

“It seems that Her Imperial Majesty misses me.”

There was no way the Queen would miss him. Want to kill him, maybe.

“Yes. Her Imperial Majesty has not seen Your Grace for a long time. She is sad for…”


“It’s Vincent, Your Grace.”

“I’m not sure whether Her Imperial Majesty wants to see me or my body.”

“W, what are you talking about…!”

“I don’t really like lengthy speeches. So what does Her Imperial Majesty want from me?”

Vincent, who turned pale, bowed his head.

“For Your Grace’s health, Her Imperial Majesty had…”

“State your business only.”

Killian cut Vincent off again. Vincent clenched his teeth and bowed his head. 

“Her Imperial Majesty would like to invite Your Grace to the Great Temple Havitus.

Killian snorted with a grumpy face.

“Let’s just say I already got the blessing. Convey my thanks for her.”

“You have to go. Before the full moon rises.”

Killian looked at Vincent with one eyebrow raised. Vincent continued to speak.

“As a result of careful discussion with the Archbishop of the Great Temple Havitus, Her Imperial Majesty has decided to forget about the perennial bitter feelings and accept the Archduke of Axias as a member of the Imperial family who serves His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor.”

Killian’s expression hardened. Everyone, including Rietta, looked at him with a surprised face.

“As a result of getting an auspicious day from the Chief Priest, the full moon this month will be the brightest it has been in 12 years and it will be at its utmost potential. Her Imperial Majesty has sent priests to help you on your way. Your Grace will go through a blessing ceremony by the Archbishop. The temple will recognize the ceremony and your authority as the Imperial family will be…”

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“When is the full moon?”

Vincent bowed his head, bewildered by the deathly pale gaze. He was asking not because he did not know.

“It, it’s in five days.”

“Five days.”

Killian repeated his words and lifted his eyebrows. He laughed as he was dumbfounded. Whether the Queen’s proposal was sincere or not, it was too short of a duration to lead a large group.


Rietta and the delegation were surprised. Killian kicked the table in front of him and stared at Vincent with cold eyes.

“Are you kidding me?”

Killian displayed insolence that no one dared to do in front of the delegates of the Queen. But, for making the duration so short, the fault certainly lies in them.

“My… My apologies. We were originally scheduled to arrive four days ago. It took a long time as we tried to avoid bandits on our way. But if we take our departure today…”

“What about His Imperial Majesty?”

“His Imperial Majesty has persistently recommended it. Her Imperial Majesty is so affectionate that even in the midst of sadness, she keeps missing Your Grace and is filled with concern. Since she is also a devout person, when the Archbishop and the Chief Priest said they are of one mind with His Imperial Majesty, finally Her Imperial Majesty made the final…”


Killian cut him off again, his red eyes stared ferociously at Vincent.

“I’m asking whether His Imperial Majesty knows about this or not.”

“Yes, yes. After making her decision, Her Imperial Majesty immediately sent a messenger to the Imperial Palace. His Imperial Majesty’s deputies will attend the grand blessing ceremony…”

Vincent replied while shivering. Killian gently closed his eyes and clenched his teeth.

[“Killian… Should I kill you?

I know that hatred is deep between you two.

I’m not asking you to embrace her with your feelings. Whatever your inner thoughts are, at least treat her with respect on the outside. That’s it.

There’s no more mercy than this.”]

A long time had passed, but the dry voice whispering in his ear was still clear in his head.

Killian opened his eyelids, revealing his cold red eyes. The news had already been conveyed to the Emperor, and moreover, if his deputies were to attend the grand blessing ceremony, he had no reason to dare to refuse. Even if he refused the reinstatement, he still could not refuse it without even meeting the Queen who had made such an offer.


“Yes, Your Grace.”

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Not daring to correct his name this time, Vincent only silently bowed his head.

“Go outside the castle and wait. I will get ready.”  

“Yes, Your Grace.”

The delegation left the audience room while getting scared out of their wits. Leonard immediately came over and said.

“I’m sure she doesn’t mean it. There must be something wrong.”

“I know.”

After giving a short answer, Killian immediately turned his head to Rietta.

“Who’s the suspicious one?”

“The one standing in the second row from the far left… He’s not a priest.”

“Why did you think so?”

“When our eyes met, he looked at me with an energy that was not divine power.”

Killian’s eyes lit up. 

She can even feel the nature of energy?

“Leonard, do you know who it is?”

“Yes, Your Grace. I remember him.”

“Kill him.”



The same word came out of Leonard and Rietta’s mouths with different tones after listening to Killian’s order. Rietta’s eyes widened. Killian turned his gaze to Rietta. It was a cold gaze.

“The order is not for you.”

Rietta looked at Killian in disbelief.

“Did… Did you order the knight to kill him?”

With just a few words from me? No way. Nope. I must have heard him wrong. I just said that he did not seem like a priest.

Killian’s cold eyes drew an eerie arc.

“Yes, and?”

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