Killian and his party arrived at the entrance to the temple. At the time of their arrival, the holy mass, conducted by the Archbishop, was being held on the eve of a full moon. Aside from the Queen, most of the high-ranking priests were present in the ceremony. A young and ambiguous ranking priest ran out of nowhere and greeted Killian.

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“I, I will bring the Archbishop. Please wa…”

“Forget it. I want to rest, so guide me to my dwelling.”

“Pardon? I, I can’t do…”

Killian frowned coldly.

“What I need is not the Archbishop but a place to rest. Is there no one other than the Archbishop who can guide me to my dwelling?”

An earthquake happened in the poor young priest’s eyes. While he was struggling for a long time with a face that looked like he wanted to cry, fortunately, a high-ranking priest who had a relatively calm face came out and began to guide Killian in a polite and cautious way.


Located on top of a mountain, Grand Temple Havitus was not a very luxurious temple. The dwelling for honored guests was a three-story, appropriately sized, detached house, and was set up in a quiet and secluded place where not many people came and went.

Except for the few knights and young ladies, Killian did not bring any attendants. As his party consisted of only about 20 people, it felt like the detached house for the honored guest in the temple was too excessive for his small party. 

The high-ranking priest first showed them the lobby, dining room, and prayer room on the first floor. Then, he introduced the rooms on the second floor where the knights and young ladies would stay, and finally, he led them to the guest of honor’s room on the third floor where Killian would be staying.


Dozens of monks in blue robes lined up in front of the room. Noticing Killian glancing at them, the priest explained.

“These are the monks of the Grand Temple Havitus who will serve you and your entourage during your stay here. Treat them as your attendants and use them as you see fit.”

Perhaps due to the Grand Duke of Axias’ notoriety, there were no women. However, hoping that they would not appear intimidating, most of them were young male monks.

Killian passed by without looking at the monks and entered the room.

“No need.”

The high-ranking priest bowed his head deeply from behind.

“You will need them. Please don’t say no.”

Killian dismissed him.

“My women will serve me. This is not a place for the young monks.”

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The high-ranking priest shut his mouth. The young monks expressed their displeasure with flustered and embarrassed faces. Some monks could not hide their offended looks and felt as if they had been insulted.

Either way, Killian went in, took off his coat, and just threw it anywhere. The young ladies casually followed him and organized his clothes. Killian took a cigar and bit it as he sat down on the sofa in front of the table. Leonard approached and quickly lit the fire.

The high-ranking priest, barely able to brace himself up, opened his mouth again.

“…Even though this is a grand temple, it is not completely safe from diseases. Your Grace did not even move together with the priests that we sent along.”

After a long puff of smoke, Killian glanced at him. The high-ranking priest turned slightly towards the monks that were standing outside. Then, he continued.

“These monks are still young and have not yet been ordained as priests, but they are all excellent users of divine power. If anything happens here…”


Killian ignored him and reached out to his women.


A woman with blonde hair came out, shining brightly even in the midst of the beautiful young ladies. Having rarely seen young women, when they saw the startling beauty, many of the monks opened their mouths and held their breath in spite of themselves.

Rietta quietly walked over to Killian and gently placed her hand on his. Killian took out the cigar from his mouth, grabbed her hand, and pulled her.

Killian, who had locked her in his arms in an instant, whispered.

“Bless me.”

Red eyes with black hair met with sky blue eyes under dazzling blonde hair. The woman smiled. Soon, a clear and transparent light went around Rietta. She put her hands on Killian’s shoulders, bent down, and kissed his forehead. People were captivated and held their breath at the appearance of a goddess blessing a demon.

Killian’s eyes lit up. Then, with a satisfied smile, he grabbed Rietta by the waist and sat her on his lap.


Surprised, Rietta wrapped her arms around Killian’s neck. His red eyes, like a languid beast, looked at the priests eerily. A cold voice rang in her ear.

“You can tell if you have eyes. My concubine is a blessing caster, I have no need for you all.”


After all the people of the grand temple had left, the ladies scattered throughout Killian’s room. They inspected the bed and the surrounding area for suspicious devices and potential dangers and cast blessings and protective spells. Killian leaned on the sofa, his gaze following Rietta, who was meticulously covering the room with blessings.

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…she’s more useful compared to what I’m worried about.

Rietta was well aware of the role entrusted to her. And she perfectly understood the showmanship Killian wanted. For Rietta, she instinctively recalled the blessings she had seen at the monastery when she was young. Specifically, the time in which an abbot offered blessings to high-ranking nobles.

For Killian, it was a test of how far this weak woman could adapt to her circumstances. But despite his doubts, Rietta moved beyond his expectations. Forsaking his initial impression of her timid personality, Killian gave Rietta high marks for her natural and plausible behavior.

She’s not that bad. She’d be a pretty good pawn.


After driving the priests away, Killian stayed in his dwelling with the ladies of the East Annex and did not take a step outside until mass was over. People whispered his actions to be very typical of the Archduke.

In a few hours, rumors of his concubine spread widely in the grand temple. The priests were generally interested in those who used the same power as them but were not bound by the religious body’s rules.

Moreover, her impressive blessing scene added exaggeration, making the grand temple noisy. Someone even managed to speculate that the mysterious concubine and the widow in the rumors were related and the story was secretly circulating in the grand temple.

When the night finally turned late and the long mass on the eve of the full moon was over, almost everyone knew about the arrival of the Archduke of Axias. Therefore, it was expected by most that he would greet the Queen after mass. 


When the ceremony ended, no one was surprised that the Archduke of Axias came to escort the Queen as well as to give her his greeting. However, most people held their breaths and waited for the Queen’s reaction when they saw Killian coming with loose attire along with his concubines as if to show them off. As Aversati, the Queen, came upon Killian, she stopped on the stairs for a moment before flashing a smile.

“You’re here, the Archduke of Axias.”

“It’s been a while since I saw you last, Your Majesty.”

Wearing a white veil, the Queen gently came down the stairs and stood in front of Killian. Her ladies-in-waiting fixed her skirt and stepped back. The Queen’s gray eyes looked up at Killian. The most noble woman in the Empire, Queen Aversati, was so beautiful that it was hard to believe that she was over fifty.

Long curly hair with a dark wine color flowed down over her pale, gentle-faced, skin. She folded the fan in her hand and handed it over to her lady-in-waiting.

“I was worried that you would not come because there was no news about you.”

Killian replied with a smile.

“I can’t let you down.”

The Queen whispered a gentle greeting with an even lower voice.

“A pity for still being alive.”

“Don’t mention it.”

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“I meant it being a pity that I’m still alive.”

“That’s what I meant too.”

The high-ranking priests could not intervene in the brutal conversation of the Imperial families and desperately sought the Archbishop. The Archbishop was unable to cancel his busy schedule that followed after the eve mass.

In front of the Queen with her six ladies-in-waiting, the Archduke of Axias stood with his six concubines. His outfit was quite informal to be facing his stepmother, whom he had not seen in years.

The Queen spoke calmly with a face that did not specifically criticize him.

“It seems that you’ve gotten lucky more times than the Emperor.”

She was pointing to the fact that even the Emperor did not openly bring so many women by his side. Killian answered bluntly.

“There are no parents who can win over their child.”

The Queen smirked. Killian reached out his hand to the Queen with a calm smile on his face. The Queen also naturally placed her hand on top of Killian’s hand.

“I’m honored to be escorted by you, archduke. What number am I today?”

“You’re the eighth one. I was worried about escorting a noblewoman with this old bachelor’s hand of mine, so I washed myself with my women. Is it not satisfactory?”

The Queen glanced at the women following Killian.

“But I only see six concubines with you. Did you visit a brothel for the seventh woman?”

“I came riding the seventh one. It’s my female black horse.”

The priests, flustered by the insane blasphemy towards the noblewoman, gasped.

“How dedicated.”

The Queen did not even bat an eyelid and smiled. 

“I should be the one who lacks nothing. Where did you leave the gifts I sent? Beyond River Rhodomus? “

Killian smiled calmly and answered.

“Due to my incompetence, I have only been able to guide one person there.”

The Queen responded without showing any concern.

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“That’s unexpected. I guess you’re not the same as before. What about the rest?”

“They will arrive soon. They’re so painfully slow. They’re carrying my presents for you.”

The Queen smiled brightly.

“I’m looking forward to it. What kind of present is it? Is it someone’s head?”

Killian shrugged.

“Unfortunately, it’s not the head of the guy you like the most.”

While the complexions of the listeners were turning blue, only the faces of the Queen and the Archduke were as calm as masks. Their sharp psychological battle ensued and no one backed down until they reached her dwelling.

“We can slowly catch up later. Go ahead and relieve your fatigue of travel first. Wash up your hand that was stained by this old woman.”

The Queen gently said, wiping off her hand that had touched Killian with a handkerchief.

“Thank you for your consideration.”

Killian smiled and grabbed his concubine’s waist, who was beside him. The Queen threw her handkerchief on the floor after she finished wiping her hand. Then, she spoke calmly.

“I heard that you must fast while the sun is up in order to perform the blessing ceremony tomorrow night. Since you have had your dinner already, we will be having a banquet at night to welcome you.”

“It’s going to be a long night.”

Killian bowed his head over his woman’s hair, buried his lips, and grinned.

“I look forward to your welcoming, Your Majesty.”

The Queen replied with a smiling face.

“I hope you enjoy it.”


News has arrived, informing of the Emperor’s delegation’s attendance for tomorrow’s grand blessing ceremony. As it was time for the banquet to begin, so, too, would it be set as the stage.

Queen Aversati was changing into a purple evening dress, she smiled faintly at the mirror as she was dressed up by her ladies-in-waiting.

The Archduke of Axias. This year, I have prepared several gifts for you. You will feel empty now if I’m quiet.

The boring game between the one who did not go down easily and a tireless revenger was starting.

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