Limited Possession

Chapter 17

Little bunny, help me make your daddy stay, okay?

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Tu Yan finally admitted that all the discomfort symptoms he had felt before were due to his pregnancy that occurred without a complete mark. 

The insomnia, constant dreaming, loss of appetite, and if he couldn’t smell the scent of Gu Chenbai’s pheromones, he would lose his mind in a fluster. He would thicken his skin to steal Gu Chenbai’s shirts so he could fall asleep… All of this was not only due to habit, but more because of physical ties. 

From the moment he tacitly permitted Gu Chenbai to shoot inside his reproductive cavity, he couldn’t live without Gu Chenbai anymore. 

He was too embarrassed to stick to Gu Chenbai like kraft candy, but his eyes would always follow him. He watched Gu Chenbai wash the dishes, and watched Gu Chenbai roll up his sleeves and reveal his strong forearms. He blatantly observed Gu Chenbai’s every movement. Gu Chenbai always did things neither hurriedly nor slowly, and was careful and serious. When he came across dirty oil stains, he knitted his brows. The seasoning bottles should also be arranged according to colour shades and placed in a beautiful and clean manner. 

Tu Yan watched in a daze, until Gu Chenbai finished washing his hands and approached him with a light orange smell that he suddenly came back to his senses. 

He vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he couldn’t describe it. 

Gu Chenbai wiped his hands and asked him, “Do you mind if I stay here for a few days?”

Tu Yan shook his head. It was all that he wanted. 

“I’ve taken care of you for so long,” Gu Chenbai smiled bitterly and couldn’t help but say, “I really can’t stop worrying about you living alone.” 

Tu Yan’s heart moved, “I——”

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Gu Chenbai touched Tu Yan’s head, stroking along his hair to the back of his head, his tone gentle as he said, “I’m sorry, it’s my fault. I shouldn’t have done everything before and make you form a habit, now it’s too late to adapt.”

Tu Yan’s heart thudded before falling down again. 

Gu Chenbai regretted spoiling him.

After the exclusive nickname, Gu Chenbai was also starting to slowly take back the unlimited indulgence he treated Tu Yan with like a guardian would. 

“These few days are more crucial. You’d be at risk of miscarriage if you’re even a little careless, so I’d better stay here to accompany you for a few days and help you take care of your body.”

Gu Chenbai went into Tu Yan’s storeroom to pull out a pillow and quilt before putting them on the couch. Tu Yan watched silently by the side, his heart churning with anxiety. 

Was Gu Chenbai not even willing to sleep with him? 

Also, Gu Chenbai firmly believed that he was pregnant with someone else’s child, so treating him pleasantly and with kindness was already pretty good. How could he possibly be willing to be in the same bed as him? 

For half the day, Tu Yan had been dispirited countless times. Now that he’s seen Gu Chenbai’s cold back, he wasn’t as sad anymore. It was just that acid had surged up in his heart and seeping into his internal organs, making him feel like crying but could not shed a tear. 

He took out his phone and scrolled through it. The news about him on the hot search were all already gone. They were cleared as though nothing had happened.

He opened the search bar and entered his own name, and only a few sporadic real-time weibo posts appeared. Some said that the capitalist’s strength was powerful, while some suspected that they had bad eyesights themselves; how could the hot search disappear in a blink of an eye? But they were all just a few echoes. 

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“Thank you for dealing with the hot search today.” Tu Yan said. 

“No need, it’s a small matter.”

“Calculate how much you spent and tell me, I’ll return it. And also my dad’s debt, I’ll pay them off one by one, don’t worry.”

Gu Chenbai, who was currently spreading the sheets, paused and turned to Tu Yan with a smile, “Alright, I’ll calculate when I have the rime.”

Actually, how could he pay it all off? For whatever Gu Chenbai had given him, Tu Yan could never return it all in a lifetime. 

After Gu Chenbai tidied his sleeping arrangement on the couch, it was almost 10pm at night. He urged Tu Yan to quickly take a shower. As Tu Yan was taking off his clothes, a light flashed in his mind and he suddenly thought about what made him feel like something was wrong but was unclear about what it was. 

Although Gu Chenbai was determined that the baby in Tu Yan’s stomach was someone else’s, he never seemed to ask Tu Yan who exactly the child’s biological father was. 

Could Gu Chenbai really not care about this question at all? Could he really be completely disheartened by Tu Yan?

But before he could think clearly about this question, he could hear Gu Chenbai calling on the phone in the living room. Tu Yan immediately turned off the shower head and ran to the door naked, putting his ear against the crack of the door to eavesdrop.  

“Mn, I’m taking care of him.”

“I just sent it to you, did you receive it?”

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“Haha, of course, it’ll be my treat in a few days…I hope Miss Ruan will be able to do me the honour of joining at that time.”

Miss Ruan…Ruan Nanqing, whom Gu Chaocheng mentioned about, was the one who had afternoon tea at Gu Chenbai’s house. 

Tu Yan’s entire body turned cold after he listened, then he shivered as he walked back to the shower room. He turned on the shower head again. As the hot water poured down from the top of his head, his tears were washed away. He was like a walking corpse. After showering, he wiped himself dry with a towel, put on his pyjamas and blew his hair. Then he opened the bathroom door and walked silently to the room.

Gu Chenbai was sitting on the couch with a tablet in his hand, currently studying something carefully. 

A few minutes passed, Tu Yan heard the sound of Gu Chenbai walking to the bathroom. There were no handrails in his shower, and he was afraid that Gu Chenbai would fall inside. He didn’t dare to use his phone, so he sat on the edge of his bed as his ears pricked up to listen, for fear of missing a slight movement. 

But his thoughts kept drifting away as he thought about the night before the divorce.

They didn’t sleep that night. Gu Chenbai held him tightly from behind. He asked Gu Chenbai: If you were given another chance, would you still marry me six months ago?

Gu Chenbai said: No. 

Tu Yan nodded his head blankly and said: That’s good. 

In fact, before the divorce, Tu Yan had faltered. It was only later that he overheard mother Gu’s words that he knew that the marriage was not Gu Chenbai’s original intention. Mother Gu and Tu Feihong were mistaken, and had thought that Gu Chenbai liked Tu Yan, so they decided for themselves to give Tu Yan to Gu Chenbai to try to make up for all his shortcomings. In order to not make things unbearable for Tu Yan, and also feeling sorry for his lack of care from anyone, Gu Chenbai accepted the marriage as best he could. 

Gu Chenbai never talked about this with Tu Yan. He took all the responsibility on himself and let Tu Yan bully him wantonly about this forced marriage. 

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Gu Chenbai was the most goddess-like1 person Tu Yan had ever met. 

He could clearly walk towards a new life, yet he still worries about his pregnant ex-husband, unsparing of himself to become a free nanny. 

How stupid. 

While Tu Yan was thinking, he suddenly heard the sound of the glass shower door being opened; Gu Chenbai had finished showering. Tu Yan then made a decision at this moment. 

He got up and ran to his wardrobe, turning it upside down, and found a set of flannel pyjamas at the bottom. This set of pyjamas was from a product he endorsed. At the beginning, his manager took the liberty to accept such a cute brand. Tu Yan was so angry that he flew into a rage, not wanting to wear it whether he died or not. He then threw it into his wardrobe after taking the advertisement photos. 

Now, he took the initiative to put it on. 

With a white flannel texture, it was fluffy and soft, and his wrists and ankles were concealed tightly inside, making him really look like a rabbit. 

Tu Yan heard Gu Chenbai open the shower door, then he walked to the couch to lie down. 

He touched his belly and whispered, “Little bunny, help me make your daddy stay, okay? If you can help me make him stay, I will love you twice as much in the future.”


圣母: goddess/ virgin mary

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