Limited Possession

Chapter 19

In the end, Tu Yan still didn’t confess as he was too tired that he fell asleep.

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Gu Chenbai used a wet towel to wipe Tu Yan with before putting on a pyjama top and pants for him, then touching him from top to bottom like a pervert. 

“Tu Bao.” He called softly. 

Tu Yan whined and buried his face in Gu Chenbai’s neck, muttering sleepily, “Gu Chenbai, Gu Chenbai, don’t go…”

The brightness of the moonlight retracted as the moon hung in the sky, looking on at the world. 

It was already past nine o’clock when he woke up again. Gu Chenbai had also stayed in bed, which was rare. When Tu Yan opened his eyes, Gu Chenbai was still fast asleep with one arm over Tu Yan’s waist. Afraid of waking him, Tu Yan didn’t dare to move. 

Whatever happened yesterday came rushing into his head. Tu Yan instantly woke up. At the thought of the river of tears that he had shed so easily the afternoon before, he couldn’t help but feel burning heat from his neck all the way to his cheek. 

However, it seemed like he had forgotten that the culprit was the alpha who was sleeping next to him. 

After a few minutes, his stomach cried out disapprovingly. Gu Chenbai quickly woke up. With bleary eyes, he tightened his arms, trapping Tu Yan as he slurred, “Good morning, Tu Bao.” 

Tu Yan didn’t know what to say. He titled his head slightly to look at him. When his line of sight met Gu Chenbai’s, he withdrew his gaze, flustered. 

Gu Chenbai smiled, lifting his hand to touch Tu Yan’s lower abdomen. 

“Is little bunny hungry?” Gu Chenbai sat up, saying to himself, “Alright, daddy will make breakfast for you.”

Little bunny; this little rascal was still an embryo and was already fighting for Gu Chenbai’s exclusive nickname for him. 

Tu Yan watched Gu Chenbai’s back, his mouth twitching. He gently patted his tummy as a not-quite moral idea sprouted. But thinking about how this little rascal seemed to have played a useful role last night, he temporarily shelved away his evil thoughts.  

After breakfast, Gu Chenbai said he wanted to go to the supermarket to get some ingredients and asked if Tu Yan wanted to go together. 

Tu Yan lowered his lids and didn’t refuse unintentionally but instead nodded his head, then went back to his room to change his clothes. Gu Chenbai leaned on the edge of the door frame insatiably and looked at him. Feeling bothered, Tu Yan poked his arm forward to push Gu Chenbai out, but Gu Chenbai pulled him in his arms and rubbed him fondly. After that, he grinned, “Tu Bao, did you wear this set of pyjamas specifically for me?” 

Tu Yan was silent. 

“Hey, didn’t you promise that you’ll answer all my questions?”

Tu Yan gritted the back of his teeth and said fiercely, “How can you ask so many questions like this so early in the morning? Also, since when did I promise that I’d answer all your questions?”

Gu Chenbai raised his brow, “You said it in bed last night. I wanted to go in, but you wouldn’t let me, so I said, promise me that you’ll answer whatever questions I ask and not to be cold and violent about it. You said okay.”

Tu Yan was about to blow up. Gu Chenbai withdrew once he saw this. Before Tu Yan could make a move, he turned around and walked away with a smile. 

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After Tu Yan’s comeback, his popularity hasn’t been low. In addition to the news of his “appearance at the obstetrical department”, it would be a risk to go out overtly, so they chose to go to a supermarket that wasn’t far from home and with only a small crowd of people. They then headed out after the rush hour. 

When they entered the supermarket, Tu Yan went to the side to drag out a cart with a plastic basket while his other hand hooked around Gu Chenbai’s arm. After entering from the entrance, Gu Chenbai went straight to the vegetables section. Tu Yan followed like a little tail as he watched him pick and choose among a bunch of vegetables he couldn’t name. Tu Yan couldn’t help but ask, “Gu Chenbai, why do you like grocery shopping so much?”

How could anyone like caring about the daily necessities of life?

“Don’t you think this process is fun? Going hand in hand to the supermarket with the person you like, buying your favourite ingredients, thinking about how to make them into delicious meals, first buying meat, then buying vegetables and fruits, and then buying you two bags of fruit candies when we go to the snack section in front, and then go home.”

Gu Chenbai looked back at Tu Yan and said after a moment of thought, “Tu Bao, I’m not a very promising person. I don’t want to make a lot of money, nor do I want to save the world, I just want to live a very simple and happy life with the person I like.”

Tu Yan’s heart moved, but he couldn’t help feeling sad, “But I…I probably wouldn’t be able to do it, I have to be covered up like a mummy even when we go out and I don’t have a lot of freedom over myself. Even if you like to take photos at scenic spots, I wouldn’t be able to accompany you.”

Gu Chenbai pinched Tu Yan’s palm and comforted him, “That’s alright, if we can’t go to scenic spots, we can take walks downstairs. If we can’t go to restaurants, I’ll cook for you at home. As long as we’re together, nothing else matters.”

Tu Yan was filled with sweet syrup by Gu Chenbai again. Just as he was about to say something soft to express weakness, Gu Chenbai suddenly leaned over to his ear and said, “If we can’t go out, we can make a little bunny at home, it’s the same.”


Tu Yan grabbed a potato from in front of him and jabbed it in Gu Chenbai’s hand before walking away, fuming with anger. 

He continued walking forward but didn’t dare to walk too fast, wanting to ensure that he was within Gu Chenbai’s sight. Soon after, he stopped in the maternal and infant section. The shelves were arranged with diapers in a variety of colours. After getting the vegetables, Gu Chenbai weighed them, then slowly pulled the little basket and headed towards Tu Yan. Wearing a mask and a hat, Tu Yan was folding his arms as he stood very seriously in front of the shelves of diapers. This image was very unusual. Gu Chenbai asked with a smile, “What’s wrong? Do you want to buy some to prepare first?”

“Are you crazy? Little rabbit is only five weeks old.”
(T/N: keep in mind that Tu Yan refers to little rabbit with a term for “brat/ literal offsprings of animals” so I will put it as little rabbit to avoid confusion from gcb’s affectionate version of “little bunny”)

“What little rabbit?” Gu Chenbai frowned. 

Tu Yan stopped. He stammered, “Little-little rabbit is little rabbit.”

Gu Chenbai was speechless, but couldn’t help smiling, “Alright, whatever you say.”

After buying the groceries, Gu Chenbai coaxed Tu Yan with difficulty, before leaving the supermarket hand in hand. The sun was very glaring at eleven o’clock. Tu Yan squinted as he leaned against Gu Chenbai. 

“Tired? Do you want the driver to come pick us up?” Gu Chenbai asked. 

Tu Yan shook his head, “Let’s walk back, I’m not hungry anyway, we can have lunch a little later.”

They walked side by side on the sidewalk, where there were people rushing off to work on either side, appearing a little urgent. Besides a few old people who were pulling grocery carts, only Tu Yan and Gu Chenbai were the most carefree on the whole street, as though they had no concept of time as they walked forward leisurely. 

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Tu Yan suddenly said, “Gu Chenbai, let me tell you something about my past, it’s actually pretty boring, but if you want to hear it-”

“I want to hear it, tell me slowly.”

About the past, where should he start?

It’d be meaningless to say less about it, yet saying more would seem emotional. 

Tu Yan wasn’t very good at expressing his emotions, and he didn’t like to vent his grievances. Most of the time, he was able to digest it himself, and the things that couldn’t be digested would gradually be forgotten over time. Therefore, it wasn’t easy for him to suddenly start talking about his past on a warm winter afternoon. 

However, Gu Chenbai held his hand and pinched his palm from time to time as he said unhurriedly, “Tu Bao, don’t be nervous, we’re just having a chat.”

Tu Yan looked at the bare trees on the side of the road and took a deep breath. 

“When I was very young, people would always ask me, Tu Yan, what do you have to worry about? Your parents are so rich and you’re also a top-grade omega. You’re already more fortunate than 99% of the people in the world, why are you still so unhappy? Later, when I entered the entertainment industry, someone asked me, Tu Yan, why do you put on such a bad face as if others owe money to you? You’re already famous at such a young age, you have a lot of fans and have dramas to film. There’re so many people worse off than you, you’re the person who’s least qualified to complain…”

Gu Chenbai didn’t interrupt and listened patiently. 

“In fact, there’s really nothing to complain about. My parents are divorced? That’s also a very common thing, right? Qi He’s parents divorced the previous year, and they were also arguing over dividing the family property. QI He wasn’t affected much and lives extremely joyfully every day like a butterfly.

“Maybe it’s my own reason. I’m too sensitive and not strong enough, I’m always too tangled up with the past.” 

Gu Chenbai frowned. He pulled Tu Yan’s hand and lowered his head to leave a kiss. 

“My parents’ marriage was arranged by family, so they had no emotional foundation. After I was born, their relationship eased for a period of time, but they still separated in the end. They had always lived their own lives, but they didn’t get a divorce certificate for the sake of having a positive social image. One afternoon, when I was in my sixth grade of primary school, they suddenly took me to the amusement park and the aquarium, then they told me that they were officially divorced. I didn’t cry that day and only felt very bewildered. They thought I had accepted it really quickly, so they didn’t coax me.

“After a few days, I haven’t fully gotten back on my feet. Then, because of too much mental pressure, it led to early differentiation. I fainted during PE class and woke up in the school hospital bed. The school doctor told me that I had differentiated into an omega with a very high grade, and told me to call my parents quickly to tell them about this good news.

“At that moment, I suddenly began to feel sad, because I couldn’t make that call. They wouldn’t be happy for me, they have their own things to do.

“Later, a classmate came to see me. He was the only person in class who could talk to me. Seeing that I was in a bad state, he said to me, ‘Tu Yan, you can share what’s on your mind with me, don’t hold back.’

“I didn’t want to say it at first, but I was so sad that day that I cried as I spilled about my parents’ divorce and whatever they didn’t care about. When he left, he promised me that he wouldn’t tell anyone, but on the second day, I returned to school to find out that my parents’ divorce had become known to everyone. There were even several versions of it. The most outrageous one was that I was born from my dad and a mistress. This incident had a very negative impact on my parents, they scolded me and told me not to tell others about what happens in the family.

“Later, as you can see, I grew up to become like this, neither good nor bad, I don’t have an extreme personality.”

Gu Chenbai paused in his steps. He turned and smiled at Tu Yan, “You just grew up into someone I like.” 

Tu Yan grinned and said dryly, “I’ve said it all.”

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Gu Chenbai didn’t speak for a long time. Tu Yan swallowed his saliva, feeling a little uneasy, his palm began to sweat, “Gu Chenabi, I’m actually not so pitiful, I-”

“If only I could’ve met you earlier, it’d be good,” Gu Chenbai stopped, turning around and said to Tu Yan seriously, “I would’ve stolen you home and raised you like a baby.”

Tu Yan breathed a sigh of relief and couldn’t help but smile as he said, “What a fool, so childish.” 

Gu Chenbai held onto Tu Yan’s hand, clasping his five fingers, “Tu Bao, I know it’s impossible for you to forget about the past, but I hope that after talking to me, you’re able to store these things with me, I hope that your pain ends with me.” 

Tu Yan turned silent. He stared into Gu Chenbai’s eyes, neither saying yes or no, and held Gu Chenbai’s arm as he walked forward silently. 

When they passed by a stationary store, he suddenly stopped and made Gu Chenbai stand still, before turning around and entering by himself. After a few minutes, he came out with a small bag. 

Gu Chenbai asked him about it, but he didn’t speak and only blushed as he urged Gu Chenbai to go home. 

Gu Chenbai went to the kitchen to prepare lunch. He caught a glimpse of Tu Yan sitting cross-legged on the carpet in the living room, holding a pen in his hand as he was bent over the tea table to write god knows what. 

After lunch, Gu Chenbai was about to wash the dishes when Tu Yan stopped him. He awkwardly stuffed a small envelope into Gu Chenbai’s pocket before snatching the tableware from his hands and said very quickly, “I’ll do the dishes today.” Then he ran to the kitchen and shut the door. 

Gu Chenbai looked at the tightly-shut door and confusedly took out the little thing in his pocket. 

It was a beige envelope and letter, about the size of a palm, like something a little kid would buy to write a love letter. 

Gu Chenbai took out the letter, turning it to the front, and saw Tu Yan’s beautifully-written two lines. 

——Gu Chenbai, you’re not the end of my pain, you’re the beginning of my better days. 

Written on the lower right corner was “Tu Bao”. 

Gu Chenbai opened the kitchen door and saw the person standing by the sink trembling violently, his head almost buried in his chest. Gu Chenbai smiled as he approached and hugged him from behind. He said in his ear, “I love you.”

“Hey, stay further away from me! Don’t press against me, the water’s splashing on me.” 

“I don’t want to.”

“Gu Chenbai you’re so annoying.”

Gu Chenbai chuckled in Tu Yan’s ear until Tu Yan’s ears turned red from it. 

After doing the dishes, Gu Chenbai pulled Tu Yan onto the couch for a kiss. He then got off from the couch to take something before sitting back down. 

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Tu Yan took a closer look; it turned out to be the wedding ring. 

“Put on the ring first, then let’s remarry tomorrow, okay?”

Tu Yan muttered, “No.”

Gu Chenbai put on a roguish appearance and tugged Tu Yan’s hand, assuming an air of pretentiousness as he said, “Is this still up to you?”

Tu Yan broke into a laugh and shamefully removed his hand from Gu Chenbai’s, but accidentally knocked the ring down to the ground. Before Gu Chenbai could bend down to pick it up, Tu Yan got up in a panic, “Where did it go?” 

“It should be under the tea table.”

Tu Yan hurriedly went down to pick it up. Just as he was about to kneel down and reach under the tea table, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a box of strange medicine in the paper bag ​​sent by Gu Chaocheng sitting by the couch. 

He took out the medicine and read the words on the box. 

[Alpha rut inhibition capsules]

The packaging had obviously been opened. Tu Yan pulled out the aluminum-plastic sheet inside and saw that one of the four inhibition capsules was empty. 

The rut period was different from the heat period, and generally only occurred once every six months. However, Gu Chenbai didn’t go into rut for those six months, so this could only be taken on the second day after their divorce. Therefore, Gu chenbai had already taken medicine before Tu Yan climbed into his bed. 

Gu Chenbai immediately reacted. He took the medicine in Tu Yan’s hand and leaned over to hug him.

He did take the medicine, but he didn’t deliberately lie to Tu Yan. He had only just taken the medicine when Tu Yan climbed into his bed not ten minutes later. Gu Chenbai then thought: This is just making the best out of a mistake.  

He intentionally didn’t think much about it and even took advantage of Tu Yan’s difficulties. WIth one shot, it was a hit; simply a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Tu Yan finally understood why Gu Chenbai could remember things during his rut, and could even remember them so clearly. He severely gouged Gu Chenbai out with his eyes, pushed him away, then ran to his room to freak out by himself, desperately wishing he could find a hole in the ground to crawl in. 

That day, he…he had initiated so many unspeakable things…

Gu Chenbai’s forehead hurt. He hurriedly called Gu Chaocheng and asked if he was crazy, why would he bring the rut inhibitors over? 

Gu Chaocheng responded innocently, “Ah? I took the wrong one then, I thought it was for your joint pain. What’s wrong? What happened?”

Gu Chenbai laughed grimly. Gu Chaocheng felt that it wasn’t good. 

“That…I bumped into a popular director recently who makes artistic films, should I pull some strings for Tu Yan?’ 

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