Limited Possession

Chapter 22

“Tu Bao, Tu Bao, wake up and drink some water.”

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Tu Yan heard Gu Chenbai’s voice coming from somewhere far away. He then woke up dazedly. When he opened his eyes, he saw Gu Chenbai sitting by the bed holding a glass cup, looking at his face with deep concern. 

“Why is the reaction to the complete mark so big? You’ve been sleeping for more than two hours.”

Tu Yan blinked his eyes, unable to clearly differentiate between dream and reality at the moment. 

Gu Chenbai bent over and kissed him, “What’s wrong? Did you have a dream?”

Tu Yan nodded, “I dreamt about what happened before the divorce.”

Gu Chenbai smiled, “You’re pouting, what grievances have I made you suffer before the divorce?” 

Tu Yan was embarrassed to say ‘you tossed me about in bed, until I almost died’ but his face turned red, so Gu Chenbai roughly guessed, and didn’t intentionally shame him, only leaning down to kiss him. 

After kissing for a while, Tu Yan remembered that he had been completely marked two hours ago. 

Today wasn’t a particularly special day; the breeze was gentle and the sun warm, the sunlight just right. Tu Yan took an afternoon nap in Gu Chenbai’s arms. When he woke up, he raised his head muddle-headedly and met Gu Chenbai’s eyes. 

Gu Chenbai had woken up earlier than Tu Yan and didn’t move, quietly watching him sleep. He watched him smack his mouth in his sleep, wondering what delicious food he’s eating in his dreams. Feeling embarrassed from being watched, Tu Yan lifted his eyelids and buried his face in the hollow of Gu Chenbai’s neck, saying muffedly, “Don’t look at me.”

Gu Chenbai chuckled, “You’re going on a show tomorrow, I’m afraid I’ll miss you too much so I’m taking advantage now to look at you more.”

Although the impact of his pregnancy wasn’t too big at this stage, because Tu Yan wasn’t completely marked when he got pregnant, it brought on a lot of side-effects, and he often felt headaches and nausea. The reaction was greater than that of normal pregnant people. So Tu Yan and the previous crew had settled an agreement after communicating, yet preventing his exposure from being too low. After picking and choosing, they chose a two-day reality show where they lived together, chatted and cooked without any strenuous activities.

However, for a two-day program, Gu Chenbai was afraid he would miss him too much. 

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Tu Yan spat at Gu Chenbai’s affection, but leaned towards Gu Chenbai at the same time. After rubbing a few times, his entire body lied against Gu Chenbai. Gu Chenbai embraced him and suddenly said, “Tu Bao, I want to mark you completely, is that okay?”

Tu Yan froze. He lifted half his body with his arm and looked at Gu Chenbai.

The corner of Gu Chenbai’s mouth crooked up as he looked at him gently, “First of all, I respect your wishes. If you don’t want to, I’ll never force you; secondly, I’m worried about your body as well, I can’t be by your side for the next two days, I’m afraid you wouldn’t be able to bear it without a complete mark; and lastly…” Gu Chenbai paused. He reached out and touched the corner of Tu Yan’s eye, then said, “I have selfish motives too, Tu Bao, I want to completely mark you, I want to be with you for my whole life.” 

Tu Yan didn’t remember if he nodded his head or said “okay”. 

Probably both. 

In his memory, he held Gu Chenbai’s arm and let Gu Chenbai bite his glands. Their pheromones collided, making the two people sigh. As Tu Yan was pregnant, the complete mark made him feel a little dizzy. Gu Chenbai coaxed him, and his head tilted as he fell asleep again. 

When he closed his eyes, his mind was filled with only one feeling: Gu Chenbai is mine. 

He moved his hand to the back of his neck and felt a slight prickling pain, which made him wake up a little. Gu Chenbai pulled him into his arms and held his hand. The rings on their fingers bumped against one another, making a sound. 

Tu Yan looked and suddenly said, “I want to go public.”

Gu Chenbai was a little surprised, “Tu Bao, actually-”

“I want to go public,” Tu Yan reaffirmed without giving Gu Chenbai a chance to gibber unnecessarily. He then raised his chin and said imposingly, “I’ll take responsibility for you.”

Tu Yan’s upcoming reality show was called《New Stars Gourmet》, where a group of artists lived together in a two-story villa and made food according to the theme of each issue. 

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Tu Yan was actually not interested in this kind of program. Firstly, he had an apathetic temper and couldn’t deal with interpersonal relationships; secondly, he didn’t have much of a sense of humor, there would always be awkward silences, so he could count all the reality shows he had been in up til now with one hand. However, he didn’t have a choice not to go this time. With a little rabbit in his belly, the crew couldn’t go. But it wasn’t long since his comeback and he couldn’t vanish without a reason again, so he could only go on this reality show to maintain the level of topic. 

Tu Yan wanted Gu Chenbai, yet he also wanted to come back out again and return to his previous condition. 

When Gu Chenbai sent him to the airport, Tu Yan was still a little unwilling but he didn’t show it. Wearing his sunglasses, the corners of his mouth sank and he once again became the immortal big celebrity. 

His assistant sent him a message saying that she was waiting for him on the right side of the airport entrance. 

Gu Chenbai asked the driver to stop at an area where there were fewer people. The evening light and shadows interlaced inside the car. Gu Chenbai leaned over and hugged Tu Yan, his hand reaching into Tu Yan’s shirt and touching his lower abdomen. He was still flat there, but there was a little more vitality because of the existence of a little life. Gu Chenbai then placed his hand over it. Tu Yan stopped moving, relieving his strength as he leaned on Gu Chenbai’s chest. 

With a sense of judgement, the driver got out of the car. It was very quiet inside the car, only the murmuring of Gu Chenbai’s voice beside Tu Yan’s ear, “Don’t drink anything cold, eat more vegetables…” 

“I know, I know.”

“Can you spare some time at night to give me a video call?”

Tu Yan pursed his lips and lightly responded with an “mn”. 

Carrying a smile in his eyes, Gu Chenbai took off Tu Yan’s camouflage sunglasses, then shifted him around and pressed him onto the seat. He kissed his lips and teased him, “Are all big stars this tough?” 

“What are you doing?” Tu Yan complained, but tilted his head unnaturally and licked his lower lip under the shadows, facing the car window. 

“Take good care of yourself, and take good care of little bunny, understand?”

“It’s only two days and you’re talking as if we’re separating for life,” with nothing to say, Tu Yan assessed, “Your mind is full of love affairs, good for nothing.”

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Gu Chenbai assumed a position of sitting on top of Tu Yan, “You said you wanted to be responsible for me yesterday, but you’re giving me the cold shoulder today.”

Tu Yan wasn’t sure if he was making a point himself, but he knew that Gu Chenbai wouldn’t be angry with him. However, after thinking for a moment, he reached out and patted Gu Chenbai’s back, coaxing him in an unfamiliar way, “I’ll be back very soon.”

Gu Chenbai bit Tu Yan’s earlobe and chuckled, “Mn, I’ll wait for you at home.”

Tu Yan’s heart turned slightly numb as he suddenly fell silent. 

I’ll wait for you at home, such nice words to hear. 

No matter the wind and heavy rain outside, there would always be someone waiting for you at home, turning on the small yellow bedside light, helping you warm your blankets and waiting for your return home. 

The fantasy he had about a “home” in his youth had now become a reality. 

With a blush, he pulled out Gu Chenbai’s hand from inside his shirt and shook it off fiercely. 

“Gu Chenbai, it’ll rain the following day, so don’t go out and run about.”

After Tu Yan spoke, he put on his sunglasses and mask, then pushed the door open and walked out in a fluster.

The plane landed three hours later. He didn’t know when his trip got exposed that as soon as he got off the plane, a group of fans gathered and there were flashing lights around. Tu Yan subconsciously lowered his head, trying his best to avoid those cameras that were shooting his face. 

Some fans were shouting Qi He’s name from the back, most likely the so-called CP. Tu Yan couldn’t respond and refute them, only frowning to show his dissatisfaction. 

When he arrived at the shooting site of the program, one of the main guests, a host named Chen Kai who was considered an acquaintance of Tu Yan’s, took him to greet other guests one by one. The main guests were artists who just debuted from the new talent show, and not much different from Tu Yan’s age. But after all, they were not just passersby. In addition to Tu Yan’s cold temper and his half-seniority, no one dared to come up and talk to Tu Yan for a while.

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Therefore, Tu Yan quietly picked up the fruits on the table to wash them. As he was washing, Chen Kai led a tall and thin boy over. Chen Kai first approached Tu Yan and said in a low voice, “Xiao Yan, this is the kid from our company who just debuted, he’s an alpha, I want you to help take him in and give him some scenes.”

The words were simple, but Tu Yan knew what they meant as soon as he heard them.

It’s to stir up an on-screen CP.

Tu Yan shook his head, “It’s not in the contract.”

Having lost face, Chen Kai said in embarrassment, “Hai, let me tell you something. This is my distant relative, can you just take it as my personal request? I don’t want to bother you too much either, just talk to him a little. This kid is a bit reckless and can’t perform well.” 

Tu Yan’s expression didn’t change, only appearing a little cold as he said lightly, “Kai ge, it’s not that I don’t want to help you, but I can’t do so even if I’m willing to. My performance on variety shows has always been really bad.” 

Chen Kai was choked until he had nothing to say. He knew that Tu Yan had support from someone who had power, but he didn’t think that he would be so arrogant to this extent. Seeing that Tu Yan didn’t give him any face, he walked away in annoyance. 

Unfortunately, the little artist behind him didn’t see the current situation clearly, Thinking that Chen Kai had already helped him get in touch, he came up directly and greeted, “Hello teacher Tu, I’m Xu Jia’an.”

He also mentioned that he was a member of a certain orchestra band, when he would make his debut, and where he would hold a concert. The general familiarity was like old friends who had known each other for a long time. The people beside them kept looking over, their eyes mixed with envy and disdain. 

Tu Yan washed the fruits while listening in silence and didn’t converse. 

“Oh right, teacher Tu, where have you been when you disappeared for half a year?”

Tu Yan placed the washed fruits on a clean plate, then took a paper towel to wipe his hands. He raised his eyelids and replied casually, “I went to get married.”

Xu Jia’an was so shocked that he didn’t move for a long time. When he turned around, he saw Tu Yan’s back view without looking back, only then did he become aware that Tu Yan didn’t want to be close with him at all. 

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