Limited Possession

Chapter 24

Your marriage has been exposed!

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“Is- is- is this allowed to be broadcasted?”

“Oh my god…”

The entire room froze as soon as Tu Yan words were spoken. Chen Kai didn’t even bother with controlling the scene as he hurriedly motioned to the director. The artists looked at one another, not knowing how to deal with the situation momentarily. 

The director walked over, pressed on Tu Yan’s shoulder and leaned down to ask him, “You’re not joking right? Once this gets broadcasted, it’ll be big news. Tu Yan, you have to think clearly about the consequences.”

For an omega actor who has a large number of fans and whose career is on the rise, self-announcing his marriage was no different from burning one’s own boat. In addition to his sudden disappearance that resulted in no new works for half a year,  had led to much criticism from the outside world. 

To put it bluntly, with Tu Yan’s current strength, he couldn’t afford the negative consequences of publicizing his marital status. 

Unaware of the situation, Ruan Nanqing was still happy for Gu Chenbai. She winked at Tu Yan to express her approval. 

Tu Yan smiled back and said to the director, “I don’t care. You can cut it out if you want, and can keep it if you want.” 

Unable to respond, the director thought: Good fella, you don’t have to spend money to be on the hot search next month. 

They continued filming the program until it approached evening. Ruan Nanqing helped prepare the last dinner and was about to leave. After she finished shooting her scene, she strolled to Tu Yan and complained, “It’s so tiring to be a celebrity, having to be upright at all times and face so many cameras. It’s so hard to pretend.” 

Tu Yan smiled, “Why do you want to come?”

“Because it’s fun. I like to try all kinds of new things. My dad wants me to take over the family business in a proper way, but I just don’t want to do as he wishes.” 

“Alright,” Tu Yan nodded, and a moment later he added, “But being a celebrity may not be a good choice.”

“I think so too, being a celebrity is actually the most boring thing. Oh right, I saw that they were all secretly talking about you. Is it true that making your marriage public will bring you many bad effects?” 

Tu Yan didn’t deny it, “Should be.”

“What impacts?”

“Losing a lot of fans, terminating brand partnerships, reducing film contracts…mostly these things.”

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Ruan Nanqing didn’t know anything about the entertainment industry and only thought that it sounded very serious. She held her arms and thought for a long time, then came up with something and asked seriously, “Can money solve them?”

Tu Yan suddenly smiled, “It could.”

Ruan Nanqing patted Tu Yan’s shoulder and comforted, “Then don’t be afraid. Gu Chenbai has nothing else but money.”

Tu Yan panicked a little as he heard it. He turned to look around, and just happened to meet the probing eyes of a young artist. Seeing Tu Yan turn around, that person immediately looked away. 

Another reason why Tu Yan couldn’t play with them was that they all thought Tu Yan’s achievements today depended on his luck and beautiful face, so they were jealous of him. Tu Yan was also poor at explaining. 

Those who didn’t know Tu Yan only knew that he had been chosen by a big director to play 《Summer Youth》 at the age of 20. The small fire allowed him to gain a firm foothold in show business, then later he filmed a few shows. Although there weren’t many scenes, one should only accumulate experience. Last year, he even won his first golden rookie award and was nominated for best actor. The number of fans doubled and his career was at its peak. 

Everyone said that he was sailing with the wind. Only Tu Yan himself knew about the grievances. But he didn’t think that he suffered before and never thought about using his father’s power and money to pave the way for himself.  

Every step he took was with gritted teeth. 

It’s a pity that others didn’t believe it. 

If they don’t believe it then don’t. Tu Yan didn’t care, as long as that person believed it. 

“Before, I never understood why Gu Chenbai liked you. Of course, I didn’t know much about you then and only knew that you were very cold, different from those little omega stars who are flattering and curry favour to sell themselves. I thought it was strange why Gu Chenbai would like someone with such character?” 

Tu Yan felt a little nervous and unconsciously clenched his fingers around the corner of his shirt. 

“Now I know that not only are the two of you a good match, but are made for each other,” Ruan Nanqing put her hands together and sighed emotionally, “Actually, you’re not as cold as you look, right? You still depend a lot on Gu Chenbai.”

“After Gu Chenbai was injured, we all felt pity and sympathized with him. But he’s a very proud person and wouldn’t let others think he’s a useless person. He doesn’t even think he’s someone who has a physical disability. However, his parents and our group of friends used the wrong method and took care of everything for him, encouraging him, but we forgot a very important thing, that he didn’t want sympathy at all. What he needed was for us to look at him in a normal way.” 

“You’re probably the only one who did it, Your dependence on him satisfied the kind of desire of being needed psychologically.”  

Tu Yan was so absorbed as he listened that he suddenly forgot where he was. Everything in front of him turned into nothingness and he couldn’t find a stopping point in this nothingness. Just as he was about to shout in panic, a man with a gold and black cane walked over slowly, and Tu Yan’s world suddenly turned calm. The person’s outline gradually became clear, smiling as he raised his eyes to look at Tu Yan. The surrounding welcomed spring, flowers blooming all over the mountains. 

In the evening, Tu Yan finally finished his first day of filming. After making sure all the cameras in the room were turned off, he laid down on the bed and held up his phone.   

Gu Chenbai hadn’t sent him a video invitation. 

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Tu Yan was a little unhappy.

He put his finger next to the screen and hesitated for ten minutes without pressing it. 

“Little rabbit, did your daddy forget me?”

Tu Yan murmured. Just as he was about to toss his phone away angrily, it suddenly rang with a video invitation. 

Tu Yan’s heart fluttered. Swallowing his saliva, he pressed the green key with his hand faster than he could think.  

When Gu Chenbai’s face appeared on the screen, Tu Yan suddenly felt his tiredness from the day disappear in a flash. 

“Tu Bao, were you waiting for me to call you?”

Tu Yan snorted, “In your dreams. I’m about to sleep.”

Gu Chenbai looked at him as if he couldn’t look enough. 

Tu Yan didn’t say those words for the sake of going public. He originally wanted to find time to announce his marriage on Weibo. But as he sat there in that moment and heard the two words “first love”, he then thought of Gu Chenbai, and inexplicably said some shocking love talk. 

Tu Yan knew that the people in the program team must be discussing his gossip in a frenzy. Their eyes changed when they looked at him, some guessing who his marriage partner was, some secretly rejoicing that he was about to cool down. 

Tu Yan was too lazy to care. 

He always found it disdainful to hide from others or please them. 

What’s said was said, he didn’t regret it. 

It’s just…seeing Gu Chenbai at this moment, he became aware of how absurd he was, like a cluster of fireworks exploding in his head. He suddenly felt his hands and feet turn cold, and abruptly pulled the quilt to cover himself tightly, the other hand clutching his phone.

What should he do? What would happen if Gu Chenbai saw it? 

He would laugh at him and use this matter of first love to tease him. 

He couldn’t put on airs in front of Gu Chenbai in the future anymore. 

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Qi Lan said before that there must be no weakness in one’s feelings. The more you love today, the more pain you will suffer when you leave. 

Although Tu Yan disliked his mother’s experience with love, his own emotional experience was also just a sad piece of blank paper with only Gu Chenbai’s name written on it. No one taught him how to love. He could only tell himself that nothing would go wrong if he was a little careful. 

However, he was the one who pierced the blank paper himself.

Gu Chenbai was about to find out his secret?

What should he do?

So on the other end of the phone, Gu Chenbai helplessly watched the little face turn deathly pale, then turn light red, and then his facial features wrinkled, and finally becoming a cooked shrimp. 

“…” Gu Chenbai was silent for a moment as he stared at Tu Yan’s absent eyes. He asked with a low and hoarse voice, “Tu Bao, what are you doing?”

Tu Yan was pulled back to reality. As soon as his line of sight focused and hit Gu Chenbai’s meaningful gaze, he looked down at the small frame on the lower left corner doubtfully, and just realized what he looked like right now. 

Curled up in the blankets, with a red face, his lips slightly opened, and his other hand out of view. 

Tu Yan’s face turned redder. He instantly reacted, “I didn’t! You- you don’t think about it!” 

Gu Chenbai’s smile deepened, “I don’t believe it unless you show it to me.”

Unable to defend himself, Tu Yan roared angrily at his phone, “You——Gu Chenbai you’re acting like a hooligan!” 

“How am I acting like a hooligan? Isn’t this normal?” Gu Chenbai said in a logical manner, his face neither red nor his heart beating fast. Like a physiology teacher, he guided patiently and methodologically, “Besides, we just did a complete mark, and you’re pregnant with a baby. Originally, I needed to be by your side.” 

Tu Yan felt like weeping but couldn’t shed any tears. He looked at Gu Chenbai with resentment and didn’t realize the other meaning in his words. 

“I said I didn’t, means I didn’t.” Tu Yan said word by word. 

In his whole life, he hated being wronged by others. He lifted the quilt and aimed the camera at his lower body; his pyjama pants were put on nicely and neatly, even the strings weren’t untied, “Are you seeing it?” 

“How would I know if you just took advantage of me talking to put on your clothes?” 

Tu Yan was so angry he had a heart attack, “What else do you want?”

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Gu Chenbai deliberately teased him, “Take off your pants, I want to check.”

Tu Yan directly cut off the video. 

He wiped away a handful of tears that submitted defeat. It was the first time in his life that he cried from being bullied with just two sentences by someone. 

Gu Chenbai felt worried and called again, but Tu Yan didn’t answer. He angrily rolled up in his quilt and went to sleep. He was still sniffing when he was about to close his eyes, and said seriously to the little rabbit in his tummy, “We don’t want him anymore, I’ll raise you on my own.”

Tu Yan was awakened by a pressing ringing of his phone. He struggled awake from his dreams in agitation, wearing a drowsy look, and stretched his arm out to pick up the phone. Turned out it was his manager.


“Xiao Yan, your marriage has been exposed!” 

Tu Yan was suddenly awake. The manager spoke very quickly on the other end, “What you said about your marriage on the program yesterday had been filmed and was posted online without the approval of the program team. Now the whole internet is talking about you.”

Tu Yan gradually calmed down as he listened, “How is the situation now?”

The manager paused, then said with difficulty, “You lost several millions of fans, and a lot of fans are causing a fuss for you to make a public apology, saying that having a boyfriend persona, you didn’t cheat their feelings.” 

In his calm heart, he wasn’t surprised by the waves, even thinking it was a little ridiculous. 

“Qi He’s manager just called me and told me that they were afraid Qi He might be dragged down by you and want to loosen the relationship in advance…fuck! The number of fans just went down by over fifty thousand!” 

Tu Yan listened to the phone that seemed like there was a fight, and naturally felt ashamed of his impulse. 

“I’m afraid Hua Sheng would terminate the contract with you now, we can’t lose this big endorsement.”

“They won’t.”

“Hm? Why won’t they? Now, these brands only look at your Weibo data to judge your business value.”

Tu Yan was about to speak when his manager interrupted him, “Ai, you go film your program first, I’m on my way to you. If there’s anything, wait until I get there to talk.” 

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