Limited Possession

Chapter 26

You even had a fight?

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The power of public opinion is terrifying. 

Ten hours after the news of Tu Yan’s marriage was exposed, the degree of the topic did not weaken in the slightest. Everyone’s eyes gradually turned from “Tu Yan collapsed” and “removing fans and stepping back” to another more meaningful problem, which was “who is Tu Yan’s husband”. 

Tu Yan had always been a rare omega actor who had taken the cold and aloof route. It already raised many eyebrows that he was able to get married at such a young age, and this undisclosed marriage partner was even more mysterious. 

A lot of people have solemnly vowed that it must be Qi He. However, in response, Qi He’s manager had quickly posted a personal Weibo post saying that he had always been single. 

Netizens argued more fiercely, those who ate melons ate melons, while those who attacked each other were attacking each other. The other party of the marriage had also taken part in the chaos. 

The manager held the phone that was vibrating non-stop, completely losing her mind. She hadn’t dealt with such a serious emergency before. While paying attention to the war on Weibo, she was also worrying about the state of conversation between Tu Yan and Gu Chenbai. 

Tu Yan’s temper was like a firecracker, exploding after just a little light. The manager thought with anxiety: He better not offend the financial backer! 

The more she thought about it, the manager still couldn’t lessen her worries. She was thinking for a moment in the dressing room, and finally decided to go have a look.

As a result, before she reached the reception room, she heard Tu Yan’s shout coming from inside, “Gu Chenbai, you get out!” 

Like being struck by lightning, the manager casted all caution to the winds and rushed up, grabbed the doorknob and pushed the door open. Before the words ‘sorry, director Gu’ left her lips, she froze on the spot. 

Was this little omega with red-eyes, clothes unkempt, hands on the chest of the person without the resistance to push, really the arrogant and violent youth Tu Yan? 

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When the scene-notetaker ran over to tell the director that ‘director Gu of Hua Sheng has arrived’, the director was dumbfounded.

When the director heard Gu Chenbai calmly say ‘I am Tu Yan’s husband’, his smile instantly froze on his lips. 

When Gu Chenbai’s secretary placed the sorted materials in front of the director and told him ‘after verification, the leak from yesterday was done by someone on your program team, director Gu was very angry, you can deal with the consequences yourself’, the director became unwell. 

He told this news to the assistant director, who told the producer, who then told Chen Kai. The few people looked at each other in speechless dismay, being at a loss of what to do. The director pinched the end of his cigarette and said helplessly, “Before, I only knew that Tu Yan’s father had money, who knew that his husband has even more money? Why do you say such a person would want to chase his dreams in the entertainment industry?” 

Chen Kai was the one who was in the most difficult position. He looked at the director and shivered, “So, Xiao ‘An——”

“Let him leave, if he doesn’t, I have to leave.”

Three years ago, the director filmed a documentary on enterprise publicity for Hua Sheng and knew several members of the Gu family. He knew that the Gu family’s old man was in poor health and had retired early. Although Gu Chaocheng was the leader in name, everything required to be looked over for approval by this faceless second young master Gu. Outsiders all knew that Gu Chaocheng was the cold-faced demon of the business circle, but as everyone knows, you can’t offend Gu Chenbai if you offend him. 

Even though Gu Chenbai had a gentle and refined look, had a low-key demeanour, and barely appeared, everyone who came into contact with him knew that he was very powerful. Gu Chenbai never fought his battles unprepared. He was full of certainty as soon as he opened his mouth. 

So when the director saw the attachment behind the materials sent by the secretary, which was the ratings report of 《New Stars Gourmet》 , he then understood what Gu Chenbai meant. 

If this problem wasn’t solved, this program wouldn’t be broadcasted.

Hence, he backed out of the reception room with full respect. As soon as he turned, he dialed the company of Tu Yan’s manager to discuss the methods of suppressing all current adverse public opinion on the internet. 

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At this moment, he was anxious to death, while Gu Chenbai was leisurely teasing a rabbit in the room. 


“Do you miss me?” Gu Chenbai hugged Tu Yan’s shoulders and held him in his arms.

Tu Yan struggled, but couldn’t break free, so he lowered his head and didn’t speak. 

“Tu Bao, have you been wronged?” 

Tu Yan didn’t feel wronged at first. Xu Jia’an’s villainous behaviour didn’t make him feel wronged, the overwhelming abuse on the internet didn’t make him feel wronged, but Gu Chenbai’s gentle words made his nose turn sour and clench the back of his teeth. How strange. In the past, he was treated more coldy and suffered worse bullying than this, and he survived without complaining to anyone. Gu Chenbai made him weak. 

Gu Chenbai held his face and forced him to look at himself, “I’m here, don’t be afraid.” 

“I’m not afraid.” Tu Yan was indignant. 

“I know, my Tu Bao has always been the bravest,” Gu Chenbai rubbed him in his arms and touched the back of his neck. He kissed the top of his hair and said softly, “He walked alone til today, suffered a lot, faced a lot of injustice, but he never once complained.” 

Tu Yan buried his face in Gu Chenbai’s shoulder, a few tears landed soundlessly on Gu Chenbai’s suit. 

Gu Chenbai held him tightly and whispered, “I’ll never let you suffer such grievances anymore.”

Tu Yan wiped away his tears and said from Gu Chenbai’s embrace, “This is what I have to bear in this circle, it’s none of your business.” 

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“Actually…” Gu Chenbai paused, “Tu Bao, you don’t have to disclose it so early. You’re still young now, your marriage status will bring unnecessary troubles to your acting career.”

Before Tu Yan finished listening, he looked at Gu Chenbai in astonishment, “What do you mean? You don’t want me to disclose it?” 

“I only feel distress for you.” 

Tu Yan was still ashamed of his public confession, afraid that Gu Chenbai would hold on to this matter and make fun of him. He thought of countless ways for Gu CHenbai to tease him, but he never thought that Gu Chenbai would instead calmly say ‘you shouldn’t disclose it so early’. 

“So you still want to be married in secret, then divorce in secret? Also, you don’t have to bear any responsibility this way, I don’t have to be scolded, and you don’t have to come all the way to deal with the aftermath for me.”

Tu Yan was about to leave when he finished, but was pulled before he got up, then he was whirled around and pressed onto the sofa. Gu Chenbai climbed over him as he looked at him with a faint smile on his face. Without giving Tu Yan the chance to open that mouth to throw out knives again, he directly kissed him. 

Tu Yan whimpered as he glared at Gu Chenbai. Gu Chenbai let go of him and joked, “Tu Bao, I’m already letting you off for not talking about the first love situation, so you better not make a fuss with me.”

Tu Yan’s face visibly turned red very quickly, from his neck to his ears.

The more Gu Chenbai watched, the more he thought how cute he was. As he was undoing the two buttons on Tu Yan’s collar, Tu Yan didn’t struggle as expected, his face bitter and angry as he willingly placed himself at mercy. It was only later when Gu Chenbai went further and undid the third button, saying that he wanted to test the food quality for little rabbit in the future, that Tu Yan pushed Gu Chenbai in humiliation, yelling at him to get out. 

Just as Gu Chenbai put on a thick skin to kiss him, the door was shoved open. The manager stood at the door looking flustered, the words ‘sorry, director Gu’ said halfway, stuck in her throat. 

The scene was silent for five seconds. 

Tu Yan cursed obscenities in his heart, then immediately pushed Gu Chenbai away and sat up. He hurriedly fastened his buttons, pulled the manager out and explained the whole sequence of events to her. 

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“What?” The manager still couldn’t believe it after hearing this, words stuck as she said, “Gu-Gu Chenbai is your husband?” 

Tu Yan felt that he was too shy to say the word “husband”, but he still nodded. 

The manager finally understood why Tu Yan wasn’t worried about Hua Sheng’s advertising endorsement at all. 

Good fella, it turned out to be his own family’s business. 

The manager’s head was still in the clouds after listening, and hadn’t regained her senses even after taking Gu Chenbai’s car back to the hotel.

Gu Chenbai and Tu Yan were sitting in the back seat. Gu Chenbai glanced at the manager in front and initiated, “Sorry, we didn’t tell you in advance.” 

The manager instantly waved her hand, “No worries, no worries, this is your private affair.” 

“Thanks for your care over Tu Yan these few years.”

The manager laughed awkwardly, thinking that Tu Yan never let her take care of him. Tu Yan had always refused others until thousands of miles away, not even telling her such big things like marriage and pregnancy; what care? Besides, she couldn’t properly solve several of Tu Yan’s emergency situations. 

The manager felt apologetic, “I’m not capable enough, I really didn’t help Tu Yan, I didn’t even properly deal with yesterday’s matter. Tu Yan was still the one who went to find that one called Xu Jia’an. After the fight, I then knew that it was someone from the program team who did it.” 

Tu Yan was leaning against the seat to catch up with his sleep. After listening to the manager’s words, he felt something was wrong for a moment. His heart jumped, then suddenly felt the temperature around him go down a few degrees. He opened his eyes and looked to the right. 

Gu Chenbai narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at him with an unpleasant expression and said word by word, “You even had a fight?”

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