Limited Possession

Chapter 33

Little rabbit is born

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Oh right, let me tell you a little secret. Actually, the real reason why Tu Yan refused to have a baby was that——he was afraid Gu Chenbai wouldn’t love him as much in the future as he did now. 

So when he was pregnant, he often dreamt that he gave birth to four little rabbits, then, taking advantage of when Gu Chenbai wasn’t paying attention, he held a lucky draw and gave all the little rabbits away. He was so happy that he smiled in his dream. Later, he accidentally made a slip of the tongue in front of Gu Chenbai and was then pressed into the bed by Gu Chenbai to put in order. 


Tu Yan felt that his fear of personal gains and losses had reached a scary point. He didn’t know why he was so afraid of little rabbit’s arrival. 

He went to seek help from Ruan Nanqing, who dabbled in psychology and was also a good talker, so Tu Yan often went to her when he had problems. 

After listening to Tu Yan’s words and a moment of silence, Ruan Nanqing casted him a sideways glance while hugging her arms and said, “Are you sure you’re not showing me affection?” 

Tu Yan was helpless, “I’m not.”

“Oh okay,” Ruan Nanqing thought for a while, “You’re saying that you’re afraid Gu Chenbai won’t love you anymore once the baby is born.” 

Tu Yan nodded, then hurriedly covered his stomach, deceiving himself as he thought: It’s better not to let little rabbit hear this. 

“The main reason must be prenatal anxiety, which is normal. However, I think this type of anxiety is a little abnormal for someone like you,” Ruan Nanqing recalled the relevant books she had read, connecting them to both Gu Chenbai and Tu Yan, then finally came to a possible conclusion, “Tu Yan, have you ever thought that this mindset of yours, in other words, is that you’re afraid of falling out of favour?” 

Tu Yan’s eyes widened, not understanding why. 

“You’re competing for favour with the baby. You probably haven’t realized that you’re a mother and Gu Chenbai’s wife. In your subconscious, you think you are Gu Chenbai’s baby. Now that another baby appeared, you think you’ve lost your status, so you’re worried about your gains and losses.” 

Tu Yan suddenly saw the light.

“I know Gu Chenbai spoils you a lot, maybe you can change how you two get along, and spoil him in return.” Ruan Nanqing suggested.

While he was in the car on the way home, Tu Yan started to ponder over how to spoil Gu Chenbai, but he doesn’t seem to have this skill. Gu Chenbai was too considerate in taking care of him, Tu Yan only knew how to enjoy it. 

After thinking for a long time, he finally thought of a plan: Imitate Gu Chenbai. 

However Gu Chenbai treated him, he would do the same to Gu Chenbai, it’s very simple. 

So he cleverly called Gu Chenbai, who was about to get off work, and asked him when he would get home. He then ordered some dishes in advance, put them on the table, and waited for Gu Chenbai to come home. Eagerly attentive, he ran up to the porch and hugged Gu Chenbai’s waist, pressed him against the door and gave him a kiss before unbuttoning his coat for him.

But Gu Chenbai wasn’t very happy. With an imposing expression, he grabbed Tu Yan’s hand and stepped back to distance himself from him, asking in suspicion, “Tu Bao, “Did you do something wrong to me?” 


Little rabbit was a little boy, weighing six jin and seven liang (Chinese units of measurements), and was born in winter.

He was very beautiful at birth. The doctors and nurses praised him, saying that he inherited all the advantages of his parents’ appearance. The birth test showed that, not surprisingly, he should also be an alpha of an excellent grade in the future. 

The nurse brought him out for Gu Chenbai to see, but Gu Chenbai only glanced at him in a hurry and asked in a haste, “How is my wife?”

“He’s fine. Mother and son are safe.”

Only then could Gu Chenbai breathe a sigh of relief, his hanging heart falling. He looked down at little rabbit, the little fella had yet to open his eyes, his face chubby and round. Perhaps sensing that his father was by his side, he stopped crying. A little hand broke free from the blanket and raised up. Gu Chenbai gently touched it, just like so when he was still in Tu Yan’s belly, and gave him a high five. 

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“Is his nickname Tu Bao? I always hear you call him that.” The nurse asked. 

Gu Chenbai laughed and shook his head, “He’s called little rabbit, Tu Bao is mommy’s nickname.”

The nurse was stunned, then immediately sighed, “It’s really true love.”

When Tu Yan was pushed out, his parents and the Gu family were waiting outside, but he only looked at Gu Chenbai.

Tu Yan was always used to being strong when he was alone. As soon as the door to the delivery room was closed, he even endured the worst pain. The nurse said he was too brave, not crying through the whole procedure. But the moment he came out and saw Gu Chenbai in the middle of the crowd, his tears couldn’t stop rushing out as though he had been wronged. 

Gu Chenbai held him and used his pheromones to console him.

Back in the private ward, Gu Chenbai rushed his parents out before facing Tu Yan with expectant eyes. He then walked up to the bedside and pulled him into his arms, kissing Tu Yan’s cheeks and sweaty forehead, “Baobei, you’ve worked hard.”

Tu Yan didn’t say anything cruel anymore, but looked at him pitifully, “Gu Chenbai, I’ve successfully unloaded.” Saying this, he pointed at the sleeping little rabbit by his side, “He’s so fat.”

Gu Chenbai coaxed him, “Tu Bao is so amazing.” 

“Is he cute?”

“Very cute,” The corner of Gu Chenbai’s mouth hooked, “His eyes and nose are very much like yours, too cute to handle.” 

However, the corner of Tu Yan’s lips drooped down, “I knew it.”

Gu Chenbai knew what Tu Yan was thinking about in his heart, and he deliberately said, “I heard Nanqing’s reason for your prenatal anxiety.”

Tu Yan’s expression changed and he mumbled, “She’s talking nonsense…” 

“She said that you subconsciously think you’re my baby, that’s why you’re so afraid of losing favour.”


As Tu Yan struggled, Gu Chenbai pressed him back into his arms and said with a smile, “What’s wrong with that? You really are my baby in the first place, I’ve been spoiling you like a child from the beginning.”

In a daze, Tu Yan stopped, shrinking against Gu Chenbai’s chest and heard him say with a smirk, “What, daddy isn’t good enough to you?’ 

Tu Yan’s face flushed red. He threw off Gu Chenbai’s arms before putting his hands over little rabbit’s ears, saying in shame, “Don’t talk nonsense in front of little rabbit!”

Little rabbit couldn’t sleep well due to the two people’s commotion, and he was also hungry, so he suddenly began to cry. 

Startled, Tu Yan hurriedly withdrew back and hid in Gu Chenbai’s arms, crying for help, “Ahhh Gu Chenbai, he’s crying…” 

Gu Chenbai was a little calmer than Tu Yan. He picked up little rabbit and put him in Tu Yan’s arms, pinched Tu Yan’s butt and reminded him, “Little rabbit is hungry.”

“What do you do when he’s hungry?” Tu Yan was bewildered. 

Gu Chenbai felt helpless. His eyes moved down and fell on Tu Yan’s chest. Tu Yan looked down along with him, then he was suddenly enlightened. 

With a red face, he asked Gu Chenbai to draw the curtains tight, lock the door, and even made Gu Chenbai leave, but he refused. 

Carrying little rabbit, Tu Yan looked at his little face and hands, which were white and soft. He could hold him with one arm, and his little feet were placed on Tu Yan’s elbow. He needed to use great effort to drink milk and would even kick his feet twice. 

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Tu Yan’s heart suddenly turned soft, thinking that this little fella wasn’t so bothersome anymore. 

“…how is he so soft and milky?”

Watching from the side, Gu Chenbai thought: You are both soft and milky. 

He leaned over and kissed Tu Yan’s face, but Tu Yan pushed him away, “Aiya, don’t disturb little rabbit from eating.” 


When little rabbit was ten months old, Tu Yan rushed for filming with the crew. He didn’t pick too heavy roles and only showed his face in the drama. It ended after two weeks. 

The reason was very simple. His body hadn’t fully recovered yet, in addition, he was also reluctant to leave his family at home, although he didn’t admit it. 

When he was on a video call with Gu Chenbai, he only said, “I want to see little rabbit.” 

Gu Chenbai held little rabbit in his arms, holding his little hand and waved to the camera, “Hey, little rabbit, can you see who it is?” 

Little rabbit’s eyes lit up and called out “mama” with a sweet baby voice. 

Tu Yan’s line of sight stared at little rabbit for a few seconds, then involuntarily moved to Gu Chenbai’s face. 

He couldn’t leave Gu Chenbai for even a moment. 

Little rabbit called out “mama” a few times and grasped the hem of Gu Chenbai’s pyjamas to play with. Soon, his battery went low and his eyelids stuck together. Gu Chenbai put down his phone before gently carrying the little fella to the crib and covering him with the blanket. 

When he returned to his bed, he smiled at Tu Yan, “You only miss little rabbit but not me?”

Tu Yan didn’t speak.

Gu Chenbai bent the corners of his mouth and said out of habit, “Such a cruel Tu Bao.”

Tu Yan was lying in bed with his phone in his hand, bored to death as he talked to Gu Chenbai. 

The look of Gu Chenbai’s half-dried hair after taking a shower was really sexy, his muscle lines exposed from the collar that was pulled open by little rabbit were so attractive… Tu Yan swallowed his saliva, pretending not to care, while he secretly took screenshots in a frenzy. 

“There’s three days left-” 

As soon as Tu Yan finished, Gu Chenbai said, “I’ll wait for you at home.”

Tu Yan pursed his lips, looking at Gu Chenbai in the screen for a long time. It took a long moment before he gently replied with a “hm”. 

Three days later, Tu Yan’s scene was dragged until eleven at night before it ended. The assistant asked if Tu Yan wanted to go home the next day, as there were only tickets left for 3am. Tu Yan shook his head and said, “I’ll leave at 3am and go back alone first, you don’t have to accompany me.”

So Tu Yan sat on the 3am flight back to Ming city, and it was not until half past five in the morning that he arrived home against the twilight sky. 

He didn’t notify Gu Chenbai, so when he got home, Gu Chenbai was still asleep. He tiptoed stealthily to put down his luggage, took a look at little rabbit before doing a simple wash-up at the bathroom outside the bedroom, then he took his clothes off and climbed into bed. Gu Chenbai was woken up by him. As soon as he opened his eyes and saw the person he had been thinking about from morning to night, he thought he was still dreaming and watched him in a daze. 

Tu Yan quietly squirmed into his arms, and only then did Gu Chenbai react. He immediately reached out to pull the little bunny, who was worn out from his journey, to his chest. Seeing that Gu Chenbai was awake, Tu Yan didn’t speak, but instead rubbed Gu Chenbai’s leg with his. However, Gu Chenbai didn’t get his signal and only kissed his forehead, covering him with the quilt to let him sleep quickly.

It was noon when he woke up again. 

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Tu Yan was about to open his eyes when he felt a milky scent blowing against his face. He reached out to push lightly and touched a soft living creature. Startled, he woke up completely. 

At a closer look, it turned out to be little rabbit, who had climbed up the bed with difficulty and was currently trying his best to arch into Tu Yan’s quilt.

Tu Yan rubbed him into his arms as he held Tu Yan’s neck, placing a few pattering kisses. After a few minutes, it was getting too hot, so he pedalled his little legs to get out. 

Right at this time, Gu Chenbai came in. Little rabbit stuck his head out from the quilt and stretched out his arms towards Gu Chenbai, “Daddy, carry!” 

Gu Chenbai was afraid that little rabbit would disturb Tu Yan’s sleep, so he hushed him, walked over, picked him up and threw him in the children’s room. He then turned on the switch of the little train and let him play by himself.

When he returned to the bedroom, Tu Yan was still lying there, staring dazedly at the ceiling.

Gu Chenbai walked up to his side, “Still want breakfast?”

Tu Yan shook his head, reached his hand out and yanked the hem of Gu Chenbai’s shirt.

Gu Chenbai was stupid, which was never seen before, and even frowned as he asked, “What’s wrong? Are you unwell?”

Tu Yan had nothing to say. He pulled the quilt up to cover himself, and half a second later, like little rabbit, he reached out to Gu Chenbai and acted coquettish awkwardly, “Daddy, hold me1.” 

Gu Chenbai froze and then reacted. He smiled and put his cane aside before climbing into bed. 

Face turning red, Tu Yan caught on later and wanted to escape, but it was too late. 


Little rabbit learned to speak very quickly. Tu Yan didn’t have to put in much care to teach him. He would normally be able to remember the things he recognized at hand. 

For example, Tu Yan would wash some tomatoes to feed little rabbit. Little rabbit would think it’s sweet and round like his face, so while eating, he would say excitedly, “Mommy, I’m a little tomato!”

When he saw a balloon with the same colour as his shirt, he would shout, “Mommy, I’m a balloon!”

When he saw a puppy on the street, Tu Yan squatted down to tell little rabbit that it was a puppy. Little rabbit looked at the leash on the puppy’s back, which was exactly the same as the anti-lost safety leash on his own body, and grinned at Tu Yan as though he discovered a big secret, “Mommy, I’m a puppy!”

Tu Yan told him, “You’re not a puppy, you’re a bunny.”


“Because mommy is a rabbit, and mommy gave birth to you, so you’re a bunny.”

Tu Yan spoke a load of nonsense, completely forgetting Gu Chenbai’s principle of scientific parenting. 

Little rabbit could hardly believe it, “Why?”

Tu Yan thought, “Hm…because daddy likes rabbits.”

Little rabbit was Gu Chenbai’s number one fan. At the thought that his dad liked rabbits, he could then accept Tu Yan’s explanation. He reached out and hugged Tu Yan’s neck, rubbing his little face against Tu Yan’s ear, “Mommy, will we grow long ears?”

“No, good babies’ ears won’t grow.” Tu Yan picked him up.

“I’m a good baby.” Little rabbit said with certainty. He lied on Tu Yan’s shoulder and was quiet for a few seconds, when suddenly he remembered something, he abruptly straightened up and questioned, “Mommy you’re lying!”

“What did I lie about?”

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“You aren’t a good baby, and your ears didn’t grow.”

Tu Yan was confused, “Mm?”

“Y-yesterday, you and daddy were in the kitchen, and daddy said you’re not a good baby, I heard it!”

Tu Yan blushed red as he covered little rabbit’s mouth, “You heard it wrong, daddy said it was you, he said you’re not good.”

Little rabbit didn’t waver in the least, “It can’t be, daddy said I’m the best baby, he let me keep a secret and not tell you. He prepared a Christmas eve surprise for you at home tonight, and I didn’t say a word!”

“…oh, then you’re really good.”


Little rabbit always found it strange why his dad always had to hold a long stick, while other dads didn’t. 

Tu Yan told him, “It’s because daddy is a superhero, he has to fight monsters. How can he fight monsters without a weapon? That cane is daddy’s weapon.”

Little rabbit admired his dad even more, and asked, “When does daddy go to fight the monsters? Why don’t I know?”

Tu Yan said, “The monsters only come out when little children fall asleep. They would eat all those little children who cry and refuse to sleep, that’s when daddy goes to fight the monsters.”

Surprised, little rabbit swore immediately, “I will definitely go to sleep.”

Tu Yan laughed in his heart, thinking that he was really an ordinary childcare genius. 

However, after a few days, little rabbit really couldn’t fall asleep at night. He really wanted to secretly see the heroic look of his dad fighting monsters. He thought that, even if the monster found me tonight, daddy would definitely come to save me. I have the most powerful dad in the world, I’m not afraid!

So he pretended to sleep to deceive Tu Yan, then waited for Tu Yan to close the door of the children’s room and go back to his bedroom. After a few minutes, he crept out of bed, ran to the door and pulled it open bit by bit. He looked through the crack of the door and wanted to see the monster. 

But he waited for such a long time and didn’t even see the shadow of a monster. He could only hear the intimate whispers and laughter from his parents next door. Little rabbit was anxious about the whole world, so he ran to the next door, stood on his tiptoes, and pulled the door handle to push open the door of the master bedroom.

He saw his mom hurriedly climbing off his dad’s body with his face red. Although his clothes were on, even the buttons were fastened, he still appeared a mess. His dad sat up calmly and waved to him, “Baby, what’s wrong?”

Little rabbit put his small hands on his hips and said angrily, “Daddy, why haven’t you gone to fight monsters?! What happens when little children get eaten?”

Gu Chenbai: “Oh?”

Little rabbit climbed into Gu Chenbai’s arms and told him what Tu Yan said. Gu Chenbai suppressed a smile and glanced at Tu Yan, then carried little rabbit back to the children’s room and explained his leg injury to him in a half-fairy tale, half scientific way. 

Little rabbit suddenly understood, he hugged Gu Chenbai and said, “Daddy, although a monster hurt your leg, you will always be the most powerful person in my heart.”

Gu Chenbai touched little rabbit’s small head, kissed his cheek, put him back to bed and covered him with the quilt before coaxing him to sleep 

Back in their bedroom, Tu Yan was still sitting in the same place. When he saw Gu Chenbai coming in, he swallowed his saliva rather uneasily. As soon as he wanted to move his position, Gu chenbai caught him and teased, “It turns out that I’m such a hero in Tu Bao’s heart.”

Tu Yan pushed him and said, ashamed, “Are you three years old?”

Gu chennai buried his face in Tu Yan’s chest, sniffed the scent on his body and said with a smile, “I’m two and a half.”

Tu Yan couldn’t stand Gu Chenbai acting coquettish more than when little rabbit did it. He reached out and gently encircled around Gu Chenbai’s shoulders. After a while, he said, “You are the hero, and I’m the child you saved.”

Gu Chenbai was slightly stunned, he then pressed Tu Yan under his body and kissed him.

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