Limited Possession

Chapter 5

On the third day of living at the Gu family’s house. 

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On the third day of living at the Gu family’s house. 

“Get a confidentiality license, no banquets, don’t let anyone know about this, and, I want to move out of the Gu house. I don’t want to live with your parents and your brother.” 

As Tu Yan made these requests, he was already prepared to be rejected. However, Gu Chenbai only pondered for a few seconds before he agreed. 

Tu Yan was taken aback, “Really?”

Gu Chenbai put down the book in his hand and looked up at him, “Of course. I think your proposal is very good.” 

When Gu Chenbai looked at someone, he always maintained a very focused eye contact, and Tu Yan became a little flustered from being watched by him. He lowered his head and pretended to play around on his phone, feigning casualness, “What requests do you have then? You can bring them up to me too.” 

“So I’m also able to make requests,” Gu Chenbai said with a smile. 

Understanding Gu Chenbai’s tone of voice, Tu Yan thought of what the Gu family’s servant had secretly said. 

——This little celebrity is too arrogant. He was obviously sent here to pay his father’s debts, but he’s criticising and ordering the second young master all day long as if the second young master owed him a few hundred million. 

Gu Chenbai didn’t immediately respond, holding his crutch tightly to support himself from getting up off the sofa and walking towards Tu Yan. Tu Yan subconsciously wanted to avoid him. Perhaps feeling Tu Yan’s resistance, Gu Chenbai stopped and said, “I only have one request.”

Tu Yan looked over at him. 

“Don’t always hide from me like this, okay?”

He said the last word very slowly and lightly, sounding a little pitiful and difficult for a person to refuse. 

Tu Yan’s eyelashes trembled, making an inaudible “mn”. 

“Just this one request?” He still didn’t believe it. 

The corner of Gu Chenbai’s lips tilted, “Of course I want to make other requests, like——”

Tu Yan immediately stopped him, “If you say one means just one. Don’t act shamelessly.” 

“Okay, just one then.” Gu Chenbai smiled, then glanced down at the time and asked Tu Yan, “What do you want for dinner?”

Tu Yan didn’t want to be led on by Gu Chenbai one bit, “I don’t want to eat anything.” 

After saying this, he headed off to his bedroom. As he reached the corner of the stairs, he caught a glimpse of Gu Chenbai still standing there. Gu Chenbai lifted his head and looked at him, their eyes meeting. Tu Yan suddenly thought about another very important thing. 

Gu Chenbai was so obedient to him, agreeing to everything he wanted. 

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Agreeing to everything…

What about the divorce agreement then? Would he be willing to sign it?  

Tu Yan pondered: He probably wouldn’t, because wouldn’t Gu Chenbai suffer a big loss? People are selfish animals; Gu Chenbai didn’t like him so much as to throw hundreds of millions of dollars into the water. 

However, he thought about the expression in Gu Chenbai’s eyes, and thought that this wouldn’t be entirely impossible. 

Soon, they moved into their new house. Considering Gu Chenbai’s leg condition, his parents chose a single-family villa for them. 

Tu Yan only wanted to stay far away from the Gu house and didn’t care where they stayed. He watched his luggage get moved inside one by one, feeling as lifeless as those baggage. 

“I’ve been thinking about it these past two days. I admit that my attitude before wasn’t very good. After all, our relationship is already an established fact and can’t be changed.  It’s unavoidable for us to meet frequently in the future, and we couldn’t just keep behaving like strangers, isn’t that right?” 

Tu Yan put down his phone as he sat on the sofa in the study room, looking at Gu Chenbai with a relaxed expression. 

Gu Chenbai shifted his gaze from the computer screen to Tu Yan’s face. Without reason, he suddenly smiled and raised his eyebrows, “Right.” 

Tu Yan coughed lightly to conceal his guilty conscience. He spoke the actor’s lines that he had prepared, “Let’s have dinner together tonight.” 

“Alight, where should we go?” 

“I’ll decide the place, you can just go.” Tu Yan jumped up from the sofa after saying this, putting on his slippers then jogging back to his room. 

Gu Chenbai watched his retreating back and couldn’t help but smile. 

When Tu Yan was in the performing academy, he would occasionally act in several improvs without scripts. Most of the time, he would perform really well. It’s just that this time was special; his acting partner was his husband on paper, a villain whom he didn’t know how to describe. 

He hoped that Gu Chenbai wouldn’t mess everything up. 

He reserved a private room in a hidden restaurant that was highly frequented by artists, then took a shower before changing into a casual blazer that showed off his figure. He even styled his hair and put on black crystal earrings, which was particularly eye-catching against his fair skin. He looked at himself in the mirror, thinking that he would definitely make Gu Chenbai’s eyes turn bright.  

He was pretty confident in his appearance. 

Qi He sent a text: 【the alcohol has been sent to your private room. Remember; the bottle that has a white star is wine, and the other bottle has soda in it. Don’t drink the wrong one.】

【Can you guarantee that the wine will work?】

【it definitely works, I’ve tried it myself. The flavour is similar to wine, but one sip will cause tipsiness, two sips will make you be in a half drunk state where you’ll say whatever you want, even reveal the password to your bank card 】

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Qi He wanted to ask what Tu Yan was about to do, but Tu Yan didn’t say it and only replied with: 【I’ll tell you when it’s a success】

After, he went to knock on Gu Chenbai’s door, but he couldn’t hear anything inside the room and even thought that Gu Chenbai wasn’t inside, so he pushed the door open directly. As a result, he came face to face with Gu Chenbai who just came out of the bathroom. Gu Chenbai only had a towel around his waist, and his upper body was completely naked, revealing his distinct and taut mermaid lines. 

Tu Yan was startled and wanted to step back, but he tripped over his slippers. His foot slipped out under him and hit against the door stopper on the back of the door. He cried out in pain and instantly squatted down to cover his heel, inhaling a few breaths of air. When he lifted his head, he was met in line with Gu Chenbai’s waist. At the same time, he suddenly smelled the unfamiliar and strong scent of an alpha’s pheromones mingling in the water vapour. 

Why was this smell so strong? Because Tu Yan himself was a top-grade omega, he was able to feel the pheromones of the same top-grade alpha. Gu Chenbai had just taken a shower and didn’t put on an inhibitor plaster, his pheromones still permeating in the water vapour, becoming increasingly thick. Tu Yan only felt himself heating up and his throat turning dry. 

Didn’t others say that Gu Chenbai’s pheromone level was very low?  

Could it be that they were all false?

Being ugly was false, being mediocre was false, surely it could be that his pheromone level being low was also false? 

Tu Yan choked on a breath. When he reacted, he was so abashed that his entire body almost emitted smoke. He pushed Gu Chenbai away angrily and limped out of the room. 

Gu Chenbai was bewildered by Tu Yan’s series of reactions. He stood with a hand supporting the handrail in the bathroom, then untied the bath towel to change into his clothes before picking up the slippers that fell by the door and going to the next room. 

He knocked on the door and joked, “Cinderella, you dropped a slipper.” 

The next second, the door opened, and the other slipper flew out. 

Gu Chenbai didn’t know what Tu Yan was losing his temper over. He picked up the slippers without a complaint and placed them on the mat by the door before turning around and going back to his room. 

Half an hour later, Gu Chenbai received Tu Yan’s phone call, his tone was still seething with anger, showing not a single sign of invitation, “Pack up and go for dinner.” 

So Gu Chenbai picked up his crutch and coat, then headed out the door. 

The driver had parked the car by the entrance and Tu Yan was originally sitting casually in the back seat. As soon as he saw Gu Chenbai, he immediately turned his head to look out the window, plastering himself against the door. With a look of avoidance, he didn’t speak to Gu Chenbai for the entire ride. 

Once they reached the restaurant, Tu Yan skillfully led Gu Chenbai through the side entrance, then guided by the waiter, they arrived at the private room he had reserved. 

When all the dishes were served, Tu Yan suddenly raised his hand and said to the waiter, “Thank you, you may leave. I’m not fond of having a waiter around when I eat.” 

Hence, the waiter exited the private room and closed the door. 

Only Tu Yan and Gu Chenbai were left alone in the private room, facing each other. 

Gu Chenbai still looked as warm as before. He watched Tu Yan with a smile, “You look beautiful today.” 

Tu Yan made a sound of “mn” noncommittally, pumping himself up in his heart. Then, he suddenly stood up and took the wine bottle in the middle of the table, pouring a glass for Gu Chenbai. Instead of sitting back down after, he leaned against the table lazily, pressing his thigh against Gu Chenbai’s and lowered his head to ask him, “You said you fell in love with me at first sight, was it real or not?” 

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Once he entered the role, it was as if he changed into a different person. 

Gu Chenbai lifted his gaze to look at him, “It’s real.” 

“But I don’t believe in love at first sight,” He held the wine glass up to Gu Chenbai, flashing a lovely smile, “What love at first sight, it’s just lust.” 

Gu Chenbai took the glass without a comment. 

“When was the first time you saw me?”

“Four years ago in your first movie, 《Summer Youth》”

“Oh, I was only 19 years old then,” Tu Yan imagined their surroundings as a film site, picturing Gu Chenbai as an ordinary co-actor, and the chandelier as the cameras and lights. With a pretentious tone, he tried very hard to seduce Gu Chenbai, “How did you feel when you first saw me? You thought I was good looking, and then you got stimulated?” 

He deliberately said something vulgar, just as he deliberately spoke loudly and noisily on a normal day. Gu Chenbai smiled inwardly.

Looking at the tense corners of Tu Yan’s mouth and his white knuckles gripping the table, Gu Chenbai said calmly, “I was emotionally interested and wanted to get to know more about you.” 

“So what do you learn about?” 

“I watched a lot of your interviews and programs,” Gu Chenbai put his arm on the chair handle, his fingers tapping against it. He then said slowly, “Although everyone likes to describe you as a peacock, to me, you look more like a little rabbit, very vigilant, and like to observe the environment. On the surface, you don’t like to interact with others, but you’re actually just afraid to.” 

The look on Tu Yan’s face changed, “You aren’t qualified to define me.” 

“Sorry,” Gu Chenbai said sincerely. 

He was so used to countering every move, which made Tu Yan punch the cotton every time. Tu Yan knew that he couldn’t get angry right now as he had yet to succeed in his goal for tonight. If one wouldn’t sacrifice small things, then the great scheme could never be put into practice. He shrugged his shoulders and said, “There’s no need to apologize. You’ve already won anyway. I’m already married to you. I can’t refuse whatever you want to do.” 

Tu Yan took the other bottle of wine to pour a glass for himself. He then leaned over and touched glasses with Gu Chenbai’s, “Wishing me a happy marriage.” 

He downed the glass in one go. When he finished it, he frowned, feeling a sense of doubt. A few seconds after the aftertaste, he realized that something was amiss, but when he checked the wine bottle, there wasn’t anything wrong with it. He didn’t think much into it, his eyebrows gradually smoothed out, and he lifted the wine bottle to pour himself another glass. 

Gu Chenbai also raised his glass, but he felt strange after taking a sip, so he didn’t finish it and put it back down. Standing by the table, Tu Yan was quiet for a moment, then he suddenly raised his head, his cheeks flushed abnormally red. He saw that Gu Chenbai didn’t finish his drink, so he pulled at Gu Chenbai’s sleeve and urged him, “I’m asking you to finish it, do you hear me?” 

Gu Chenbai had no other choice. With his head thrown back, he drank the whole glass. 

“How much do you like me?” Tu Yan’s tone became straight, he was a little unsteady on his feet, half his body was leaning against the table. 

Ignoring him, Gu Chenbai stood up and took the wine bottle beside Tu Yan, then he saw the packaging seal that had been replaced. 

Tu Yan was still immersed in his own script. He touched Gu Chenbai’s collar, blinking his eyes as he asked, “You tell me, how much do you like me?” 

Gu Chenbai was afraid he might fall, so he supported him with both hands on the table, trapping him against his chest as he whispered, “I like you very much.” 

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“Do you like me enough that you’d be willing to do anything for me?”


Tu Yan drank another half a glass of wine, then said, “I’ll ask you to sign something then, will you sign it or not?” 

Gu Chenbai didn’t say a word, only quietly watching Tu Yan, looking at his blurry eyes, rimmed as red as a peach petal, like a drunk little rabbit. 

“Tu Yan…” Gu Chenbai called his name. 

Tu Yan’s conscious mind had already completely ignored the commands of his brain. He only remembered one thing; he had to let Gu Chenbai sign the divorce agreement. 

Seeing Gu Chenbai hesitating, he immediately panicked. Casting all reason to the winds, he hugged Gu Chenbai’s neck, burying his face into the crook of his neck and said persistently, “No, you have to sign it, you have to sign it, have to sign…” Like a koala, he hooked his legs around Gu Chenbai’s legs and started to climb on him. 

How was Gu Chenbai able to bear this kind of tossing? He supported Tu Yan’s butt and sat on the chair behind him. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Tu Yan straddled Gu Chenbai, then took out a pen and a piece of paper from his arms in a dizzying manner and stuffed them into Gu Chenbai’s hands. 

Gu Chenbai opened the piece of paper, and the first thing he read was the two striking big words “Divorce Agreement”. 

“The duration of the marital relationship is half a year…” 

Tu Yan closed his eyes and sat back on Gu Chenbai’s thighs. 

“During this time, the second party shall not have any transgressive behaviours towards the first party, and shall not make use of pheromones to cause any danger or commit misconduct against the first party…”

Tu Yan hugged Gu Chenbai’s neck tightly, finding a comfortable position to lean on, but then feeling that it’s uncomfortable again, so he reached down and unbuckled Gu Chenbai’s belt. 

“The first party should not be completely marked and must not be compelled to do anything they are not willing to do.” 

Gu Chenbai pressed down on Tu Yan’s little paws, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, he looked at him, “Aren’t you bullying too much?”

How could Tu Yan listen to what he’s saying? He sniffed the cedar fragrance on Gu Chenbai’s collar, his head dipped and he fell asleep.

Gu Chenbai looked at the black words on the paper in his hand, not moving the pen for a long time. 

Just then, Tu Yan’s phone vibrated twice; it was Qi He’s text message, and of course he didn’t have a chance to look at it. 

【Um…I suddenly remembered that I got it mixed up just now, the one with the white star is the soda…】

 【Tu Yan, have you drank it yet?】

  【Are you okay?!】

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