
Chapter 467: The Empire Map

This screech was like the strike of a lightning, the entire universe was quaking. It was as if the earth was at its brink of existence.

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The northern Chu family were all frightened.

They were rushing out to figure out what was happening.

A young man dressed flamboyantly who looked like he was about thirty years old was peering down at them from above.

"Who is this? Is he alright?".

"He's got a problem… looking for trouble around here, reckless.".

"Who gave him the guts to mess with us?".

The younger generation of the Chu family looked excited.


The man above them was a Saint!

The aura he was giving off was like a crushing force on the people's chest.

Aren't these people afraid of death?

Liu Wu Tong was infuriated.

They were like ants to him and yet they dared to talk about him that way standing beneath him?


Liu Wu Tong made his move without hesitation.

He dealt a blow towards the Chu family beneath him!

It was like a dark cloud covering them completely.

A swift cloud of course.

The Chu family disciples were all too slow to react.

Except for Lin Shi.

Lin Shi had appeared. His blow was so strong that many people were pushed down to the ground immediately. But Lin Shi had stood her ground.
Then she was moving.

She was glowing and emitting magical sound waves.

Every interval of the magical notes was accompanied with a powerful magical force, it was digging at Liu's giant palm.

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In the next instance, the giant hand had exploded into pieces.

The strong force was distributed like residual earthquake towards Lin Shi.

Lin Shi was glowing ever brighter than before.

Liu Wu Tong stood flabbergasted in his spot, staring at Lin Shi with disbelief.

"Interesting, interesting indeed! If I'm not wrong, you must be Lin Shi? Didn't realise that you had achieved the level of sainthood already. Seems like our intel is lacking…".

With a relaxed expression, he grinned at her, "You are pretty powerful to be able to absorb the shock of my blow!".

"Who are you? What do you have against our clan?".

"Haha… your clan? Seems like you've lost your virginity, a pity. I don't mind it of course.".

Lin Shi looked insulted.

This man was audacious. He was exuding the aura of a saint, a suffocating strong aura.

The Chu clan was no longer the same small powerless clan as before, but pitting against a saint, the odds were still against them.

Even with Chu Han Zhong and Chu Han Liang… the powerful alchemists.

They wouldn't be of good use against a saint.

Unlike those dying grand tribes. They might still have a couple of ancient saints living amongst them.

The presence of a saint would sway the tides in one's favour.

"Why did you become quiet?".

Liu Wu Tong was examining Lin Shi carefully with patience, he was looking at her with appreciation and mischief.

"Where did Chu Yu go? Has he gone to hide? That coward?".
"If my man was here, you would have been beaten to pulp.".

"Air of defiance huh? I like it. Since Chu Yu has gone to hide, I'll have you first! I shall have my way with you before killing Chu Yu that coward afterwards, hahaha!".

He presented an ancient scroll- the mountainous river map.

What a careful man!

Even with his lustful inclinations, he was wary of Lin Shi's capabilities and was prepared to fight to his maximum capacity.

Few people know that he had been to the Bastion of Stars before!

Even as a lowly practitioner there, he gritted his teeth through all the hardships and persisted.

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The moment the scroll was taken out, countless magical symbols appeared in the virtual space.

When a corner of the scroll was revealed, many magical formations were activated at once!

The entire vault was trembling.

The corner of the scroll was stained blood red and it was giving a menacing vibe.

The ominous red ray was circling Lin Shi.

"You are mine, pretty thing!".

Lin Shi's pure and holy glow was counteracting the red rays.

Liu Wu Tong looked excitedly at her, "A beauty with world class powers, it's a score for me!".

The scroll had quivered and suddenly, a bright blinding ray poured out on Lin Shi!

Lin Shi spat out a mouthful of fresh blood and a glimpse of fear crossed her eyes.

She realized that she had met her match.

The higher the level of cultivation, the clearer the truths of the universe.

Lin Shi was aware that saints were definitely not the ultimate powers of the universe.

There were other factors such as magical objects and tokens!

She wasn't equipped with anything formidable herself and she was at an extreme disadvantage fighting against Liu Wu Tong.

Without stepping down, she was gritting her teeth and standing her ground.

Although she was unfamiliar with this trash, it was clear to her that he was the enemy. She was determined to remain steadfast not surrender herself or the Chu clan.

Ji Yan Zi was hiding herself in the virtual space a distance away. She was observing the situation and racking her brains for a way to defend the Chu family. She wanted Chu Yu to owe her a big favour.

She was extremely displeased with the beautiful lady though, she shall let Liu have her!

The magical formations on earth were activated layers upon layers.

The radiating power that the two were giving off was strong enough to fragment the entire planet!

A battle in the arena of saints, plainly put, a clash of internal energy.

Then secondarily, a battle of the sacred art and magical tokens.

It was a multi-factorial duel.

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"Stop struggling to resist me, I can't bear to kill a beauty like you. Join me and lead a life of comfort!" Liu Wu Tong was laughing hysterically.



Even though Liu Wu Tong was a lustful man, he was far from a gentleman.

He was wary of Lin Shi's powers and hence unlikely to show her any mercy.

The only way to earn her respect would be to defeat her!

He grunted coldly and unveiled another section of the scroll.

An ink black patch appeared on the scroll!

This blackness was like a dark cloud, swallowing the skies into nothingness.

The entire sky was pitch dark!

Next, a strike of lightning was aiming directly at Lin Shi!

The magical notes on Lin Shi was increasing in loudness. Lin Shi had practiced this skill for a long time and she was almost a master at it.

The holy glow was combusting against the dark lightning, she could dissolve most of the blows.

But some of the lightning streaks were still able to reach her.

She was spitting out a large mouthful of fresh blood, she had taken quite a heavy injury.

Liu Wu Tong was chuckling.

Everyone from the Chu clan watching beneath was restrained helplessly.

While these events were taking place, an overwhelming source of energy was awaking from its slumber from the depths of the earth.

The energy blanketed the people of the Chu clan, allowing them to finally take in a deep breath of relief.

The saints were extremely sensitive to the presence of this energy. Liu Wu Tong tried hard to contain his laughter when he sensed the energy, "Who knew that this measly clan would house a treasure beneath them. It is really a lucky day for me today, I am going to get a treasure on top of a beauty!".


A furnace popped out of nowhere and smashed itself against Liu Wu Tong's head.

The flesh of his brain was instantly seeping through the cracks of his skull!

He grew another head in an instant and bellowed with fury, "Who dares to ambush me?".

The mountains had split into half!

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The entire landscape was shifting.

His limit was to unravel the scroll halfway!

But that was enough!

It was enough to suppress a world to the extent of destruction!

Lin Shi's glow was burning brightly but she was evidently falling apart.

A shadow appeared next to her suddenly and took her away.
The furnace had smashed itself against the unraveled scrolled.

Boom boom boom!

The heavens were shattered!

The scroll was buzzing with a loud noise.

The mini universe within the scroll was collapsing.

The scroll was still exuding a terrifying aura.

A flash could be seen. It was the flash of a blade catching light.


Liu Wu Tong's head was sent flying.

His headless torso was running away and the massive scroll had sucked his body into the mini universe within it.



Song Qing and Ming Hui who had rushed here dealt blows to where the scroll should have been. But the scroll had vanished.

"The legendary mountainous river scroll... also know as the empire map…".

Song Qing narrowed his eyes, "Is the heavenly palace… is it finally created in this era?".

Chu Yu had Lin Shi in his arms. She was heavily injured and Chu Yu was red with anger. His was exuding a menacing atmosphere.

Ji Yan Zi was still observing in surprise.

"Ji Feng had deemed this man as a small fry. Why do I beg to differ?".

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