
Chapter 487: The Narrow Road to Revenge

The crystal coffin stopped there as it became a terrifying force

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The little girl lay within, as if she was in a deep slumber.
However, a trial of blood dripped down her lips.
A crazed howl emerged from the depths of the galaxy.
"Why?! Across billions of years, even the coldest ice would get melted by my powers, why is it that I can't devour your techniques?".
"What's going on? Why does a child of the mortal realm possess such great destiny?".
"What is it that is blocking my powers?".
"Why have I not seen it before? There's nothing I can't do!".
"Everything in this world is a chess piece on my chess board!".
"I hold the absolute power! Who dares to trespass it? Who can trespass it?".
"Little child, I will wait till the day I see you, I've waited a billion years, I can wait as long as I want.".
"For it, I can…".
She said that she could wait, but she could not resist making her move, she wanted the three realms technique!
She could see it, but she could not touch it!
She was enraged that Chu Yu could hold it without any trouble- this caused her to disregard everything else.
She knew that her actions might invigorate a violent chain reaction.
If Chu Yu did not possess a sacred destiny, there was no way that he could hold something that she could not.
But she could not help it!
This was a key part of her plans, she had waited for it for a billion years.

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If she couldn't have it, everything else would have been affected.
She did not want that.
With such a powerful technique, one did not need to have anything else!
"What a waste! This is infuriating!".
With that, the crystal coffin disappeared into the broken universe.
She had been in a deep sleep for so many years, and yet, she obtained nothing.
Chu Yu brought the girl in red and followed the galactic road, traversing through several black holes.
He had memorised the route back to earth, it was simple.
The girl in red went along as if she was forced, seldom speaking.
She did ask the same few questions- "Who am I? Where am I from? Where am I going?".
Every single time, Chu Yu would tell her, "Your name is Flower Chu, you come from my home, we are going home so that you can do your job as my feet washer, you'll be happy then!".
She would get into a terrible rage every single time,
Chu Yu walked very quickly, he was in a hurry.
The girl in red's cultivation levels could not be gauged!
Chu Yu was already a Saint, but even with that, he could not outpace her.
Chu Yu had thoughts of leaving her behind, but he thought that it would have been satisfying to have someone like the Butterfly Dance wash his feet.
After all, they were sworn enemies.

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Perhaps the ruby nail belonged to the Butterfly Dance!
Ji Feng and his group escaped from the solar system, they were all scared out of their wits.
Wasn't Yi almost dead?
Didn't slivers of memories vanish very quickly?
Why was he still up and about?
Was it because he had been to the Immortal Realm?
The heavenly palace had waited till this day to show themselves, but the outcome was tragic.
They still could not understand what had happened.
According to the elder's calculations, Yi could not live for more than ten years.
The sliver of memory would dissipate some day.
They were sure that Yi would not intervene this time!
The one who had made that estimation was the greatest elder in the heavenly palace, one of the pioneers!
He had been in his slumber in the depths of the galaxy for many years.
Many of them thought that that Elder had lost himself in the passage of time, and that he was no longer alive.
But those elders of the heavenly palace were certain that this grand elder still lived!
There had to be a way to wake him up.
Ji Feng kneeled in front of a middle-aged man as he raged, "Father, why has it come to this? If it wasn't for Ji Yan Zi…".

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The middle-aged man looked calm.
But Ji Feng was at a loss of words.
The collapse of the heavenly palace had nothing to with Ji Yan Zi, he knew it
Ji Feng was prideful and strong-willed.
There was nothing wrong with that.
The ones to blame were the elders in the heavenly palace, their miscalculations had grave consequences.  
Yi wanted to show that as long as he lived, there was no one who could touch that planet!
They did not expect the Old Ghost to make an appearance as well. If not for him, perhaps they could have taken on Yi.
"That damned Floating City, that damned old ghost, that damned Chu Yu!".
Ji Feng cursed venomously as he retreated from his father's chambers.
In his heart, the one that he hated the most was his sister, Ji Yan Zi.
He was angry that his father did not completely trust him at the start.
If he had the full backing of his father, there would not be the floating city!
Ji Feng felt like these fools could not grasp the main point!
The key was Chu Yu!
As long as Chu Yu died, earth would have been plunged into chaos!
It was a pity… that no one believed him!
But one day… One day, he would get his revenge.
Ji Feng looked on coldly from his battleship as he faced Ji Yan Zi.

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Seeing her brother's expression, she bowed and said, "Greetings brother.".
"You don't need to greet me," said Ji Feng with a smile.
His heart was full of hatred, but this was the core battleship of the heavenly palace.
There were some elders here. 
His every action and every move were within their sights and ears. He had to control himself.
He wanted to leave immediately and get his sister's face out of his sight, but she stopped him.
She said, "I feel that you don't have to hate me, we have to same goals, which is to allow the heavenly palace to prosper, for it to become the ruler of the mortal realm…".
"I don't hate you, you're thinking too much," Ji Feng smiled mockingly.
In his heart, he cursed that b*tch.
"You've lost Elder Wu and Elder Lu, I've lost some of my closest elders as well.".
Ji Xiang Ye was her close friend and confidante, she always had her back.
"They were my relatives!" Ji Feng looked coldly at her.
At that moment, a siren of warning began ringing in the battleship.
There was a projection of the galaxy outside in front of everyone.
Two figures were drifting towards them, one of them was a girl in red, her identity could not be recognised.
Ji Yan Zi and Ji Feng knew who the other was immediately.
The two of them opened their mouths at the same time, "Chu Yu!".

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