
Chapter 503: The Depths of the Mu Planet

Xu Xiao Xian had called herself a demonic woman before, but no one believed that.

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She was gentle, intelligent and understanding, how could she be a demonic woman?
Even the people of the floating city did not believe it.
In reality, she was just that.
Within these few years, Xu Xiao Xian and Lin Shi have conquered and convinced many of the ancient Sects on earth.
Xu Xiao Xian's demonic Sect played a huge part in this.
The amazing thing was that no one else was aware of her power and status!
So, just as the black insects penetrated the Saints, all of the people, including those of the Floating City, looked on in shock.
The insects tunnelled into the bodies of the Saints and devoured their flesh.
It was way too scary!
On the battlefield, death was common, but rarely was there such a gruesome death.
The dissipation of a soul, especially that of a Saint's, gave one a chilly feeling.
This sort of cruel death was even more terrifying.
But it was a feeling of release for the troops from earth as well.
Especially for Yue Yin and her group who had fought valiantly at the frontline of battle 60,000,000 years ago.
Xu Xiao Xian sat in mid-air as she continued her melody.
It was like the song of death.
The little black insects from hell burrowed into the Saints in a frenzy.
Xu Xiao Xian had taken control of the battle.

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Even Yue Yin and her group were following the tempo of her melody at battle.
The Mu Clan's army was in a mess.
The King had brought his most powerful group of Saints to the core of the planet in an attempt to save the ancestors.
When they arrived, they realised that there were powerful forces awaiting them.
The three princes were no idiots, they knew that they would benefit the most from following their father to the core of the planet.
But it was not as safe as they thought!
The armies from earth were far stronger than they expected!
They were collapsing like a mountain.
The demonic and human armies had suffered some losses, but they had achieved stellar results!
The floating city seemed to have conquered the battle field!
Perhaps the Mu Clan stood a chance if they still had a powerful ancestor, but they did not!
All of the powerhouses in the Mu Clan were frightened by the happenings at the core of the planet.
Zhao Man Tian and Demon king Xue began orchestrating the final attack.
"The warriors of the floating city…. We will take down the Mu Clan and conquer their city for three days! Anything that you stumble upon in these three days will be yours! But… no one is allowed to attack our own people, if you do, you will not be spared!".
Boom! A wave of elation erupted from the earthling troops.
A free for all!
This was such a rare opportunity!
It was an opportunity to repay their vengeance, to get what they wanted.
But most of them never experienced the suffering first hand.

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They were only fuelled by the anger of their ancestors, through the stories that they told.
Under normal circumstances, they would not have started a free for all.
But Demon King Xue, Zhao Man Tian, and Old Huang all agreed!
Xu Xiao Xian and Yue Yin did not object either!
They needed to experience this, to experience war and blood!
They needed to toughen their mantle, to train!  
One could only grow through seeing death.
That was the only way one could go on to face any adversity.
When the time came, they needed to give off a killer aura that could scare off anyone.
They could not practice this on earth, but they certainly could on the people of the Mu Clan.
They were ultimately of different races!
The Mu Clan went into a state of panic.
They did not react angrily, nor did they respond by retaliation.
Inversely, their fear and feeling of defeat increased.
They were on the brink of mental collapse!
Utter collapse!
The grand and mighty army of the Mu Clan was being suppressed and beaten by the armies from the floating city!
Their spirit was crushed.

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Under such dire circumstances, even a confident Legendary Emperor could defeat a Saint.
They had lost their will for battle.
Within the Mu planet.
An intense battle was taking place.
Chu Yu was using this chance to train himself!
His familiarity with the three realms technique was heightened via this battle.
Even though it was a highly mysterious technique, it was definitely powerful!
After the technique devoured the Killing Days Heart technique, it morphed it into a new technique- the Three Realms Killing Days Heart Technique.
The Superclass became the three realms superclass.
All of Chu Yu's techniques were morphed and refined.
Chu Yu was not pushing the technique to the limits… the technique was growing with every passing second!
Whether it was the heat or the terrifying pressure from the figure at the inner core of the planet, all of those factors gave the people here a huge amount of pressure.
But they had no fear, they had no thoughts of retreating.
Not only that, everything that was happening above the atmosphere was going in their favour!
When Ming Hui heard of Demon King Xue and the rest declaring the ravaging of the city, he had some sentiments of disagreement- he felt that a free for all was too cruel.
Even if the opponent had Sin, there were bound to be innocent ones on the planet.
But he was too lazy to give a damn.
With his divine sense, he could sense that there were people on the Mu Planet killing among themselves…
Chaos had arisen, they had not surrendered, but there was already internal strife.

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This clan was a disgrace.
Chu Yu and his group had reached the depths of the Mu planet's core.
The ancient figure continued emanating a horrifying energy, it was so powerful that it affected the magnetic field here.
Chu Yu looked at Lin Shi and said, "Shi Shi, you leave too, go over to Xiao Xian.".
She bit her lips- she wanted to stay with Chu Yu.
When the battle had just started, Chu Yu had asked her to go over to Xiao Xian as well, but she rejected.
Now that they were here, the figure with the horrifying aura was so powerful that it began affecting Lin Shi's mental realm.
If not for Chu Yu's energy protecting her, the influence would have been much greater.
Black Dragon and Qu Ni were unaffected, they were powerful ancient Saints indeed.
Ming Hui was unaffected as well.
Following this, a ray of rainbow flew over.
On it was a figure with a brush and an ink holder. He dabbed the brush in the ink as he drew a character in the air- 'death'.
He huffed as he fired the word at the figure.
It was Song Qing!
He shouted, "Stay away, I'm gonna kill him!".
Chu Yu and the rest could feel the intense pressure and powerful laws of the character, they retreated.
In an instant, the word smashed against the inner core of the Mu planet.
A terrifying explosion erupted.

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