
Chapter 509: A Thorn

The Floating city had finally made something of itself since the day it floated around the perimeters of Earth.

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Its image was no longer held up by Chu Yu single handedly.

This elder's face looked flustered and awkward, he hurriedly explained, "I am just striking a personal conversation your highness, I have no further intentions…".

Who could be patronized that easily?

The people around Chu Yu didn't care for the elder's difficulties or reasons.

They knew for a fact that the two sects had refused to come out and meet the rest.

Taiji and Limitless sects seemed to be waiting for something.

The Floating city had gained a new set of confidence and dominance.

Not blind arrogance but courage to fight for what they stood for! They were less concerned about the pressurizing forces surrounding them now, including the two ancient sects.

They were like a fallen phoenix and now they regained their former glory again. It had taken them time and effort no doubt.

Here they stood at the center of the stage again. The people were also proud to see the transformation of their city to become the spotlight of the galaxy.

When the seal was broken, and the cultivation civilization reactivated, numerous people were ecstatic.

But they were frightened after receiving more news.

Turns out… our home had been invaded by aliens millions of years ago; our ancestors had sacrificed themselves for our home; turns out… there were factual origins of many legends we commonly knew.

Our ancestors had given up their future for ours. What were we going to do today?

Who else was going to defend and protect us?

To act as our shield and protector?

As the people's fears climbed and increased from day to day, a young man from the China appeared before them.

He had been raised in tough circumstances and harsh conditions and he wasn't enough to convince the people.
After so many years, that young man had grown and lost his childlike demeanor.

He had matured into a reliable man.

Although he kept his physical appearance, his walk and talk was completely different.

Even Chu Yu's classmates found it hard to believe that this was their introverted classmate back in the days.

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Chu Yu was distributing the various magical objects he found in the Mu planet to the rest of the people.

He was also passing on legacy techniques.

Majority of the people in the Floating city were descendants of earthlings.

So, the entire affair was some sort of a homecoming for them.

There were really so many tokens hidden in that palace Chu Yu had looted. It was a bountiful victory for them.

Every single one of them were of premium quality!

The traitors in the olden times had raided and looted various treasures for themselves.

All their collections had ended up in the hands of Chu Yu to build up his arsenal against foreign invaders.

Circle of life huh.

Many of the ancient sects and clans from Earth declared their allegiance to the great cause of defending their home.

Some of them were sincere, some of them were not.

Some of them had only expressed their inclinations so that they could get a share of Chu Yu's treasures.

Chu Yu didn't have to worry about telling them apart himself.

Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian were enough to handle the situation.

Especially Xu Xiao Xian, she had sharp instincts and knowing eyes. It was impossible to pull a good act in front of her, she would see right through it. Anyone who tried to plot schemes before her would end up in a sorry state.

Of course, she knew her position. She didn't go overboard with her judgment and punishments.

Chu Yu had set his eyes upon the entire solar system.

Earth was a safe haven, a big family to him.

He knew that some people were good, and some people were bad. But even the bad ones, he treated them as family.

There were also shameless ones.

One of the ancient sects came forward and requested Chu Yu to return magical tokens belonging to their old ancestors.

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"Even the Emperor had to be reasonable, right? There are rules in the world of cultivation… it's not a matter of who's boss when who's more powerful, right?"

They were represented by a man dressed flamboyantly accompanied by bewitching women.

He hollered haughtily with his legs crossed in one of the guest rooms in the reception area in front of Chu Yu's brother, Chu Liang.

Chu Liang had a respectable position in the Floating city and these kinds of trivial affairs were long out of his job scopes.

But he had decided to take on his requests out of convenience anyways.

The conceited mannerisms of the young man had surprised Chu Liang.

He remarked to himself, "There are really all kinds of people out there, even impetuous ones.".

He hid his cringing with his nonchalant expression, "What sect are you from? Where did you hear that we have your inheritance?".

This was a fetching young man, he had clear features and clear complexion. If he could contain his arrogance, he might be a likable character. His accompanying ladies were much more down to earth than he was.

Chu Liang could sense the girls' nervousness. They were avoiding eye contact with him.

"You running a background check? Tell Chu Yu to come! Why… is he too prestigious to see me? His status too noble? To tell you the truth, Chu Yu was still a worthless piece of garbage when I had left the sect!" the young man spat venomously at Chu Liang.

Chu Liang furrowed his eyebrows and doubt was rising in his mind.

Was this guy purposely looking for trouble?

Even the Taiji and Limitless sects were cautious about Chu Yu's attitude and sent someone to test the waters.

How could there be anyone so reckless and foolish? He dared call Chu Yu garbage in front of the whole Floating city?

But this young man's eyes were unclouded the entire time he spouted travesty. He didn't strike Chu Liang as a dumb folk.

Even the two women were giving it up.

The guy… was putting on an act!

The two girls were obviously out of the loop, they were probably tricked into accompanying this man here.

So… what was his motive?

Just to meet my brother?

What did he want after meeting him?

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Chu Liang was a sensible, level-headed man.

And he had a good perspective of the bigger picture!

He considered every facet of every problem.

When he sensed something fishy with this man, he didn't expose him immediately. Nor did he try to telepathically contact anyone else.

He knew that his brother had enemies.

The passage into the solar system was free and easy nowadays.

Could this man be from Pluto?

What was his name again?

The great saint of the galaxy… aha, Zhou Xu right!

Chu Liang was postulating quickly in his head.

He steeled his gaze.
Chu Liang had accumulated wisdom from his experiences over the years.

Even his cultivation level was raised by the pill to the Divine Lord state.

It was only a matter of time before he reached the Legendary Emperor Realm.

Chu Liang's powers could easily overcome an ordinary man.

Not many young practitioners nowadays could reach the level of Divine Lord.

They were hard to come by!

Even with the increasing speed the world was evolving and awakening, it would take geniuses to reach these kind of cultivation levels so quickly.

And not many people had the access to pills like he did.

Chu Liang activated his aura and suppressed the two girls. They were immediately short of breath and were having difficulty breathing.

The young man's face had changed the moment Chu Liang used his powers on him but he managed to grit down his teeth and put on a false front. "So what, now you don't even allow me to speak anymore? Has Chu Yu become a tyrant the moment he's tasted some power?"

Chu Liang held off his advances. He was taken aback by this young man.

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He was so hard to read!

As Chu Yu's brother, how was it that he didn't have a single magical token on him?

He hadn't really thought that he would be fighting on an ordinary day so he was only geared with armor.

But this armor could hold off a saint's attack for at least an hour.

Chu Yu's alchemy prowess had grown over the years as well. Although his pills were ugly as usual, they were extremely effective!

Chu Liang was a walking pharmacy with many pills in his pockets.

It would be difficult for someone to ambush him and kill him.

Chu Liang knew that well, "Interesting… I don't know how you snuck onto Earth and that was a good act but you let me see through your pretense.".

The young man broke into a chuckle, "I didn't realize that the Floating city was a place fishing for fame. You guys are true tyrants. Whatever… I'll take my leave myself without having you humiliate me!".

With that, he took to his heel without even considering his company.

It was pretty clear cut!

The two girls were surprised before breaking into a terrified expression.

Chu Liang smiled gently at them, "It's ok, don't worry, I know that you…".


The two girls had activated their powers!

And they were radiating strong auras of saint energy!

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