
Chapter 519: The Era of Recovery

"I am a Saint, you can't shame me! Kill me if you want!" the torn shrieks of Tong Feng's soul howled at Chu Yu.

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"Saint? You regard yourself as a Saint? Do you have power or morals?".
Chu Yu continued his berating, "You're a coward and you're selfish, you're the scum of the earth!".
"You can kill me, but you can't shame me!" Tong Feng echoed.
"Don't glorify yourself.".
Chu Yu looked at him coldly, "I didn't quite understand before, but now that I've seen shit like the Taiji Sect and the Limitless Sect, I know what true Saints are made of.".
He continued, "Do you understand now? You dare call yourself a Saint?".
Chu Yu spat distastefully at Tong Feng's soul.
"You're finding trouble unfairly with us! You will suffer a horrible fate!" Tong Feng was going crazy.
"Cultivators…" Chu Yu gave a mocking expression.
He thought to himself: There were grand and mighty beings such as Yi who were willing to sacrifice themselves for their home… They were deserving of respect! On the other hand, the Saints of the Taiji and Limitless Sects were a bunch of selfish cowards.
No matter how powerful they were, they would never change.
Chu Yu passed the skewered Saints' souls to Xu Xiao Xian and asked, "How are you?".
She was a little pale, but she managed a smile, "I'm alright, I just need some time to rest.".
As she said this, she looked at the souls and smiled.
"Kill me!" Tong Feng yelled, he had no power to do anything.
Xu Xiao Xian sighed as she took out her heavenly demonic harp, after a series of melodies, the souls dissipated and vanished.
They crumbled into spiritual energy, the basic form of life.

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Chu Yu looked at her with some surprise.
She said softly, "If I was still that demonic witch, I would probably devour their souls and grate them into power. But now… as a protector of the floating city, and as your…".
"Woman!" Chu Yu helped her finish.
The Taiji and Limitless Sects were battered.
The entire earth was more at peace.
The outliers were silenced, for now at least.
This was good news.
However, when they returned to the floating city, Chu Yu received a piece of not-so-good news.
Ming Hui and Ming Yu You were leaving.
"Why all of a sudden?" Chu Yu asked, a little upset.
Throughout these years, Ming Hui had become a pillar of the floating city.
With him here, Chu Yu was much more relieved.
Even though Ming Yu You was not a Saint yet, she was reaching there.
She had chosen a arduous path as well.
"We were supposed to head back long ago, I only wanted to show this girl the world and let her grow. I never expected so many things would happen," Ming Hui sighed.
He admired Chu Yu!
He had watched him grow and mature, but he was still untainted.

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"The solar system will only become better with you around.".
Ming Hui smiled at Chu Yu and continued, "I've visited a few elders from the other planets, some of them are my old acquaintances. Do not worry, they will definitely side with you, they won't just stand at the side.".
Chu Yu nodded his head, he knew that most of the other beings in the solar system had offered their assistance.
Chu Yu asked softly, "Would you still come back then?".
Ming Yu You replied, "We definitely will! In fact, we're only going back to…".
Before continuing, she looked at Ming Hui.
He smiled and said, "There you go with your mouth again little brat!".
He looked at Chu Yu and said, "We're going back to bring our clan over, we're also gathering the many fragmented clans around the other galaxies that have wandered off. It's about time they all return home!".
Chu Yu's eyes glimmered in response, "Really?".
Ming Yu You smiled sweetly, "Of course it's true! I still have many friends and family there, we'll all join forces then!".
"That's great then!" Chu Yu said with elation.
The battle that was coming was going to be unimaginably tough.
The destruction of the Mirror Dimension would not have sat well with some.
Soon, many powerful cultivators might come after them.
Their enemies might band together against them as well! Although Chu Yu did not think it was really possible.
The other possibility was that they would come one after the other!
They would use their powers to attempt to make a claim for the solar system!

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There were many ways of invasion, war was just one of the poorer forms.
Schemes and tactics were commonplace.
If the attackers possessed superior intelligence, they would definitely have used the latter.
No matter what, Chu Yu was not going to let them have their way.
He would fight till the end.
After sending Ming Hui and Ming Yu You off, he went into seclusion again.
The influences of this battle were unprecedented!
After he went into seclusion, many of the ancient ancestors from the other planets visited earth.
Their first stop would naturally be the floating city.
Seeing that Chu Yu was not available, they all wished him well.
There were a few who were there for diplomatic purposes…
The other planets and elders had begun sending people to the floating city, all of them were their young blood!
Many of them did not understand, they thought that they were at the floating city just to fight against the invaders.
It was only then that those who knew the truth divulged it.
"Do you think we call the Son of the Emperor by his title for fun? Do you know how many treasures he has? Of course I would want a part of that!".
News soon leaked out.
"Being a true lord is only a precursor to your greatness at the floating city!".

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Many of the camps of the ancient Sects suddenly lost half of their members within a few days.
Those who were left behind could only weep and bemoan their predicament.
However, they were lectured by their seniors.
"Stop being so dramatic, they might grow even faster at the floating city.".
These ancient Sects finally realised that their disciples and child of Saints had a change of heart!
This era was now known as the era of recovery!
The era of recovery after the era of sealing.
The Chinese media had already set itself up above the floating city.
Any one of the lectures in the floating city contained valuable information to anyone!
A junior of Chu Yu's recently picked up cultivation immediately shot up to the level of the King's Realm. Three months later, she had already become a true lord!
This progression led to the envy of many, even if the level of cultivation was not high!
Through this incident, many of Chu Yu's classmates back then began going into cultivation. They all wanted to join him at the floating city.
Everything was progressing well.
Humans were the most advanced beings, they were the hope for their own kind.
No one knew what tomorrow would bring nor what accidents could happen, but as long as they lived, there was hope for the future.
The era of recovery, the gathering storm. This highly digitalised age has gone through chaos, but now, things were about to change for the better.

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