
Chapter 521: Understanding

Ming Hui went silent for a moment before he nodded and said, "I know.".

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Chu Yu went silent as well.
Ming Hui did not continue, which meant that he had his own difficulties.
Chu Yu was a little surprised, could they be allies of Ming Hui?
After a short silence, Ming Hui gave a wry smile, "Among that group, a few of them are the descendants of my good friends. They look like copies of my friends…".
The power of the legacy was immaculate.
"Then they have returned to…" Chu Yu looked at Ming Hui.
Ming Hui sighed, "They have returned with good intentions, but they have grudges that they need to resolve as well.".
"What do you mean?" Chu Yu asked.
Ming Hui sighed.
Yue Yin took over and said, "Their ancestors were all forced away from earth.".
Chu Yu frowned, he did not quite understand this.
Yue Yin said, "In the great battle long ago, many grudges were borne outside of the war.".
Chu Yu finally understood now.
The ancestors of these people had once fought for the solar system, they bled for this world and sacrificed for them.

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But after the war, many internal problems emerged.
It was hard to attribute the blame, but they all sealed up their Daoist fields and left in anger, never to return again.
Yue Yin said, "Their elders and ancestors all fought alongside the others unlike the Saints of the Taiji and Limitless Sects. However, due to some differences in idealogy, they were forced to leave.".
Chu Yu nodded his head.
Ming Hui and the rest probably had known each other for a long time!
Some things were better left unsaid.
Yue Yin and had once said that the Ming Clan's departure back in the day had something to do with this as well.
The elders of these people were still alive, most of them were at the Bastion of Stars.
This was why Ming Hui was reluctant to divulge any more information.
"You should know many things already. Do you remember the time when I brought you to the outskirts of the Bastion of Stars?" Song Qing asked Chu Yu.
Chu Yu nodded, how could he forget?
"The Bastion of Stars is the space between the Mortal Realm and the previous Immortal Realm! The outskirts… its another world, the Bastion of Stars is a dimension itself!".
"The grudges back then were complicated. But the powerful beings back then in the Bastion of Stars now… They should be far beyond the Saint realm," Ming Hui added.
Chu Yu was a little surprised by this revelation.
"Wasn't the Bastion of Stars always the barrier to the solar system? Isn't that why the powerful beings are there?" Chu Yu asked.

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"You are not wrong, that is indeed true. But that's just the secondary battle. The main battle is between the Mortal Realm and the Immortal Realm!" Ming Hui revealed.
He looked at Chu Yu, "The primary battle is at the village of Dao, also known as the Solar system.".
Song Qing explained, "At the Bastion of Star's one's cultivation is not limited, because it's not part of the Mortal Realm, but it's not part of the Immortal Realm either. That is why all cultivators go there, but it's far too brutal! Saints fall like leaves over there.".
"Unlimited cultivation… One can ascend beyond Sainthood?!" Chu Yu exclaimed.
"But, once they leave the Bastion of Stars and return to the Mortal Realm, they will be supressed by the laws here and return to the Saint realm. Back then… I was there too, I reached that level too. But once I returned, everything was robbed away, including the enlightenment that I got… I can't remember anything," Yue Yin said.
Chu Yu took a deep breath, he finally understood why no one returned from the Bastion of Stars.
"The true ultimate beings are all there, but because of the village of Dao and the other beings of the universe, a war broke out there. Similarly, they were all chased back if they failed to reach the Immortal Realm. Ever since the collapse of the three realms from the previous era… everything has become so dangerous," Ming Hui added.
Chu Yu said, "Naturally, the Immortals would not let anyone enter their Realm easily.".
Ming Hui nodded, "It's not just this, another reason is that the one who destroyed their world… was the great yellow emperor from our realm.".
Chu Yu asked, "Didn't you say that none of the beings on earth managed to go there?".
"You know about this?" Yue Yin reacted with surprised.
She smiled, "There has always been this saying. But no one has known the truth.".
Song Qing nodded, "It could be anyone that has crossed over, none of us will ever know due to reincarnation. No one even knows if it's possible to cross over.".
"Your knowledge is enough, do all the Saints of the previous era know this?" Chu Yu asked.

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Song Qing nodded, "Only a fraction of us do, only those who have constantly looked for the answer.".
Yue Yin looked at Chu Yu, "Those from the Bastion of Stars will lose their memories if they come back, I've only managed to get some fragments of them back after all these years.".
Chu Yu sat there solemnly as he said, "There were many great beings in the previous era other than the Emperor right? Like the Monkey, Yi, Buddha?".
Song Qing, Ming Hui and Yue Yin nodded their heads in unison.
Yue Yin added, "The great Emperor was the pillar of the mortal realm, he built the heavenly courts and wanted to use the Cauldron to combine the three Realms- he wanted to be the one true king! When he failed, the heavenly courts fell, the Cauldrons were split and the three Realms plunged into chaos.".
She continued, "The superior beings then were far too many! Many of them were under the guidance of the buddha but could not achieve nirvana. Many of the other beings had many disciples as well. This was why they slowly faded into legend.".
She looked at Chu Yu and said softly, "Think about it, with so many outstanding people, how could talent be just limited to our planet? Their greatness spanned across the universe!".
Ming Yu You looked on in awe, her elder Ming Hui had never told her anything about this.
But she couldn't help but say, "We seem to have strayed off topic…".
Ming Hui laughed and said, "No we haven't, we're just describing the previous generation of cultivators and how great they were. Now that our era is here, war has torn us all apart, if only there were around, things would not be so chaotic.".
"Where did they all go to then?" Ming Yu You asked.
"No one knows, perhaps they are in some hidden place. Some of them still have preserved slivers of memory, some are traceless. Perhaps they managed to escape the three realms and are beyond the five elements," Ming Hui guessed.
Ming Yu You said, "They've entered a higher plane of existence?".
"Perhaps," Ming Hui replied.
The Bastion of Stars endured the grudges between the Immortal Realm and the Mortal Realm, who would have thought that it had to carry the burden of the solar system's internal conflicts as well?

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This was a land of chaos indeed.
"Does Elder Yi know about all these?" Old Huang asked.
"He does, but he did not like to speak about it… perhaps he had his own limitations as well. In fact, all that I've said, all that we've discussed, they're all taboo," Ming Hui answered.
Chu Yu looked at him, "This group of young people with the blood of the village of Dao are related to the taboo?".
Ming Hui nodded.
He explained, "They've each come from an ancestor that was highly regarded in the previous era. Those who forced their ancestors away were highly regarded as well. So, their identities are very sensitive. This was why we haven't made our move yet.".
"What should we do then?" Chu Yu asked.
Ming Hui looked at him and smiled, "That, you have to ask yourself. It's not convenient for us, the elders, to take action. But for you it's different!".
Yue Yin looked at Chu Yu, "You're young, you belong in the same generation as them.".
Chu Yu understood now, he nodded his head.
He immediately turned away to leave.
Ming Yu You looked at Ming Hui with a puzzled expression and asked, "Elder, why do I not understand?".


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