
Chapter 524: A Killer Formation

Everyone's eyes fell upon Chu Yu.

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The magical formations of the solar system lit up as the light fell upon Chu Yu's body.
It made him look like a divine being!
Those whose cultivation levels were not at the level of Sainthood could not help but feel a certain reverence.
How could this young man be this powerful?
This was the overarching sentiment of many of the older generation.
Fearsome combat prowess, immense experience in battle, terrifying power.
None of the 12 outsiders were weak!
Some of them even suspected that these 12 had gone to the Bastion of Stars!
Their knowledge of battle, techniques and experiences were all great.
It did not seem like something that could be born out of random training.
"Indeed… The title of the Son of the Emperor comes with reason…" a creature in red on another planet muttered.
The human cultivator beside him nodded, "The earth as been sealed for so long, their unsealing was bound to have produced a talent.".
Within the stars, the young man who was beaten by Chu Yu had a pale face.
He looked at him with eyes of disbelief.
The other 11 gathered around him.
"What's the matter? Are you okay?".
"Did something happen?".
"Are the injuries severe?".
The young man simply shook his head, he did not speak.
At that moment, a large man in black armor stood up and brandished two crimson blades, howling and charging at Chu Yu.
"Let me see what you've got!".
A crazed divine sense filled the void.

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It was as if all of the beings in the solar system could hear him.
He swung his blades at Chu Yu.
The two blades formed two crimson rays of light, which were sent flying into the distance!
It seemed to cut through everything!
Chu Yu unleashed his two blades as he parried the rays of light.
A brilliant explosion erupted in the galaxy.
The light given off was even more intense than the light from the sun!
Normal people could not look at it in the eye!
They would have been blinded!
The burly man's black armor disintegrated and flew in all directions.
He spat out a mouthful of blood.
"That's good! Come again!" he shouted.
He picked up his two blades and rushed at Chu Yu again, using his divine sense, he echoed, "Do you dare to fight me?".
"Why would I not?" Chu Yu brushed him off coldly as he charged forward empty-handed.
The blades of the burly man clashed with his fists.
"How insolent!" the burly man shouted.
His blades were made of the finest crimson divine gold in the universe.
How dare Chu Yu come at him head on?
Within the galaxy, a terrifying sound resounded!
It was as if two planets had collided.
Space and time were penetrated completely.
The glow of the magical formations became even brighter!

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The beings all around all felt a tremor.
Without the magical formations, it would have been more than just a tremor.
"My blades!" an enraged howl could be heard.
Everything had happened too quickly.
Following that, scarlet fragments could be seen shooting out from the explosion.
Some of them rebounded against the magical formations and erupted into crimson fireworks.
It was like fresh blood!
The burly man retreated from the site of explosion with a face of disappointment.
After the dust settled, Chu Yu's body could be seen.
He stood there calmly.
There were some traces of red on his fists, and they were trembling slightly.
Chu Yu let out a long breath as he looked coldly at the burly man.
Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!
This time, there were three of them who charged at Chu Yu!
Two men and one woman!
One of the men had a bunch of sprouts in his hands.
It shook with the wind as it brushed past Chu Yu.
The green sprouts gave off a green light as strange features appeared in the space!
It was as if a new dimension had appeared!
Green and lush!
Ancient wood filled the space and emanated a thick life force!

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Even the planets far away could feel the life force.
On Jupiter, an elder opened his eyes, "The tree of life? It finally appears?".
His face grew serious, "This isn't good, Chu Yu is in danger!".
A look of shock appeared on many of the elder's faces.
Over at the floating city, Ming Hui, Song Qing, Yue Yin and the rest all had grim expressions.
The green light was way too fast!
It was faster than the speed of light!
In a flash, it was right in front of Chu Yu.
Chu Yu could feel an incredible killer intent from all directions!
The other two people charging at him also held powerful magical equipment.
They did not attack him, they only set up trapping formations around him.
The thick energy was way too terrifying!
This tree was not just any magical equipment, it was an object that held supreme power.
The life force surrounded Chu Yu and drowned him.
Anyone could tell that he was in a dire position!
The people on earth were all shocked, they could not watch Chu Yu die like this!
There were some who harboured much more sinister thoughts.
Chu Yu had one of the nine cauldrons, that was a well known fact.
Once something happened to him, the Cauldron was up for grabs.
How could anyone not be tempted?
At that moment, the other 9 young people all unleashed their malicious intentions.
Chu Yu's vertical eye opened at that moment and formed a black hole, sucking in all of the energy and life force.
But he still looked like he was in danger!

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Cracks and wounds began appearing on his dashing face like a porcelain vase!
He looked like he was in pain.
"Kill him!".
"Destroy him!".
One of the 12 shouted.
Their intentions had been fully exposed.
They had the blood of the earth flowing in their veins, but their hearts had long shifted their allegiances.
They only returned to grab the Daoist fields and treasures that remained.
Their other goal was to kill Chu Yu! To steal his cauldron! 
Before they came, their ancestors had all said that they could do whatever they wanted!
If Yi made his face, there would be someone there to stop him!
Under those circumstances, how could they not be brimming with confidence?
They hid their intentions and did not reveal their plan until the last second, when Chu Yu was trapped within their trapping formations, only when Chu Yu had beaten two of their people.
Apart from the wielder of the tree of life, the other 11 began laying down several magical formations, blocking everyone else off!
No matter what their goal was, there could be no allowance for accidents.  
The scars and wounds on Chu Yu's body aggravated as blood began flowing out, staining his robes.
Xu Xiao Xian and Lin Shi were going insane as they began their assault on the magical formations.
Ming Hui, Song Qing and the rest could not hold back either.
But the magical formations were complete, it was virtually impossible to destroy them.
Even if the ancient ancestors made their move, it was impossible to break through them within a short span of time!
"You bunch of imbeciles!" Da Jia Zei shouted with fiery rage.

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