
Chapter 526: Enjoy Our Hospitality

The sword qi was domineering, it had created a trench in the galaxy.

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It was deflecting the light from various stars as it cast a shimmering allure upon the surroundings.

It was magnificent!

If the sword was like the heavenly light, Chu Yu was like a legendary dragon.

He coursed beautifully through the virtual space with finesse as he circled around like a… graceful dragon!

The emotionless face of the magical statue finally cracked.

He let slip a trace of, fear.

"What is this?"

He opened his mouth slowly, his eyes were filled with disbelief.

The moment the sword was about to land on him, he still didn't put up a fight. Instead, he had his two fingers put together, calculating and practicing foreplay!


When the light of the sword entered his body, he spat out a large amount of energy filled blood.

The next moment, his head was taken off his body!

"What a vicious sword!"

His last words were left hanging in the air.

Then his body shattered into pieces!

He was taken apart by the cultivation powers encompassed in Chu Yu's blow!

It was scary!

Would this count as a fall of a titan?

All eyes were on Chu Yu now.

Gazes filled with disbelief, glee or terror.

The entire solar system was taken aback!
A formidable spirit at the level of a Great Saint, so powerful he managed to avert the laws of the heaven and earth, stepping foot into the mortal realm again.

A perfected state of being, greedy for Chu Yu's accumulated luck and energy.

And then killed in one move!

The twelve mighty magical statues, alike to the twelve apostles, one of them was dead!

It was juicy, breaking news.

Further away, Ming Hui was smiling amidst tears.

The old saint was behaving like an excited child.

"Good kill! They aren't human anymore! Kill them all, extinguish them."

The old priest from Neptune chuckled, "A sneaky bunch of robbers trying to steal the former Emperor's energy all for themselves, whatever happened to ethics and morals? Even the heavenly emperor had fallen, who did they think they were? It's their turn now! They thought they could reach the pinnacle of their existence? Fat hope!".

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His snide remarks were brutally straightforward.

The remaining eleven statues made the same decision all at once.

They were charging at Chu Yu together.

"Shameless scum!" the red-caped alien from Uranus was spitting in despise, he fished out a snakelike spirit.

It was a hundred kilometers long!

Its scales were glimmering in pearlescent green, sparkling at it catches light at every facet.

It was like a beautiful green valley adorned with precious jewels.

Parked across the virtual space, it was banging down the formation that the eleven men conjured.

The practitioner beside the alien acted as well, he raised his palm and swung it towards the formation.

Then, more spirits from Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Mercury acted as well!

At the same time!

Of course, there were Earthlings amidst them as well.

The eleven young saints guarding the formation were spitting blood as they took the blows.

The formation they had set up completely disintegrated!

It was like a landslide as the cultivation symbols slid down the virtual plane into nothingness.

Fatty crawled out from the debris holding onto the Fu Xi Trigram Compass as he muttered to himself incessantly.

"Damn them, the formation was so hard to crack…"

After having a moment with himself, he suddenly remembered that he was not alone.

He looked up to eleven pairs of glares all focused on him.


Fatty hurried away shamelessly.

He was even faster than Chu Yu as he ran away.

"What? You little bastards, I can't reprimand you guy at all? At least my chicks are from the solar system, who are you guys to judge me? You are all impure breeds! F*ck!"

He remarked crudely as he sped on.

Boom boom boom!

The eleven practitioners began dealing blows to the fatty, they were after his life.

At the same time, Chu Yu was handling the magical statues.

He ran towards them fearlessly.

All the practitioners on his back up charged in as the formation broke down.

They were taking care of the eleven young saints for him.

Fatty managed to make it out alive, it was a close shave for him.

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He face was pale and stricken.

Casarina and Lily appeared beside him on his left and right and said in unison, "No spouting nonsense in the future!".
Fatty nodded his head frantically like a woodpecker as he tried to defend himself, "They are animals and they deserve to die!".

The young saints were powerful, all eleven of them.

Although they can't be described as impeccable, they were obviously more refined than a common saint.

But no matter what, they were outnumbered.

Overwhelmingly outnumbered.

They were being trashed!

It was a war!

A battle with uneven odds as they were trampled over by a large number of practitioners supporting Chu Yu.

They weren't bothered about equality when they suppressed a single man as a group.

It was karma and retribution.

Although they were all carrying ancient sacred amulets that granted them regeneration powers, it was useless against the colossal of damages they were taking on!

Every time they regenerated they were beaten to pulp.

They were torn into pieces in less than a minute.

Soon, they were history.

History to be forgotten.

All the young practitioners were dead! All twelve of them.

The eleven magical statues left were extremely frustrated. These were they promising young descendants.

Juniors that were made to carry on their legacy.

They trained hard at the Bastion of Stars to live up to their names, they had a glorious future ahead of them.

Now, they were all dead.

All their hopes were dashed.

And they have threatened themselves!

They couldn't activate their powers of the Great Saint as they were repressed by the laws of the universe.

After all, they were only in the form of a mental will, they could only exist as a magical statue.

They were rather helpless against Chu Yu.

He was a freak!

They simmered in anguish as Chu Yu exterminated them one by one.

"You bunch of oafs, you think you can lure Yi out like this? Over my dead body! You're not even my match!"

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Chu Yu taunted them.

His cold resolve was driving the statues mad.

Blow after blow, he was masterfully utilizing his swords.

His might could envelop the entire universe!

By now, everyone had retreated as Chu Yu fought the statues.

Respect and awe had replaced their shock.

They had never witnessed anything like him, anything as amazing as him.

He would be a spectacle even in the previous era.

No one could match him in this era!

He was at the pinnacle of all living spirits!

All hail the Emperor!

Chu Yu had just absorbed all the vitality from the Tree of Life, energy was coursing through his veins like a rapid river.

No way he was going to lose to the statues.

In terms of cultivation, the Three Realms technique had greatly elevated his standing in the saint realm, he could dominate these bunch of fools.
Even if they were from the Bastion of Stars, even if they were the equivalents of a Great Saint.

The eleven statues were seething in hate!

Even drop of blood they shed, they were losing their accumulated powers over the years.

The more they lose, the weaker they get.

They paid a hefty price to retain the realizations of a great saint after leaving the Bastion of Stars.

They thought they could set up a trap to get Chu Yu.

And steal all that he was and he had.

They thought Yi would intervene halfway, and they could ambush him as well!

Afterward, the entire Village of Dao would be theirs to pillage and rape!

It was an idealistic plan but the realities were much less straightforward than they thought.

The conditions were harsh, they found it hard to come to terms with this truth.

They knew that they had messed up this time, it was no worth coming down here at all!

Chu Yu didn't want to spare them with a quick death, they deserved much worse.

He had been trying to force out the traitors in the solar system, little did he expect these old bandits.

They were like butchers slaughtering his good fine warriors from the City of Skies.

Cold blooded murderer!

It was intolerable.

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He channeled all his strength and fought to his best ability!

So what if they were elders?

So what if they used to be respectable figures?

He was going to exterminate them all!

Clear the world of evil and dirt.


He slashed his sword.

Reinforced with the Three Realms technique, his slashes could cleanly take their heads off.

Blood carrying Daoist energy was gushing out, a long coursing river of red was formed in the virtual space.

That was the second statue he had taken down!

The universe was trembling and the skies were filled with wondrous sights.

It was a marvelous spectacle of weather occurrences.

It almost resembled those of the stone ages!

It was a glorious array of lights, ray, and beams.

What a time to be alive!

"This can't be right!"

The fallen statue cried out in desperation, just before he was completely vanquished, he yelled, "Chu Yu child… I will personally take you down if you ever step foot in the Bastion of Stars!".

Chu Yu dislocated the shoulder of another statue, "The day I step foot into the Bastion of Stars would be the day I attain Great Sainthood. By then, I might be the one taking YOU down!".


That statue was completely vanquished.

Another slash from Chu Yu.

The Three Realms technique was scary.

It held no qualms against these ancient beings.

Chu Yu had a feeling that he could even take down a real Great Saint right now.

He shook off that dangerous reckless thought.

He must be dreaming.
A Great Saint encompassed a great deal of hard work and deep wisdom, he'll be lucky to be able to escape the clutches of a true Great Saint!

No need to be impatient.

Chu Yu was dancing around with his swords.

With a light laughter, he teased, "Do stay my guests, enjoy our hospitality here!".

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