
Chapter 542: That Era

"Can I ask, what day is it now?" Xu Xiao Xian asked.

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The little girl's eyes were welling with tears, "What a stupid sister, it Is the age of Great Emperor, year 7936!".


Chu Yu and the rest were stupefied.

This city wasn't from this era!

It was from the previous era!

The Great Emperor Age!

That great emperor that created that Heavenly Palace!

This bunch of people was a group of ancient people!

It was earth-shattering.

There was a disjoint between the two eras.

Everyone was confused.

Even Yi, the Monkey, and Chi You won't be able to give a full recount of the years that passed by between the old and new era.

Few people could even pinpoint the start of this era.

According to the oldest scriptures, the earliest record dated to a million years ago.

As for the previous era, was it a billion years ago, ten billion years ago or billions of years ago, no one had an answer.

Great Emperor year 7936.

What happened in that year?

Chu Yu looked at the elder and asked earnestly, "Could I speak with you privately, sir?".

"There's nothing to say, leave quickly, you are lucky people," his face looked grim.

There were many people who were walking towards the door, but no one dared to step out.

That drunk bloke had given them plenty reasons to be scared.

"Old senior, do you know what year it is now?" Xu Xiao Xian asked cheekily.

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The elder looked like he was struggling before sighing, "Tell me, how many years had it been?".

Chu Yu, Lin Shi, and Xu Xiao Xian exchanged glances.

This elder evidently knows something about this situation.

He must have known it before he was sealed.

Xu Xiao Xian hesitated before whispering, "If you are really from the Great Emperor age, it's been at least a billion years.".


The youth retorted defiantly, "Please, make up a more convincing lie. A billion years? Why don't you just say a gazillion years?".

The crowd was agreeing with him.

"Yeah, that's ridiculous, it was but a blink of an eye, a billion years… haha, a saint would be turned into ashes too!"

"Has the Great Emperor risen to the heavens to join the deities? Did he defeat them all? Are we all going to be immortal?"

Chu Yu looked at the person who said that.

It was a thirty-year-old man wearing well fitted athletic clothes. He had a cup of wine in his hands and he looked relaxed and comfortable.

Xu Xiao Xian giggled, "The Great Emperor is long gone, your era is nothing but history. Didn't you see that drunk bloke just now? Didn't he vanish before your eyes?".

The restaurant sank into silence, they found her words hard to believe but that big guy cast a shadow over their situation.

They had so many questions they didn't know where to start.

The elder asked Xu Xiao Xian slowly, "The Great Emperor's era is really gone?".

"Yes, this is another age now, and it's been a long while since things have changed! As for your era, there was a disjoint with ours, I'm not sure for how many years. A billion years is quite a conservative estimation!"

"How… how is this possible?" the elder's cheeks were twitching. Eventually, he sighed before standing, "Follow me!".

He walked calmly upstairs to the second level.

The stairs were crowded with people too.

The patrons above them had heard the commotion and stood around along the banisters.

Everyone had witnessed the disappearing act.

Without paying any attention to the bystanders, the elder brought the young girl and the teenager along.

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Lin Shi, Xu Xiao Xian, and Chu Yu followed behind them.

"Why can't I sense you?" What is your cultivation?" the youth questioned Chu Yu after they were upstairs.

"Guess…" Chu Yu bared his teeth.

He briskly walked past the young man before he could react.

"Are you a saint?"

Chu Yu just smiled without answering him.

He could hear the boy muttering to himself, "There's nothing impressive about a young saint, I am also a saint myself! I've never been cocky… damn…".

Chu Yu stopped in his tracks and looked at him, "I am an Ancestral Sage.".

He won't know if I am lying anyway, a little lie won't hurt.

Chu Yu caught up with the rest, leaving the young boy in shock.

Xu Xiao Xian and Lin Shi were fighting back chuckles, Lin Shi looked disapprovingly at Chu Yu.

"You dare to mess around with "ancient seniors" …"

"It seems pretty fun…" Xu Xiao Xian's eyes were twinkling with mischief.

They all stepping into a private room.

The elder shut the doors and sealed the chamber with his magical forces.

Chu Yu could sense the energy.
It was powerful!

He guessed that the elder was at least a saint or perhaps more.

Still a little less than Yi, of course.

"Are you guy really from a billion years later?"

The teenager blurted out.

His gaze paused as he looked at Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian.

They were so beautiful!

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This young boy was from a recognized background, he had seen plenty handsome and beautiful people before. But not anyone as beautiful as them.

Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian could also tell that he was of some status when they observed his demeanor.

He dared to inspect them without any bashfulness, he was confident about himself.

"Yes, old senior."

"Huh…" the young boy was taken aback by Xu Xiao Xian's address.

The little girl chipped in, "Am I an old senior too?".

Xu Xiao Xian smiled, "Yeah, you are practically an old ancestral granny!".

The girl burst out into tears, "I am still a baby, I don't want to be a grandma! Grandmothers are so ugly!".

The men were speechless.

The elder smiled melancholically, "Little did I know, oh how time flies by!".

Chu Yu gathered information about that era from the elder's word of mouth.

This was a live teaching!

Yi, Chi You and the Monkey refused to speak much about the previous era.

But the elder was an open book wafting to be read and listened to.

He had shared knowledge that they could have never come across themselves.
They had learned that the year 7936 was the year the three realms had collapsed!

Many spirits with significant cultivation had learned of the news.

It was also the year great powers from the immortal and ghost realm had descended upon the mortal realm to kill the Great Emperor!

"That was the holy battle, we weren't qualified to watch the war, we could only await our destiny."

"Before we were sealed, I heard that the deities had wanted to slaughter all mortal spirits… not sparing a single living being. Someone else in the mortal realm had declared that he was going to protect all mortal spirits at all costs, even if he had to seal the entire universe…"

"We couldn't tell the validity of these rumors and we could only await the disaster to be past us."

"Seems like the battle did end, but we had also undergone some changes."

"Seems like you guys are the collateral damage…" Lin Shi pitied them.

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"There seems to be a mystical force separating the two eras. An ancestral sage in your time is nothing but a shred of willpower in ours," Chu Yu explained.

"To be able to awaken after a billion years is a kind of fortune already, most spirits were decimated in that battle…"

According to the elder, the spirits didn't resent the Great Emperor at all.

Not even if he was the cause of all their misery.

They believed that the Yellow Emperor had done everything in the consideration of all life in the universe.

"I don't have the capabilities to meet the Emperor, but I am in awe of all that he has done. Too bad he failed, seems like the immortal and ghost realm didn't win the battle too. That's enough, the Emperor has done enough. One day he will return. I believe in him, I really do! Then, we shall all live for eternity!"

Chu Yu was at a loss for words.

The Butterfly Dance had called him the Son of the Emperor but Chi You had identified him as the reincarnation.

Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian were thinking about the same thing.

Xu Xiao Xian looked at the elder and asked seriously, "Did the emperor have any offspring?".

The elder looked surprised and replied, "How would some common folk like me know about that?".

"What is your cultivation?" Xu Xiao Xian was persistent.

"Peak of the saints, I am just a master of a small clan, nothing impressive," the old man replied humbly.

A saint calling himself nothing impressive.

That era… was truly something.

"Is it a secret? Whether the Emperor has any offspring I mean," Xu Xiao Xian asked again.

The old man laughed, "It shouldn't be a secret, but we are so out of touch with His Highness! I have heard of two female companions by his side though, they are beautiful women.".

Chu Yu thought of a preposterous theory but he quickly shook it off.

Suddenly, there was a shriek.

A chilly divine energy enveloped the restaurant.

"Go and die all of you imbeciles and scum!"

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