
Chapter 561: Nostalgia

There was a relieved smile on Yi's face.

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They were all here.


He was just a shred of memory, dragging his battered body along, tormented by the laws of heaven and earth.

It was a harsh predicament.

Worse than death.

But he braved it all.

He didn't let his discomfort peek through, not the slightest bit.

He acted as if the laws couldn't hurt him.

Gritting through the pain and torture.

He was going to pull this last act.

"Yi, you are going to die today for sure!"

A cold divine sense warned him. He had used an ancient slang.

"You can rest in peace now," another divine sense was filled with rage.

His descendant had been killed by Yi.

It was one of his favorites.

"I know," Yi answered peacefully.

The shadows were still far away, countless galaxies were between them and Yi.

Their physical forms were all extremely huge!

Their Dao cultivation even more sophisticated.

They were so powerful that it was hard for the universe to contain their forces.

Hence there were unbreakable curses put on them by the heaven and earth.

They were shackled by the laws and bound to be tortured and tormented.

They had the same fate as Yi.

But they weren't going to suffer quietly.

They were going to act quickly.

The eight of them acted together.

An energy whirlpool suddenly appeared in the virtual space.

It was like a black hole.

Swallowing everything in its perimeters.

There was also a frightening split in the virtual space and howls and shrieks of spirits could be heard coming from within the darkness.

From all directions, the universe had unleashed the punishments onto these beings who defied the laws. Cultivation energy began pouring down upon them, it was the price to pay for disrupting the balance of life.

They were still fighting Yi in the whirlpool!

All the sacred art techniques they were practicing were superior cultivation.

In the mortal world, the laws set by the government must be obeyed and adhered.

In the world of practitioners, all spirits must adhere to the laws of the heaven and earth!

The fight between them and Yi was a measure of their cultivation powers.

The techniques and the form of energy release didn't matter anymore.

Yi was losing blood!

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He was battered in wounds.

It was a heart-wrenching sight!

Cuts and holes were scattered all over his body.

These were gaping wounds gushing blood, precious blood comprised of cultivation energy.

The river of blood had stained his entire body.

He didn't mind them at all, with his reach, he grabbed one of the figures.

He tore the man up with all his might!

"AHhh.. no!"

There was a desperate shriek and he was torn into two by Yi's bare hands!

His flesh and blood were disintegrating into cultivation energy to be dispersed into the universe.

Yi opened his mouth and swallowed all of it.

His wounds were healing rapidly.

"Dark magic!"

One of the ancient beings yelled, "Go and die you monster!".

Yi raised his hands and pulled an imaginary bow, there was nothing in his hands. But it did the trick and the man dodged and shifted his position.

But there was a dark force binding him to the spot. He was frozen!

A dark energy exploded on him.


A large cavity was blown through his chest well.

They were all ancient powerful beings.

Equally powerful as one another!

But their fighting capabilities were still inferior to Yi's.

Yi was mighty!

Back in that era, he was already a fierce general.

Few people could beat him in a fight.

Even as a shred of divine sense, he was still invincible in the galaxy!

The whirlpool was growing bigger and bigger!

It was about to swallow the neighboring galaxies!

The group of men paid no attention to it.
There were many black holes like this one!

One of the ancient beings tried to ambush Yi from the back. He held a crimson red blade in his hands.

He was about to stab Yi from the back.

Suddenly he backed away.

The speed he was retreating was even faster than when he was charging!

But it was too late.

Yi didn't even turn around, a bright light shone from his back; he had grown an eye between his shoulder blades!

Who saw that coming?

It was a divine eye that shone a brilliant ray.

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It was blinding.

The ray had pierced through the ancient being's forehead.

Then, Yi reversed at top speed to appear right in front of the man.

He bent his body and sent his leg kicking backward.

At the same time, he pulled an imaginary bow and aimed at another ancient being.


His kick had destroyed the man's core.

Boom boom boom!

His core had been destroyed.

The cultivation energy in his kick was remarkable.

Extremely destructive!

There were no chances of survival.

Yi was on fire!

His move had consequences.
An explosion like that would blow up everything around it.

The lower half of his body was gone.

Although he healed quickly, the blow had in fact taken away half of his vitality.

The rest of the ancient beings suffered from the explosion as well.

They all took critical damage.

"Yi, are you crazy? Are you going to destroy the entire universe and become a sinner?" one of the ancient beings reprimanded him mercilessly.

His voice was ringing clearly about the virtual space.

He was anxious.

"Destroy the entire mortal universe? For you guy? Are you guy even worth it?" Yi replied coldly.

"F*ck, big deal you went to the Immortal realm before…" another ancient being was outraged. He was severely hurt, he joined the fight to kill Yi and split his cultivation energy with the rest.

He wasn't here to be murdered!

He didn't expect Yi to be this manic and… powerful!

He was so agitated he was spouting profanities.

It was hard to upkeep the godly image.

Yi's figure charged in front of him and boxed his face.

"Of course I'm a big deal!"


There was a large dent in his skull.

But at the same time, the other ancient beings dealt a couple of consecutive blows on Yi's body.

Blood gushing from his body was forming pools of blood in the whirlwind.

Any spirit who approached the mess would be torn into pieces!

Worse than penetrated by the radiations of colliding planets.

Yi looked fondly at the mortal realm.

If he had no longings, he wouldn't have stayed around for so long.

If he had no longings, he wouldn't have been the eternal guardian.

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This is all I can do for you kid… Chu Yu, I'm counting on you! This time, we must have victory!

Yi smiled and looked at the remaining ancient beings.

He gritted his teeth, "Let's go together!".

Radiation was spurting from his body in all directions!

The light could be still from galaxies away!

The rest of them were groaning and shrieking in pain.

"Don't bring us into this!"

"We don't want to die yet!"

"If I die this way, my original form would never find out what happened!"

"You scum! I wouldn't spare you in the Immortal realm!"

Everything was too late.

Yi was determined to die along with them.

There would be no survivors.

The infinite rays of radiation had enveloped thousands of galaxies, everything was turned into particles.

A frightening energy field was created and it was bouncing around the space.

Like a hungry monster.

Swallowing everything in its way.

In the Floating city, Chu Yu had been meditating.

Then he eyes shot open and he let out a wail.

Tears were streaming down his face.

He had felt it in his mind.

To be more accurate, he had heard it, Yi's voice.

It wasn't foreplay, it was really Yi's last worlds.

"This is all I can do for you kid… Chu Yu, I'm counting on you! This time, we must have victory!"

He had heard his words clearly in his divine sense.

It was so clear!

He could even feel Yi's sense of longing at that moment.

Chu Yu's grief left him sobbing in despair, he wanted to wail and yell.

Yi wasn't friendly.

Over the years, what he felt from Yi was his wild and carefree demeanor and his domineering presence.

He was vicious and spoke few words.

Even though he carried the weight of the world on his shoulders, he didn't express his feelings much.

But Chu Yu always felt close to him.

Yi felt like family.

Even though he was strict, he never felt distant.

Now, he was gone.

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There won't be any traces of him left.

Chu Yu was grieve stricken.

He allowed himself to mourn his loss.

After a long while, he walked out from his recluse.

He stood at the door and look at the cold space.

This is my home.

I am going to protect it forever.

Then he walked briskly over to the prison.

The bunch of foreign practitioners was still locked up here, thrown into the cells like low-lives.

Chu Yu walked into the prison and released everyone's seals.

Lin Shi, Xu Xiao Xian, and Ming Hui rushed over with surprised looks on their faces.

What was Chu Yu doing?

"What on earth…?"

This wasn't a practical joke.

Lives were at stake!

There were about a hundred of them!

All outstanding youths from various universe planes!

They would be a destructive force if they formed an alliance!

Chu Yu didn't reply.

Lin Shi and Xu Xiao Xian exchanged glances before Lin Shi shook her head at Ming Hui.

They knew him well.

They could tell that Chu Yu was on the brink of eruption.

It wasn't the first day Ming Hui was meeting Chu Yu too, he understood Lin Shi's signal and stayed quiet.

But he was worried.

A hundred practitioners!

These prisoners were all confused, they didn't know what Chu Yu wanted from them.

But ten of them grabbed the opportunity and acted!

They didn't care less about what Chu Yu wanted.

They were going to kill him with an opportunity like this!

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