
Chapter 563: True Colours

Following this, a powerful aura of fury emanated from within them.

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It was a rage that knew no bounds!
"Our Heaven's Pride, you died such a horrible death, I will avenge you!"
"You aborigine of this wretched land, how dare you kill the first talent of our kind! I will chop you to pieces!"
"Who is this aborigine who defeated our Heaven's Pride and had her beheaded... this is unbelievable!"
"You dare kill our people, I'll have you tortured for eternity!"
Yet, facing the endless onslaught of extra-terrestrial intruders rushing out from the dark cave yelling in anger, Chu Yu did not flinch.
Instead, he unleashed a massacre!
Facing these extra-terrestrial Saints, Chu Yu went on a murderous rampage.
These young talents had been freed from their seals after entering the Solar System and recovered their powers quickly, hence they thought that with more than a hundred of them present, they would be easily able to defeat Chu Yu.
Their confidence however, was shattered when Chu Yu decapitated more than thirty of them in an instant.
This was too brutal!
Too perverse!
Such powers, were unrivalled in the entire humanly world!
They were all once arrogant young talents.
They were born into elite clans, undergoing the best education and training from teachers who were at least Saints!
They only used the best resources, and huge amounts of effort were poured into nurturing them.
They were the best in every aspect!
They too, were the very best!
From young, everyone told them, "You are the brightest, you are the strongest, you are the best!"
They had always believed so too.
Until they had been discovered by Chu Yu and effortlessly captured and thrown into his little world where they were entrapped in seals.
This shattered their dignity and pride.
They refused to believe that it was a young man who had managed to defeat them, they were more willing to believe that it was an ancient old fellow who had done so!
An ancient fellow who purposely altered his image to look young.
After all, this was not uncommon amongst great practitioners.
However, they soon discovered the truth.
The brutal truth.
He was younger than them indeed!
How was that possible?
How could it be?

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What did he grow up eating?
What techniques did he practice?
Why was he so powerful?
These thoughts haunted them till today.
When Chu Yu asked to take them all on by himself, most of them felt embarrassed.
And infuriated!
They were utterly enraged.
So what if there was no one of the same age capable of defeating him?
A hundred of us would definitely be able to destroy him!
So conceited and arrogant... certainly he deserves death!
Since he's asking to die, I'll fulfil his wish!
These were the thoughts running through their heads as Chu Yu started the battle.
Soon after, Chu Yu plunged into combat like a tiger lunging into a herd of sheep.
Brutal and ferocious.
There was not a match for Chu Yu.
What makes a true test? What makes true experience?
Only life and death.
This group of people all thought that they had experienced the brink of life and death.
After all, most of them had entered the Bastion of the Stars and witnessed the horrors of war. Some had even experienced wars themselves.
Only now... they truly understood.
What they had witnessed before... was only the life and death of others.
They had participated in wars with hearts full of confidence because they knew that they had the full protection and support of powerful elders and ancestors watching over them, guarding them.
But what about now?
Behind them, they only had tens of thousands of practitioners of similar powers staring at them.
There were no longer elder ancestors with limitless powers watching over them from the depths of the universe.
How could they be confident?
One of these practitioners could no longer bear the thought of such humiliation. He charged towards Chu Yu, attempting to blow himself up in an attempt to erase himself of shame.
A practitioner of Saintly powers could blow up an entire galaxy!
A dull thud was heard.
This did not come from the practitioner.

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Instead, he had been trampled upon by Chu Yu on the face, absolutely disrupting his attempt to blow himself up.
Furthermore, he had been stopped in such an embarrassing manner.
Blood spurted in all directions, his face crushed beyond recognition. It was like a planet had smashed into his face, leaving it unrecognizable for his parents to see.
What was more embarrassing, was that he immediately fainted.
With a swing of Chu Yu's sword, energy poured out relentlessly.
Chu Yu opened his mouth and drew in a breath!
Gluttonous Sacred Art!
"He's practising witchcraft, he needs to die!"
"He deserves death!"
"What are you waiting for? Let's kill him! If we don't, we'll never enter Earth!"
Finally, a practitioner decided to seek help from those near the dark cave.
A great number of practitioners began shouting and chanting at Chu Yu about his use of sorcery, witchcraft, spell-craft... that he deserved to die.
It was as if standing on moral high-ground made them happier to die.
For some, this was not so.
A female practitioner once in her prime saw Chu Yu charging towards her. Instantly, she let out a ear-piercing shriek, dropped all her magical equipment and ran away.
What Heaven's Pride? What dignity? At the doors of death, these were practically non-existent.
What about those with pride and dignity and did not fear death?
They had already perished.
In the blink of an eye, before the intruders rushing out from the cave could respond, Chu Yu had already slaughtered more than half of the talents of their clan in front of their own eyes.
In addition, the massacre was still taking place.
It was the scene of a tiger plunging into a herd of sheep, tearing them apart.
Countless practitioners from the Floating city, Earth, and the other planets of the Solar System gathered over at this moment.
They all watched the battle taking place solemnly.
This was too fierce!
It felt like someone had defeated the Universe alone!
Because these group of young talents were the best amongst the best across all the Universe Planes!
This was a group of truly elite individuals!
Yet, they were completely defenceless, with no energy or capacity to retaliate.
Chu Yu's body gave off an aura of wrath and murder!
This was turning into a horrifying scene.

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In this scene, there was no attack which could come close enough to Chu Yu's body.
All magical equipment had either been parried away or shattered into pieces!
Not even the magical equipment of Great Sages could escape this!
Chu Yu's state had already transcended another mysterious realm. Although he was expending enormous amounts of power, he did not feel a single bit of exhaustion!
He was inflamed with excitement!
Finally, there was a stir at the dark cave.
After travelling through a time warp, even Saintly beings would need to take some time to recover.
Apparently, these people had not completely recovered.
According to their original plans, they planned to enter the Solar System undetected.
However, facing such circumstances, they had no choice.
If they chose to withhold their entrance, all these powerful and elite talents from the multiple Universe Planes... would perish!
Suddenly, a bunch of commanders started ordering their squads to charge into battle.
The practitioners of the Solar System were shaken, but none of them retreated. They swiftly headed in the direction of the Floating city to regroup in formations.
There was no way out!
This was their homes.
There was no where else to go.
A hint of desperation flashed past Ming Hui's eyes. He turned to look at Ming Yu You, chuckling, "Hey, you scared?"
Under normal circumstances, the Ming family would have sent Ming Yu You away.
After all, she was an illegitimate child of the Ming family.
It was only prudent to preserve the Ming family's bloodline.
This time however, Ming Hui was not willing to let her be sent away.
"This is your home. If we wander the stars, we might be able to find a new home, but sooner or later, the enemy will find us again. When that day comes, we'll be utterly destroyed. If we do not cleanse the bloodlines of the Village of Dao, they will never rest. This will be an endless war, we have been enemies since antiquity, till death do we rest."
No one from the Ming family retreated.
Ming Yu You blinked and grinned, "Elder, life and death is but a cycle, I'm not afraid."
"Good!" Ming Hui chuckled, "Here's to a good time!"
"Here's to a good time!"
"Till death!"
"Till death!"
"Till death!"
Everybody started to chant.
Until now, they had no idea what Chu Yu's trump card was, or where his confidence lay in facing such overpowering forces.

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Till death, no surrender!
The usually wandering Chen Si Yu arrived. She herself had become a Saint via battle.
Suddenly, she teared up. She watched as two silhouettes flew towards her from Mars.
"Dad, Mum!" She flew over.
From within the enormous dark cave, there were still extra-terrestrial Saints and practitioners flooding in.
There were great powers who had participated in the war 60 million years ago, there were great powers born in the same generation as Chu Yu and these young talents, and there were countless other practitioners who had become Saints in the last 60 million years.
As they emerged and learned of the events conspiring presently, they were all infuriated.
Even though they had not completely recovered, they showed no fear.
"Slaughter every living thing in the Solar System!"
"Leave this place a barren land!"
"Not a single life... will be spared!"
"We'll rid this place of insects!"
"Damn it, I'm an insect!"
"I wasn't referring to you..."
Charged with hatred, the extra-terrestrial Saints lunged into battle in a mad frenzy.
Most of the Saintly beings in the Solar System had reached.
Even the Butterfly Saint from Mars stood in the high heavens expressionlessly.
Those from Mars included Xue Xue's senior. He rode atop a massive armoured vehicle with fully charged cannons.
It was ready to be unleashed in combat.
However, the battle was still skewed in favour of the enemy.
There was still a great disparity in power!
Even Divine Lords, Legendary Emperors and True Lords had been activated.
Even so, they were still outnumbered by the enemy.
An estimated 15000 extra-terrestrial practitioners had emerged from the dark cave.
And this was after Yi had silently taken out about two thousand of them!
This war was going to be more brutal than the war 60 million years ago.
Almost three-quarters of all the Saintly beings in the entire Universe was gathered here.
"Destroy them!" An enormous silhouette emerged from the dark cave. He towered in the high heavens!
His eyes glimmered with a godly glow.
Great Sage Obsession!
Could this war still be won?
Everyone turned their gaze towards Chu Yu, who was finishing off the remaining young extra-terrestrial talents.

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