
Chapter 571: Ascending to the Great Saint Real

Just how high was this sky?

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The living beings of this world knew extremely little.
Even great cultivators didn't dare to talk about the boundaries of this world.
The universe was boundless, with its ends not in sight.
So far, no one has been able to know for sure just how vast the human realm universe was.
That in itself was probably an astronomical number that was hard to even calculate.
Besides, no one was also actually able to tell whether the Immortal realm and the nether world were beyond the skies or in another dimension within this human realm.
But this Jiu Xiao Divine Lightning was definitely an Energy Catastrophe formed by the universe of the human realm.
Its intentions were to wipe out all beings that had reached a certain level of cultivation and posed a threat to the laws of the Heavenly Dao.
A being who managed to survive this could be said to have attained the acknowledgement of these Heavenly Dao laws.
But to put it more truthfully, it was that the Heavenly Dao found it hard to do anything about you and couldn't kill you off easily.
If they were to forcefully eradicate you, they would have to activate a greater energy.
But that…...would upset the balance of this world and cause greater destruction.
As such, they could only grit their teeth and tolerate you.
That was it.
It wasn't that this being would be able to exist alongside the Heavenly Dao from now on.
Even a being of the Saint Realm would not dare to boast about themselves like that, much less an Ancestral Saint.
That was why Chu Yu's actions were absolutely insane!
He wasn't going to exist alongside the Heavenly Dao, he was going to pummel through the Great Saint Catastrophe!
To a certain extent, this was really just going up against heaven!
As such, even the hemp-clad elder narrowed his eyes at what Chu Yu was doing right now, his face growing grave.
Zhou Qian stood by the elder's side. His gaze no longer had that touch of jealousy.
This was because he knew that this "senior's" willingness to fight heaven itself was something he would never have.
The assumptions that by cultivating, cultivators were going against heaven were more dramatic than it actually was.
But what Chu Yu was doing right now really was going against heaven.
Zhou Qian wouldn't dare to do the same.
The lightning storm formed by the Jiu Xiao Divine Lightning began to surge up wildly.
Countless streaks of Jiu Xiao Divine Lightning crystallised right above Chu Yu's head into a giant sword!
The sword struck straight at Chu Yu.
It was as if it had been angered and wanted to completely obliterate this rogue being.
Chu Yu's fist connected with this giant sword of Jiu Xiao Divine Lightning mercilessly.
The incomparable power of the laws were crystallised around his fist as well.
These laws were a cloud of energy formed by the three realms technique.

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This energy connected directly with the sword formed by the Jiu Xiao Divine Lightning.
It was as if the heavens had been shaken to the core by the blow!
The countless powerful beings in this world all began to sense something.
They all looked towards the faraway solar system.
In a cold remote part of the universe, the eyes of Chi You's statue that sat in that temple suddenly glowed.
In the empty temple, his voice rang out quietly, "Has this day finally come?"
Then, his statue shattered without warning.
Afterwards, the entire temple shattered as well.
In an instant, it disappeared without a trace.
At the same time, many similar temples in the great universe of the human realm promptly shattered as well.
They had disintegrated to become the dust of this universe.
Chu Yu was putting up a resistance against the laws of the heavens. His power was now so mighty that it unnerved countless beings.
The three realms technique was revolving crazily within his body. In the face of the Jiu Xiao Divine Lightning that rained down before him, the flames of Great dao blazed within Chu Yu's heart.
These were flames of disdain.
Chu Yu's body began to burn with large flames of Great Dao.
Zhou Qian shuddered violently, and he thought to himself: Would he come back to kill me?
The hemp-clad elder narrowed his eyes even further. At the same time, his sleeved hands, which lay out of Zhou Qian's line of sight, trembled slightly.
"Is it finally coming?" He mumbled to himself. His face was a mixture of excitement, agitation and even a little bit of fear.
The flames of Great dao on Chu Yu's body grew stronger still.
In the end, about a million feet of Daoist fire was blazing.
The countless streaks of Jiu Xiao Divine Lightning were like dry firewood.
Thrown into this raging fire, they only served to stoke the flames even more.
The hemp-clad elder's lips finally began to tremble. The muscles on his face were also trembling beyond his control.
But his gaze gradually calmed down.
He chuckled, "So there would be the day where even this Great dao would compromise!"
As he spoke, a golden edict appeared all of a sudden!
The light that was coming from that edict was blinding.
It illuminated the entire dark universe with an incomparably bright glow.
Zhou Qian had only glanced at it briefly, but his eyes, which were like divine eyes, began to shed tears of blood.
He yelled, and covered them with his hands.

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The laws of Great dao which surrounded him instantly surged towards his eyes.
But the hemp-clad elder grunted lowly.
A cloud of energy that was visible to the eye blew apart next to Zhou Qian.
The hemp-clad elder let out an exhale, and snapped, "Simply looking at anything you want with your own eyes, are you tired of living?"
Blood was flowing out of Zhou Qian's eyes, and he was a fright to see. Rattled, he asked, "What was...?"
The elder did not answer him. Instead, he raised his head to look at that golden edict. Murmuring, he wondered, "What will you choose?"
The giant golden edict was hanging above Chu Yu's head. It was flashing with the runes of Great dao.
Even though he could not read a single word, Chu Yu understood the meaning of the edict in no time.
"Thou hast the power to break through the heavens, so why dost thou not come to the Immortal realm?"
This was the only thing that was written.
Yet it had an air of unmatched authority.
It was as if it were an edict issued by the mighty emperor himself.
Solemn. Dignified.
Incomparably weighty.
One did not dare to refuse it!
The giant golden edict gave Chu Yu unimaginable pressure.
This pressure was even greater than that of the Jiu Xiao Divine Lightning that had filled the sky earlier.
The Jiu Xiao Divine Lightning was a type of Catastrophe formed to target beings of the Great Saint Realm in the human world.
But this golden edict felt as if it could easily suppress all living beings in the human world.
Whether one was of the Great Saint Realm or the Ancestral Realm, no one could resist it.
There was a vast authority to it!
It was superior!
It hung high up in the sky.
"To hell with you!"
Chu Yu cursed, and he shaped the flames of Great dao that burned from the three realms technique within his body into a long spear.
With it, he stabbed at the golden edict mercilessly.
"Who do you think you are?"
With a hard stab, the spear shaped from the flames of Great dao directly pierced through the golden edict which seemed like it could suppress everything living in the human world.
A deafening shout rang out abruptly from the edict.
It was as though someone had been angered.
The hemp-clad elder's hands lightly balled into fists within his sleeves.
As if he was preparing to act at any moment.
As for Zhou Qian, he was sitting cross-legged and frantically activating cultivation methods to resist the pressure brought about by the golden edict.

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Everything seemed to come to a standstill in the entire human universe at this moment.
"Get lost!"
Chu Yu roared, and he rushed up again.
As he charged towards the golden edict, the flames of Great dao on his body blazed with a blinding floridness.
It was going to burn away that golden edict!
But the edict, which had the power to suppress everything living, had disappeared into thin air.
It had escaped!
Blood spurted out of Chu Yu's mouth, but his expression remained cold.
No one really wore their emotions on their sleeves.
But an even more frightening burst of mighty energy emanated from him.
However, this energy disappeared in the next moment.
It only surfaced for that short little while.
And only the hemp-clad elder witnessed all this personally.
"He is now matchless in this world."
The hemp-clad elder exhaled a long breath, and his figure began to fade away.
With the pressure from the golden edict gone, Zhou Qian was now back to normal and in a panic at seeing the elder fading away.
But the hemp-clad elder did not speak another word to him and disappeared without a trace.
Beyond the heavens, deep in the universe, the Jiu Xiao Divine Lightning had disappeared without a trace.
The Heavenly Dao of this human realm had conceded to Chu Yu.
Chu Yu had now stepped into the Great Saint Realm.
Being in a brand new realm brought about brand new horizons and situations.
Much less was needed to be spoken about one's cultivation and battle power.
Chu Yu began to understand now why The Monkey had once been so powerful.
The difference between the Great Saint Realm and the Saint Realm was only but the boundaries that set the two realms apart.
When it came to battle power, some beings of the Great Saint Realm could even be on par with beings of the Ancestral Realm!
Chu Yu stepped out in a particular direction.
Zhou Qian, the charming young man, watched with wide eyes as Chu Yu disappeared from his line of sight. Then he wondered, puzzled, "Why? Why did he not come to hit me?"
A large foot had appeared behind him and kicked him on the butt, in the direction of the City in the Sky.
"Wait for me there."
Chu Yu's voice rang next to Zhou Qian's ear.

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Zhou Qian felt a mix of embarrassment and rage.
He was a powerful being of the Great Saint Realm, yet he had to endure such treatment from Chu Yu?
Kicking him in the butt...Damn, did he have to go this far?
But the most embarrassing part was that he had responded almost immediately.
Bloody hell!
This old face of his had been all but thrown away!
This was a habit tormented into him eons ago, damn it!
Why can't I just make the decisions for once?
Why do I have to be the one that gets hurt all the time?
I'm also one of the most brilliant ones!
I too am one of the most powerful beings within the heavens and earth.
With an expression of hurt, Zhou Qian listlessly walked towards the City in the Sky.
At this moment, Chu Yu's figure appeared in a corner deep within the universe.
This was where he had once discovered a temple of Chi You's.
But now, the place was empty, and the temple was no more.
Only a woman in green was left, and she was looking at him with a strange expression.
"Why have you come?"
She asked.
"Where is your master?" Chu Yu looked at the woman.
Time had flown.
Qing'er still seemed as innocent as always, but she also seemed to have…...matured a lot as well.
However, her demeanour was still cool and collected as always.
"Master has gone missing." Qing'er's spirits were low, as if she were in sorrow.
She continued, "He just informed me that you would come back to get me, so I have been waiting here for you."
"Did Senior Chi You…...say anything else?" Chu Yu asked.
"No." Qing'er looked at Chu Yu with some curiosity, "How did you cultivate to this level? I just sensed a bit of that…...thing from that realm. How did you get there so quickly?"
As she spoke, Qing'er frowned and looked at Chu Yu, "Could it be that I only was able to felt the Dao of that realm because of you?"
Chu Yu laughed, "Come with me."
"Alright!" A light smile appeared on Qing'er's face, "This place may be nice, but I've always thought it was a little too quiet. It was alright at first, but it gets quite boring with time."
Mm, alright.
This was one tough individual here as well.
To be personally taught by the devil Chi You only to find it boring.
Beings like her were probably incredibly rare across the land.

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