
Chapter 573: Divine Lady Jing Hong

She did not dare to show any emotional expression.

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She had to walked on that road calmly.
She was her ancient ancestor's favourite, she was the most mature in her generation as well.
She was a truly calm woman, even the elders in her clan could not compare to her in this aspect.
After the ancient ancestor had told her whatever she had said, she was still calm and collected.
She had fooled everyone, even those elders that had walked out of their ships!
This was incredible, because those elders had lived for many years, they had seen all sorts of tricks.
But she could put on a good façade.
She was calm.
Her pretense only fell apart when she entered the shell of the solar system.
She broke down in tears and wept.
She knew this was probably the last time she would ever see the ancient ancestor.
She was her direct disciple, she was like a grandmother to her.
She had brought her up, and to Divine Lady Jing Hong, the ancient ancestor was just like her mother.
The elder had always hid the information that their family possessed blood that belonged to the solar system.
It was easier said than done.
It was especially hard because she was a woman.
Even at the battle before, their clan had to send a dozen Saints, now they were all dead.
Now that she thought about it, Divine Lady Jing Hong realised that those people were the uncertain factors in their clan.
Even those they weren't obvious in their behaviour, the ancient ancestor could tell.

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Perhaps she didn't expect such an ending.
Looking back, her methods were great indeed.
If the dozen Saints won, their clan would reap the benefits of war as well.
If they lost, the clan would be rid of possible defactors, the clan could be run more easily.
A great plan indeed.
But why did she choose this road now?
Was she so sure that the solar system would emerge victorious?
They didn't even know how their army had lost.
What if they were just defeated by the interference of a single man?
If that was the case, the village of Dao wouldn't be as fearsome as they had thought, they would still be a broken land!
Even if they had won, they may not have had the resources to attack other galaxies!
Divine Lady Jing Hong made up her mind, the ancient ancestor did not deal with this matter calmly as she usually did.
She decided that she would make her own choice after seeing how the solar system was like.
She had time anyway, she was the chosen ambassador.
After she had decided on this, she calmed herself down.
She opened a star map and followed its directions.
"Why don't you go out to meet her? Her ancient ancestor definitely has other desires," Qing Er asked Chu Yu with some suspicion.
Chu Yu smiled, "I might scare her if I appear now, she might not believe us as well.".
In reality, Chu Yu was curious about what kind of medicine the ancient ancestor granny held in her gourd.

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He brought Qing Er and they both vanished in a light.
Their speed of travel was much faster than Jing Hong's.
She finally reached the outskirts of earth.
From here, her eyes held some disbelief at the view in front of her.
"This… Is this really the broken land they talked about?" she said to herself.
The earth today had long experienced vast change.
Flying machines rise and land constantly.
Ancient cities floated above the orbit of the Earth, just like the floating city.
The eight cities came from another era, on them lived the people of that era.
After Chu Yu's usage of the three realms technique, they could walk under this sky.
They could take on bodies and become real ancient creatures.
Apart from this, many more pocket dimensions have popped up as well.
The earth was no longer like it was in the past.
Towering mountains, vast islands and great continents were present all over the earth.
From a far, it looked like a giant world of fantasy.
Almost every single pocket dimension had shown themselves.
The spiritual energy was rich, the earth was just like an eden.
Flying machines appeared like drops of rain.
Even normal humans could sit on these flying machines and visit the surrounding cities.

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An era of prosperity had begun.
Jing Hong looked on in shock.
Even though the flying machines looked old, very old in fact, the problem was that these machines were full of people without cultivation!
Over at her clan, those without cultivation had no power.
Although they were largely free, those people could never have boarded these vessels.
If they were to meet with any powerful being, one slap would be enough to kill them.
The eight ancient cities immediately allowed Jing Hong to understand why the extraterrestrial army was defeated.
It was far too terrifying!
When she felt the energy there, her face changed.
She became pale.
When did these cities appear here?
Jing Hong felt a sense of shock in her heart.
She didn't believe that they were here from the beginning.
If that was the case, no one would have dared to belittle the Solar System.
She continued looking at them.
Every single one of them radiated an ancient and foreign energy, an energy that was different from this era.
At that moment, a voice lit up by her side which surprised her, almost making her unleash an attack.
"Little girl, where did you pop out from? You almost scared me!".
In front of her was a bird with a body full of bright red feathers.

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She could not catch her breath.
In her mind, she thought to herself, "How could a bird be this big?".
"Why do you care about where I'm from? Your appearance gave me a shock did you know that?" Jing Hong replied calmly.
She could not make any rash moves.
This was the solar system, the village of Dao.
She was here to beg for forgiveness.
Da Jia Zei looked at her and smiled, "Alright you can cut the pretense, I know that you came from the outside. You're probably here to see the Son of the Emperor right? Follow me!".
"You, how did you know?" she asked suspiciously.
How did a person from the village of Dao know about this?
Something was wrong!
He had to be from the outside as well!
Damn it, almost fell into his trap!
Jing Hong tried to think about where this creature could have come from!
Following this, she made her move without hesitation.
Even though Da Jia Zei was not weak, his power was far off that of a Divine Lady like Jing Hong.
He turned around to flee immediately.
He flapped his wings in a frenzy as he yelled, "Chu Yu… Chu Yu! Come out here! What's the deal with this woman? She doesn't believe me!".  

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