
Chapter 599

Chapter 599: The World's Greatest...

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

The books detailed the ten gods of the barren era.

Three of the ten gods were actually one single entity.

That was the old man.

No one had understood why the old man decided to revive himself after he had died.

Only the gods and devils did.

One of the books described the old man's thoughts and attitude at that time in detail.

"To seek to become the ruler of this world, one has to escape death and revive himself, three times over, falling to defeat.".

The ruler of this world? Feng Jian had once said something about this, and here it was in this book.

What was that level of being?

The king of the three realms?

If one had the power of the old man or scholar Feng Jian, was it difficult to rule over the three realms?

Or did this ruler have to be chosen by the heavens as well?

Chu Yu read about the refinement of divine troopers in one of the books.

"Human Divine Troopers are powerful beyond measure.".

"Refining one however, is an act against the heavens, a trespassing of morals.".

"If a human who possesses a treasure is refined, an unimaginable power may be released, and can bring unexpected rewards.".


Chu Yu immediately thought of the vertical eye.

The old man… could he have known about it?

If someone such as Chu Yu was refined into a divine trooper…

Chu Yu now understood what the old man desired.

Feng Jian had once said that no one can take away what the heaven has bestowed.

Since the old man couldn't take it away, he had to resort to other measures.

That was the reason!

Since scholar Feng Jian could foresee that there would be another descendant who could use the three realms technique… the old man could definitely do that as well!

The three realms technique was a heavenly technique!

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It was not Feng Jian's legacy.

Otherwise, Feng Jian would not have fought to bring Chu Yu back.

Feng Jian was never in the mortal realm.

He only appeared to rescue Chu Yu in his time of peril.

The old man was different.

He had always dwelled in the mortal realm!

His understanding of Chu Yu was naturally better than Feng Jian's.

Chu Yu felt a strange sense of fear.

All these years, a powerful being had always been watching him silently.

His every move was under his watch.

Could the golden metal ball in his vertical eye have hid from the old man?

Chu Yu sighed as he closed the book in his hand and put it to one side.

He started thinking quietly.

This place was suitable for thinking, especially at night, where it was dead silent.

The spiritual energy here was as thick as it could be. No matter what level of cultivation one was at, he would feel blessed.

What a great place!

If only he could bring everyone here.

With Feng Jian's protection, the old man would not dare to come easily.

But the mortal realm needed protection as well!

Chu Yu sighed.

There was no doubt that he was no match for the old man.

The difference was way too large!

Whenever he thought about him, he would get aheadache.

Feng Jian could rescue him once, but he couldn't protect him forever!

If the old man came for him again, what could he do?

Will Feng Jian help him again?

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The next day, the entire Sect was bustling.

Most of them hadn't even slept the previous night, it was just that no one came over to bother Chu Yu.

Once morning came, people began preparing Chu Yu's clothes and the ancient ornaments used for the ceremony.

The young division leader informed Chu Yu of the noteworthy practices and things to do later on.

The preparations were extremely complex!

Much more so than Chu Yu's own wedding!

This made Chu Yu feel that the Sect was indeed an ancient Sect.

He wasn't bothered by the many instructions and information, he took them all in seriously.

For some reason, Chu Yu began feeling a sense of joy from seeing the higher echelons of the Sect.

Their attitudes were hard to read.

Chu Yu did not bother thinking much about them.

After a series of preparations, Chu Yu entered a place which resembled a hall.

Chu Yu realised that this was another pocket dimension!

He was already used to this.

This time, the sheer amount of people here left him in shock.

There were tens of billions of people here, much more than the earth.

This was terrifying.

The energy that was given off from the people here, gathered together, was like a forcefield of Dao.

There were many ancestral beings and great Saints here, normal Saints were far too common…

This was the first time that Chu Yu had seen so many people gathered together.

A platform floated in the middle of the pocket dimension.

Many people were awaiting there.

The air was filled with the seriousness and legitimacy of ceremony.

There was no chaos, the entire scene was very quiet.

Chu Yu entered the platform.

The ceremony was carried out by the white-haired second generation ancestor.

Chu Yu and Feng Jian gave a toast to the heavens as they swore themselves in as senior and junior.

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Their relationship was now affirmed, there was no going back.

Chu Yu seemed to see a look of glee in Feng Jian's eyes amidst the matrimony of ceremony.

Was there a trap somewhere?

No matter, he couldn't do much about it if there was.

The young division leader took over soon.

Feng Jian took out an amulet as all of the people around kneeled down and greeted him!

Chu Yu felt an abnormal energy from the amulet.

This thing seemed to have been forged from divine gold, and it carried an old and ancient aura.

But upon closer inspection, this amulet… it was not forged!

It was naturally formed!

Chu Yu passed the amulet to Chu Yu as he gave a smiled and placed his hand on his shoulder.

"Junior… this Sect is now yours!".

Chu Yu received the amulet as he realised that there was a dragon engraved onto it.

It was extremely lifelike.

No, it was not carved, it was living on it!

Like a hair on a man's body

Chu Yu could tell that this amulet was no normal object.

At this moment, a loud call in unison echoed.

"Greetings, Sect Leader!".

A weird energy erupted from Chu Yu's body, he seemed like a king standing there!

Feng Jian's delight was intensified.

The three realms technique swirled around in Chu Yu's body, he could feel that his cultivation was rapidly progressing!

At that level, it was hard to make a step forward, it wasn't just about effort and time.

One had to completely understand the laws of the world and the basis of Dao.

Chu Yu could never have expected that he would reach the peaks of the great Saint realm just like that.

He was already one foot into ancestry.

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The increase in the level of cultivation was too fast!

Even he himself was in disbelief.

The ceremony then ended.

The after effects, however, were long lasting.

The entire Sect was overjoyed, everyone had smiles on their faces.

But… why were they so happy?

Wouldn't Feng Jian be sad?

No, because Feng Jian was even more delighted than most of them!

"Junior, I'm going to leave, don't look for me if there's nothing important, you can't find me anyway. The Sect is yours now, remember to bring them home!".

These were the last words of Feng Jian before he disappeared.

Soon after, the second, third, and fourth generation ancestors all appeared before Chu Yu.

"Sect leader, we can come up with a new name for the Sect now!" the young division leader said with excitement.

"What was it called before? If you don't tell me, I won't change it," Chu Yu answered.

A Sect with such history, how could the name be changed just like that?

Chu Yu insisted on his way.

"This… I'll let the ancestors say it," the young division leader said as he backed off.

But he was kicked forward again immediately.

Apart from him, everyone else here was an ancestor.

"Little fool, so what if you're a division leader? Tell the Sect leader the name that has haunted us for so long!" a third generation ancestor said, he was the one who kicked the division leader out.

The young division leader's face flushed as he hesitated for a moment.

Fei Xia and the other female ancestors all turned around in shame.

Was the name that bad?

Chu Yu was a little surprised.

The young division leader looked around to see if anyone was looking at him.

He said to Chu Yu quietly, "When the great ancestor created the Sect, he was too casual with the name.".

"So what is it?" Chu Yu asked.

"The World's Greatest… D*ck".


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