
Chapter 615

Chapter 615: Heavenly Approval

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

To the creatures of the lake, this was like the end of the world!

They were enraged and in fear.

What was going on?

The Bastion of Stars was large and endless, why did this have to happen to them?

This lake was one of the more remote areas, few powerful cultivators ever appeared here.

But in recent times, that was not the case.

The attention wasn't enjoyed by the creatures of the lake.

After the divine punishment of Yin and Yang and the seven coloured thunder, they concluded that the person undergoing divine judgement wasn't within their comprehension.

Before this, their curiosities were piqued by that person, but now, all they wanted to do was run.

Chu Yu's hair stood up after he was struck by the seven coloured thunder.

His powerful ancestral body could not block the heavenly strike.

The powers of the laws within were too much!

It was annihilation!

Annihilation that would allow no survivors.

But Chu Yu had to be powerful enough- no ordinary man would attract the seven coloured thunder.

Even though his flesh was ripped apart and blood flowed everywhere, the damage was not fatal.

The wounds sealed up in a split second.

The attack of the seven coloured thunder was not as vicious as the divine judgement of Yin and Yang.

After that strike, there was no other movement for half a day.

Was it over?

Just like that?


Chu Yu was pleased.

"Come on heavens!".

"Let the hurricane and rain come!".

"Fill my glass with wine…".


Chu Yu felt like he was getting ahead of himself.

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In that moment, thousands of bolts of seven coloured thunder rained down from above!

The sky was painted in those seven colours!

It looked extremely beautiful!

But the killer intent from them scared off all of the creatures of the lake.

Their souls were frightened out of their bodies!

Fill his glass with wine?

Was he crazy?

Chu Yu's delight turned to horror as his entire being was blasted by these bolts of thunder.

Daoist wounds riddled his body, his soul was nearly blasted away.

One bolt wasn't much, but in the thousands… it was fearsome!

Chu Yu felt like he was dead.

In the moment of greatest pain, one would experience an unconsciousness plea for death to come.

Chu Yu had that feeling now.

He was no longer pleased.

He felt like he could turn to dust at any moment.

Over these years, he had been through many near-death experiences, but none were as terrifying as this one.

The bolts of seven coloured thunder were now in the 9,000 range.

The two swords radiated with a divine glow amidst the chaos.

Together, the light emitted a great attack and directed it at the bolts of thunder!

They were protecting their master.

But the effects were minimal.

The strange thing was that even under these circumstances, the golden metal ball was nowhere to be heard!

It was as if it had been vanquished.

But Chu Yu could feel its presence.

It seemed to have integrated itself into his blood.

He used the killing days heart technique to stitch his body back together.

His possessions were mostly shattered to pieces, only the strongest pieces survived.

The Dragon's amulet, the stone statue's amulet, and his pocket dimension were all safe.

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It was a good thing that the pocket dimension would not feel the impact of this attack.

Otherwise, they would have all perished.

0f course, if Chu Yu died, the pocket dimension would be locked forever.

The people inside would be trapped there till their deaths.

A strong sense of survival rose from Chu Yu's will.

His body was reassembled.

This was a body forged by the great Daoist laws!

Like the stone statue from before, its power was overwhelming.

In that moment, Chu Yu had a realisation as to why ancestral beings, or great Saints from before, were not allowed in the mortal realm.

Because the laws there couldn't withhold such existences!

If a powerful being entered, the mortal realm would crumble, and so would the powerful being.

A pond could never fit a whale.

The sky quietened down.

The seven coloured thunder did not rain down any longer.

This time, Chu Yu had no time for delight.

He carefully looked at the wounds on his body, there were changes from the divine judgement of before.

Divine judgement was like the divine authority.

Once one passes through it, one would become an existentially accepted being of that realm…

Chu Yu looked to the sky as he felt a sense of discomfort in his heart.

He had attained ancestral cultivation, but he nearly lost his life.

Suddenly, the earth shook!

Up in the sky, bolts of energy waves appeared again as they rained down on Chu Yu!

This time, it was invisible divine thunder!

Invisible and formless, they travelled at extreme speed!

Chu Yu had no time to react, his body was struck by these thunderbolts.

His reassembled body was blown to shreds again!

The damage was much more severe this time.

Chu Yu felt like he was blown to oblivion!

He couldn't sense anything!

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Not even the golden metal ball!

What the f*ck!

There were a handful of ancestral beings on this planet!

Did they all have to go through this?

The group of creatures of the lake were all shivering from fear.

Even though they were far away, they could feel the power of the thunderbolts.

They only had one though in their minds: Let this be over quick!

Chu Yu himself did not know how long had passed.

He did not know if the rain of thunderbolts had stopped.

All that was left of him was his fading soul, drifting in and out of consciousness as it floated in the air.

Up in the sky, a beacon of light descended.

It surrounded Chu Yu.

Next, Chu Yu's senses returned.

He felt an indescribable pain!

Because he realised that he was alive!

It felt great to be alive!

Chu Yu focused and gathered energy.

Thick spiritual energy flooded towards him from the lake.

Chu Yu sucked a tenth of the energy around here into himself!

He stopped after that.

His body appeared in space.

It was shrouded in the light. Bit by bit, the light entered his body.

A thick energy was emanated from his body.

This was…. Transmutation!

A stunning transmutation!

Since the barren era, the number of cultivators in the world were like the stars in the sky.

But those who went through what Chu Yu had just did?

The number was zero.

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He was the first one!

Chu Yu did not know this, but he could feel the power in his body.

When he raised his arm, there were traces of the divine light that followed it.

With a thought, he could materialize an object!

This was the true materialization stage of the ancestral realm.

The great Dao in his body was condensed into a seed in his Dantian.

This was the manifestation of the third stage of the ancestral realm.

He had already attained enlightenment for this stage before, but the seed was only created now.

Chu Yu looked into the distance and saw the shivering creatures of the lake.

He shook his head and looked toward the other direction.

Far away from the lake.

His momentary glance gave the creatures the feeling as if they were stalked like prey- a strong sense of primal fear!

After Chu Yu left, they heaved sighs of relief.

F*ck! This crazy dude finally left!

"Look at the mess he made here!".

"What a disaster!".

"He's lucky he didn't return, otherwise, I would've beat him up!".

"Brother, he just left, he can hear you.".

"Cough… I was kidding, just kidding…. Hahaha….".

Chu Yu's body was like a ray of light, with every step, he appeared in a faraway distance.

The ancestral beings in the lake were stunned by the divine judgement that had just happened.

One look from Chu Yu and fear crept over their bodies.

Even though they were ancestrals, they didn't take time to hide.

They didn't want to show themselves for the fear of death.

Chu Yu had no intention of finding them either, he only wanted to quickly leave.

He did not know if the old man would appear there again.

Even though he succeeded in surviving divine judgement, he was still powerless in the face of beings such as the old man.

They were not in the same world of power.

Even though this lake was large, Chu Yu did not need much time to reach its end.

Finally, he encountered a border.

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