
Chapter 618

Chapter 618: Light A Matchstick

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

The young boy huffed and puffed as a look of resolve appeared on his dainty face.

He said with a low voice, "If I'm taken, there won't be any good ending. The opponent is my ancestor's enemy, the only reason he could possibly want me alive is because he wants to use me against my own clan.".

"If I run, my family… they may not be safe.".

"If I die here… perhaps they would let them live?".

The young man had an unwilling look on his face.

But in the end, he sighed as tears fell from his eyes.

He said, "Mother, little sister, I'm sorry, I won't… ever see you two again! We'll meet in our next lives if fate looks upon us kindly!".

He wiped the tears off his cheeks as he said, "But, if I'm gonna die, I'm going to bring you down with me!".

He bit down hard as he took out a few magical equipment that radiated powerful energy. He lay them around the cave as they formed a terrifying field of power.

If the balance of the field was kept in check, nothing would happen.

But once it was disrupted, a massive explosion would occur.

An explosion of that scale would kill even great Saints.

Chu Yu watched on silently, he admired the young boy's spirit.

He was kind, decisive and resolute!

He was vicious on himself.

Because once the explosion would occur, his body would be completely obliterated!

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In the face of death, some people might be able to accept it, but few could blast themselves like this.

Chu Yu had thoughts of helping him before, and his admiration only grew further.

However, he did not reveal himself yet, he wanted to wait for the opportune moment.

He could control the explosion.

Soon, the people chasing the boy had reached the cave.

A particularly powerful magical equipment was in their hands.

They hadn't used it before because this magical equipment had a time frame of effectiveness.

Once it was activated, it could only last for half an hour.

The young teenager was crafty, he was able to evade them previously.

But now that he was forced into this cave with nowhere to go, they could use it.

The magical equipment was a locator that could accurately pinpoint the location of a Saint.

The magical formations that the young teen had set up could kill them, but when faced with the magical equipment, they would be nullified.

Now, the group of people still didn't know what they were about to face.

They soon reached to mouth of the cave.

They were cautious, they didn't charge in immediately.

They knew they had their prey trapped.

There were more than 20 of them in total. The leader was cloaked in black and wore a black mask on his face. Energy waves shrouded the mask, it was clearly some sort of battle equipment.

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They were gathered outside the cave as the leader walked forward and looked around, "This place is rigged with magical formations.

The others all laughed, "A little Saint, what kind of magical formation is he able to lay down? Let's just break in! Who cares about the formations? In the face of power, everything will crumble!".

"I agree, he's just a child, what kind of magical formations will he be able to lay? Let's just go in.".

The man with the black mask turned around and scoffed, "What do you guys know?".

He took a few steps back and gave a cold laugh, "This is a powerful magical formation that you've never seen before!".

"Boss, you're kidding right? You don't have to exaggerate, powerful magical formations require powerful wielders to lay them down…" one of them laughed.

The man in the black mask looked at him and said, "The magical formation is powerful because the wielder is strong. But this isn't just about cultivation!".

He looked at the rest and said, "All of you are great Saints, but do you know how to lay magical formations?".

The crowd was speechless as they looked at one another.

Indeed, they had no knowledge of magical formations.

The man in the black mask continued, "You don't know anything don't you? Most of this has nothing to do with one's level of cultivation. Of course, those below the level of Sainthood won't produce anything substantial, but this one… it's a little different.".

He pointed to a few spots as he spoke, "These points are all eyes of the formation, they cannot be touched. Once there is movement at those eyes, a response will be incurred.".

He looked at the rest, "Another thing, this little rabbit has escaped us on so many occasions, each incident was a close shave. Do you think he's a coward?".

"Of course he is…" someone responded, but kept quiet as he thought abut it.

The man in the black mask said, "Of course he isn't! I've done some research on magical formations and the human psychology. This young thing is no coward. Simply put, he has the guts to face us despite the gap in our cultivation levels.".

"Boss, what do we do now? We have him trapped here, do we just wait?" someone asked.

The man in the black mask smiled, "Of course not, we have to go ahead.".

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He turned around and shouted into the cave, "Little boy, I know you can hear me. I'll give you one chance, you heard that? Just one.".

Inside the cave, the young boy clenched his fists as rage bellowed in his eyes.

There was a feeling of anticipation in his heart, hope that this group didn't know that he was here.

But now that they were here, he had no escape.

Outside the cave, the man with the black mask said, "I think you've heard that our Qu Clan treats our members well. Even if you enter as a little rabbit from an enemy, we'll treat you nicely.".

The young boy was mature beyond his years, poverty had forced him to grow up.

He was intelligent as well, he could sense something from the person's voice.

The voice drifted in again.

"But, our clan's huge, there are bound to be a few disgraces here and there, that's normal, am I right? It's a big clan after all, there are so many people, there are those who are diligent and those who are lazy.".

"Heh, it's no coincidence that I'm one of those disgraces! The ones with me here are the same.".

A wave of laughter came from the outside.

Clearly, they did not mind being called disgraces, they seemed to be proud of the title.

The young boy's expression got uglier as the veins on his forehead popped.

"For a bunch of disgraces like us, we don't care about the honour of our clan. We're a bunch of lowlifes, we'll do anything to achieve our goal, that's our style. So, listen up, you have one chance. Come out now and surrender.".

"No funny tricks or moves, got it?".

The man in the black mask smiled at his group as they gave him a big thumbs up.

They all admired him!

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This was psychological warfare!

Who would have the balls to break the ancestor's regulations?

Chu Yu had seen the entire process clearly.

He didn't do anything, he only observed this young man in the dark.

The man with the black mask frowned when he was not greeted with any response.

The magical equipment in his hand had clearly told him that the boy was in the cave.

Did he really want to fight to his death?

He gave a cold laugh and said again, "You only have this one chance, there won't be another one. Because when the second time comes, we'll grab your mother and little sister as well… we've done our homework, oh yea, it was your clan mates who told us about it!".

"They even said that they were beautiful ladies in the clan, and that we could take them and do as we pleased!".

"Once we've had our fun, we'll sell them to the brothels. Haha, the brothels, you've never been to one before have you little rabbit?".

In the cave, the young man's face was in shambles, he was on the edge of mental collapse.

Outside the cave.

The man with the black mask suddenly shouted, "I'll light a match now, you will come out before the flame ceases! F*cking kid, do you think we're here to play? Stop wasting our saliva!".

"Within this match, if you don't come out, I'll get someone to bring your mother and little sister over and let you hear us having fun with them!".

"When that time comes, it'll be no use even if you surrender!".

"Because I'm a disgrace! Scum like me have no time for negotiations with the likes of you!".

After saying this, he took out a matchstick and lit it with a finger.

"It begins!".

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