
Chapter 620

Chapter 620: Accepting a Disciple

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

"Elder, when we return to my clan, can we leave quietly with my sister and mother? Is that possible?" the boy asked.

"Why so?" Chu Yu asked in return.

"Seeing the members of the clan will tar your eyes, it's better if you don't see them.".

The boy said honestly, "I've had enough of them.".

"They betrayed you, and even betrayed your mother and sister, aren't you mad?" Chu Yu asked.

"I am," Shang Guan Mu replied.

He sighed, "They're doing it for their own survival. In this sort of place, anyone can crush us. Under such pressure, it's understandable that such cowardice is born. I want to crush all of them more than anything, but they're still my clan mates, I can't do it.".

Chu Yu looked at the boy named Shang Guan Mu and smiled, "Alright, I promise you that I'll rescue them!".

"Thank you elder!" Guan Mu thanked as he kneeled down to give 3 kowtows.

He continued, "Elder, please accept me as your disciple! I want to become a truly powerful cultivator! I want to protect my loved ones! I… I don't want to be chased around like a dog. Please accept me!".

Chu Yu patted his head and said gently, "Get up first.".

Guan Mu immediately stood up.

This boy… there was no shortcoming Chu Yu could be picky about!

He had a good personality and was smart.

He had hope in his heart but he knew his limits.

Even though he was younger than 20, his cultivation level was already at Sainthood.

Moreover, he probably grew up in poverty and dire circumstances.

He was truly a genius!

Who wouldn't like such a boy?

"I come from the mortal realm, which is probably where your ancestor came from as well," Chu Yu told him.

"What? Elder, you're from the village of Dao?" gasped Guan Mu as a large amount of energy burst forth.

It was incredible life force!

Before this, even though he could feel that Chu Yu had no ill intent, he had no idea as to why Chu Yu wanted to help him.

But now he did!

This elder must have heard him mumbling to himself in that cave and decided to help him when he found out who the boy was!

They all had the blood of the village of Dao in their blood!

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The feeling of kinship filled the boy's heart.


He cried as he knelt down before Chu Yu and started sobbing.

His clan was one of royalty and greatness, but now it was nothing but trash.

He was fatherless from young and had to run away on multiple occasions when the enemy constantly came.

His clan mates watched on coldly and even betrayed him.

The unfairness of life he had to deal with took its toll.

Even though he was just a teenager, his experiences taught him how to be craft and how to act in the moment.

But who didn't wish to be young in their hearts? Who didn't want to do whatever they wanted?

Without going through what Guan Mu had, it was hard to understand why Guan Mu would break down at this moment.

Apart from his family, he had never felt this warmth in his life.

Today, he felt it.

"Why are you still calling me elder?" Chu Yu smiled at the sobbing Guan Mu.

"Mas… Master!".

He knelt down again and gave Chu Yu another kowtow.

"Let's go my disciple! We'll return home and fetch your mother and sister!" Chu Yu smiled as he helped him up.



In an ancient city far away.

The energy in the air was grand and the surroundings were posh.

Half of the people here had the same surname.


This city was known as the Qu Clan's City.

The masked man from before and his group returned to this place.

They sought an audience with the clan leader immediately.

The ancestor wasn't easy to meet, it was the clan leader who relayed his message from before.

The clan leader was a man who looked like he was in his fifties, he had a serious aura and was solemn.

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Even the sight of his clan member being stripped of all cultivation did not make him flinch.

"What happened?" he asked calmly.

"Leader, I'm sorry… I was useless, I couldn't accomplish the ancestor's instructions!" the masked man cried as he recounted the incident.

He didn't hide anything, otherwise, there would have been serious consequences.

After he heard the story, the clan leader frowned.

He knew that his underling would not lie to him.

This was a serious matter.

It was not a big deal at first, he didn't really think about it even.

The boy was just a child who had a powerful ancestor that vanished.

His ancestor once had a huge grudge with theirs!

That kind of hatred was not easily resolved.

They hated each other to the core!

The ancestor wanted to use the boy against his own clan to seek revenge.

Moreover, the matter seemed to be extremely simple from the clan leader's point of view.

There was no difficulty in capturing the boy.

But he never expected his group of underlings to fail.

The reason left him speechless.

A powerful being had intervened!

That being had thoroughly crippled his underling's cultivation, there was no chance of recovery, not in a million years.

The clan leader relieved him of his duties and sent him back to rest, he did the same for the rest of the group.

After sending them back, the clan leader went to see the ancestor at his seclusion area.

Few people knew that the one who gave the ancestor the idea of cleansing the boy's soul was the clan leader himself.

The ancestor did not object.

If he did not object, it meant approval.

But there was big problem now, a powerful being got involved, and he had to report it to the ancestor.

The clan leader carefully detailed the incident to the ancestor.

Of course, he was facing a statue of the ancestor.

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On it was a sliver of memory.

"A powerful being?".

"One that doesn't take us seriously?".

"Who dares to show such insolence?".

"The Dong Clan?".

An icy divine sense came off the statue.

The ancestor had not shown himself for 100,000 years.

The previous time, it was to celebrate a grand occasion in the clan.

The clan leader knew very well that the only reason he came out of seclusion the previous time was to find the ancestor of the Shang Clan.

He couldn't find him, but he killed off an entire generation of outstanding cultivators in that clan, which started their downfall.

Apart from the Qu Clan leader, no one else knew about this.

The Qu Clan leader said, "Ancestor, as of today, there are only 2 clans that have comparable power to us within the borders. One is the Bestial Sect, our most trusted allies, it's impossible that they're the culprit.".

"Okay," the statue said.

The clan leader continued, "The other clan is the Dong Clan. Even though they have a history of friction with us, we've gone to battle together as allies before, the village of Dao is the common enemy, I don't think that it's them either.".

"Okay," the statue said again.

"So, my guess is that this man probably came from outside the borders.".

"He's just entered and he dares to show such arrogance? Has it been too long since I've showed myself?" the statue's divine sense carried a semblance of anger.

"Don't get angry ancestor, I'm only reporting this to you, I'll take care of it naturally," the clan leader said with a look of fear.

"Alright, I'll leave it to you then, clear up your mess," the statue echoed.

The clan leader fell to his knees and said, "I'm not thorough in my actions, please punish me ancestor!".

"Just do it right, otherwise, I'll really exact punishment.".

"I understand!" the clan leader said, he knew very well what kind of character the ancestor was.

The punishment would have been severe.

The statue emanated an icy divine sense, "Onto other matters, I can confirm that the old thing from the Shang clan has died somewhere. Even if he's still alive, he won't find his way back here. So…".

The clan leader knew what the ancestor meant, "So I'll exterminate the rest?".

"Yes," the statue said.

The clan leader bowed down to the statue before walking out. He immediately gathered a group of men and dispatched them.

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There were 3 large factions of power within these borders.

They were the Qu Clan, the Bestial Clan and the Dong Clan.

The Qu Clan and the Bestial Clan were from the same part of the mortal realm, their ancestors were good friends.

Naturally, the two were allies in the Bastion of Stars.

Over the years, the daughters and sons of the two clans would often wed.

Also, their relationship was fortified by the spoils of battle that they obtained.

The other faction of power was the Dong Clan.

The Dong Clan was actually a little more powerful than the other two clans, and they also came from a clan in the mortal realm.

Although they were extremely powerful, they could not stand up to the Qu and Bestial Clan when they banded together.

This here formed the power dynamics of this place.

But in the past, the Shang Clan of the Eastern River was actually the most powerful Clan here.

They were true aborigines of the Eastern River.

They were once the strongest clan here!

Even if the former three clans banded together, they would've matched the power of the Shang clan at most.

The ancestor of the Shang Clan was already at the flying Immortal Stage of the ancestral realm!

Once a cultivator reached this level, one would bear hopes of reaching the next step.

To seek greater progress.

The ancestor of the Shang clan was the same.

But he hid his desires and nurtured his descendants.

Before he left, he fought a great battle with the ancestor of the Qu Clan!

In that one fight, he killed 3 of the ancestors of the Qu clan and injured the other 3 severely!

Following this, the ancestor of the Shang clan approached the Bestial and Dong Clans.

He did the same to them.

At that time, the Shang clan was like the tyrant of this place!

But now, they were nothing but dust.

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