
Chapter 633

Chapter 633: The Betrayal

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

"How did he find us!?"

Lu Ancestor and Qu Ancestral Being were in shock, unable to believe what just happened.

At their level, a similarly skilled cultivator would find it very hard to detect their presence, should they make an effort to conceal themselves. Furthermore, they were using invisibility charms.

Therefore, they never expect themselves to be discovered.

They watched as the black object in the distance flew toward them at a supersonic speed, and it definitely did not look friendly.

Dong ancestor and the young ancestral being beside him moved at this instant!

At their level, they could travel miles in just a split second.

However, what they did not expect, was Chu Yu lunging toward another large mountain after throwing that black object out.

"No, it should be here!"

"This son of a b*tch… is f*cking crafty!" Dong ancestor and Dong ancestral being could feel their blood boiling when the two black, scary looking balls fell into the mountains, and nothing happened.

"What a bast*rd!"

They were immediately discovered once they moved.

At the same time, Chu Yu discreetly send Dong ancestor a message, lecturing him in a belittling and disapproving manner.

"Lil' Dong, don't you think you're a little dumb? Didn't we agree that I will stop them behind the scene?"

"You think I'm a snake that can't keep my word?"

"That I would not do my job after getting paid by you?"

"I saw you jumped out hurriedly, what do you want?"

"Forget it, you should take your men back with you quickly… y'all are exposed, who do you still want to ambush?"

Dong ancestor was practically steaming at this point!

"What the f*ck is Lil' Dong!"

"That Bast*rd is trying to disrespect me! Does he think I lived for so many years so that I could be shit upon?"

Dong ancestor was surprising decisive, leaving with his men without hesitation!

Apart from this shameless outsider, there were still two Flying Immortal Stage cultivators from the Qu and Dong Clans, who were more than what Dong ancestor could handle.

On top of that, they had three higher beings of the Ancestral realm!

Unless ambushing from the shadows and killing with a single blow, they would lose in any face to face combat. Killing them would be almost impossible. If they do not leave now, then when?

Lu Clan should be finished by now anyway!

What should happen next was reaching an agreement with Qu ancestor below the table!

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Dong ancestor sent out a message to Qu ancestor.

A stoic Qu ancestor charged toward Dong ancestor with the three Ancestral beings from Lu Clan, his face not betraying the silent exchange that took place.

Beneath his facade, however, he was madly trying to weigh his options!

He was trying to consider the benefits and costs!

Not only did he heard Dong ancestor, he also believed him!

Qu ancestor did not believe Dong ancestor was here to kill them both.

Are you kidding?

Two Flying Immortal Stage cultivators were exceedingly difficult to kill.

Even if they might lose one-on-one, Dong ancestor could not dream of taking down both of them at the same time!

Then why was he here?

Qu ancestor was still partially confused until Dong ancestor transmitted him the message discreetly. He finally realized the real motive of Dong ancestor!

"This son of a b*tch!" Dong ancestor cursed under his breath.

"This is too brutal!"

Two out of seven Ancestral beings from Dong Clan came. If the remaining five went to attack Lu Clan, they would be utterly destroyed!

Never did anyone expect Dong ancestor to be so bold and daring!

Previously, everyone's eyes were trained on the outsider!

Dong Clan's ultimate goal, was not limited to crushing a Lu Clan.

Qu ancestor was clear on this point too.

This was the reason why Qu and Lu Clan were so tightly bonded.

Only by working together, could they hope to resist the invasion from Dong Clan.

But today…

Seems like Lu Clan was really finished!

All they had left was a Flying Immortal Stage ancestor, and an Ancestral being.

When the time came, they could barely put up a fight against the forces of Dong Clan.

What now?

Qu ancestor hesitated for a moment and made his decision.

He transmitted a message to Lu ancestor discreetly, "This is a rare opportunity, don't go easy on him!"

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Lu ancestor narrowed his eyes slightly. Even though he did not know Dong ancestor had secretly communicated with Qu ancestor, his innate danger radar was pinging, an ability that was present in most cultivators at his level.

He was slightly uneasy. For a moment, he thought of telling Qu ancestor the current situation of his clan.

But he decided against it!

If he told Qu ancestor right now, in this current situation and dynamics, Qu ancestor confidence in their cooperation might waver. Many years of friendship and the current geopolitical situation led Lu ancestor to believe that Qu ancestor would not make the unwise wove to cooperate with Dong ancestor.

Therefore, Lu ancestor only hesitated for a split second before making the decision to kill the d*mn Dong ancestor first!

Should they succeed, the tides would turn!

A broken and scattered Dong Clan would have to face two Flying Immortal Stage cultivators from their Lu clan. He trusted Qu ancestor would make the right decision.

"When the time arrived, the rightful King of this entire land will be none other than my Lu clan!"

So many years of waiting and patience precipitates to this one moment. It was time to play his trump card!

"Kill him!" Lu ancestor bellowed with strength, as he charged toward Dong ancestor.

For an instant, Qu ancestor really wanted to join Lu ancestor, not caring for anything else, and subdue Dong ancestor!

But his intellectual side pulled him away.

He secretly transmitted messages to the two young ancestral beings following him, to take down the ancestral being beside Lu ancestor.

At this moment, Chu Yu finally became a bystander.

Nobody had him on their minds!

He landed on the peak of a large mountain and continued to roast his feathered vertebrate.

It smelled so good!

He pulled out a table, and set it with a clean, white tablecloth.

Then he pulled out many pieces of exquisite silverware!

These were all prepared by Yu Xiaoxian, who evangelized to him this particular attitude towards life.

Indeed, when it came to eating, one's attitude should be right.

Chu Yu cut off a piece of meat, sat there, and began eating leisurely.

A piece of meat here, a sip of wine there.

He watched as the clans' ancestors got up in one another's' faces. His eyes betrayed a hint of mockery.

"A bunch of conqueror wannabes… Dumb c*nts."

Dong ancestor was very clear which bast*rd was barbequing the bird. But at this point, he could not care less!

His excitement temporarily overshadowed his hatred toward Chu Yu.

Because Qu ancestor had agreed to cooperate in killing Lu ancestor and splitting the treasures in Lu clan evenly!

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Qu ancestor even suggested to cooperate and get rid of that outsider after settling Lu ancestor!

Might as well flatten the Shang Clan east of the river while they were at it!

Shang Clan was like a juicy piece of steak, sitting on top of the most fertile piece of land.

Why should they?

When faced with a proposition like this, Dong ancestor naturally agreed.

He even promised to not lay a finger on Qu clan for the next million years! A considerably sincere promise.

After getting rid of Lu ancestor, there was no doubt the two of them would be injured, unable to fight amongst themselves in the near future.

A giant like Qu clan would be impossible to be wiped out easily.

But a promise of ceasefire for the next million years was a great relieve to Qu ancestor.

A million years was a long time, they would definitely have groomed a lot more powerful members.

When the time comes, should they clash again, Qu clan would be a lot more confident.

Actually, this was also a rather helpless decision.

Lu clan getting wiped out… was just a matter of time.

Naturally, he did not expect that Lu clan was not as weak as they might seem – eerily powerful in fact!

The great war has begun!

The two ancestral being from Qu clan and the ancestral being from Dong clan lunged toward the ancestral being from Lu clan!

This attack proved to be an overwhelming force!

The Ancestral being from Lu clan was always ready to engage, but the last thing he expected was an ambushing… coming from his side!

He was crippled in an instant!

Mouthfuls of blood were forcefully expelled from his mouth, his body flung far away.

At the level of Ancestral being, their life force was too high!

Just a strand of consciousness will be sufficient to revive him.

But the three Ancestral beings were set on wiping him off the face of the earth. How could they allow him to recover?


Another shockwave washed over everyone.

Even though the universe was perfectly set up by the rules of heaven, earth, and magic, a brawl among the highest forms of beings was still enough to seemingly bring forth the end of the world.

"F*cking Qu Clan… you're so despicable!" the Lu clan ancestral being roared helplessly.

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Those who betray would always be extra ruthless!

The two Ancestral beings from Qu clan were going crazy too, pushing the definition of ruthlessness to new heights!

Every strike was targeted to kill.

Naturally, the Ancestral being from Dong clan would not show any mercy.

The poor Ancestral being from Lu clan was smashed to smithereens a few hundred times within a short period of time!

Every time he shattered, he became a lot weaker.

The glare from Lu ancestor felt painful and piercing!

He was on the verge of going mad!

He wanted to save his descendant but was subsequently intercepted by Dong and Qu ancestors.

The first strike from Qu ancestor was a powerful one!

And it was specifically targeted at countering Lu ancestor's powers!

They know each other too well!

Lu ancestor's weaknesses were clear as a day to Qu ancestor.

That was why they say, you can never forgive betrayals from people close to you.

However, killing a high level being like Lu ancestor was no walk in the park!

He howled like a madman, a violent tremor swept across the sky.

High up in the sky, a myriad of phenomena appeared.

A fight between Ancestral beings, while not as violent as the Giants, can be equally frightening.

Chu Yu was torn away from his ambrosial meal and was shocked. He read the dynamics of the fight, and the corner of his mouth twitched a little.

Qu and Dong clan… joined forces?

What is happening?

Did something happen that he was not aware of?

Chu Yu's mind was racing now.

At this moment, he received an unexpected transmission from Lu ancestor.

"My Lu clan… still has a Flying Immortal Stage being! Help me this time, I'll be forever in your debt! If you destroy Qu and Dong clan… I will give up all my resources! They are all yours!"

The fight for survival and the anguishing betrayal from an ally pushed Lu ancestor to the verge of madness!

He was willing to sacrifice it all to get through this disaster.

All debts would be settled once this is over!

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