
Chapter 636

Chapter 636: Who is that?

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

A pink streak of light stretched across the desert.

Her looks were exquisite and her long, slender legs were indistinct under her pink tunic. Anyone who gazed upon them would be smitten.

One would think she was human on the first glance.

But, a vertical eye rested between her eyebrows.

The vertical eye was pitch-black, making it scary. Something seemed to be churning in that eye, a source of dark energy perhaps?

She didn't belong to our kind but to one of the mysterious, unknown life forms.

She was decisive and agile; when she found out that arrow could not kill Chu Yu, she fled.

Even though she could not bear to part with that arrow, she knew she had met her match.

He was a strong foe.

Not only did her treasure not kill him, it was captured by him.

She was incapable of offending someone of his stature.

Yet, she belittled Chu Yu.

Chu Yu was presently invincible across the realms.

If not for the timely surprise attack and the deadliness of the arrow, Chu Yu would not even be threatened.

True enough, this was a carefully calibrated attack, but for Chu Yu, it was only a mundane surprise. It wasn't even enough for Chu Yu to break a sweat.

Even though she was quick-witted and made a run for it, her route of escape was blocked.

Immediately, she lowered her head and changed direction.


She appeared in another area.

But, she was still haunted by the shadow ahead of her.

She bit her lips softly and continued teleporting.

But the shadow was always on her tail.

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After 10 tries or so, she gave up.

Suddenly, a beam of light, which carried a killing intent, shot out from her vertical eye, towards Chu Yu.

"Still not giving up?" Chu Yu snorted coldly.

In a flash, as if without warning, Chu Yu's palm connected. Bam! This lady was sent flying.

Chu Yu spared no expressions of pity.

As for the beam of light? Before it had even reached Chu Yu, it was swatted off by the defensive aura Chu Yu emits. He couldn't care less about that beam of light. After all, would anyone in this world possess a vertical eye more powerful than his?

The palm strike that sent her flying caused severe injuries to her internal organs. A streak of fresh blood trickled down her lips.

She was frightened and infuriated as she stared at Chu Yu full of resentment.


Chu Yu cleaved her into half upon hearing the insult with his Divine Punisher Blade.

She let out a piercing shriek as her body quickly merged back together.

A terrible scar appeared at the wound.

The killer intent radiating from the three realms technique was eradicating any chance of survival she has.

Fear clouded her eyes as she pleaded to be spared.

"Who is the imbecile?" Chu Yu shot her a cold look. "I have just arrived at this world, and we have not even met before, yet you attacked me with a deadly poisonous arrow. Despite being defeated by me, you have the cheek to ask for mercy?"

"You just arrived? How can that be? I recognise you!".

Countless of small thunderbolts lighted up, and dissipated.

However, she was unfazed, looking at Chu Yu with determination and tenacity. Dark energy was swirled in her vertical eye, giving away the inner turmoil she was experiencing.

"You recognise me?" Chu Yu frowned. He was puzzled.

"Why could I ever forget that face of yours? Never, not even in my death!" Her eyes were filled with fear but her tone was firm. She laughed coldly, "Don't think that just because you have risen within the realms, I won't be able to recognise you. Now that I am in your hands, you are free to kill me. But if you ever think of ruining my innocence, I will self-destruct! No need for suspicion, I have input a formation in me ever since we met!".

Chu Yu was confused – what the hell is a formation that is in a body?

However, he could not detect that she was lying.

This was absurd. Obviously, he had not been here before. And that was indisputable.

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Yet, she claimed to have met him, and her hatred could not have been faked. By the looks of it, she was abandoned by Chu Yu before.

Chu Yu waved his hand, and retracted his three realms technique.

Her body went numb.

She collapsed on the floor, heaving a sigh of relief.

Till now, she was holding up with her strong will. In actuality, she could break down anytime.

If not for her strong will, she would not have been able to muster such courage to talk to Chu Yu like this.

Ironically, after Chu Yu removed the three realms of technique from her, she was unable to hold herself together any longer.

Still, she looked at Chu Yu with eyes filled with hatred and anger. She gritted her teeth and said, "Although I do not know how you were able to cultivate yourself to this extent, don't think I will fall for you because of that!"

"Shut up." Chu Yu was exasperated. "Would you listen to me first?"

What do you have to say?"

"Do you know my name"

"Chu Yu!"She answered confidently.

"…"Chu Yu was truly shook now.

"He…he looks exactly like me?"Chu Yu asked.

" She nodded and gave another cold smile. "I am not your match, why is there a need to put up an act?".

"Are you f*cking stupid?" Chu Yu was enraged. "That person you are talking about is not me! He is an impersonator! Why would I even put up an act for someone as stupid as you?"

She was shocked by his beratement. Her black vertical eye did a quick roll.

She was measuring Chu Yu discreetly.

As for his words, she found them hard to believe.

No matter how many second looks she took, the despicable guy was definitely him!

From their first encounter till now, the growth of the despicable man was shocking.

"Would you calm down, and tell me what exactly happened?"

Chu Yu looked at her helplessly.

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Of course, he could slap this lady to death, who had an animosity towards him.

Problem was, he was puzzled, how did someone impersonate him in a place like the Bastion of the Stars?

He might have made many enemies in the human world. Strictly speaking, apart from the life forms in his hometown, majority of the life forms was his enemy.

Thing was, those who were killed in the human world, had the cultivation of the great sage.

But this lady possesses the powers of the Flying Immortal and was in the gods realm.

What kind of a sage would fool around with such a being?

Moreover, on first glance, she looked out of sorts, and her methods are vicious.

Chu Yu could not think who would dare to impersonate him to infuriate this lady.

The lady looked at Chu Yu with hesitation and even she was puzzled now.

The person standing in front of her was worlds apart from the guy she met.

She belched thinking of what the guy had done to her.

Looking at Chu Yu again, she hesitated, but eventually gave her recount.

"When I first met you… no, when I first met your lookalike, it was a few months back."

Her gaze was filled with hatred as she continued to recount.

That despicable man had just entered the realm of the great sages. The aura and power emanating from his body was, to her, ordinary.

But his guts, they were unbelievable!

He had the nerves to proclaim her as worthy to be his maidservant.


Only those who seek death would speak to her like this!

Naturally, she was enraged and slapped him.

If not for his company, she would have really slapped him to death.

After a short while, the unthinkable happened. He had actually entered the gods realm!

"I could not fathom how can someone rise through the realms in a short amount of time…"

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"Not even a month!"

"I was touted as a genius that appears once in a billion years. And even I took 15 years to reach the gods realm…"

Chu Yu thought to himself: that is amazing!

But he was more curious about who the man was.

The lady trusted that Chu Yu was not who she met, and lowered her guard.

"After entering the gods realm, he brought a couple of pilgrims to her house, and bearishly requested for me to be his maidservant."

He was obviously here to pick a fight.

The masters in her family could not swallow the humiliation and fought with them.

But this was all a long-devised plan set in motion.

All the masters from his clan fought back, and wiped out the masters from her clan.

In the nick of time, the lady was sent to her clan's most ancient ancestral site.

It was an excellent hiding place.

The ancestral site existed since time immemorial

Legend has it that the first ancestor left 12 arrows there.

"Is this it?" Chu Yu held out the arrow he caught previously.

The lady nodded in embarrassment.

Up till now, she was almost certain Chu Yu is different from the despicable man.

But because of her rashness, she had offended Chu Yu.

" She said softly, "Too bad… My first ancestor's bow is missing. If not, no one would be able to catch this arrow, even if its you!"

"Your ancestor's bow?" He looked at the arrowhead in his hand, casually asked, "what bow?".

"Red bow"

"Yi is your ancestor?"

Chu Yu was in disbelief.

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