
Chapter 641

Chapter 641: God of Poetry

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

After living for so many years in the pocket dimension, Chu Dahua had gotten used to collective living.

Unlike before, she was not muddle-headed and her thoughts became clearer.

When she was experiencing the tribulation to enter the Ancestral Realm, Chu Yu brought her out.

When she stepped into the Ancestral Realm, she looked at the sky as if she thought of something.

However, she said nothing and showed no reaction.

Her attitude toward Chu Yu was still ambivalent.

It was unlike the rest, some of who would interact with him occasionally.

Snowy made her home in the pocket dimension. After she found out that her brother was dead, she had rarely been happy. However, she had gotten better in the past two years.

In these years, Chu Yu would occasionally bring those inside the pocket dimension out to the Bastions of the Star to train.

Of course, Chu Yu's parents came rarely too.

No matter how many resources they were provided with, they could ultimately just become Sages.

This could not be helped. Everyone had his or her limit.

The fact that they could become Sages was thanks to Chu Yu's hard work all these years.

After having left Earth for so many years, they still missed their sons and daughters there.

Chu Liang and Chu Xi.

When Chu Yu left the solar system, Chu Liang and Chu Xi decided to stay behind.

Everyone had different ideals and would make different choices, even if they were siblings.

However, Chu Yu still thought of returning to the Eastern Heavens and the mortal realm to pay a visit to his friends and family there. He wanted to see how they had been.

At that time, he would try and convince his brother and sister to leave with him.

By then, he probably had to return to his former home as an avatar.

Chu Yu handed the red bow and the twelve arrows over to Xu Xiaoxian.

After she became a Great Sage, the power of the bow and arrows in Xu Xiaoxian's hands were terrifying.

Even Chu Yu found it hard to resist an arrow Xu Xiaoxian shot out at full strength.

This was in spite of the fact that Xu Xiaoxian had just become a Great Sage. As for Chu Yu… He had was an Ancestral Realm Great Being at the peak of his strength!

"This made me feel that, next to you, I'm not completely useless. In your next fight, release me secretly and I'll help you ambush them with my arrows…" Xu Xiaoxian said to Chu Yu with a smile.

She was indeed an aggressive person.

Cultivators had to be like her.

She now had the red bow and the twelve arrows, on top of her Heaven Demon Instrument.

It seemed that she would become a scary cultivator.

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One who could kill beings who were more powerful than her!

Perhaps it was because of his rapid increase in strength, but Chu Yu realized that he had been breaking through Dao levels faster and faster.

For those around him, including Ancestor Ming Hui, they did not know long it would take to break through a Dao level and hence, they did not find it strange.

However, if others knew of his speed, they would surely be shocked.

On that day, when Chu Yu broke through yet another Dao level and went through it, he realized that an enormous and vast world appeared in front of him!

For a cultivator his level, he could assess the size of a world just from the energy it gave off.

This was massive!

Countless stars shone in the sky and orbited on unique trajectories.

The land before him was vast and endless.

It had all types of terrain!

In front of him, there was a godly mountain which was hundreds of meters tall. Like a sword, it pierced through the clouds.

Over there, an intense battle was taking place.

At the same time, he could hear chanting.

Chu Yu froze!

The person chanting made his body tremble slightly.

"Guests from afar talk about Yingzhou…"

Another huge mountain, which was even higher than the sword peak, dropped from the sky and smashed his opponent.

His opponent waved his halberd, shattering the mountain.

However, it took him a lot of effort do so as he panted heavily.

"But it was too hard to find!"

A tidal wave suddenly appeared, causing the halberd-wielding person to be submerged completely underneath it.

Then, it froze into ice instantly.


That person leaped out from the ice and freed himself.

His entire body was bloody and he was enraged. He roared in anger.

"When the Yue people talk about Mount Tianmu, one could still see lights shining from it…"

A person clad entirely in white was suspended calmly in mid-air like an immortal.

Another huge mountain, which was surrounded by seven-colored clouds, smashed toward his opponent.

Both the mountain and the clouds around it were formed from a terrifying spell. They brimmed with a terrifying killing intent and were horrifying!

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"Mount Tianmu is vast and stretches into the sky. It is taller than the Five Mountains and dwarves Mount Chicheng!"

"Mount Tiantai is 48 000 zhang tall, but it still prostrates itself to Mount Tianmu!"

Countless vast mountains smashed his opponent.

Chu Yu took in a deep breath and looked blankly on.

Was this the legendary person?

He could not be sure but from him, he could sense an unbelievably carefree aura.

Suddenly, the person changed the poem he was reciting!

"The heroes of Yan and Zhao wore headbands signifying their statuses. Curved knives hung from their waists. Riding on their white steed, they galloped through the streets as fast as shooting stars."

A white horse and a rider suddenly appeared out of nowhere as it slashed at his opponent.

"They can kill one person in every ten step, and they won't stop even if they ride 1000 li!"

As the man in white said these two lines, the warrior on the white horse, wielding his weapon, slashed at his opponent's head before disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Indeed, he did not stop even if he rode 1000 li!

The rider was truly dazzling!

He was so cool!

This was the first time Chu Yu had witnessed such a fighting style.

From start to finish, the man in white did not even stop once. He just stood handsomely in mid-air as he recited his poetry. Just like this, he was able to defeat an Ancestral Realm Great Being.

And he decapitated him too!

At this moment, another terrifying Great Being jumped out. He brimmed with an intense killing aura as he charged toward the man in white.

He roared, "How dare you! I'll kill you!"

"The capital made from white jade in the heaven is prosperous indeed, countless buildings can be seen!"

As the man in white recited this poem, his voice became visibly louder.

Chu Yu could clearly sense that the Great Dao between heaven and earth was contracting!

An endless amount of energy turned into a moon, which hung above a bunch of buildings, which had just mysterious appeared.

The lustrous full moon shone with an intense killing intent!

It illuminated the heaven and earth!

Like this, it blocked his opponent.

Then, the man in white recited, "The immortals raise me and I am their chosen child."

With this, he reached out with his hand.

And pressed directly on the other person's head.


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That guy's head exploded instantly.

Chu Yu watched this happened with his mouth open.

That was a Flying Immortal Realm Great Being!

He died just like that?

Chosen child of the immortals?

More like a killing child!

The man in white waved his robes and the one whose head had just blown up transformed into a huge black anaconda.

It was a huge anaconda.

Then, its body started to shrink and finally, it became about 3 meters long. Headless and limp, the man in white lifted it up.

As for the other dead being, whose body was in a hole in the ground, he had yet to reveal his true form yet. He still resembled a human.

However, Chu Yu knew that that was… no human.

"My friend from afar, how delighted I am to see you! Why not join me for a cup?" The man in white looked at Chu Yu.

While they were far away from each other, Chu Yu had just broken through the previous Dao level and did not conceal his energy. It was normal for him to be discovered.

He did not hesitate because this person was too similar to the 'God of Poetry'.

If he had not existed in the world one thousand years ago, how could he become this powerful?

From the looks of it, he was already half a foot inside the Heavenly Immortal Realm!

Chu Yu walked into the air and finally, arrived at the peak of the godly mountain. Over there, there was a pavilion which sat in a basin at the top of the mountain. He could not see the bottom.

The man in white brimmed with a divine aura. His face was skinny but elegant. As he looked at Chu Yu, he smiled and asked, "Could you be from my home?"

Chu Yu looked at the man in white and said emotionally, "Moonlight shone in front of my bed like frost on the ground. As I look up into the sky to stare at the moon, I think of my hometown."

The man in white looked at him and his expression softened. Then, he started to laugh and held Chu Yu by his arm and said, "Come come come, my friend from my hometown, drink a thousand cups of wine with me!"

Chu Yu's mind was blank. Just now, he was only invited to one cup. Now, after he discovered that they were from the same hometown, he was invited to a thousand cups.

Like the legends, he was truly an alcoholic!

In that pavilion, many people lived there. They were of different cultivation levels.

However, many of them were not humans.

Instead, they were other beings in human form.

They seemed unperturbed by the fight just now as they continued about doing what they should be doing naturally.

Chu Yu looked at them in surprise. The man in white smiled and said, "They're used to it. If too many days passed without anything coming over to die, they will find it strange."

"Bastion of the Stars… does it really have so many Ancestral Realm beings?" Chu Yu found it unbelievable.

The man in white looked at him and said, "With endless light and darkness, there are countless beings in the Bastion of the Stars. Isn't it normal that a good number of them are in the Ancestral Realm?"

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"There was none in the human realm before I came," said Chu Yu with a bitter chuckle.

"The human realm…"

A look of disorientation passed through the man in white's eyes. Then, he mumbled, "A thousand years ago, when I had nothing to do, I sent an avatar of mine there. However, the human realm has been sealed and hence, I can't do much there."

Chu Yu was shocked.

He thought, "It's really him!"

Was the God of Poetry, who astounded hundreds of generations, his avatar?

Was he a supremely powerful cultivator in the distant past

The man in white laughed and said, "Let's not talk about them. Come come come, let us drink!"

Then, he dragged Chu Yu down into a… brothel.

It was truly a brothel. Inside, he could hear enchanting songs and the guests from every congregated down here. Of course, there were countless beautiful women flitting around like butterflies.

Pitifully, for Chu Yu, this was the first time he had seen something like this.

He was instantly at a loss.

Inside, when some of the ladies saw their guests, they instantly circled around them.

The braver ones instantly linked arms with Chu Yu.

The man in white waved his hand and said, "Don't scare my friend. Call Yi Hong and Wei Cui over!"

The beautiful ladies all started to whine.

"Aiyah! Every time you come you only care about those two."

"Are we not good enough?"

"That's right? Do I not catch your fancy?"

The man in white pinched one of the ladies' pretty faces and then spanked another fatter one on her ass and laughed, "You little demons. Stop tempting me! Get them now!"

These ladies all giggled and left.

The man in white brought Chu Yu into a deluxe suite on the top of the building.

Chu Yu looked at his surroundings and could not help but sigh.

The layout of this room was too luxurious!

Even the wooden guqin was made from wood from divine trees. Its strings were fashioned from top quality holy gold mined from the Bastion of the Stars.

Normally, when others made weapons, they would only use a bit of holy gold.

However, they actually used it to make strings from the guqin. What extravagances!

Any vase inside was a Flawless Jade Vase capable of holding a huge pocket dimension.

They were all top-quality magic items!

Chu Yu could not help but drool as he looked at them

At this moment, footsteps could be heard coming from outside. Then, two young beautiful women who were stunningly attractive sashayed in.

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