
Chapter 644

Chapter 644: The Powerful Being Who Could Not Find the Truth

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

Even though many years ago, Chu Yu knew that this rebirth was fake and that this world was not real, he still had an incredulous feeling when he awakened today.

After an experience of more than hundreds of years, they all seemed pretty real to him. If not for his perceptive abilities, he would have thought it to be real too!

The world changed because of him and completely different things happened!

Some disappeared and some events were no longer the same.

Who could say that this was a fake world?

Even now, Chu Yu could not be sure if this world was real or fake.

He still needed proof.

As he thought about this, all of his blood and bone in the sky re-formed immediately!

Even his senses and soul came back.

When everything was forged back together, an indescribable energy came from Chu Yu's body.

While this change did not seem very visible, all those of a higher cultivation level could sense that it was different.

The man in white below narrowed his eyes and mumbled, "He actually survived it… what a genius!"

The two girls next to him were shocked too.

They could not believe it.

He had evidently been split apart by the heavenly tribulation, so how did he come back to life?

Furthermore… it seemed as if he had survived it.

Were there just two bolts of thunder in the tribulation to become a Powerful Being?

Was it this simple?

They looked at the man in white for an explanation.

The man in white chuckled bitterly and said, "I only know that the second bolt of heavenly thunder has the energy of rebirth in it. I've only heard of it. Without having to go through the six paths of rebirth, it could allow someone to transmigrate into another life. If he were lost in that lifetime… he would never come back."

"What would happen then?" Yi Hong asked.

"If he doesn't come back, it's good too. He'll just live in that world," said the man in white with a laugh.

He ignored the two women next to him and jumped into the air and said to Chu Yu, "Congratulations, my friend, for attaining a higher level!"

From afar, Chu Yu appeared instantly in front of the man in white.

He said, "I have to thank you!"

The man in white laughed and said, "It's all your own doing!"

Chu Yu asked, "Oh right, how long was I out for after the second bolt of thunder hit me?"

The man in white's eye flashed and he replied, "An instant."

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Chu Yu sighed. In his heart, he knew that everything he had just experienced was false.

No vertical eye, no Immortal Crane Pill Scripture, no Superclass and Zi… no Chen in the Eastern Heaven.

Could it be that the tribulation of rebirth to become a Powerful Being was not powerful to conjure such high-level illusions?

It could be possible.

Chu Yu grimaced and bade the man in white farewell.

He knew that this world before him was the Bastion of the Stars!

As he moved onward, he would find the entrance to the real Immortal Realm.

However, he did as instructed by the man in white. That place… was unimaginably dangerous.

Even a Powerful Being would not dare to enter it easily.

Chu Yu thought of what they had said previously. Xu and Mao guarded the Immortal Realm and dominated the unimaginable aura and energy of that place.

After so many years, how powerful would they have become?

It was impossible to say.

However, Chu Yu did not fear them.

He was already in this realm and while his time here was short and incomparable to the Powerful Beings who had been living there since ancient times, he was still capable of fighting him.

In particular, his Techniques of the Three Realms could suppress tens of thousands of Daos!

After he bade the man in white farewell, he continued on alone.

There was no more Dao level because he was in the central region of the Bastion of the Stars.

It was a circular wall and ringed by sturdy Dao levels.

The central area was where the Immortal Door was.

The fights there were the most intense in the entire Bastion of the Stars!

Countless powerful beings congregated there as they prepared to break through the Immortal Door.

However, it would not open!

Chu Yu knew that the Immortal Door in the Bastion of the Stars would open irregularly.

It was not like before where the Immortal Door would not open and beings had to barge through…

Completely unlike this.

Like this, many believed that this was a trick, a strategy, by the Immortal Realm.

As no one knew when it would open, and that it only remained open for a very short while, only a few of the more powerful beings near the front could enter.

Hence, to obtain a spot, the battle in front of the Immortal Door… had never stopped!

The more powerful beings, to secure their positions at the front of the queue, had to defeat all their opponents and remain alert. They could not slacken even for a tiny while.

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No one knew when the Immortal Door would open.

There was no absolutely no rule!

It could remain closed for a million years, or it could open ten times in ten years.

Ultimately, it played with everyone.

Right when everyone was not alert, it would open for one and a half second before closing once more.

Yi, many years ago, entered the Immortal Realm like this.

This was not a secret here. Anyone of the powerful beings here knew.

As Chu Yu walked onward, he met many ancients from Earth and from them, he obtained much information about the Bastion of the Stars.

Many of these ancients were completely unlike what history books wrote about them.

From history books, one could only know what they had once said, which was recorded as annotations.

After he met them in real life, he could truly sense their charisma.

To Chu Yu, they all showed kindness as he was a cultivator from their home.

In the Bastion of the Stars, friendship was a rare thing.

Only the beings from the same place of origin would make contact with each other.

They were all shocked at Chu Yu's cultivation level.

They were shocked to see a Powerful Being at such a young age.

In fact, their shock at seeing Chu Yu was incomparable to Chu Yu's shock when he saw his friends and family in the pocket dimension.

When he saw them, he realized that all of them… were in the Ancestral Realm!

All of them!

Including his mother and father!

This was impossible!

Chu Yu was dazed.

He could not believe it.

When he was undergoing the tribulation, this bunch did not change much.

Xu Xiaoxian and Lin Shi were slightly better as they had been Great Sages.

Chu Dahua was already in the Ancestral Realm.

As for his parents, no matter how hard he had worked, he had no choice but to admit that they could only be Sages at most.

What was going on?

Ancestor Minghui, Ming Yuyou, Fatty, and his two Caucasian wives… Old Huang and Lord Thief… Chu Xiaobai…

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They were all in the Ancestral Realm!

However, there were exceptions!

Shangguan Mu and Snowy, who Chu Yu did not meet as he experienced the rebirth tribulation… were still in their original cultivation level.

"Who can give me an explanation?"

As he looked at this group of Ancestral Realm cultivators, Chu Yu asked dazedly. He looked at Xiaoyue.

This girl had always been next to him when he experienced the hundreds of years of rebirth. Her cultivation increased the fastest.

Then, he looked at his parents, Xu Xiaoxian, and Lin Shi.

"We want to ask you," Lord Thief flapped his wings and as he moved slightly, countless rays of light shone through his body.

A being in the Ancestral Realm was perfect in all regards.

"Ask me?" Chu Yu was confused. He wondered what did they have to ask him.

"We didn't experience any tribulation, nothing… and we suddenly entered the Ancestral Realm," Lord Thief said as he looked at Chu Yu. "We did nothing!"

"…" Chu Yu's mind as blank.

He looked at everyone.

Xu Xiaoxian said quietly, "This feeling was too sudden. In the previous second, we were in our original levels of cultivation. Then, it changed…. Everything changed."

She looked at Chu Yu and said, "More mysteriously, we did not realize that anything was amiss after we had experienced this sudden change. By right, for people like Mom and Dad, as well as Xiaobai, whose cultivation levels were not so high, they should find it difficult to adapt to all these new powers. However, all of us seemed… as if we had already been familiar with this level. We did not find it uncomfortable."

Chu Yu looked in shock at everyone. He thought, "Was the world which I had lived in real?"

Why did this happen?

What had happened?

Even though he was already a Primordial Powerful Being, he felt like an idiot.

He was as clueless as a caveman.

Why would this happen?

"Was the problem with me?"

Chu Yu did not know how to explain it.

Now that he was a Primordial Powerful Being, his understanding of the Great Dao should be at a level where he could will anything into existence!

Simply put, he could make a vast world simply.

Everything would seem real in that world!

Like the pocket dimension his friends and family were in.

The difference would be in the strength of the energy in these worlds.

A pocket dimension made by a Sage could not compare to one made by an Ancestral Realm cultivator.

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The difference between the two was vast!

"Can it be that, even after so much cultivation, I'm still a fish in water?"

"And I can't jump out?"

"So this vast universe which I'm in, including the Immortal Realm, the Bastion of the Stars, the Netherworld, and human world, was likewise made by someone else?"

"Are we just fish in a fishbowl?"

As he thought about how the stone statues disappeared into space, wild thoughts appeared in Chu Yu's mind.

"Where can I go? Where's the end?"

"Or is there no real end?"

"Am I just a figure in the universe?"

A bitter smile crossed his face as he discovered a huge problem.

Even though he had cultivated until this level, where he could make a world with his mind… he still did not understand himself.

He could not see through his own secrets, so how could he understand the world?

This was an epic joke!

Among ordinary mortals, top doctors knew the human body like the back of their hands. The best doctors could easily cut the human body into countless pieces without spilling a drop of blood.

In the eyes of cultivators, this was child's play!

Furthermore, the best doctors in the world did not know what was cultivation.

Before the Earth's seal had been released, they did not believe that these things existed in the world.

Hence, to understand all these, they had to leap out.

The Immortal Realm… was just a realm in the limitless universe.

He could enter by the Bastion of the Stars.

"I need to get out!"

Chu Yu thought.

He never had such a strong emotion before.

Even before he could cultivate, this thought did not appear in his mind.

"Brother, can you explain what is going on?" Fatty looked at Chu Yu and asked.

They were shocked.

Becoming a Sage so easily disorientated them.

From this, they could see that something was going on.

Just now, Chu Yu believed that the world where he experienced the tribulation of rebirth was illusory and not real.

However, the increase in these people's cultivation told him something else.

His rebirth and all that he had experienced… were not entirely fake!

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