
Chapter 653: 653

Chapter 653: Why We Fight

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

The Sword Scholar looked over and chortled, "What brings you over."

Chu Yu could immediately tell that it was Zhou Gan.

He was from the Hai branch of the Twelve Earthly Branches!

He was that pig! (Translator's Note: Pig corresponds to the Hai branch of the Twelve Earthly Branches, which is used in the ordering of the Chinese zodiac.)

Zhou Gan quickly arrived from afar. He was extremely quick. In an instant, he was already close to the both of them and he smiled widely at Chu Yu, "Senior, it's been a long time!"

Chu Yu twisted his lips, "I don't deserve it."

"How do you not deserve it? Chen (referring to a Dragon in the Chinese Zodiac) is my senior, while you are the junior of Chen. There's nothing wrong with calling you senior." Zhou Gan cheekily said.

After this, he looked at the Sword Scholar and said, "Monkey sensed that there were intruders in the Eastern Heavens and was lazy to come to their rescue. This was why he asked me to take a look. I didn't expect both of you to be here. I'm relieved."

The Sword Scholar looked at him, "Since you are here, let's chat. This young fellow just accused us of destroying this realm."

Chu Yu rolled his eyes, "Isn't that the case?"

The Sword Scholar waved his hand and a pavilion appeared. The three of them entered this pavilion.

He looked at Chu Yu and said jokingly, "We can't handle such an accusation!"

Zhou Gan laughed, "I feel that he's not wrong that we've destroyed this realm."

The Sword Scholar twisted his lips and said, "Don't spout nonsense. If you continue saying, we'll really be the ones responsible."

Following this, both the Sword Scholar and Zhou Gan reminisced about the great prehistoric era.

Pan Gu opened the skies while Hong Jun controlled the Heavenly Dao. These two gods of the prehistoric era simultaneously left this realm.

However, they left many things behind too.

Pan Gu left his flesh in the world while Hong Jun left behind the Mantra of the Great Oblivion.

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The Mantra of the Great Oblivion was the Heavenly Dao of this realm!

Great Oblivion; heartlessness was just and it was a concept that ruled over all life in this world.

If the original form of this realm was an egg, the gods and supreme beings of the prehistoric era were the earliest creatures in this egg that developed intelligence.

The sovereigns of the twelve zodiacs were the first, followed by the twelve sovereigns and the divine spirits that earned their titles.

They existed before the skies.

This meant that they were born before the skies were even created.

It was because there wasn't a sky in this universe then.

After that, Pan Gu opened the skies and Hong Jun used the boundless Great Dao to enlighten all living spirits.

After this, the world started to have its own Six Forms of Samsara and the wheel of Samsara never stopped spinning since.

However, adventurers and hunters discovered a prerequisite to all these!

These so-called adventurers and hunters were strong individuals who hailed from the Greater World.

They specialized in roaming the galaxy to search for primitive and prehistoric universes.

In those places, they were able to obtain unimaginable benefits!

These places had an extremely primitive feel to them!

For example, there was Chu Yu's Technique of the Three Realms.

The most primitive metals could be used to cultivate top-ranked weapons.

There were also all types of rare and weird living creatures...they could be used for appreciation purposes or they could be turned into slaves.

All in all, such universes that had never been explored or developed before are what these people like.

Once they found a primitive universe, it would signify that they had struck it rich!

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Many of those who had experiences before told these adventurers and hunters that they would be extremely wealthy once they conquered a primitive universe!

However, they really had to conquer it first!

Normally speaking, no one would tell anyone that they had found a primitive universe!

The more people who knew about it, the more they had to share with others!

This was why there weren't many people from the Greater World who knew about this primitive universe.

It was just that there were more and more people learning about it in the recent few years.

"We've always put the real battlefield in a place far away from our universe." The Sword Scholar looked at Chu Yu and softly said, "We are all protectors that roam outside this universe. Once we meet powerful hunters or adventurers, we'll also be doomed."

Zhou Gan said, "In the Greater World, living creatures that are Sovereigns like us are in fact not even considered highly-skilled. There are many more existences that are much stronger than us."

He looked at Chu Yu, "This is why an avatar of mine that went to Earth didn't want to leave! Life is so free there!"

Chu Yu looked at the both of them, "Why has this realm become like that then?"

"At the end of the prehistoric era, there was a huge war. It was the most perilous one of them all. At that point, a group of adventurers formed a small team and killed their way into our world. They didn't even want to take any resources from our realm."

The Sword Scholar looked at Chu Yu and softly said, "They wanted to massacre this entire universe!"

"Why?" Chu Yu was stunned.

How could such bloodthirsty creatures be contained in the Greater World?

"It's their cultivation method." Zhou Gan looked at Chu Yu, "After you left the village of Dao in the mortal realm, you should've heard from some of the tourists in the mortal realm that killing a living spirit from the village of Dao can enable one's cultivation to grow, am I right?"

Chu Yu nodded his head.

Zhou Gan laughed coldly, "It was an idea propagated by the descendants of those devilish intruders into our realm!"

The Sword Scholar said, "The cultivation method of these living creatures is plundering, plundering your cultivation, your Dao, your memories, your thoughts, your everything! They were being pursued in the Greater World and tried to hide. In the process, they found our realm and catalyze one of the most intense wars in history. This realm was battered as a result."

Zhou Gan sighed, "I still shudder when I think of that war. Too many of my friends...and enemies died in that war."

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The Sword Scholar said, "Some still managed to leave a shred of their thoughts behind, while some...completely vanished. We tried to carry on their names so that our descendants will know what they've contributed for this realm..."

"Why is it that the Bastion of the Stars, Immortal Realm and Netherworld still share a tense relationship until now?" Chu Yu asked.

The Sword Scholar and Zhou Gan looked at each other and the both of them were silent for a while.

After a brief moment, Zhou Gan said, "Let me tell him why."

"This matter is actually a result of the war then. A lot of conflicting opinions arose between us. Eventually, these conflicts became more and more serious. Eventually...they resulted in the current state you are seeing now. These places that you just mentioned are only attacking each other as a means of training."

The Sword Scholar shook his head, "It's a pity that the effect wasn't very significant."

Zhou Gan nodded his head, "Yes. Years have passed, but only a few powerful people have emerged."


Chu Yu slightly furrowed his brow.

Zhou Gan said, "If everywhere is as prosperous as Earth, what's the point of cultivation? If an entire world is always so peaceful, will it be able to resist when enemies arrive one day?"

The Sword Scholar said, "If we can turn our realm into one of the realms in the Greater World, it can become a peaceful realm. This is what everyone hopes for!"

"Become part of the Greater World? How is that achievable?" Chu Yu asked.

"It's too difficult." The Sword Scholar laughed bitterly and shook his head.

Zhou Gan also shook his head.

"It doesn't mean that others can't do it if the both of you can't do it." Chu Yu looked at the both of them. "What do the both of you need?"

"Young people are always full of confidence." Zhou Gan sighed and said, "Pan Gu, Hong Jun and a few other ancestral beings have been working very hard for countless years, but they've never managed to realize this..."

Chu Yu glared at him, "What's the point of saying so much bullshit?"

Zhou Gan glared back, "What the hell do you know? Damn it, what's the point of having a brain? How do we enter the Greater World? Think about it yourself. How can we join the rest of the reals?"

Chu Yu was slightly stunned and revealed a helpless look on his face, "Are the overall powers of our realm really so poor?"

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"Is it not?" Zhou Gan revealed a mocking look. "The few jokers who came to our realm today aren't considered that powerful in the Greater World. They are kids of some minor noble families. However, how much destruction did they cause? If not for you and this lazy dragon, what do you think the result will be?"

Zhou Gan sighed, "There are countless such people in the Greater World! Now you tell me, how can a primitive and backward universe like ours be recognized by the Greater World? So that we can become a member?"

Chu Yu could tell the bitterness and desolation in Zhou Gan's tone of voice. They were living spirits that had been around for countless years.

They had always been fighting for this realm, so that it could one day rise and become a part of the Greater World.

So that this realm would no longer be a hunting ground and its people would no longer be slaves.

They had actually sacrificed a lot, much more than what Chu Yu could see.

Chu Yu took in a deep breath and stood up. He bowed seriously to the Sword sCholar and Zhou Gan, "I apologize for my previous misunderstanding of the both of you."

"Do you understand now?" Zhou Gan looked at Chu Yu, "This lazy dragon's Earthern Heavens is about to become an entry point. This is why he's thinking of leaving with everyone here. Even if this place is destroyed one day, we hope that our friends an family can survive until the end. As for us...we'll fight until we have nothing left and until we don't even have a drop of blood in our body left."

Chu Yu looked at Zhou Gan and thought – is this the guy that I really know to be lazy and likes to enjoy only?

Zhou Gan explained something else too and waved his hand. Images after images appeared, and were presented to Chu Yu.

Every image was that of a war.

In these images, Zhou Gan was holding his Nine Toothed Rake as he killed his enemies.

There were also images of people being pursued. They looked extremely pathetic.

In all these images, Zhou Gan was formidable. However, the rest, including the Sword Scholar, cut sorry figures.

The Sword Scholar twisted his lips before waving his hand. He presented his own images.

In his images, he descended like a supreme being.

It appeared arrogant as he watched all life!

The rest of the Sovereigns and Powerful Beings were very pathetic.

Chu Yu looked at all the images and realized that the both of them only showed the images that they appeared very awe-inspiring.

As for the pathetic-looking people in their images, it was always other people!

"The two of you are.... shameless!" Chu Yu 'complimented' them from the bottom of his heart.

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