
Chapter 655: 655

Chapter 655: Do You Eat Anything Apart From Chicken?

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

Forget it?

And never mention it again?

Shi Qingya looked a little dejected now. What do I do? I really can't forget it.

The young man looked at his own daughter and wife and saw a look of worry in both their eyes.

This kid has already fallen in too deep!

This won't do!

The ravishing beauty looked at the young man and softly said, "Will this really not do?"

The young man was extremely stern, "There's no room for negotiations regarding this matter."

He looked at his own daughter, "There are many talented young men in the Greater World. You are also of age already. When we return, I'll arrange a proper marriage for you."

"I don't want!"

Shi Qingya appeared very determined.

The young man and his wife were both stunned. This was the first time their daughter had resisted their will with such determination and persistence.

The young man immediately turned gloomy and coldly said, "You have no say in this matter!"

"I'll leave this home then!" Shi Qingya muttered, but she was abnormally persistent.

The young man looked at his own daughter and sighed, "If you want to drag the entire Shi Clan down with you, then follow your own wishes."

His wife was astonished and looked at him, "Is it so serious?"

He laughed bitterly, "It's much more serious than what the both of you imagine it to be!"

"The Shi Clan is an affiliated family of the Chu Clan. Everyone knows that the Killing Days Heart Technique is unrivaled..."

His wife gently nodded her head.

He sat down and softly said, "But do you know the level of the Killing Days Heart Technique? It's the best among all the techniques and mantras in the Greater World!"

His wife was shocked, and even Shi Qingya was in a little daze.

She muttered, "Best in the Greater World?"

"What did you think then?" The young man looked at his own daughter, "The top ten techniques and mantras would slightly change every few years. Some of them will rise up the rankings, while some of them will fall. However, the Killing Days Heart Technique has never changed before; it has always been first!"

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He then looked at both his wife and daughter and said, "Now that you've told me that a complete version of the Killing Days Heart Technique has appeared on a cultivator from a primitive universe...haha, have you thought of what kind of shockwaves would pass through the entire Greater World if news of this is leaked?"

His wife and daughter both turned silent.

He then continued saying, "Those top-ranked churches and ancient sects will definitely not forgo this opportunity once they find out. This is something even the strongest individuals would be jealous of!"

"Let's not even talk about the fact that he's some lowly cultivator. Even if the entire strength of that primitive universe is gathered...what use is it of? Can it resist a formidable enemy?"

"Others don't know about it..." Shi Qingya tried to retort.

The young man looked at her, "If you go to the Chu Realm, can you guarantee that no one will ever learn about it?"

Shi Qingya bit her lower lip and she seemed a little dejected.

She wanted to go to the Chu Realm because she wanted the help of those from that realm to bring Chu Yu out from the primitive realm.

However, she couldn't possibly move them without any useful information!

According to her father's words, once she mentioned that Chu Yu possessed the complete version of the Killing Days Heart Technique...she couldn't guarantee that news of this wouldn't leak to anyone.

Even if the outside realms didn't know about it, there were certainly people within the Chu Realm who would be tempted by it.

Chu Yu only had the same surname as the rest from the Chu Realm. Would they treat him like their own?

The answer was obvious.

Shi Qingya lifted her head and looked at her father. She gently said, "I understand..."

While these were her words, her look of disappointment couldn't escape her parents' eyes.

Her father held a very respectable position in her heart. He was noble and majestic, like a mountain. She forever relied on him. This was the first time she felt that her father was fearful and had a soft side to him...

The young man sighed.

My daughter has grown up!

She likes someone, but this person is extremely dangerous!

He looked at Shi Qingya and sighed, "Once you enter the Chu Realm and spread this news, you'll be the first person to endure misfortune! Those in the Chu Realm will definitely imprison you immediately! You'll lose your freedom completely! This is because you'll be very key in helping them retrieve the Killing Days Heart Technique!"

"Secondly, the Chu Realm isn't a fortress. Once news of this spreads, our Shi Clan and that cultivator from that primitive realm will be annihilated!"

"I told you to forget this person and this's not just being responsible to yourself; it's also a way of being responsible to your family and that cultivator!"

The young man sighed, "This is too huge of a matter! We can't handle it. Xiao Ya, do you understand?"

Shi Qingya lowered her head and acknowledged his words, "I understand, dad."

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The young man finally heaved a sigh of relief. However, he still had a shred of worry inside him. A father knows his daughter best. He still felt that this matter wasn't settled yet.

At the same time, he felt a strong sense of astonishment in his heart.

The Killing Days Heart Technique...has actually appeared in a primitive universe.


At this point, Shi Qingya lifted her head and looked at him, "Dad, I really understand. I won't go to the Chu Realm and I won't let this matter implicate our family. However...I'm not going to marry! I'm not going to marry anyone!"

The young man and his wife sighed at the same time.

In the Bastion of the Stars, Chu Yu led a few strong cultivators from the Limitless Sect across the border.

More people even entered different pocket dimensions.

Wherever they passed, countless powers were astonished. No one dared to rile them.

The speed at which Chu Yu cracked the Daoist border was extremely astonished.

Those from the sect weren't like his friends and relatives from Earth. They didn't understand what the Daoist border was.

If it was so easy to crack the Daoist border, the Bastion of the Stars wouldn't be so mysterious.

However, it was nothing too difficult for Chu Yu.

It was already very easy to crack the Daoist border even before he became a Powerful Being. Right now, it was even much easier.

Chu Yu didn't even break a sweat and overcame all obstacles in his way.

The ancestral beings in the Ancestral Realm started out astonished, but they slowly turned numb. The entire process took only one to two months.

Some of them even wondered whether there was something wrong with the Daoist border? Did it become easier to crack? They tried to do it themselves, but they realize nothing changed.

"Sect leader is indeed the prince of the Daoist border!" Besides Chu Yu, the youngest Wanruo Grandmaster couldn't help but compliment.

However, there were also some things that left this bunch of grandmasters from the Limitless Sect speechless.

One of them included the new disciple that Chu Yu took under him, Shangguan Mu.

There were also other disciples such as Yuwen Xiaoxiao.

When this bunch of grandmasters learned about it, they all couldn't help but curse.

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"The traditions of our sect have indeed not changed. The sect leader is performing well in all aspects, except for his eye for finding disciples...completely speechless!"

"Oh, he's picking disciples randomly just like the Forefather..."

"What a young little junior..." A second-generation grandmaster appeared very depressed.

"What a young little junior uncle." The third-generation grandmasters were even more depressed.

"What a young ancestor..." Those that were below the third generation were extremely depressed too.

Shangguan Mu, Yuwen Xiaoxiao and the rest were all confused.

Among this bunch of ancestral beings, more than half of them were less senior than them?

What was going on?

It was the same with the Sword Scholar, and now the same thing happened with Chu Yu.

These grandmasters from the Limitless Sect were all hopeless right now. They didn't bear any hope for any change to their seniority in the sect.

Of course, this was only a brief interlude.

Chu Yu introduced these people with him to the rest of the sect so that they could familiarize and interact with one another.

By following these ancestral beings, Chu Yu could be completely worry-less about his disciples' cultivation.

After several months, Chu Yu led everyone from the sect towards the core region of the Bastion of the Stars.

During this process, Chu Yu also met many clans and powers from other planes of universe from the mortal realm. He also witnessed countless brutal fights.

When he thought of what the Sword Scholar and Zhou Gan mentioned, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Fighting was a way!

This was the attitude that those at the top level adopted.

However, for these parties that pit themselves against one another, they were filled with immense hatred!

This immense hatred and deep enmity that they had for one another even lasted for generations.

At the current stage, this hatred was already deeply embedded in their blood and soul.

Powerful figures let this continue and even secretly supported some parties. Naturally, they had their own plans. As for these plans, Chu Yu knew what they were.

However, was it fair for those who harbored such deep hatred in them?

Chu Yu laughed bitterly. There wasn't any fairness in this world.

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Those who eventually survive are the strongest ones. As for whoever survived, no one cared where they were from or who they were.

Chu Yu had already become a Powerful Being. He was a survivor.

He was able to stand at a higher ground to watch the fights that ensued.

However, he realized that there were still many more powerful existences that were watching them coldly.

Just like what he felt earlier, the only undebatable truth was that one could only become a spectator if he became strong.

He brought a bunch of grandmasters in the Ancestral Realm to forcefully cross the border and they were only fine along the way because no one dared to rile them. And the reason for that was because he was strong and powerful.

Chu Yu looked at that mountain again when he ventured deeper into the Bastion of the Stars.

There wasn't anything much to say. He just led all the sect cultivators as they traversed the mountain.

The last time he did so, there were still many people who intercepted him.

However, no one did so this time!

Not much time had passed since he was last here. Many people still recognized him. In addition, he still had cultivators in the Ancestral Realm with him. He was too scary! In the entire Bastion of the Stars, even the strongest power couldn't produce such a lineup.

When they came to the third mountain, they crossed it.

Those who once fought him along the way didn't make any movements this time. They let Chu Yu and his bunch of cultivators to cross.

Those who wanted to watch a show were disappointed.

When they came to the second mountain, they crossed it too.

"It's not an illusion this time. Should we fight?" Chu Yu shouted as he asked.

"Rascal, you've already crossed that realm. Who still wants to fight you?" A voice sounded from the second mountain.

Chu Yu couldn't tell who was on this mountain. However, he was sure that it was a Powerful Being too.

However, what could he do if the other party didn't want to fight?

When he came to the first mountain, he only saw that huge rooster.

The huge rooster looked at Chu Yu and said, "Brother, you are finally here. Come on, let me treat you to braised chicken with mushroom!"


Chu Yu was unimpressed.

This huge rooster fawned, "Brother, do you have any other recipes? Teach me a few?"

Chu Yu glanced at it, "There's beggar chicken, lotus leaf chicken, chopped white chicken, salted chicken, braised chicken cubes, old hen soup..."

This huge rooster's eyes were opened wide and he was in a daze as he looked at Chu Yu, "Do you eat nothing except chicken?"

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