
Chapter 657: 657

Chapter 657: Killing Into the Immortal Realm

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

Chu Yu circulated his Technique of the Three Realms and immense energy started to surge in his body. He lifted his hand and knocked on the immortal door again.


A slit finally opened appeared on one of the door flaps.

Following this, this slit spread and kept on spreading until it reached the other door flap.

Creaking sounds kept on sounding from the doors.

Every creak sounded as if bolts of lightning had struck!

Following this, there was unimaginable spiritual energy that surged out of the slit.

This spiritual energy actually formed a huge sword that slashed towards Chu Yu!

Chu Yu coldly shouted, "Scram!"

He lifted his hand and his sword appeared.

His Sword of the Yellow Emperor unleashed a dazzling beam of light that slashed against the huge sword that came towards him.

That huge sword was immediately crushed.

Following this, the two door flaps were instantly crushed!

The huge rooster was shocked as it watched from afar.

Since immemorial, a slit would form on the immortal door every time someone came to knock on it. However, it would only remain as a slit.

And once someone tried to barge in, almost all of them were thrown back.

However, those who were thrown back returned as corpses.

Those who still alive barely breathed. Their cultivations were also completely gone!

This was why there were actually many powerful figures that had been buried underneath his immortal door.

It was just that very little few people knew about this.

The rooster was one of those who knew.

This was why it tried to persuade Chu Yu not to knock the door. After all, there weren't many people who could give it so many recipes.

How many Powerful Beings had it seen that knew how to cook?

It was a pity for someone like this to die.

Since immemorial, there hadn't been anyone who was able to crush the immortal door.

Chu Yu was the first!

What was going to happen next?

Were the creatures from the Immortal Realm going to fight their way here?

Only the heavens knew!

Although the bunch of Powerful Beings behind the first mountain couldn't see anything and couldn't sense anything either, they weren't obstructed from guessing what happened.

Some of the spiritual energy from the Immortal Realm still managed to reach them.

The spiritual energy from the Immortal Realm was different from the spiritual energy from the Bastion of the Stars.

"He crushed the immortal door!"

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"The immortal door has been crushed!"

"We must rush over!"

All the Powerful Beings were jealous!

Even the Powerful Beings on the second and third mountains were astonished.

They couldn't sit still anymore!

If the Immortal Door was really crushed, this meant they could charge in anytime they wanted!"

"Comrade Phoenix, please let us go!" The Powerful Being on the third mountain opened his mouth.

However, he didn't get ant response.

This was because the huge rooster was completely in a daze by now.

Seven to eight Powerful Beings charged in from the Immortal Realm!

They wanted to directly kill Chu Yu!

A huge battle had ensued!

There wasn't any buildup.

The battle just started like that.

These creatures that came from the Immortal Realm adopted both human forms and other forms.

The rooster didn't even know some of them or even heard of some of them before.

However, without any exceptions, all of them were very scary!

After they charged their way in, they didn't say anything and immediately made their moves on Chu Yu.

Every attack of theirs were extremely terrifying.

Chu Yu circulated his Technique of the Three Realms and fought all of them by himself.

Very soon, his body was stained with blood.

These Powerful Figures were too terrifying!

The energy undulations that came from their bodies were shocking.

Furthermore, they were extremely ferocious and seemed to only have one goal – kill whoever dared to crush the immortal door.

When the grandmasters from the Limitless Sect saw this, they immediately rushed up to help Chu Yu.

They didn't lack bloodthirstiness.

However, they were stopped by Chu Yu.

If the Sword Scholar was here, Chu Yu was bound to flip if he didn't help him.

However, it was fine if these grandmasters didn't help him.

He was fighting a bunch of Powerful Beings!

These grandmasters were only in the Ancestral Realm. They couldn't possibly resist Powerful Beings!

They wouldn't even able to survive a punch from a Powerful Being!

The rooster was anxious as it watched battle. Chu Yu had been encircled by these ferocious immortal creatures. The more shocking thing was that the immortal door that Chu Yu had crushed earlier was slowly restoring itself!

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In a short period of time, the two door flaps were about to return to their original states.

"This is infuriating!"

The rooster couldn't help but mumble under its breath. There was a hesitant look in its eyes.

Eventually, it gritted its teeth and turned around. He looked at all the Powerful Beings that had gathered and asked, "Do all of you want to go over?"

One Powerful Being appeared gloomy as he looked at the rooster, "What's the condition?"

"Swear upon the origins of the Great Dao that you'll help the guy resisting the immortal creatures. If you swear that you'll do that, I'll let you over!"

After hearing the rooster's words, this bunch of Powerful Beings was slightly stunned.

After this, another Powerful Being asked, "What's going on now?"

The rooster thought of something and the image of what was happening right now was presented to all of them.

Chu Yu was fighting seven to eight Powerful Beings from the immortal realm on his own!

Chu Yu's body was already stained with blood and some parts of his body already exposed his bone. He was greatly hurt.

However, there were some Powerful Beings encircling him that were greatly hurt too. Their injuries seemed to be more serious than Chu Yu!

At the same time, the immortal door was slowly restoring itself not far away.

This bunch of Powerful Beings witnessed everything.

The rooster coldly looked at them, "There's no free lunch in this world. If you want to enter the immortal realm, this is the best chance to. However, it's not possible to enter for free. Who dares to swear upon the origins of the Great Dao..."

Before the rooster finished speaking, an elder that walked out from the second mountain said, "I'm willing to swear upon the origins of the Great Dao that I'll help him once I go over. I'll resist the enemies from the immortal realm!"

"I swear too..." Another living creature walked out from the third mountain and said.

After all, this was a rare opportunity!

Under normal circumstances, the immortal door would only open for an instant. Unless they could fight all the way over and mark their territory, they wouldn't have any chance of entering the immortal realm.

Now that the immortal door had been forcefully crushed, it was definitely the best opportunity since forever.

In addition, there were only seven to eight Powerful Beings from the immortal realm.

Over here, there were more than ten of them!

All of them swore and the rooster heaved a sigh of relief. He quickly brought them over.

Right now, Chu Yu was soaked in blood, but he still continued to fight courageously!

His fighting strength shocked all the Powerful Beings from the Bastion of the Stars!

A cultivator who had just become a Powerful Being actually possessed the ability to resist seven to eight immortal Powerful Beings with his own strength. They weren't able to do so!

They didn't hesitate and immediately made their moves.

Chu Yu's pressure was immediately alleviated as they came to help him.

He stabbed his sword towards one weird-looking living creature.

This living creature was like a huge catfish, but it had four claws.

Its claws resembled eagle claws. They were extremely sharp. Just as the bunch of Powerful Beings came to aid Chu Yu, it managed to claw towards Chu Yu's face.

As the Powerful Beings from the Bastion of the Stars charged over, the Powerful Beings that were fighting Chu Yu immediately turned around to fight their new enemies. The catfish was the only one against Chu Yu right now.

It let out a frightening and furious roar.

Chu Yu's sword had forcefully slashed one of its claws.

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Sparks were immediately released!

One of this catfish's claws was chopped off just like that!

It let out a tragic scream.

Chu Yu stabbed his other sword into its body.


Chu Yu's Divine Punisher Blade immediately expanded multiple folds!

This catfish was completely penetrated!

It let out a shocking, pathetic scream.

Chu Yu rose up. He lifted his hand before slashing it towards this catfish's head, chopping it off in the process.

Everyone was astonished by this scene.

At the same time, the morale of all the Powerful Beings from the Bastion of the Stars were lifted!


The elder from the second mountain held a duster in his hand and whipped it towards an enemy.

His enemy was shaped like a human, but his figure was very rectangular-ish.

Furthermore, he was very flat, as if he was made out of paper.

As this enemy was whipped by this elder's duster, several wounds appeared on his face immediately.

Every wound was like a blood-red deep valley!

Such a battle involved a clash of energy and the Great Dao.

While the Dao of the immortal realm was stronger, it was still helpless against the authority of the Bastion of the Stars.

Since the elder could hold the fort on the second mountain, his powers were naturally very great.

Chu Yu turned around and slashed towards the paper man.

This paper man unleashed a vigorous wave of energy whirlpool from his body. Chu Yu's sword seemed as if it was stuck in mud.

Instantly, Chu Yu circulated his Killing Days Heart Technique and managed to slash his sword all the way down!


The paper man had been torn in half!

His divine spirit rushed out and escaped towards the immortal realm with the divine spirit of the catfish.

Chu Yu and the elder didn't chase after them but continued to fight the remaining Powerful Beings.

In a blink of an eye, two of the immortal Powerful Beings had been killed, leaving the remaining few of them fearful.

Right now, the immortal door had already been half-restored.

They started to panic too. If the immortal door completely closed, they would be stuck here.

Eventually, an immortal Powerful Being turned around and fled!

The remaining Powerful Beings also roared furiously and let out indignant roars before turning around and fleeing.

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Chu Yu gestured and led everyone towards the immortal realm.

Chu Yu stood at the door entrance and turned back to look at the rooster. He asked, "Aren't you coming?"

The rooster didn't hesitate and shook its head, "I'm waiting for my master.!"

Chu Yu clasped his fist and palm, "Thanks!"

The rooster laughed, "You gave me recipes and I helped you this time. We're even now!"

Chu Yu looked unimpressed and turned around before crossing the immortal door.

The recipes were expensive!

As they charged their way into the immortal realm, the immortal door behind them finally finished its restoration.

At this moment, all the Powerful Beings from the Bastion of the Stars couldn't hide their delight as they made it into the immortal realm. They sensed the vast spiritual energy around them. As they looked at this magnificent realm, they all couldn't help but smile.

Following this, they looked at Chu Yu.

This too terrifying!

If not for him, they wouldn't have gotten such an opportunity even after a hundred years.

They didn't even have time to bid goodbye to their own clans and powers.

They only planned to watch a spectacle!

They didn't expect that they could really charge into the immortal realm, which had always been their dream.

Even though they were here, they still felt that they were in a dream.

Chu Yu looked at them and slightly nodded his head.

Without the help of these people, it wouldn't be easy for him to enter the immortal realm. However, it was going to be a little difficult to lead the bunch of grandmasters from the Limitless Sect with him.

Earlier, he didn't expect the immortal Powerful Beings to appear. This was why he didn't send these grandmasters into a pocket dimension.

However, he was still pleased with what he had achieved.

Right now, the few Powerful Beings that had made their escape back looked coldly at the bunch of them.

One of the Powerful Being who was shaped as a human coldly laughed, "Just wait for your souls to dissipate, given how all of you dare to hurt immortals!"

"Hehe, since all of you are in the immortal realm, it'll not take long before all of you are pursued and killed!"

"Someone will come to kill all of you!"

All of them had immense hatred for Chu Yu.

Chu Yu chortled and glared at the immortal door, "Open!"

All the immortal Powerful Beings revealed sarcastic looks on their face.

What does he think the immortal door is? A dog that he rears?

The Powerful Beings from the Bastion of the Stars around Chu Yu were also speechless.

However, they were shocked at the next moment.

The huge immortal door shook slightly after hearing Chu Yu's voice. It was like a living creature that had been frightened.

The two door flaps...actually opened!

It was as if they were afraid of being beaten up if they were any slower!

"This works too?"

Everyone was stunned.

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