
Chapter 659: 659

Chapter 659: The Public Opinion Card

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Translator: Sparrow Translations Editor: Sparrow Translations

"The door at the Bastion of the Stars is the only door that leads to the immortal realm. Isn't it guarded? Why have people barged into the immortal realm? Bunch of idiots."

"The immortal door has been crushed? Who are the ones who attacked? Are they Sovereigns?"

"Why did they come here?"

"They're coming closer and closer to the Land of Eternal Day. It seems that we're their target!"

A heated discussion ensued within the Thirty-Three Levels of Heaven.

They were all guessing why the battleships from the lowlier realms were coming towards them.

Until someone mentioned the greatest fear that was deep in everyone's heart.

"Don't tell me...they're the people of Sovereign Chen?"


"It's rare for Sovereigns of that prehistoric era to have any followers!"

"Chen has already gone to the Eastern Heavens. He has already given up on this place!"

"It can't be Chen's people!"

Practically no one from the Thirty-Three Levels of Heaven believed that those who came were related to Chen. They were also unwilling to believe that.

At the same time, many immortals were also monitoring the movement of the battleships through the immortal realm's network.

The immortal realm was too big!

Even a Powerful Being had to take a long time if he wanted to cross every corner of the immortal realm.

Without a map, it wasn't easy to find a place in the immortal realm.

However, these battleships followed a very precise room and proceeded towards the Land of Eternal Day!

"Hehe, interesting. This bunch of intruders is obviously proceeding towards the Land of Eternal Day."

"Right now, I'm extremely curious about these people's relationship with that dragon!"

"I heard that their leader is resourceful and very strong!"

"Nonsense. If he's able to crush the immortal door and terrify it, how can he be a coward?"

"Hehe, I actually feel that such people won't live long."

"Yes, people who are too arrogant won't live very long."

"He thinks he can dominate the immortal realm just because he crushed the immortal?"

"I'm more eager to watch their clash with the Thirty-Three Levels of Heaven..."

There was an island in the center of an ocean in the Land of Eternal Day.

While it was called an island, it was as huge as the entire Earth.

However, it was really an island to a boundless ocean.

There was a divine mountain on this island. The top of this mountain was flattened and a huge plaza was constructed over this mountain.

The sides of this plaza were halls and pavilions.

This was where the core figure of the Thirty-Three Levels of Heavens resided in.

To be qualified to own a house over here, one at least had to be an internal elder of the sect.

External elders didn't have the right to own a property on this mountain.

A large conference room that could hold a few thousand people was filled right now.

There was a stage, and there was a huge round table on this stage. There were more than twenty people seated around this table.

Right now, more than half of this table was filled.

These twenty over people represented the most powerful and authoritative figures in the sect.

The conference was about to start, but the last few people had yet to arrive.

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The conference room was completely silent right now.

Everyone was patiently waiting.

A portion of them was even interacting with one another through their minds.

"What's going on? Why is there suddenly such a large-scale conference?"

"Does this have to do with those people who barged into the immortal realm?"

"I'm not sure either. Aren't they coming towards us?"

"They are following a very precise route. I think they must be coming towards us!"

Right now, there were eight people seated in a smaller conference room beside this larger conference room.

These eight were the division leader and seven other powerful elders.

The atmosphere seemed a little gloomy.

"The sect leader is in closed-door cultivation. We can't just wake him up like that. We can't confirm our enemies' identities yet, but someone who's able to destroy the immortal door mustn't be someone weak. We have to clarify his intentions for being over here." The person speaking was a young guy who looked to be about thirty years old and wore a purplish-gold crown on his head. He also wore a green Daoist robe.

He was the current division leader of the Thirty-Three Levels of Heaven, Zhu Qing, and was once a generational talent.

In the entire immortal realm, he even had a great reputation.

He was one of the youngest Powerful Beings in the immortal realm.

The Third Elder wore a long, fiery-red robe. His temper was like his clothes – extremely fiery.

He said, "Send someone to intercept and talk to them. Tell them that the Land of Eternal Day already has an owner! To be able to crush the immortal door, it means that his abilities are quite extraordinary. However, are Powerful Beings capable of this? It's likely that someone has nothing better to do. That's why he went to crush the immortal door."

Most who were present agreed with this concept.

They were already immortals. Why would they destroy the immortal door for no reason?

Zhu Qing looked at the Third Elder and said, "However, I also heard that he can summon the immortal door."

The expression of everyone present slightly changed and they furrowed their brow.

This was a little shocking.

There were only two people in the immortal realm who were publicly recognized to be capable of doing that.

Mao and Xu.

These two Sovereigns were the only two people who were capable of doing this.

Out of the rest, who could actually summon the Immortal Door.

The Third Elder laughed and said, "The immortal door has its own spirit, but it's not that intelligent. Ever since the immortal door was created, it has never been crushed by anyone before

As he spoke, he looked at everyone, "It's like a little kid who has never suffered before. However, this little kid was suddenly bashed by someone and no one help him. Don't all of you agree that he'll be afraid of that guy who bashed him up?"

As the others thought of it, they nodded their heads as they felt that his words were logical.

The third elder wore a calm look as he said, "The immortal door is likely to be in such a situation. It was tragically crushed by someone, thus it's naturally scared of that person. Isn't this normal?"

As he said, he stood up and said, "This is why there's nothing to be worried about. It's just Powerful Beings that hail from the Bastion of the Stars. How many Powerful Beings do we have? How many Powerful Beings can he actually store in those battleships? Division leader, do you think my words are true?"

Zhu Qing taught for a moment before nodding his head, "Third Elder, your words are logical!"

However, he continued to ask, "But what if that person is really connected to Chen?"

"Among all the Sovereigns from the prehistoric era, how many of them are still concerned about the affairs of the different realms?" The Third Elder asked before confidently saying, "We'll not kill them, but we'll make them unable to reach the Land of Eternal Day! It shouldn't be difficult, right?"

Everyone turned silent.

After this, the First Elder said, " shouldn't be too difficult to stop them outside the Land of Eternal Day."

The Second Elder also said, "As long as Chen doesn't make a move, no one is able to take this place away!"

The Third Elder coldly laughed and said, "Don't forget, even if Chen makes his move, this immortal no longer a place for him to do whatever he wants! He's a Sovereign...but there are other Sovereigns in the immortal realm too!"

His words indeed reminded everyone.

Yes, there were still other two Sovereigns in the immortal realm which hadn't expressed their stands yet!

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Mao and Xu!

If Chen attacked, they wouldn't watch without doing anything!

This was because this immortal realm wasn't Chen's territory!



Chu Yu led everyone from the Limitless Sects and flew for several months before they got close to the Land of Eternal Day.

Everyone was agitated when they saw the flashing, eternal stars in the sky.

However, there were indeed many of them who didn't feel uncomfortable.

This was because the Land of Eternal Day was now occupied by the Thirty-Three Levels of Heaven.

When they initially learned of this news, they were all very furious.

This was the cultivation ground that their grand-founder left behind for them!

Now that it had been occupied by someone else, they were definitely not very pleased.

However, they felt helpless after they were angry.

They had already learned about the background of the Thirty-Three Levels of Heaven from the immortal realm's network.

There were many cultivators in the Ancestral Realm within that sect!

They even had a leader in closed-door cultivation for many years and who was a Powerful Being from the prehistoric era!

Whether he would become a Sovereign, no one knew.

Even if he didn't, he was still someone that couldn't be easily riled.

Chu Yu was very calm regarding this matter.

Their journey in the immortal realm was bound to be rough. He was already psychologically prepared for this.

His ambitions were extremely grand now. His goal wasn't this realm anymore.

If he couldn't even settle the immortal realm, what was there to talk about transcending this realm and going to the Greater World?

Through Chen and Hai, he already knew the outside situation.

He also swore in his heart that he had to go out one day.

He treated his experience in the immortal realm right now as a way to build himself up.

His battleships were intercepted when they were getting closer to the Land of Eternal Day.

The person who intercepted him wasn't weak.

He was one of the members of the Thirty-Three Levels of Heaven's elder society.

Although he wasn't one of the seven most authoritative elders, his status in the elder society wasn't low at all!

He was ranked eleventh.

His name was Ma Peng.

From his appearance, he seemed to be around thirty years old. His brows were sharp, and his eyes were bright. He was extremely handsome, and his hair was slightly white, which made him seemed more charming.

As he intercepted Chu Yu's battleships, he appeared very peaceful and unassuming.

It was obvious that he was normally involved in diplomatic affairs.

"I'm Ma Peng, an elder of the Thirty-Three Levels of Heaven. Greetings to all of you."

After entering one of the battleships, Ma Peng revealed a delightful smile and greeted Chu Yu and the rest.

At the same time, he was also silently observing.

That youth that's surrounded by everyone – I can't tell his depth just by looking at him.

He should be the guy who crushed the immortal door. He's surrounded by a few elders...who don't seem to be weak either. They should all be Powerful Beings.

Ma Peng was a little shocked.

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However, he seemed to think that everything was normal when he thought of the fact that they could be Chen's people who came from the Eastern Heavens.

Just as Ma Peng was observing Chu Yu and the rest, Chu Yu was also observing him.

A network was very important. It allowed one to understand another person in the shortest time possible.

A young elder of the Thirty-Three Levels of Heaven who's ranked eleventh in the elder society. He's responsible for diplomatic ties between the sect and other parties. He appears to be very gentle and tame, but he's actually very strong...

After seeing the information he gathered from the immortal realm's network, Chu Yu clasped his palm and fist at Ma Peng, "Chu Yu. I'm Chen's junior."

Ma Peng was slightly stunned!

Whatever that he was afraid of had indeed come true!

Although they had already figured that they might be related to Chen, the entire Thirty-Three Levels of Heaven, including the Third Elder, really hoped that wasn't true!

If it wasn't, things would be simpler!

They just needed to be intercepted outside the Land of Eternal Day. If they weren't too overboard, they could be ignored; If they were too overboard, they could be killed!

A bunch of cultivators that came from a lowlier realm – how were they qualified to discuss terms and conditions with the Thirty-Three Level of Heavens?

Eventually, this bunch of people was indeed still Chen's people!

Ma Peng immediately revealed a confused look on his face. He entered a daze, "Chen?"

Chu Yi was amused but didn't answer.

Ma Peng cursed in his heart. This fellow isn't easy to trick!

He took the opportunity to appear as if he was enlightened.

"The Chen that you're talking he the one who's a Sovereign of the twelve zodiacs and the twelve Sovereigns from the prehistoric era?"

The Sovereigns of the twelve zodiacs during the prehistoric era and twelve Sovereigns were two different things.

There were many rankings during that era.

The later eras had many rankings for the strong cultivators during the prehistoric era.

However, there weren't many rankings that were recognized by top-ranked cultivators.

The Sovereigns of the twelve zodiacs was one of them.

The twelve Sovereigns from the prehistoric era was one of the rankings that was the most accepted and recognized.

Since Chen was included inside, this meant a lot of things.

Chu Yu nodded his head and looked at Ma Peng, "Elder Ma, we are straightforward people. Let's not resort to insinuations. I'm Chen's junior. Today, I've led the disciples of a sect that he once founded into the immortal realm. The Land of Eternal Day is a cultivation ground that he once left behind. It belongs to us."

Whatever attempts to beat around the bush or probe...

They didn't exist.

The strength of the Limitless Sect was certainly not at the level of the Thirty-Three Levels of Heaven.

There wasn't any comparison to be made.

Purely in terms of abilities, Chu Yu had no hope of getting back the territory that belonged to the sect.

Reason it out?

But was this a world of reason?

If they couldn't reason things out and they were weaker than the other party, what was the point of beating around the bush?

It was better to be straightforward.

This territory belongs to us!

We're now back home!

Invaders, you should think of how to carry on from here.

Since we've already made our move.

And gained the upper hand.

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Chu Yu had already found out what Ma Peng's intention was. He was definitely here to stop and find out their background first.

If that really happened, they were going to be the passive ones!

When that happened, they couldn't win in terms of reasoning or fighting.

Wouldn't that be horrible?

If Chu Yu didn't reveal his identity immediately, the Thirty-Three Levels of Heaven might wipe the entire Limitless Sect out before they even find out their background!

Without a doubt, they were definitely capable of doing this.

How could outsiders be allowed to lay claim to their territory?


Do we know who you are?

A bunch of you are here to attack the Thirty-Three Levels of Heaven, right? That's why we retaliated.

This was why Chu Yu didn't even give an opportunity to them. He directly revealed his identity.

At the same time, he also asked someone to spread this to the network!

The Land of Eternal Day is Chen's cultivation ground...and we are the disciples of the sect Chen founded!

We've found our way home now!

The entire network was instantly rocked by this information!

Elder Ma Peng also received this news immediately.

He was furious!

He didn't expect them to use public opinion as a means of suppression!

Did all of you really just come into the immortal realm?

Are all of you really not experienced with the workings of the immortal realm?

This public opinion card was played rather well!

Ma Peng couldn't help but agree with this even though he was from the opposing side.

Chu Yu smiled as he looked at Ma Peng.

Your Thirty-Three Levels of Heaven has a primitive Powerful Being as your sect leader, so you dared to occupy our cultivation ground. I'm sorry, but we've also a strong backer like Chen!

With Chen, who was a Sovereign, backing him, Chu Yu wasn't afraid of the Thirty-Three Levels of Heaven playing any schemes.

Even if a Sovereign didn't make any move, it didn't mean he would remain passive forever.

If Chen was really furious and descended in the immortal realm before suppressing the Thirty-Three Levels of Heaven, Mao and Xu would be speechless too.

Before Ma Peng arrived, he didn't expect Chu Yu to be so direct.

In his opinion, the Thirty-Three Levels of Heaven was still a powerful force to be reckoned with even if this bunch of cultivators had Chen backing them.

Not many people in the immortal realm dared to easily rile them!

So what if it's your cultivation ground? Does this mean that Chen will show his face and lay claim to it?

If he doesn't, what can the bunch of you do to fight our sect?

Ma Peng's mission was to intercept them outside the Land of Eternal Day.

Eventually, a bunch of people came to lay claim to the Land of Eternal Day as theirs and politely told him about it.

"I'm sorry, but the Land of Eternal Day belongs to us. We are here to take it back."

After this, they even spread this news on the immortal realm's network.

The effect of this matter was no joke.

Ma Peng felt that it was too much for him to handle.

In terms of justice, the Thirty-Three Levels of Heaven was already on the losing end.

Initially, this mission seemed to be very simple. However, he was suddenly bogged by many difficulties for some unknown reasons.

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