Little Purple

Chapter 104

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At this time, both of them were in the pavilion near the shallow lake. There they looked at the moon while he was telling her stories and legends he read when he was small. When she seemed to enjoy their calm evening and the perfect atmosphere rose to ask such a question arose, he asked, "Let's go on a honeymoon somewhere."

Hu Zi's eyes immediately lit up. She came to him and asked, "Are we going to go out of the city?"

"Yes, if necessary," he replied.

"Can I choose the place we are going to go?" She said again with hopeful eyes.

Jin Lan blinked. "Of course."

With a smile, Hu Zi jumped around, showing her happiness. "Alright, let's talk after I get the tea."

She happily went into the kitchen to prepare the tea, leaving him who sighed gladly. He hoped that by making the power bank happy, she would stop having nightmares and he could suck her energy in peace.

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He wondered where she wanted to go for the honeymoon, she seemed to have a place in mind. He just hoped that the palace will allow them to leave Jin Ye.

Up until he was married, he was living in the dragon mountain with his bear as a company. He basically didn't have experience with romance, making him a bit clueless as to how to make his wife happy.

He was glad that he listened to his father intently when he was young.

When he was young, Jin Lan's father was a man full of mischief. Just like his son, he was very beautiful. That, combined with his bravery and bright brain could win any woman's heart.

He was a love the ladies loved.

And he knew that very, very well. Jin Lan heard that his father was a player back then.

Suddenly, Hu Zi came out of the kitchen, in her had was a fan that she always carried in her sleeve. She gave it to him. "Use this."

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"What for?"

"It is a special fan Shifu got from the Council." Hu Zi smiled. "Using it might help you stop your energy from leaking."

"I… I see…" Jin Lan opened the fan. Looking solemnly at it, wondering how the council made such a fan.

"I shouldn't leave the fire burn for too long." Hu Zi went into the kitchen again.


He did say that he would let her choose which place they were going to go, but he didn't predict that she would point out a place like this.

The summer sun shined through and hit his straw hat, making the brown color of the bamboo straw looked lighter. He sighed, he couldn't believe that the castle gave them permission to go to a place like this.

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He looked to the road that could barely be called a road at all. It was just a narrow space between the tall bamboos inside that forest.

This place was called Bamboo Fortress, 'fortress' not 'forest', for a reason. One of it was that this place was located at the border of Jin and Meng. However, even though it was located in a very crucial and suffocating place, it wasn't guarded by any party at all.


It was because this place was so dangerous, so dangerous that only lunatics would ever cross this place.

"Shifu came to this place long ago."

"Your shifu is a lunatic." The dark-faced cursed prince really wanted to say that out loud. But he ended up swallowing his words.

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The terrible terrain made it hard to maneuver. Beastly beasts were everywhere. And, there was even more dangerous, poisonous creatures. He needed to be careful as to not accidentally stepped on a snake tail.

"He said that this is a baleful but beautiful place." Hu Zi chattered.

The poor cursed prince looked at her smile and felt defeated. He just hoped that everything would go well. He looked up and her, asking, "Is he the reason why you want to come here?"

"Mainly, it was because of his stories about his adventure," she said. "It was because he told me that in this place, I can fly."

She looked up. She wasn't like her shifu who could walk on the wind, thus enabling him to fly wherever. She could only glide and jump. She needed a very strong wind that would make her flow stronger so she could feel the same feeling like flying. And this place provided that wind.

"So, I am going to do just that." She cheerily smiled.

Hearing her, Jin Lan jolted, he immediately broke a cold sweat. He had a very bad feeling about this.

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