Little Purple

Chapter 48

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"..." Qing Guang was dragged to a hall located in the front part of the residence. As soon as they reached there, her hands were tied, and she was bound to a pillar. While her hands were being tied, she gritted her teeth. "Twelve…" Qing Li's mother, Madam Hong, slapped her twelve times. She would remember this.

"What did you say?" Madam Hong frowned. "Did you just say sorry?"

"..." Qing Guang swallowed her words. She should not be foolish and worsen the already dangerous situation. She had no one on her side that could defend her right now. She needed to be smart and cunning to turn the table around. Now that the Madam had vented her anger, she should be able to say a few words.

"Mother, what makes you think that this daughter did anything to dear sister's cat?" Qing Guang used a formal way of speech and mimicked Qing Li's tone when she said 'dear sister' in an attempt at mockery. She was slapped several times, but because she practiced martial arts, her body was stronger than most girls, so she could still speak. She pretended not to be aware of the schemes and asked. "What happened anyway, this daughter has no idea what made Mother treat her like this."

"What? You have no idea?" Madam Hong scorned.

'Of course, you have no idea, you little bitch! My plan is guaranteed to succeed. I just want my husband to hear you plead for forgiveness from Qing Li in front of him! That way, you will automatically be branded as the culprit.'

"Mufu…" Madam Hong unknowingly let out a chuckle when she thought about how brilliant her plan was. "Bring Xixi's body here!"

'If only that you didn't surpass Li'er in the competition. Maybe I would only starve you for a day, but now that you're asking for it, I will make Husband lock you up for a week!'

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The servant brought Xixi's dead body that was wrapped in a white cloth and presented it to Qing Guang.

Qing Guang frowned when she saw the cat's body.

"See this? This wound instantly killed Xixi." Madam Hong explained. "You are familiar with this wound, aren't you? It is a wound created by an arrow. You murdered Xixi and took the arrow so that no one would know."

"Just because the wound was created by an arrow, does not mean that I killed it."

"Really? Someone! Bring her bow and arrow here!" The servants took the bow and arrow from Qing Guang's room. "See this arrow? One of the servant saw you kill Xixi with it!"

Qing Guang took a glance at the arrow, the tip of it was red because of the blood.


Qing Guang suspicion that Madam Hong had everything prepared perfectly was confirmed. Fake evidence and a fake witness. Even if she did not do it, if Madam Hong had that much evidence, she would definitely be convicted. She wondered if Madam Hong had already brought a judge.

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"So? Ready to apologize now?"

Qing Guang stayed silent, then said, "I hope you're joking. Do you think that I am you? I am not that stupid. If I were to murder, I would bury the dead body and burn the evidence."

"Huh?! Why you…"

Qing Guang's cold eyes glinted. "If you want to frame me, you need to try harder, don't you think?"

'No one is on my side in this household now. If I were to apologize, it would mean that I admitted to doing something that I didn't do. But, If I don't, they will keep torturing me. I should think of a way to buy some time until Big Brother comes back.'

Qing Li frowned at Qing Guang's seemingly calm expression and clenched her fist. This half-sister of hers had always been very hard to break. She still had that cool aura even though her face was messed up and she was tied to a pillar. Qing Li cursed under her breath.

"Frame, who is framing? You still won't admit your mistake?"

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"You need to admit your foolishness in creating faulty evidence, no?"

Madam Hong was in cold sweat. Qing Guang knew that she was a bit weak to a daring sentence like this.

For a while, the conversation was just Madam Hong throwing a tantrum and Qing Guang retorting back. But this was not what Qing Li wanted.

She bit her lip and said, "Mother, we should teach her not to lie! Someone, bring the black box!" Qing Guang's eyes widened.

The black box was a box full of punishing tools. The servants carried it over, and just from the look of it, anyone could tell that it was bad news. The sides of the box were covered in traces of blood and sweat. There were scratches everywhere, and perhaps worst of all, it exuded a very disturbing smell.

When she saw the black box, Qing Li became impatient, not wanting to wait for her father to come home at all. Moving to the box, she deliberately chose a pair of big scissors and turned to Qing Guang. She walked up to the girl and grabbed her long hair.

Qing Guang's eyes widened, finally beginning to show signs of weakness, and she could not help but shout.

Qing Li's eyes lit up at this. "How could you kill my cat? Don't blame me, dear sister. I was patient enough to wait for your apology, but now you keep denying your crime. I can no longer take it anymore!"

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"No, not my hair!" Qing Guang tried to get herself free from her bounds. "Stop it!"

Her head of long, luscious hair was considered one of her best features and one of the few things she found beautiful about herself. It was also precisely this that Qing Li envied most about her looks.

The people of Jin thought luscious long and flowing hair as a symbol of prosperity. If they were to cut her hair, she wouldn't be able to get a suitor to marry and get away from this residence.

One tried to take away from the other in order to cause torment.

The sound of hair being hacked off made Qing Guang feel nauseous. She struggled and kept trying to escape the rope that bound her wrists to the pillar. As she was a martial artist, she eventually managed to free herself, but by then it was already too late. Qing Li already cut most of her hair off.

"Stop!" She screamed and pushed Qing Li away, causing her to fall to the floor with a loud thud.

Qing Guang began trembling as she felt and grasped what was left of her hair. Qing Li hd cut it mercilessly, and now it only brushed up to her shoulders.

"No…" She fell to her knees and lifted her beautiful hair from the ground.

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