Little Purple

Chapter 60

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Hu Ye was about to get her off when he suddenly felt cool tears dropping on his face. Although it was a bit muddled and unclear now, he remembered this somewhat cold voice.

"Guang?" Hu Ye asked for confirmation. His words were choked as he was currently being strangled and could not speak audibly and sharply like usual.

"Don't call me by the name mother gave me!" The usual cold and prideful Qing Guang exclaimed. He immediately shut his mouth. Now that he knew it is her, he understood why Fei Ying still ate calmly at the sideline, not helping him at all. "She died because of you."

Hu Ye listened attentively. From the smell, he could tell that she was drunk, maybe that's why she had all these male disguises.

"You hopeless old man, how dare you sell me to the crown prince? I would never marry the crown prince and live a harem life!" Qing Guang shouted. "I have lived long enough under a roof that has two madams under it."

"..." The grip on Hu Ye's neck became tighter and made it harder for him to breathe. He clenched her wrists and tried to restrain her movement.

"You want me to be a concubine?" Qing Guang held her breath then firmly said, "I would rather not marry at all!"

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Qing Guang had finally let out all her anger, tilted her head while gazing at his face, she released Hu Ye's neck. She brought her face closer to his to have a clearer look but then slowly drew back.

Her hard breathing, drunk misty eyes, and hot body temperature made him gritted his teeth as he was no longer an innocent brat. However, he was not a man that would show what was inside of his head in his face, he tried to keep calm

But, her next words fluster him.

"Father, why does you face looked like Ye?" She gently touched his cheek. "That stoic and annoying face, every time I saw him I felt like I want to shot an arrow at him. But, when he went to war four years ago, I began to miss him so much."

Hu Ye's eyes widened, his head suddenly went blank. "You… Miss him?" He gulped. Qing Guang choked and was unable to reply, he patted her back to.

"En, I miss his irritating... calm pretense…" Before she could finish her sentence, her body swayed and fell.

"Guang!" He caught her. Looking thoroughly at her teary face, he erased some of the cool tears from it. "Guang, I am sorry, I should've tell you to go with me to the war, even though the battlefield is harsh and bloody, with me there, I won't let you feel sad. Third Sister was right, I am a coward."

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Hu Ye quickly jumped out and went to the left prime minister's residence. He didn't know where Guang's room was, but from the roof, he saw a dark clothed young man sitting on a wooden platform, his brows tightly drawn. He had a tea cup that had gone cold a long time ago.

"This edict, was it father's idea? No, he would definitely choose that pig, so it was the emperor's? Why is he doing this? I thought that our mother's family's power is not as strong as it was before..." While he was thinking, Hu Ye landed in front of him. Qing Bo raised an eyebrow "Young Master of Hu, why do you have Guang'er with you?"

"I found her drunk in my courtyard." Hu Ye wanted to say that, but he swallowed the words, he knew that Qing Bo was very protective of her.

Seeing that Hu Ye didn't answer, Qing Bo became even more suspicious, but when he saw his sister's condition, he sighed. "Give her to me, I will put her in her room."

Hu Ye was curious so he followed Qing Bo to the room. The room was small, but had enough ventilation, making it very comfortable to live in. There was not much furniture, only a bed, a huge bookcase, a small table on a platform, a dressing screen, a chest, and Qing Guang's black bow in a corner.

When Qing Bo came out, Hu Ye was waiting for him. Qing Bo invited him to his study room.

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The study room had a scholar aura emitting from it, filled with the smell of ink and there were some documents neatly placed on a big desk. Hu Ye looked around the dimly lit room, surprisingly, there weren't that many books inside.

Qing Bo and Hu Ye didn't take a seat, the former was looking out the window that faced Qing Guang's room.

"What business do you have?" Qing Bo started the conversation.

"I can help you get out of this mess."

"Which mess?"

"The whole crown prince mess."

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"You are going to go against the edict, are you aware of that risk?"

"Yes, I am very aware."

Qing Bo raised an eyebrow. "This isn't a trivial matter, what do you want in return?"

Hu Ye knew that this man was no easy feat. "I want your sister."

Zheng! Spurts...

Qing Bo took the spear that was used as a decoration in the room and used it to pierce through Hu Ye's left shoulder. Most men in such conditions would start to panic and or at least hiss in pain.

Hu Ye didn't even blink. His eyes were resolute. Just like that time he made Qing Guang yield and agree to do the win-win archery deal. Now he also glared with a pair of unyielding eagle eyes.

His gaze was unwavering, looking through his dark eyes, Qing Bo realize that Hu Ye would never leave before he agreed to his terms.

He withdrew the spear.

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