Little Purple

Chapter 75

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Meanwhile, in the outskirts of Jin Ye, a girl was gliding along the wind, trying to keep up with her companion even though she was already drained of most of her energy. She was thankful for her master because the harsh training she had endured over the years made her energy many times more abundant than normal people, making it possible for her to use it nonstop like she was doing right now.

Her inky dark hair fluttering behind her, she kept her attention forward. Exhaustion had long settled in because she had chosen to take the long road instead of the main one to reach this area. She looked above and saw that the sky was as blue as ever.

"Blue." She contemplated, her purple eyes reflecting the image of the sky. "It's so beautiful, this particular color."

The clouds, which she wasn't able to touch with just her radar, she was seeing for the first time. Just like how her Second Sister had told her when she was young, they looked really soft and fluffy, giving her the urge to hold them in her hands.

Suddenly, she heard Hu Xiang Yi's low cry, which made her curious, as he had been quiet the whole way. Hu Zi became worried as it was not easy for a baby like Hu Xiang Yi to go on a long and exhausting trip like this. She expected that he would get a fever soon.

But Hu Xiang Yi wasn't sick. Hu Zi opened the clothing that was wrapped around him and peered. The bark brown fabric contrasted with his fair skin, which was looking pale at the moment due to the exhaustion from the long trip.

Hu Zi originally thought that the cloth was just a plain piece of square-shaped blanket, but there seemed to be more to it. While keeping an eye on the road, she carefully felt through the material until she found a pocket. Sticking her hand in, her fingers grasped onto something that felt very cool to the touch, probably the cause of Hu Xiang Yi's discomfort.

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Taking that thing out and holding it in front of her, she saw that it was an intricately carved white jade.

Hu Zi's eyes widened. "This… This is…"


Back at the Hu manor, Qing Bo was trying to think of something fast to salvage the situation. It would be good if the key was still near the memorial palace's ruins, but if it was gone, he would have no choice but to let the imperial family take the manor his sister had lived in for the past few years.

He glanced at Zhi Yu, whose complexion looked even worse than his. Qing Bo figured that Zhi Yu must also have his thoughts in a frenzy, thinking hard on how to protect the Great General's land. He was unaware that that was not the only reason why the formidable and calm Zhi Yu was knitting his brows.

Zhi Yu knew that this land was special. The previous emperor hadn't only bestowed him to the Hu household just so he could serve the Great General's family. Zhi Yu was given a lifelong mission. That was to protect the land of Hu.

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For the imperial family to suddenly make this kind of decree, they must have realized the secret of this land. His eyes glinted dangerously at the thought of this.

Zhi Yu looked up and met Jin Min's deep and unfathomable gaze. Thinking of the crown prince's strange insistence that they let go of the land, this clued to him that his theory might very likely be correct.

Having thought hard, Qing Bo finally got an idea. He called out to Jin Min.

While Jin Min's attention was on Qing Bo, Zhi Yu glanced to the side and spotted Fa Sui and Falcon hiding beneath the wall. Falcon saw him making a nodding motion at them, giving a signal.

Falcon's eyes widened, understanding right away what Zhi Yu wanted from him. He quietly tapped Fa Sui's shoulder and whispered for him to keep his eyes on the situation here in the main courtyard while he was gone. The next second, Falcon suddenly disappeared.

Fa Sui, observing the situation, could feel the tension building once again. Qing Bo got up from his sitting position and walked toward Jin Min. He stood right in front of him, looking him straight the the eyes. Jin Min reciprocated with a smirked. Just when they were about to start arguing, there was a sudden big gust of wind.

The bellowing wind blew dust and sand everywhere, forcing everyone to cover their eyes. When it finally stopped, Fa Sui slowly opened his eyes again.

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In the middle of the courtyard stood a woman, her dark purple hem covered in blood and dirt.

She panted heavily but tried to maintain her composure in front of the person she thought of as her enemy. She met with Jin Min's tranquil yet hollow eyes.

She hadn't expected to meet one of them here. Fire ignited in her eyes as a deep hatred and will for revenge seemed to overtake her.

Jin Min's eyes widened, sensing the danger. He was unaware as to who she was. Because Hu Zi spent most of her time training, rarely ever going out in public, most people didn't know what she looked like aside from her purple eyes. The calmness inside Jin Min's seemed to disappear in an instant.

"This is bad!" Jin Lei rushed to the front. "Big Brother, watch out!"

Hu Zi raised her hand and a whirlwind began to form.

"Hu Zi, no!" Qing Bo shouted, immediately shaking himself out of the shock of Hu Zi's sudden appearance. He couldn't afford to stand by idly while knowing what the consequences would be if his sister-in-law harmed an imperial family member.

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He rushed to stop Hu Zi from harming Jin Min but was a step too late. The whirlwind was formed and it began to move toward Jin Min.


Everyone on the site's eyes widened when they saw Zhi Yu swing his scabbard and dissipate her whirlwind.

Qing Bo had heard of this technique before. In order to fight the elemental users, martial artists tried to invent new moves that could stop their energy flow, though they didn't work most of the time. Hu Zi was already so exhausted that her wind flow was disordered, making it easy to break.

"Brother Zhi Yu…" Hu Zi gasped. His movement had been so fast that her eyes couldn't follow.

"Zi'er." Zhi Yu sighed with relief. He put his silver-white scabbard aside, showing a soft, helpless smile. "Thank the heavens that you are safe."

Hu Zi's eyes widened and slowly began to well with tears. She silently bit her lips, trying not to show the sadness within her.

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