Little Purple

Chapter 77: 77

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"Finally, they are gone." Qing Bo sighed in relief. He was inside the main hall with Zhi Yu, Hu Zi, and Zhi Shao Yao. "I expect that there will be a lot of critics to repel at the court tomorrow."

"A lot of work for you to do, huh." Zhi Yu, who was sitting in a red wooden chair beside him, chuckled.

"Yes!" Qing Bo fumed. He crossed his arms and murmured, "How I wish the Left Counselor Qing won't come tomorrow."

"That's such wishful thinking on your part. You know that he has been keeping a perfect attendance ever since you graduated from school, correct?"

"Aiya, that stubborn old man should just kick the bucket already!" Qing Bo made a fist. "Thinking about the work that needs to be done tomorrow give me a migraine."

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Qing Bo finished all his tea inside the cup in one gulp. From the corner of his eye, he saw Hu Zi and Zhi Shao Yao trying out the key to the mysterious hole in the wall.

The hole was plain looking and round-shaped, the size of a mere pinky. When Hu Zi was young, she tried to see the inside of that hole by using her radar. Strangely, she could feel nothing, not just the inside of the wall, she couldn't even feel the inside of the hole itself.

It was like there was a different realm just past this hole.

She had grown so curious about the hole that she decided to use more of her power and ended up accidentally destroying the surrounding dragon stone.

Her siblings at that time were playing in the courtyard outside the main hall and were shocked when they went inside after hearing the explosion. Especially Hu Cheng Se, who was making a fish-like face while asking, "How did the wall stay intact while the white jade statue was shattered to pieces?"

Now that she thought about it, that was strange too. The endurance level of the main hall's wall was out of this world.

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"Maybe there really is a different realm behind it!" Zhi Shao Yao exclaimed.

"En." Hu Zi chuckled. She was very tired but she didn't want her niece to be disappointed, so she continued to investigate the hole with her.

Zhi Shao Yao examined the key curiously. The white key was also as big as a pinky. It had a small hole in one of its heads in order to pass a thin rope through it, allowing one to wear it as a necklace.

The hole was a head taller than her, so she needed to raise her arms to insert the key. At first, it was stuck, but using all her might, Zhi Shao Yao managed to push it through, finally making it go in. After that, she waited.

But as expected, nothing happened.

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Zhi Shao Yao frowned. She had been hoping a miracle might happen this time. They had already tried hundreds of times before, but this time they at least had the key, so the wall should have shown its secret and let her solve the mystery of the hole.

Not ready to give up, she tried rotating the key, but it didn't budge. Zhi Shao Yao pouted.

"I guess we should stop now." Hu Zi looked at Fa Sui, who came in through the grand door, just successfully having tucked Hu Xiang Yi in bed. "Your aunt needs to go to the back and see the coffins."

Zhi Shao Yao looked up, beginning to look sad. "Can Aunt at least see whether anything changed?"

Zhi Shao Yao was unaware that Hu Zi's power could not do anything to the hole, but Hu Zi still nodded and unconsciously bent over to see the hole. She placed her face right in front of the wall and peeked in. "It's too dark, I can't see anything."

Zhi Shao Yao was confused. "But aren't you able to use your power to see even in the dark?"

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Hu Zi smiled. "I didn't use my power. I was talking about my eyes."

Her words were strange, making Qing Bo suddenly look toward her.

"Hu Zi," Qing Bo said slowly, "What do you mean about your eyes?"

Zhi Yu and the rest of the people inside stopped what they were doing and looked over.

"Ah…" Hu Zi was too caught up in sadness and exhaustion before that she totally forgot about the good news. "I can truly see now…"

"Then… Aunt, your eyes…" Zhi Shao Yao exclaimed. Zhi Yu got up from his seat while Fa Sui ran to Hu Zi's side, supporting her because she seemed like she was about to collapse.

"En…" Hu Zi weakly answered. She couldn't seem to muster anything more than 'en'. She had too many things to say but none of them came out in the end. Her eyes glittered. "En…"

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