When Ashley returned to the main house, Rosalie and the maids informed her that Clyde had an urgent guest.

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“I apologize, Miss Ashley. I thought the master would be dining with you.”

”But he stayed with me all day long. It doesn’t matter whether we have dinner separately or not, right?”

“I’m sure he will join you tomorrow as well. I don’t mean to be presumptuous, but we’re really glad that the both of you are getting along so well.”

“… is that so?”

“Of course. Master used to look a lot tired, but ever since Miss Ashley came, he’s been smiling a lot more.”

‘My heart’s aching.’

He looked happy to see her even while eating dinner even though there’s a distance.

When she finished eating and left the dining room, Clyde called her to the parlor. The parlor is large and had a large arched window on the south, which is where the scenery of the beautiful greenery of the front garden could be seen. In the room is a large mahogany table and a sofa with fine gold ornaments on the armrests and legs. At the corner of the room, is a grand piano that’s separate from the music room, where one could play.

They sat facing each other on the sofa. On the table in the center was a large square box upholstered in fabric.

Clyde said, indicating the box with a smile, “My friend Count Reiter was here just now, and he asked me to hold this for him until tomorrow morning.”

‘What’s in it?’ she wondered as she leaned forward a little.


Suddenly, the box moved from side to side. Ashley abruptly let out a strange shriek, which is unbecoming of a young lady. She looked at Clyde, who was stifling a laugh.

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“Open it.”

Ashley nervously touched the box. Looking closely, there are countless small holes on the side of the box. When she undid the brass clasp, a white object sprang out from inside.

“Whoa!” Ashley was startled and crouched down with her head in her hands. The white thing was hiding under the table and their eyes met.


It’s fluffy, round, and has a furball-like body with dull red eyes. Its two long ears stood in alarm and it stared at Ashley.

It’s a rabbit. A white rabbit.

For a moment, neither of them moved and watched each other intently. Ashley smiled and gently held out her right hand.

” Come here.” she called to the rabbit softly. The guarded white rabbit slowly twisted its neck and curiously hopped up to Ashley. 

It sniffed her palm, its nose moving. Then, it slowly placed its paw on the palm of her hand.

“Good boy.”

Ashley held the white rabbit up with both hands and gently nuzzled her face into its soft, fluffy head. The white rabbit reacted with a twitch, but it did not run away. It was docile as it remained quiet. It seems to have recognized her, neither as a friend nor enemy. Not a rabbit or a human, either. No, Ashley is a human being though.

‘I didn’t know that rabbits are so soft.’ 

She didn’t really know even if she was a rabbit in her previous life. She and the other black rabbits used to rub against each other when it was cold, but they didn’t really know about it because they were rabbits. Still,

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‘We’re friends!’ 

Clyde smiles as he watches Ashley holding the white rabbit with a big smile on her face.

“It belongs to Count Reiter. His father-in-law asked him to go fishing at night and they were on their way to Tuluga territory together in a carriage, but he suddenly said he wanted to go hunting. The count couldn’t go against his father-in-law ever since he got married. So he remembered that our house was nearby and came to ask us to take care of him on short notice.”

“Is that so?” Ashley said, gently stroking the back of the rabbit trembling in her arms.

Clyde called her, “Ashley.” And both her and the rabbit looked up.

“…what is it?”

Isn’t it rude to suddenly laugh at people? However, she didn’t think of him as scary like usual. Perhaps it was the thought of having her former companion in her arms that made her feel fine, or because he was amused.

“I apologize. The both of you are kind of alike.”

She looked down at the white rabbit in her arms, not understanding what he meant. At the same time, the white rabbit also looked up at Ashley. They probably had the same expression on their face.

Clyde couldn’t bear it and began to laugh.


“…I’m not a rabbit.” She is a lady. A human being, after all.

“What do you think the name of Count Reiter’s wife is?” he suddenly asked her.

There was no way that she could know. She tilted her head in confusion. Shortly before that, the white rabbit seemed to have bent its head to the side and scratched its head with its foot. Clyde continued to laugh. It seemed like it also turned its head in the same direction.

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When he laughs like this, it is somehow bewildering. His earlier question was clearly intentional.

‘Am I being made fun of by chance?’

She suddenly had another question in mind, but there was no way that Clyde would know her previous life.


She doesn’t know and yet, it was hard to figure out why he’s laughing in front of her. It was unclear.

“I will take care of it in my bedroom until tomorrow morning.” she said as she quickly tried to leave the parlor.

Clyde’s voice followed her from behind, “Take care of it for me and don’t let Jeanne see it. I have to send it back tomorrow morning.”

“―I understand.”

‘I knew it. Jeanne likes rabbits, after all.’ she thought as she went to the door. It probably meant that if she showed it, she wouldn’t probably be able to get it back. She wondered if she was right and wanted to check with Clyde, but she felt lost. She hesitated as she left the room and closed the door behind her. What should she do? No, she still wanted to know. 

She quietly peeked inside through the gap of the slightly opened door. She saw Clyde staring at the sofa where she was sitting. He was smiling happily, as if he was looking at something dear. She was puzzled, not knowing what his expression meant and quietly walked away from her spot.

As soon as she reached upstairs to her bedroom, the white rabbit started jumping all over the room. While she hurriedly chased after it, the thought of what had just happened faded from her mind. When she caught the white rabbit, she hurriedly prepared its bed. She piles a large cushion and towel on the floor by the bed. She also got some old towels to make a toilet and prepared a ceramic bowl with fresh water. It’s good that she knows what’s needed.

The white rabbit seemed to understand and immediately curled up on it. Perhaps it sensed with its animal instincts that, despite their different shapes and sizes, she had been a rabbit in her previous life. Ashley looked at the white fluffy ball curled up in peace with a smile.

They have to say goodbye tomorrow morning and she felt a little sad. The white rabbit looked plump and its fur was beautiful. She’s sure that it’s well taken care of by its owner.

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“Good night.” Ashley said softly, and snuggled into bed.

The next morning, she headed downstairs to the parlor with the white rabbit in her arms, and found that Count Reiter had already arrived.

“Oh, I’ve been waiting for you! Have you been a good boy?”

Count Reiter, a large man with a magnificent beard, held the white rabbit in his arms with a big smile on his face. The white rabbit looked away, a little annoyed, but still it did not run away.

Clyde looked at her with a smile and asked, ”Did you get a good night’s sleep last night?”

“Yes. The white rabbit slept well, too.” Ashley answered while Count Reiter’s face broke, “I see. I was so worried when I had to leave him here on such short notice, but I’m glad I did. Thank you so much.”

“No problem. Goodbye, white rabbit.” she said to the rabbit in his thick arms with a smile.

“Then, I’ll be going. I really appreciate it.”

Clyde saw Count Reiter off as they headed for the front door with the white rabbit. While Ashley waved at them by the door of the parlor. 

As they walked down the corridor together, Count Reiter said to Clyde, “I’m really sorry to have bother you all of a sudden.”

“It’s fine.”

“You should get a rabbit. Rabbits are cute.”

Clyde smiled at the count, who had a big smile on his face, “Oh, I know one quite well.”

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