Jeanne ran towards the drawing room. She glanced at the escorts in front of the drawing room and opened the door vigorously. There was a young man sitting elegantly on the sofa, his legs crossed. He had the same magnificent blonde hair and green eyes as Clyde. He was Yuri, Clyde’s younger brother, the third son of the former king.

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‘I believe he said that he was eighteen.’

He is much younger than Jeanne. She had been in the royal palace before she was sent to the Sargent residence, so she had seen and heard rumors about him. He is gentle and respects his two older brothers, but he is quite a playboy.

‘It’s just like the rumors.’

“Nice to meet you, Lord Yuri.” Jeanne said with a smile on her face. Although his face has some resemblance to Clyde, what is on the inside is completely different.

There were beautiful women on both of his sides. They were probably brought over from the royal palace because she had never seen them before. Despite their presence, Yuri leaned back elegantly on the sofa and stared at her with curious eyes.

“Hmm, Jeanne…was it? You must be a magician. I have once seen you in the royal palace.”

“Is that true?”

“Oh, I’d never forget a beautiful woman once I see her.”

“…It’s an honor.”

“So, what’s wrong? His Majesty told us to check on the stables. Show me around.”

It seems that he hasn’t noticed anything unusual happening himself. Clyde is putting up a false barrier, but he doesn’t seem to have noticed it either. That’s good. 

She let out a sigh of relief. Now, she only has to stall him. Jeanne had a charming smile on her face, “Before that, I actually have something special to tell you, Lord Yuri.”

“You may tell  me later. For now, I have to go to the stables.”

She smiled at him as he sat up, “I’d like to tell you about the female body, which Lord Yuri has never experienced.”

“Never experienced before?” Yuri’s eyes sparkled while the beautiful women frowned.

“Hmm. Will Miss Jeanne be able to tell me that?”

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“Yes. I’d like to teach you how to do it, and I’ll show you a demonstration.”


“And this is something that Master Clyde likes as well.”

“Brother Clyde?” Yuri’s eyes widened and he smiled with great interest, “Is that so? I’d love to know.” His face showed that he would love to see that since Clyde would just dodge a crowd of women with a smile.

Jeanne smiled inwardly and bowed, “Then, I will prepare it. Please wait a moment.” She slowly went out of the room and ran down the hallway. 

She went into a small storage room next to the wine cellar and picked up the items she had prepared. She had this planned six days ago and had these delivered by a friend at the royal palace if ever this was to happen. She gently pushed it into her chest in her robe and held it as she returned to the drawing room.

In comparison to Yuri’s excitement, the women on his sides were scowling.

“I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.” Jeanne held her breath as she looked at Yuri. She slowly began to unbutton the top button of the robe she was wearing. Then—

“Please enjoy it to the fullest, Lord Yuri. These slender arms, the gentle line as if flowing down to the waist, beautiful toned legs with just the right amount of muscle.” 


“And this smooth belly as well as these beautiful features with round eyes and a small nose.”

“Hey, Jeanne…”

“Long ears and those adorable whiskers that make you want to rub your cheeks against them, especially all that fluffy fur all over her body!”


As she was interrupted by the frowning Yuri, Jeanne’s eyebrows raised up, “What is it?”

“I’m sitting here quietly because you said that brother Clyde likes it. Also you said that you’ll show me a female’s body that I’ve never experienced before.”

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“Yes. I’m showing you what Master Clyde likes and a female’s figure that Lord Yuri has never seen before.”

On the table between them was a brown-fur rabbit that’s showing its belly. Jeanne unbuttoned her robe and took it out. Yes, it was a rabbit. This little fellow belonged to a fellow magician at the royal palace and was delivered to her yesterday afternoon.

“There is nothing that is as beautiful and lovely as this.” She said it dead serious while Yuri’s brows raised.

“Well, it is certainly cute, but Brother Clyde wasn’t particularly fond of animals.”

“It used to be, but not anymore. It seems that Master Clyde has finally awakened to the charm of rabbits.”

“Really?” He looked at her with his probing gaze as she firmly nodded with a yes.


She wasn’t clearly wrong. Although there are some differences between the rabbit that Jeanne thinks is lovely to the rabbit that Clyde adores, there is no mistake that they are both definitely “rabbits.”

Yuri was stunned when he realized based on Jeanne’s attitude that it was not a lie.

“Brother Clyde has a rabbit? Huh, why?” He muttered, confused.

Jeanne continued, “Lord Yuri admires Master Clyde, right? Then, you must also understand the goodness of rabbits. Now, please lean forward and listen carefully. I will tell you more about the charm of rabbits!”

“—I understand. I’ll listen.” Although he looked skeptical, he seems to have been convinced. Yuri leaned forward with a serious expression.

In front of the happily talking Jeanne, the brown rabbit began to fall asleep while its belly was up.


* * *


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“Hello, Lord Josh.” Hank greeted with a smile at the entrance of the gallery room.

Yuri was the only one in the drawing room that Fernan mentioned, so he hastened to look for him elsewhere. He could tell at once where he was when he saw the escorts surrounding the entrance of the room. The room was decorated with paintings, sculptures, and other works of art.


“Ah, it’s Brother Clyde’s magician!” Josh, the youngest brother, was just a little over eleven years old. He also had blonde hair and green eyes. All four brothers have those features. Although they are probably dozens of generations apart, the amount of magic power and the blood of a hero is that thick. 

Josh ran to Hank with an innocent smile on his face. Even so, why is he in the gallery room anyway? The youngest brother, Josh, who lost his parents early and was loved and spoiled by his older siblings, is said to be naive and more childlike than his age. He doesn’t seem to be very interested in art. 

‘I’m glad I’m with this kid.’ Hank was honestly relieved. Yuri wouldn’t even be interested in a man like Hank, and he wouldn’t even dare to stall the chief magician.

‘I’ll just play around with him to stall for some time.’  That was what he decided to do.

‘I wonder if the black wolf has already arrived at Furt Island.’


As he was pondering, he suddenly felt a sharp pain on his side, “Ouch!!” He couldn’t help but yelp loudly.

He looked over and saw Josh innocently smiling at him. He was holding a horse made up of hardened clay.

‘That horse. I believe that was over there—’ 

The stand was empty. It was a work of art, a horse sculpture, that Josh was playing with. He was in the middle of playing when it struck Hank on the side.

“Brother magician, let’s play. This is your horse.” He handed him another wooden sculpture which clearly was not a horse, “Brother Clyde told me before that if I come and visit Sargent, there is a brother magician who will play with me as much as I want. That’s why I was really looking forward to it.”

‘What?!’ He was surprised for a moment, but soon understood, ‘He said that. It’s great that Master Clyde said that.’  He then let out a laugh.

Josh smiled, “Let’s play battle with the horses.”

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“Alright. Let’s do it.”

Ah, well. If they play around, he’d be able to buy time in the meantime for the wolf to be sent to Furt Island.

“Let’s go—!” Josh, with his horse sculpture, rushes in with a smile on his face. He looks the most like Clyde. His smiling face is like an angel’s.

Hank held up the bumpy piece of artwork which does not look like a horse, nor would he know what it is. It was still a work of art that came from the artist’s heart. He cured it with magic so that it wouldn’t break by the impact. That’s right. The horse Josh was holding should also be hardened with magic so that it would not break.

As soon as he had that thought, the horse instantly grew before his eyes. It must be fives times bigger than its original size. He was dumbfounded. Moreover, before he could even apply the magic, Hank realized that it had already been casted.

‘Right. He may be a child, but he’s of direct royal bloodline…’

Oh no. He couldn’t avoid it. He broke out in cold sweat when his right foot slipped. The maids had just added wax on the floor to make it shiny. His body fell down, which helped Hank avoid the large horse.

‘Thank god…!’

“You’re amazing, brother magician! You’re the first person to have avoided this.” Josh’s cheerful voice echoed. It seems that he had other victims.

He exhaled loudly and adjusted his stance. Josh, in front of him with a huge horse in the air, gazed at Hank with child-like sparkling eyes. He’s having fun. No one could play such a dangerous game with a royal.

‘—Alrighty.’ Hank felt his heart beat faster. He had always liked to play this kind of game, ‘—For the time being, I’ll cast a shock magic to Lord Josh.’ 

Josh’s magic power is obviously at a higher rank than Hank’s, but he couldn’t let a royal, let alone a child, get hurt. Josh seems to have noticed Hank’s concern. And that he is really serious about trying to play with him. His face brightened with joy more than ever.

Hank rolled up his sleeves as he casted the spell. The bumpy piece grew larger.

“Here I go, brother magician”


With big smiles on their faces, the two clashed the art pieces with all their might.

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