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"Mhmm… Finally done," Elizabeth muttered to herself as she put down the jade slip in her hands. About an hour after she finished she went over every interviewee who she saw potential in and record information to her jade slip. When she was done she did a little exercise with her soul to rearrange and better represent the data in her jade slip before coming to what she had now; an easily digestible list of who had been accepted, why they had been accepted, and what they would be learning, primarily speaking.

"Here, I'll be back after a week," Elizabeth started as she tossed her father the jade slip. Since he had already volunteered himself to take care of all the logistics of her Mage classes, he didn't flinch and instead seamlessly put away the jade slip to later study. "If 'they' don't send Jasper to take classes for the first day, then they better understand I won't give them another chance..."

After seeing Kurt sigh and helplessly nod, Elizabeth waved him farewell before teleporting back to the Shadow Realm. Still perturbed by what had happened, Elizabeth didn't immediately go into a fit of cultivation as she had previously planned. Instead, she wanted to let off some steam, so she left to practice her Skills.

"Manifest: Gravity," Elizabeth muttered before she felt Space and Time energies fuse within her and begin to cancel out gravity. Then after she slowly got the hang of controlling her ascent and reached an altitude high enough to not disturb the ground, she let off a torrent of attacks. Over time she would alternate between using her limbs and bringing out her sword, but in either case, she looked ridiculous as every attack at even 10% of her total combat prowess would send her flying off from the recoil.

This was one of the two ways Yrre had told her to train with Spacetime and Martial/Mystic Arts. Using gravity to begin aerial combat would force her to focus on control, as she wouldn't be able to draw power from the ground; rather, her own energy would have to act as a platform for her to draw physical strength from.

Flight should have been impossible for all those under the Spirit Realm Stage, as even the weakest expert of the Foundation Transcendent Stage had the equivalent of 1 Billion units of Inner Strength. Moreover, they could better preserve their energy by drawing it back into their body, with their innate ability to draw directly from the spiritual air of the environment. Thus, the difficulty of Elizabeth attempting to do the same could be imagined.

The other way she would train with Spacetime and her other Arts would also involve the use of gravity. However, instead of lightening it to the point of it become void, she would intensify its effects on her body to force her to exert much more strength for every movement. It was the "classic" way most people with Spacetime Affinity trained their bodies as the effects of Gravity were among the best for tempering the body; its distribution, uniform and controlled.

For an entire 12 hours, Elizabeth refused to descend as she shadowboxed in the air, dispelling clouds and causing gales with her every move. She managed to progress to the point where 30% of her physical strength was the max she could sustain before failing to control the backlash. Yet even after coming back down, she continued to shadowbox.

Fortunately, because her body was weighed down by five times regular gravity — which was about the same between Earth and Endrin, ~1G — and she also layered on cultivating her Spirit of Fire and Ice, even when she used 100% of her strength, the most that would happen is a couple of trees falling. If anyone were around they'd certainly steer clear of this forest demon as she restlessly circled the encampment area while running about with the strength of a bulldozer; even after being heavily restrained.

Eventually, her supply of energy finally ran out nearly 18 hours after she began this bout of physical tempering. Even she couldn't help but feel a bit tired as she had yet to take another Resting Pill. Thus, after returning to her room in the fortress-like tent, Elizabeth took her daily sleep-warding pill and finally returned to cultivating like a stereotypical cultivator; holding a lotus-pose for untold hours as she channeled to tried to comprehend the various energies in her body.

In Tyre's Guild, about four days after Elizabeth returned from conducting interviews on Earth, there stood the Guild Master, Krok, donning a flattering smile whilst rubbing his hands as he asked, "Gentlemen and woman… How may I be of assistance to you today?" He looked to be distressed as his back was hunched and there was a sheen of cold sweat cascading down his face.

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"Huaaah? The fuck did you just say?" One of the two men standing before the dwarven Guild Master approached with a look of irritation. "Woman? That's. Fucking. Lord. To. You!" With every pause in between his words, the man kicked the dwarf. The last word brought with it the most devastating kick that sent the Guild Master all across the room.

Mid-cough, Krok stood up, begging, "M-my, ack- mistake… Please forgive me."

The man that had abused Krok then leered at him with disgust so strong it was palpable, as he said, "I oughta kill you..." But he was suddenly stopped by the woman, who glared at him into submission.

As cold sweat fell down his own back, his 'Lord,' said, "As you might have already guessed, we've come from headquarters, to pick up this new 'Supreme Mage of Destruction.'" The woman then pulled out a picture of Elizabeth on an artifact that looked eerily similar to the smartphones on Earth.

"Ack! S-She, uh… left..." Even as he bled from the injuries inflicted by the hostile man, Krok couldn't help but sweat even harder than before as he registered the killing intent coming off the woman.

"Mhmm… Is this a joke to you? I'll have you know that filing a false report and having us come all this way is punishable by death..." The woman grimly said.

"No! I wouldn't dare..." choked Krok. He continued, "Y-you can take a look at Tyre Academy's field! That girl was the one who damaged it to its current state with a single spell!"

"Che! You better not be lying. Else, I'll add in a couple of rounds of torture before your death sentence..." The woman scoffed before exiting the Guild and flying over to see what damage the reported SSS Class Mage from Tyre had caused. She was prepared to descend and sentence Krok to a miserable death for wasting her time until she finally caught sight of the terrifying crater left behind at the far end of the Mage's practice field.

Gauging the blast to have a radius of several hundred meters as she could see some staff members of the Guild already working to patch the hole, the woman smirked. She descended back to the ground, entered the Guild once more, and said, "Interesting… She might even be as strong as a Spirit Realm General."

Her words drew in gasps from both the men that had accompanied her, before they two smiled in earnest as she added, "Tell me where I can find her."


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Name: Elizabeth Ultimatia

Bloodline: Human 100%, God (Fallen) 100%, Ancient Godslayer Fiend 0.0078%, Primordial Ghost God 100% (.0001% Unsealed)

Level: 25 (27/30)

Rank: Peak King Stage (100%) [Perfect Chaos Mage King]

Sex: Female

Strength 501

Endurance 522

Speed 565

Defense 505

Intelligence 645

Luck: 10

Inner Strength ~37.45 Million

Innate Skills

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Spacetime Affinity

*New) Tier: Good

Time Affinity

*New) Tier: Good

Current Effect: Cultivation of energy remains unimpeded until Level 50. Low-Mid Spirit Grade Time-type buffs are 100% more potent.

*New) Name: Temporal Spirit Body

Description: Attaining Good Tier Time Affinity has integrated Time Magic and Inner Strength into your Seamless Magic Connection.

Current Effect: Now, even outside the bounds of the Spirit Realm, you'll be able to channel Time-type True Qi as a Spirit Realm cultivator would. Meaning, cultivation by an area dense in Time-type True Qi will be countless times easier. With Time energy assimilating with the user's body, your resistance to aging and decay will begin to exponentially increase your affinity for Time becomes. All Time Type techniques are both easier to learn and countless times more potent than they ever could be with a Mortal Realm Tier Affinity.

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Space Affinity

*New) Tier: Good

*New) Name: Spatial Condensation

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Description: Ties the user's Kinesthetic Acuity with their Direct Manifestation Innate Skills and amplifies them the higher the user's affinity gets.

Current Effect: Within the user's Absolute Domain, the user may use Direct Manifestation without penalty.

Kinesthetic Acuity

*New) Current Effect: Spatial Senses increase by a factor of 20, Domain increases to a radius of 5 meters.

Direct Manifestation

*New) Current Effect: Able to directly solidify space.]

"Well, that's just cheating, isn't it?" Elizabeth questioned aloud. The week had almost come and gone and it looked like she had resolved the problems with her aerial combat. As she had mostly focused on improving her Spacetime Affinity and its component parts, her Time and Space Affinities had broken through to Good Tier giving her Innate Skills that could easily resolve the difficulty she faced from fighting while airborne.

Then again, she had no idea to what degree she could solidify space as she had just come out of her cultivation session. Fortunately, there was always the option to cancel using her newfound ability to solidify space, so she could continue with her control training in zero gravity, regardless.

Evidently calmer than she was five or so days ago when she returned from Earth, Elizabeth walked out of her party's base camp and began testing her new Innate Skills. Without the incantation to mitigate gravity, Elizabeth first tried to solidify space and walk up the air as if she were treading stairs; it worked just as she thought.

"Mhmm… this seems stable enough," Elizabeth commented before she assumed an offensive stance and sent out a punch with 50% of her total physical strength. Intuitively, she solidified the space on her backside to cancel the opposite force her punch imposed on her and with unbearable cockiness she muttered, "Newton's Third Law can suck my fucking dick!" She didn't expect the results to be this good as she didn't move an inch back; hence the uncontrollable outburst.

For several minutes she tested the applications of her ability to solidify space before smiling in satisfaction. 'Mhmm...' She nodded her head contently, 'It appears that 85% of my strength is the limit, but that's only with gravity affecting me… I'd be even more ridiculous in zero gravity and only get better the more my control increases.'

'There are also some ideas for incantations I could use, but before that let's test out how much my spatial ripples have strengthened,' Elizabeth concluded before descending to a more reasonable altitude and unleashing a pulse of Spatial energy as far as she could. Unable to stop herself, she smirked with increasing intensity until the rebound signals from her spatial ripples became negligible. "That's got to be over a half a kilometer far..."

Then, the idea to charge up her Spatial Magic before exerting it out of the bounds of her Absolute Domain brought her to testing out something quite dangerous. "This… this should be enough," Elizabeth squinted her eyes as space was starting to reverberate right above her skin. She unleashed the accumulated energy before nodding fervently at how much farther this pulse went.

"Oh?" Elizabeth said as she turned to her right to face the three humanoid-shaped objects that had pinged off her spatial ripple.

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