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"Resign yourself to fate Qwetzel! You'll never outrun or be able to harm me, so just die already!" Tristan's grandfather waved the flag in his hand and from its fleeting image, what looked to be dozens of ghastly black apparitions flew out to devour Tristan.

Sighing at the pointlessness of this battle, Tristan waved his Solitary Yin Sword several dozens of times in the span of a second and cut apart every single specter. He was far from becoming tired, but it was an inevitability that he would become fatigued far before his grandfather if only because of the difference in their cultivation. Even with his Enchantments and the Pills he had traded for from Sun, the only outcome Tristan saw from this battle was his defeat by exhaustion; the old man was simply immortal, unable to be damaged regardless of which part of his body was pierced. Several times over the course of this battle, at the cost of some of Tristan's greatest Enchantments no less, he had managed to cut the old man's legs and arms several times already. Yet even that wouldn't stop the darkness within the old man's body from healing him, reattaching the severed limbs as if he were a puppet.

"Mhmm… that's enough," Elizabeth's deadpan voice suddenly entered the scene. She approached with a resigned expression as she felt for Tristan's loss.

Despite her involvement, Tristan's grandfather only paused for an instant; with completely dismissal for her words. Seeing him attack Tristan again, Elizabeth's eyes sharpened as she instantly assumed her Infantile Wolf God Form.

Instantly accelerating to the max of her ability with her Megadia Saber in full display, she shot towards Tristan's grandfather in the time it took the familial pair to clash another ten times, before coming close enough to use False Teleportation and block for Tristan. Being about even with Tristan's grandfather when it came to speed, Elizabeth and the old man traded blows for a solid minute before the opportunity to strike presented itself in the form of a feint.

Having withheld her ability to attack the soul in her current form for this precise moment, Elizabeth lashed out with sinister intent as she almost bisected the old man. A large cut appeared on her left shoulder blade as it was borderline impossible to inflict any amount of damage without sustaining some herself, but compared to the old man, it would be an understatement to say that she came out with a light injury.

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Looking on as the old man fell back with blood shooting out of all the orifices on his head along with the darkness which previously safeguarded his body, now act chaotically instead of methodically closing the tear she had dealt to the old man's torso, Elizabeth scoffed with derision.

"Fuck off, old man," she started giving the old man the time to retreat as she added, "Killing you would be a disservice to my companion, so count yourself lucky and await for Tristan to challenge you himself."

By the time her thought was expressed, Tristan's Grandfather looked to have recovered from the severe blow as the darkness in his body had begun to work as it did during his fight with Tristan. But the old man's calm and sagely demeanor had been taken over by a familiar devilish killing pressure as he maniacally shot towards Elizabeth like a cornered beast.
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"Heh, how cute," she smirked as her Fifth Chaos Seal activated to double her physical prowess. Before the old man knew it, she had appeared before him and cut him into dozens of meat cubes, only held together by the foreboding darkness hidden in his body.

As she teleported away and looked on as the segments of the old man's body started to reform, she glared menacingly and coldly said, "Try that again and I'll attack your filthy devil's soul while I'm at it."

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After the old man appeared whole again, a sheen coated his body from all the cold sweat he had exuded. He knew full well what would have happened if Elizabeth did as she had before and attacked his soul while he was cut up into cubes. The pressure of death itself weighed heavily on Tristan's grandfather, and as he had been currently like the Tristan of the past — a man consumed by his inner devils — despite his desire to lash out and eliminate Elizabeth, who shouldn't even be a threat to him considering the difference in their levels, the old man backed off.

Without another word, he started flying away, leaving Elizabeth to come out of her Infantile Wolf God form and meet with Tristan. Preemptively taking supplements to counteract the inevitable backlash of using a Chaos Seal of Physical Augmentation, Elizabeth addressed Tristan, saying, "Let's go back to the shore for now. When I'm done dealing with the Steadheart Sect, I'm going to teach you something for when you break through to the Spirit Realm."

"T-thank you, master…" Tristan said as he bowed. Again, he felt the debt he owed Elizabeth increase and along with it came a sense of worthlessness for not being able to hold his own. So far he had done nothing but cause Elizabeth trouble, thus the desire to grow stronger was silently fortified in his soul.

"And remember," She said with a serious tone as she looked Tristan right in the eyes, "I wasn't joking before he left. He's yours to take out…"

Now shaking Elizabeth's hand as his disciples had just finished the sparring exchange against her apprentices, Outer Sect Elder Tie said, "Once again, I can't say how much I appreciate this chance." He had come in begrudgingly at the behest of his Sect to chastise Elizabeth with the two others — Sun's sister and Tristan's grandfather — and had come out better understanding how to act as both a cultivator and a teacher for his disciples.

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Firmly grasping the older middle-aged man's hand, Elizabeth faintly smiled as she said, "No problem. Feel free to drop by every once and awhile and we can arrange for these juniors to spar again." Despite calling them juniors, most of the people Elizabeth was talking about were older than her; some double or even triple her age. In the Martial Society, and general world of cultivation as a whole, seniority was based firstly on strength and background, before cultivation base and age.

Elizabeth and her apprentices followed their guests over to the beach resort's exit and saw them off before splitting off to continue with their business; Elizabeth retreating to her party's side while the apprentices returned either to meditate or practice their nascent spells.

Gathering Sun, Jane, Yrre and Liam, Elizabeth said, "I'm going to head back to the Shadow Realm to challenge a Forbidden Zone." Shooting a look across her established party, only Sun and Yrre rose up to the occasion.

"I'm at a critical point in my breakthrough to the Spirit Realm… Straying from the Supreme Duality Containment and Amplification Formations would not be a good idea for the next couple days." Jane sighed as she concluded.

"I'm still barely in the Saint Stage, so following you into a Danger Zone would be plenty stupid," Liam shrugged his shoulders helplessly.

Tristan, however, was the most depressed of all as he said, "I'm… I'd just slow you down as well."

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Nodding to herself as she confirmed the stance of her confidants, Elizabeth addressed Sun and Yrre, "Be ready as I'll teleport us shortly." She turned to Tristan and jerked her head as if to gesture for him to follow her. Leaving behind a clueless bunch in the rest of her companions, Elizabeth and Tristan entered the beach resort only coming to a stop after reaching a private room.

When it was just the two of them, Elizabeth produced a blank jade slip she had produced a couple days ago for this very purpose, but held onto it momentarily as she explained, "Tristan… Your cultivation of the Darkyin Cultivation method has reached completion right?"

With just a tinge of melancholy, almost going unnoticed by Elizabeth, Tristan nodded his head. He had resigned himself to becoming useless as Elizabeth had found out that his potential to grow was about to stagnate. With the Darkyin Cultivation method that Elizabeth had gifted him nearing perfection, there would be nothing else for him to cultivate; no way for him to grow. Essentially, he had run into the same problem as when Elizabeth saved him; his cultivation technique had become obsolete.

Sighing as she correctly guessed Tristan's source of anguish, Elizabeth said, "I'd been meaning to give you this when you reached the peak of the Spirit Realm, so do well to cultivate it during the time I'm gone." Chucking the Jade slip at Tristan, she added, "And don't think of this as another gift. If anything this is something you always had…"

With those words, she left without another look back to teleport to the Shadow Realm. Tristan, now alone in the room, read through the jade slip and at first he frowned in confusion. The first two thirds of the information contained within the Jade Slip were essentially a copy paste transcript of his previous cultivation method; the same one that lead to his inner heart demons taking over his body.

However, as he continued to scan the lustrous piece of jade, his confused frown slowly morphed into just confusion, followed slowly by increasing amounts of shock. Upon reading the first 95% of the Jade Slip, he had finished reading the perfected portion of the [Seraph's True Nature.] The last 5% of the content in the Jade Slip was entirely composed of Elizabeth's insights from when she tried to replicate her bloodline skill's Ghastly Strike outside of her Infantile Wolf God Form. It wasn't exactly a completed technique as Elizabeth couldn't achieve the same damage potential as she could whilst transformed, but the foundation for a simple and direct physical to soul attack was there.

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