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"Mhmm… Is this my body?" Elizabeth was confused upon awakening. Well, "awakening" was a rough way to put it as she was confident she was experiencing some sort of dream or vision, rather than being truly conscious.

Before her, was the titanic form of her own body. She was like an ant looking up at an elephant, her own body was fading into the horizon; unable to be seen completely at any given time. Suddenly, through no control of her own, she was cast high up into the air and it was now possible to see everything from her head to her torso.

Through some sort of magic, veins started lighting up along with points all around her body. The veins were like surging waves that extended out infinitely while the points were each like black holes. Moving through the air at what she assumed to be a frightening speed given the rate which she crossed her titanic form, Elizabeth slowly started to understand.

"Those are my Meridians and Acupoints… All of them…" Before her, there weren't only 108 black-hole-like points, rather, just from what she could see, there were at least several hundred. The body only had 20 Meridians, but at the highest level of accomplishment, one could open thousands of acupoints.

"This must be… what my body would look like with all its acupoints developed?" Elizabeth thought to herself. As she made this connection, the eyes of her titanic form snapped open. The light that escaped her eyes piercing through the void as if it could create or end all life.

Understandably frightened, Elizabeth could only helplessly watch as her titanic form picked her open like a person would a crumb of bread. But at the point of being held, her eyes dimmed and she blacked out again.

Now in the real world, Elizabeth sat up with cold sweats thinking she had just died. That vision or dream was beyond unsettling. However, before she could process what she had seen, a wave of information hit her head like a semi-truck.

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Name: Elizabeth Ultimatia

Bloodline: Human 100%, God (Fallen) 100%, Ancient Godslayer Fiend 0.015%

Level: 30 (31)

Rank: Peak Saint Stage (100%) [Perfect Chaos Mage Saint]

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Sex: Female

Strength 889

Endurance 905

Speed 933

Defense 899

Intelligence 1045

Luck: 10

Inner Strength ~177 Million

Innate Skills

Name: Divine Spirit Body (Evolution of Perfect King's Body)

Description: Upon reaching the Peak of the Saint Stage with a perfect foundation through and through, the user has gained more than twice the lifespan of a regular Saint; that's 2.5x as much as what a practitioner would receive for reaching the peak of the Saint Stage. Moreover, cultivating in the Spirit Realm will be much smoother for the user. The user's constitution matches that of inborn bodies that can potentially reach the limit of godly prowess.

Effect: Natural lifespan rises to 500 years.


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Name: Mystic Art: Transcendent Strength

Spirit Grade: F

Energy Cost: Varies

Description: Understood as a direct consequence of obtaining a Divine Spirit Body while in the Saint Stage of the Mortal Realm. You are able to explode with ungodly divine strength through your perfect meridians and acupoints.

Current Effect: Depends on how much energy is charged before an attack is released. With little expenditure, the mortal body is able to strike with 50% additional power, while going all-out may exponentially increase the user's bodily strength.

Main Quest 6: Reach Level 30! (Complete)

Degree of Completion: TRANSCENDENTAL

Difficulty: SSS

Objective) Cleanse your meridians and acupoints of postnatal filth to prepare for the Spirit Realm. (✔)

Hidden Objective) Acquire Mythical Talent, connect 12 Heavenly Meridians and open 99 Acupoints. (✔)

Hidden Objective) Acquire Perfect Talent, connect 20 Divine Meridians and open 108 Acupoints. (✔)


Choice of:

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1) 4 Spirit Grade Reforging Crystal

2) 2 Excellent Tier Elemental Affinity Stone

3) 1 Excellent Tier Affinity Stone


Choice of:

1) 4 Spirit Grade Reforging Crystal

2) Extra Break Time (1 Month)

3) 1 Spiritual Pillar of Fragmented Grandmist

Main Quest 7: Enter The Spirit Realm! (Incomplete)

Spirit Grade Difficulty: F

Objective) Reach the Transcendent Foundation Stage

Description: First off, that… was… epic! Persephone's "wowzers" aren't even close to good enough praise! Don't stop! Ascend higher and higher! Become a god, strive for victory! HAHAHAHA… Oh, I should probably also mention, we're taking off the baby wheels. Not that you need them, Miss Perfection, but the only way you're getting break time from now is through rewards; no more stacking time from previous Main Quests! Things are ramping up in preparation for confrontation too, so quickly grow, lest you fall in the incoming war…

Deadline: 80 Days (Locked via Break Time: ~11 Days)]

Waking up to such good news, from such a bad dream, Elizabeth didn't know how to react. However, nonplussed as she may be, Yrre and Sun were there to rile her up from her thoughts. "Are you ok, Elizabeth?" Though both companions said the same thing, it was easy to understand that were Yrre's tone came from pure concern, Sun's tone held a bit more… complexity.

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"I'm fine," Elizabeth stood up. After the moment of terror had passed and the information from her status was digested, she realized she was completely restored; not a hint of fatigue remained from her breakthrough event. "I'm going to challenge the Spirit Realm, now," she said matter-of-factly as if she hadn't just entered the Saint Stage.

Yrre simply nodded, after confirming she was fine, this bit of news couldn't shake her. Alas, Sun wasn't the same. Unlike Yrre who had seen much more and had perspective he couldn't even begin to imagine, Sun was from Earth, where just a couple months prior, the Spirit Realm was something even the most talented, most senior elders strived to reach as a lifetime goal. Elizabeth had barely cultivated for several weeks and she was tackling the Spirit Realm with as much fervor as he had the Pawn Stage back when she restored his Dantian; it was ludicrous! But such was the difference in fate, talent and ambition.

Those old fogies who only wanted to reach the Spirit Realm weren't even worthy of comparison with Elizabeth. She was aiming for godhood from the get-go and though she started with nothing more than a lucky chance in the form of her teleportation magic to the Shadow Realm, her talent, ambition and dedication were in large part the reason she was where she is now.

Even amongst the practitioners and cultivators of Earth, it wouldn't be wrong to say that she has endured more hardship and come out of more tribulations and life or death situations than the veteran elders. Throughout her budding career as a Mage, she's almost died several times yet such is the life of someone who will stop at nothing to survive their fate as a chosen for the Cataclysm.

Amid this game for divinities, gods, ghosts, and devils, where would Elizabeth go if just the first major breakthrough in the path of cultivation stopped her? She simply couldn't put crossing into the Transcendent Foundation Stage as a major hurdle in her life. However, Sun was in part right to think she was a bit too overzealous to prompt subsequent breakthrough events as she asked him to spar for a while to consolidate her foundation before tackling the Spirit Realm. It would be a disaster if her strength rose too quickly and she couldn't get a hold of it…

For a whole two days, Elizabeth and Sun crashed into each other. If not for the formations that isolated Elizabeth's room from the rest of the palace, the whole building would be shaking as if in the middle of a seismic earthquake from their every move. Periodically, Yrre would join in to remind Elizabeth not to get too cocky as her cultivation automatically rose to the peak of the King Stage with Elizabeth's ascension. Elizabeth was humbled once more as her strength which could easily contest experts of the Transcendent Foundation Stage was utterly ignored by Yrre's esoteric blade and martial arts. No matter if it was armed or unarmed combat, if Yrre didn't wish for it, Elizabeth couldn't even touch the hems of her clothes; nevermind actually hit her.

This remained the case even after the rise in Elizabeth's cultivation was applied to her ability to use her Mystic Arts and Spells. While in the King Stage, Elizabeth was only able to quadruple her strength, speed and defense with Death Thai and her Time Blade, but even though the amplification bonus rose now that she was in the Saint Stage, it was like she was chasing a ghost. Sun could only watch with a heavy heart during the one time Elizabeth activated her fourth Chaos Seal and just barely managed to start fighting Yrre on relatively equal terms. But at that point, it was still the same as seeing a King Stage practitioner bully an expert of the Transcendent Foundation Stage.

Eventually, the effects of Elizabeth's Chaos Seal ran out and she was whipped like an unruly child and both Elizabeth and Sun could only shrink back in abject horror whenever Yrre smiled at them moving forward. She never did any truly lasting damage as it was her mission to help Elizabeth, but putting it lightly, Yrre's beatings more than illuminated the errors in Elizabeth's fighting form.

When Elizabeth once more felt that her cultivation was stable enough to move on, she stopped sparring with Sun and even withdrew a special core from her spatial ring. Tossing it over to Sun, she said, "This is for helping with my previous breakthrough and helping consolidate my Saint Stage foundation."

Catching on to the large core, Sun's eyes widened as he looked at the lively pure yang flames that rose and fell like the tides of the ocean. Such pure yang energies… "Is this the core of a Spirit Realm Monster?"

"It used to belong to a Soliger, but I killed it during our time in the Irelian Empire's territory." Watching Sun grow infatuated with the core, Elizabeth added, "The leftover energy within the core's been siphoned out, but you should be able to make a Spirit Grade pill from the core itself right?"

Sun nodded, but he smiled helplessly as he blurted out, "Naturally, the energy would have been wasted even if it wasn't siphoned out, several weeks have passed. Mhmm… if only I had other materials from this Soliger's body. Oh well, I guess I can make do with these her-" He couldn't even finish his thoughtless rambling as the massive corpse of the Soliger appeared before him.

"Take it," Elizabeth said. Her words had the conviction of someone who wouldn't take no for an answer.

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