Living Up to You

Chapter 17.1

Chapter 17 part 1

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“Let go of Ah Chou!!!”

Chou means ugly

Suddenly, there was a roar followed by a purple light. Ling Xi watched as the old demon was beaten by Qing Kui’s gourd that she lost her shape. She wailed and let go of her (LX). The dark clouds quickly flew away.

“Damned demon, don’t think about escaping!”

Qing Kui was about to mount the wine gourd and chase after her. Ling Xi could finally breath and had been thrown on the ground by the old demon. Her eyes went black and she couldn’t stand up at all. Qing Kui looked at the two girls who had fallen on the ground and spit. He had to give up on pursuing the deserter.

“Ah Chou, how are you?” Qing Kui quickly helped Ling Xi up and said anxiously, “It’s all this deserving of a beating wine gourd’s fault! That demon didn’t look simple. Did you suffer any losses?”

Qing Kui glared once at his wine gourd. The wine gourd turned smaller by itself, drifted to Ling Xi’s face and rubbed her cheek like it wanted to apologize.

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Ling Xi tried her best to shake her head. Only now did her blackened eyes recover a bit. While she touched the body of the wine gourd to appease him (gourd), she shook her head and said, “Fortunately, you came back in time. Quickly go see how Xue Ran is.”

Only now did Qing Kui remember that there was another girl who had fainted. After he had stabilized Ling Xi, he went to look at Xue Ran.

“It must be because that demon’s demonic energy was too great. She had fainted because she exerted too much force. When junior sister Qing Lian returns and give her some energy, she would wake up.” Qing Kui pinched Xue Ran’s acupuncture points and returned to Ling Xi.

“Hey, when little Ling Xi fainted, you hugged her and asked about this and that. When miss Xue Ran fainted, you couldn’t even bear to give her some energy…,” Juisheng who was in Ling Xi’s hand suddenly spoke. It was actually a cute boy’s voice.

Juisheng hasn’t finished speaking yet, Qing Kui gave his gourd’s body a slap. Ling Xi didn’t pay attention at all to what Juisheng was saying. She just asked surprised, “Second senior brother, it…he can talk?”

“Of course!” Qing Kui crossed his arms proudly. He had begun to spoke two years ago. It’s a pity that he (QK) didn’t know how he got a “unequalled sharp tongue”. His cute and obedient Juisheng would never come back!

“Second senior brother…” Originally Ling Xi had some questions to ask Qing Kui. After she thought about it, it was better to ask Juisheng. She turned to the wine gourd and asked, “Little Juisheng, how old are you?”

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“Two hundred and fifty-year-old!” Juisheng’s childish voice said very proudly.

Qing Kui took Juisheng and put it on his waist. He looked once disdainful at Ling Xi and said, “Do you think that it is like those demons of the demon realm? Spirits that only grow with righteous energy would grow extremely slow. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be so many “spirits” who used some crooked path to become “demons”.

The moment Ling Xi heard that, she closed her mouth.

“If your Xiao Hei didn’t swallow my two hundred years of cultivation, how could he shape shift so quickly?” Having spoken till here, Qing Kui glared angrily at the black Chinese rose on Ling Xi’s head.

Ling Xi felt guilty. Juisheng was able to talk after two hundred and fifty years. Even if Nan Zhi swallowed Qing Kui’s two hundred years of cultivation and could immediately shape shift, is…isn’t this too fast?

“Second senior brother, how many years would it take if an immortal spirit wanted to shape shit to human form?”

Qing Kui rested his chin on his hand and pondered for a moment, “This naturally is also connected with the cultivation of the spirit’s master, but under normal circumstances, it must be at least eight hundred to thousand years.”

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This unsettled Ling Xi even more. Qing Kui continued, “As for that immortal spirit of high-tiered deity Donghua, it had cultivated for eight hundred years before it was able to shape shift into human form and two thousand years for it to get flesh. It will take about three thousand years. If you abandon the righteous practice and use the demonic way, an ordinary spirit would be able to get a flesh in just five hundred years. However, the moment, it used dissenting ways, it is a demon! This is the difference between a demon and an immortal spirit…”

Qing Kui still continued to speak, but Ling Xi couldn’t concentrate on what he was saying anymore. According to this, even a demon needed two hundred years to shape shift…

Then, what is her Nan Zhi?

When Qing Lian and Qing Nian came back together, Xue Ran hasn’t woken up yet. Qing Kui had always treasured his cultivation very much. He felt that that Xue Ran had no relation to him, why should he give her energy? Ling Xi sat alone at the bottom of the tree and was immersed in her own thoughts.

The moment Qing Nian saw that Xue Ran had fainted, he got anxious. Before Qing Lian reacted, he had already given her energy to let her wake up.

“Bone-eating demon!” It was apparent that Xue Ran hasn’t regained her senses yet. The moment, she woke up, she shouted.

Although, once Qing Nian was the youngest disciple of Cangjia and was still at a young age when he cultivated an immortal body, his face didn’t look young. He frowned and asked, “The one who just attacked you was the bone-eating demon?”

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The one Qing Nian asked was Ling Xi. Ling Xi had no understanding of the bone-eating demon at all and blinked blankly.

Xue Ran coughed twice and said, “She wanted to take my and Ling Xi’s skin. It was the same as the bone-eating demon you once described to me, so…”

“What is bone-eating demon?” Qing Kui had always been at Tianmai Peak and had also not heard of it.

Qing Nian looked once at Qing Kui, but he didn’t spoke. Qing Lian said indifferently, “Eat the bone, leave the skin. It is a demonic creature that had appeared in the last two years in the demon realm. No one knows from where she had come from. Ever since she appeared, she harmed the young and beautiful women of the mortal realm. She swallowed their bones and blood and left the beautiful skin.”

Five people formed a circle in the forest. Qing Lian said without a pause, “A year ago, master let junior brother go down the mountain to go catch the bone-eating demon. It was hard to catch because she had a thousand faces. Moreover, she had taken in a hundred little demons in the demon realm to do things for her. Junior brother hadn’t even seen her true form after being busy for half a year. It happened that it was the time to prepare for the Four Immortals’ Association that master had called him back.”

Qing Lian said that casually, but Qing Kui’s expression became more and more solemn. It even paled.

“Our trip to Donghua this time was extremely fast and we specifically avoided those places with dark energy. Under normal circumstance, we wouldn’t have disturbed these demonic creatures. That they took action when the opportunity arrived means that she came with an objective and they are clear about the disparity in strength of the five of us.” Qing Lian’s analyzed calmly and it was very reasonable. She looked at the other four people and said, “The demon that appeared today is certainly not the bone-eating demon’s true self. It must be a small demon that she had taken. Since they came with an objective and if that objective isn’t met yet, they wouldn’t give up so easily. Presumably, they would take further actions.”

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