Living Up to You

Chapter 18.2

Chapter 18 part 2

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The exact objective of the bone-eating demon couldn’t be determined from her yesterday’s action, but it could be determined that the person she was targeting was Ling Xi.

Demons would use a human face to disguise themselves. They could also use spells as diversionary tactics. If Qing Kui, Qing Lian and Qing Nian each of them travel with a Ling Xi in different directions, even if the bone-eating demon had arranged in advance, she would be more or less disrupted. If not, the speed of a pair of two would not affect their speed of reaching Donghua Mountain.

Therefore, the real Ling Xi followed Qing Kui. The Ling Xi turned by Qing Lian’s hairpin followed Qing Lian and Xue Ran who had used diversionary tactic to turn into Ling Xi followed Qing Nian. The three group chose a different direction when flying out of the forest, confusing people.

“Senior brother Qing Kui, would they fall for the trap?” Ling Xi asked in a low voice as she held Qing Kui’s arm tightly.

“Who knows…,” Qing Kui said disdainfully. “Even if our diversionary tactic truly confused that group of demons, it wouldn’t be for too long. But with only the two of us, I can guarantee that you will be unscathed! Besides, we can reach Donghua Mountain today at my speed. Why should we be afraid of them?”

“Tsk, tsk, in fact, it is because you want to be alone with little Ling Xi…”


Before Juisheng could finish, he received a slap from Qing Kui.

“Shut up!” Qing Kui vigorously blocked the wine gourd’s mouth on his waist. Juisheng shouted twice before he quieted down.

Ling Xi looked at Juisheng with sympathy. She didn’t know whether Qing Kui coughed twice truly or faked them and said, “He…he had once gone down the mountain with junior uncle Cang Qu and hung out with him in the mortal realm for three months. After he came back…he had these messy thoughts all day long!”

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Ling Xi happily and curiously asked, “What kind of messy thoughts did he have?”

Qing Kui was stumped for words. Ling Xi also didn’t wait for his answer and continued, “But little Juisheng is very cute…”

Why did Nan Zhi appear as an adult man the moment he showed himself? Even the voice he spoke with in the beginning was not the cute and lovely child’s voice like Juisheng’s…

Juisheng who had been stuffed at Qing Kui’s waist was unable to speak and could only nod his gourd’s head.

Qing Kui glared once at him. After a long silence, he suddenly said, “Ah Chou, how about you discipline him for me for a few days?”

“Senior brother Qing Kui, you…”

“I’m going to catch the demon.” It was rare for Qing Kui to be deadly serious. “Ah Chou, in fact, I probably know what the objective of the bone-eating demon is, but I don’t really want to let others know. That was why I proposed to be one our way in three groups.”

Ling Xi was alarmed and about to ask when Qing Kui continued, “I will put you down at the next mountain. When you fly over with the sword, it would be one of Donghua Mountain’s peak. Presumably things would be different now with Juisheng and your black Chinese rose at you side. They will surely send you safely to Donghua Mountain.”

Ling Xi knew that although usually senior brother Qing Kui liked to taunt and tease her, he was truly good to her. Therefore, after thinking the matter of Nan Zhi through last night, she planned to find an opportunity to tell Qing Kui about Nan Zhi’s existence. Hearing Qing Kui say that now, she quickly said, “Second senior brother, you don’t have to leave Juisheng with me, black Chinese rose, he…”

“If you don’t take it, then you are looking down on me!” Qing Kui interrupted her and returned to his undisciplined look. He laughed, “Just a small bone-eating demon, isn’t that just a stretch of the hand and grab it?”

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A stretch of the hand and grab it: very easy

Qing Kui had mastered the art of the five doors. Among the disciples of Cangjia, aside from Feng Shu, he has the highest cultivation. Although, Ling Xi didn’t doubt his ability, but she was worried when he leaves in such a hurry.

“Second senior brother, that bone-eating demon…”

“I will tell you when I return. Ah Chou, take good care of yourself!”

Sure enough, Qing Kui put Ling Xi down at the next mountain and he went to the southeast without looking back. He didn’t bring Juisheng and also didn’t take Xiangyin sword. Ling Xi looked at his leaving back. Suddenly, she realized that perhaps a few days ago, his behavior of when he lay on the wine gourd and wanted to retrieve Xiangyin sword was just to make her happy.

Arriving at the first peak of Donghua Mountain on the sword, Ling Xi was in full alert state. Every nerve on her body was tightened for fear that she would suddenly be attacked by demons.

Unexpectedly, this journey went very smoothly. There were no big nor small demon that popped out halfway nor was there small or big devil that came out. It went so smoothly that Ling Xi felt that it was like an illusion that she was in another world when she saw the people come and go at Donghua Mountain.

Ever since being brought to Tianmai Peak by Feng Shu, aside from training, she had never seen so many people.

Donghua Mountain was even bigger and higher than Cangjia Mountain. Ling Xi couldn’t see how many peaks there were. When she stopped steadily at the foot of the first peak, she immediately attracted a crowd of people who watched and discussed.

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“This humble one is supremo’s sixth disciple Ling Xi and was sent to participate in the Four Immortals’ Association. Colleague deities, please lead the way.” Ling Xi cupped her hands as she spoke politely.

Donghua’s disciples were not like Cangjia’s disciples. They were dressed in the same blue robes, but they looked more like swordsmen of the mortal realm. They dressed differently without failing to the customs.

It was just that no one bothered with Ling Xi after she had spoken. After a long while, a faintly discernible sneer could be heard.

“Cangjia’s supremo’s disciple is actually like this?”

Ling Xi’s face immediately reddened and couldn’t help but lower her head. Among those who cultivates, they are sensitive to the depth of each other’s cultivation. Often, it would only take half a stroke to estimate the other party’s cultivation.

“Actually, had the face to say colleagues. Little girl, you still haven’t cultivated an immortal body, right?” Another voice continued to ridicule.

Ling Xi lowered her head in shame and was unable to see the other party’s appearance. She only replied, “Ling Xi had practiced the arts of immortals for less than six years and is stupid by nature. That is…is why I still haven’t cultivated an immortal body…”

“Ling Xi? Why does this name sound so familiar?” Another voice interjected.

“You aren’t that Ling Xi who let the snow lotuses turn into ashes and who had caused the death of the pillar of Cangjia Mountain, right?”

Ling Xi’s head was already so low that it couldn’t be lowered any longer. She emphasized once again, “I was instructed by my master to attend the Four Immortals’ Association!”

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“You are not even an immortal, how can you participate in the Four Immortals’ Association? This is truly a big joke of the six realms!” The first voice that had ridiculed her continued, “That old man Cang Yu actually still dared to take you in as disciple? He simply doesn’t put the immortal realm in his eyes!”

Ling Xi was not someone with a strong temperament. Forget it if she was ridiculed by others, but Donghua as the head of the immortal realm doesn’t even understand the most basic way of hospitability and was disrespectful to supremo. Wasn’t this a bit too much?

“This Donghua’s “immortal” doesn’t differentiate between social ranking. Does this mean that you don’t put Cangjia in your eyes?” Ling Xi suddenly raised her head and said angrily.

Her words just fell when she saw a sword flew at her. That person said angrily, “The one who let snow lotus turn into ashes is despised by everyone enough to be punished with death!”

The foot of Donghua Mountain fell into chaos for a moment. Ling Xi dodged that sword. Juisheng couldn’t hold back any longer and began to fight with the person who attacked Ling Xi. When the others saw this, they made trouble for Ling Xi. Ling Xi was not their opponent. The Chinese rose in her hair began to stir.

“High-tiered deity Donghua seeks miss Ling Xi’s attendance!”

Suddenly a female voice could be heard among the chaos. The disciples of Donghua stopped fighting and silently retreated to a side. There was no sound at all. Juisheng’s gourd body had long changed into two people and was still spinning angrily in the air. Ling Xi didn’t have the time to retract Xiangyin sword. Seeing the women coming on the clouds neat and tidy, she froze on spot.

“High-tiered deity has invited you. Miss Ling Xi, please forgive the previous negligence.” The woman in the front stepped forward. Her face looked like spring water, but her eyes were sharp like daggers and swept over all the Donghua disciples.

The Donghua disciples who had considered themselves unparalleled just now, knelt down, leaving only Ling Xi standing alone in the center.

“Miss Ling Xi, please come.”

The woman in the front turned her body slightly. The ten women in the same white clothes lined up in two rows and walked gently in front of Ling Xi. Their eyes were slightly lowered, their knees slightly bend and waited for her to step on the cloud.

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