Living Up to You

Chapter 26.1

Chapter 26 part 1

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According to Ming Sheng, he is seventy-eight-thousand-year-old this year. Ten thousand years ago, he wasn’t the king of hell yet. The him at that time was still a crown prince and very playful. He didn’t like to be confined in the netherworld. So, he found an opportunity and sneaked to the mortal realm.

It was also that time that he met the little Xi he spoke about.

Seventy-eight-thousand-year-old king of hell was equivalent to a seven or eight year old child of the mortal realm. However, the skill of Ming Sheng was not to be underestimated. He easily went into the River of Forgetfulness and came out without a drop of water on him. He handed the Soul-Locking water to Ling Xi.

Ling Xi was in trance and felt that it was a dream. She got it…easily like this?

The Soul-Locking water was actually a small wine pot filled with water with a silver light overflowing on the surface of the water.

Ling Xi looked at the pot of water and was afraid to take it.

“Little Xi, take it,” Ming Sheng laughed.

Ling Xi bowed very respectfully before she took over the Soul-Locking water.

Ming Sheng pursed his mouth and said, “Being so courteous with me truly let down my kindness.”

Ling Xi quickly said, “Ling Xi truly doesn’t know how to thank your highness. Your highness, don’t take offense.”

“Alright. If you want to thank me, then, don’t call me your highness. How about you call me husband?” Ming Sheng got into Ling Xi’s arms.

Ling Xi’s face was red and burning. She was so shocked that she didn’t know what to do. Sir judge who was at a side coughed repeatedly. Ming Sheng glared once at him.

“I still…want to get the memories of a friend. Don’t know…,” Ling Xi quickly changed the subject.

“You can, you can. Whatever you want. Do you know how to get it?” Ming Sheng asked happily.

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Ling Xi nodded gratefully.

She remembered Qing Lian’s reminder. Hence, she didn’t smell nor touch that Soul-Locking water. She held the pot of water and carefully walked to the shore of the River of Forgetfulness. She called softly, “Jian Ying.” A short moment later, white apertures emerged from the bottom of the river. Many large and small apertures very similar to those above Donghua Mountain’s jacaranda, but also a bit different. Ling Xi stood still. Those apertures seemed to have life, floated towards her and fell into the Soul-Locking water.

Ling Xi felt that it was very magical. So many memories of a soul could be hidden in the water and could be called out when they were needed.

Could the “little Xi” of thirteen thousand years ago that little king of hell talked about be one lifetime of hers?

Ling Xi was a bit curious. She wondered whether she looked the same in her past life and what she had experienced…She couldn’t stop herself from whispering, “Ling Xi.”

The red spider lilies were very dazzling and beautiful. The water of the River of Forgetfulness flowed calmly. The sound of the clean water was very pleasing to the ears. Ling Xi called her name once again. However, the River of Forgetfulness stayed the same. No aperture rose from the river.

Could it be that she had to call out the name of that lifetime?

Ling Xi was a bit puzzled, but she didn’t want to delay here anymore for fear that something might happen again. After she properly put the Soul-Locking water in the purse of tail feathers, she thanked Ming Sheng and bid him goodbye.

Ming Sheng really sent Ling Xi to the exit of the netherworld personally. All the way, he stared with an unwilling-to-part expression at Ling Xi, making her didn’t know where to put her hands and feet and also didn’t know where to look.

“See you in ten days.” Thinking that he could see Ling Xi again in ten days, he let go of her hand.

Ling Xi nodded, “Ling Xi will certainly keep the promise!”

After coming out of the netherworld and seeing the sunlight again, the sun seemed to have been reborn.

Qing Lian and Qing Kui were waiting outside for Ling Xi. The three hadn’t spoken yet when Juisheng already flew to Qing Kui as he cried.

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“Woowoo…where did you without any conscience went to die to?! I obviously felt you in the netherworld. You actually didn’t come to save me. Woo woo…”

Juisheng rushed to Qing Kui. Qing Kui rubbed his gourd’s head and comforted, “Wasn’t I in a hurry to go save Ah Chou?”

At that time, Qing Kui chased the bone-eating demon to the netherworld. Upon entering, he sensed Juisheng, but he was eager to catch the demon and feared that a distraction would let the bone-eating demon get away. Unexpectedly, not long after, he heard Ling Xi’s call for help and calling his name. At that time, he turned around and went to hell.

Even now, when he thought about that cry of Ling Xi at that time, Qing Kui still felt uncomfortable…It was just like the feeling when a good wine of his that had been stored for many years had been smashed. It was very uncomfortable.

While Qing Kui and Juisheng were speaking, Qing Lian couldn’t bear it any longer and looked at Ling Xi with questioning eyes.

Ling Xi naturally understood her, nodded and smiled, “Senior sister, I got it.”

Qing Lian breathed heavily and smiled without restraint.

Qing Kui got to know the situation long ago from Qing Lian and the situation had become clear to him. After listening to Ling Xi about Ming Sheng, Qing Kui laughed, “Haha, sure enough the fortune favors fools! Don’t know in which lifetime did you cultivate this kind of blessing to actually got to know the king of hell thirteen thousand years ago and promised yourself to him. Also, after more than ten thousand years, he still remembered!”

Ling Xi pursed her lips and said, “I also want to know which lifetime it was. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find the past memories.”

“With that little foolish brain of yours, forget it! You can’t even remember everything of this lifetime!”

Qing Kui tapped Ling Xi’s head with his index finger. Ling Xi slapped his hand away and glared fiercely at him, “Anyway, I will always remember that when you came to pick me up from Xuwang Cliff, you fell with four legs facing the sky. Even Xiangyin sword ignored you!”

Four legs facing the sky: flat on one’s back.

Qing Kui glared at her, “I…I was drunk at that time. Drunk! Drunk!”

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Ling Xi ignored him. She only snickered with her hand covering her mouth. Qing Kui quickly said, “It was truly that I was drunk! It’s the truth!”

Qing Lian looked at the two of them. The smile on her face was warm.

Although, they still had to fetch the Soul-Suppressing pearls at the Eastern Sea, it was equivalent that more than half of the task had been completed after they got the Soul-Locking water. Although, there was the Dragon King at the Eastern Sea, but he never bothered with the matters of the Soul-Suppressing pearls. He even wished that he could throw those Soul-Suppressing pearls out of the Eastern Sea the soonest possible to save his great sea from the evil spirits and vengeful ghosts.

Qing Lian also received news from Qing Nian. All the major sects expressed their willingness at the Four Immortal’s Association to help clean up those undead in the Eastern Sea. Like this, they only need to wait to go get the Soul-Suppressing pearls.

Therefore, the mood of the three of them was relatively relaxed. Originally, they planned to let Ling Xi rest for a night before setting off to the Eastern Sea, but Ling Xi was unwilling.

“It’s fine if I slept on Juisheng for a moment. It’s better that we depart as soon as possible.” Ling Xi was afraid it there was not enough time since she had to return the Soul-Locking water back in only ten days. She didn’t dare to delay the trip because of herself.

Qing Lian was also worried that something might go wrong and nodded.

Qing Kui was drinking as he gave Juisheng a slap, “It’s up to you this time!”

Juisheng shouted, “Could it be that you also want to be on me? No, no! I will only take little Ling Xi!”

“This old man has to sit on you!” Qing Kui chanted a spell. Juisheng turned big unwillingly. Qing Kui pulled Ling Xi and sat on Juisheng’s body as if they were riding a horse, one in the front and one behind. They took off.

Qing Lian shook her head laughingly. She followed behind them on a cloud.

Everything in the mortal realm was in sight. From villages and towns to the smoke rising up from cooking and people running like ants and insects. It was full of vitality.

When Qing Kui saw that Ling Xi wasn’t asleep, he would find something to tease her with from time to time. As a result, her mood was discontented and she didn’t bother much with him.

“Isn’t this Xiao Hei fine? What are you worried about?”

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Of course, Qing Kui remembered when he entered hell and saw the fully wounded Nan Zhi. Compared to those wounds, what surprised him more was that the little black turtle of that year was actually able to transform into a human body in just six or seven years.

He didn’t mention this before when Qing Lian was around.

Ling Xi’s eyes flickered. She was indeed worried about Nan Zhi. They all said he was alright, but when she called him, he still didn’t answer her.

“Ah Chou, do you have nothing to tell me about Xiao Hei?” Ling Xi’s concealment made Qing Kui inexplicable displeased.

Ling Xi had intended to tell Qing Kui about Nan Zhi’s situation. The moment he asked, she quickly replied, “Second senior brother, Nan Zhi…Nan Zhi, he…”

“Nan Zhi?”

“It’s the name I gave him.”

Originally, Qing Kui was lying on Juisheng’s body with his hands on his (J) head. He suddenly sat up when he heard that. “How did you give him a name?”

When Ling Xi saw that he had such a big reaction, she felt very uneasy and said, “He was…inadvertently named.”

At that time, it was because she saw these two words on the desk of eldest senior brother that gave her the idea to use this name.

“Forget it. It’s nothing. It’s only a name.” Qing Kui thought for a moment. His mouth was a thin line.

Ling Xi got curious, “What is the matter with this name?”

Qing Kui yawned, “You entered the sect late. The books you read are not many. Naturally, you don’t know. Cangjia Mountain once had a famous high-tiered deity. Not only was that high-tiered deity the youngest high-tiered deity of Cangjia Mountain, he was also the only high-tiered deity that ascended and became god. It was precisely because of him that Cangjia Mountain gained prestige among the immortal sects.”

Ling Xi nodded. In fact, she knew about this. She had once read it in eldest senior brother’s study. Qing Kui continued, “This high-tiered deity was called Nan Zhi.”

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