Chapter 16 – What’s The Best Way To Handle This?

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TL: Cheetah


ED: Ryuubii

(Kazu’s POV)

This was not a game nor manga, so of course I can’t do this by myself. (TN: But it’s a LN fufu)

Up till now, it only worked because of the momentum and element of surprise.

Being strong all of a sudden… such a convenient setting doesn’t exist.

In order to buy time for me to find a solution to the problem, I decided to stretch out the conversation.

Besides, senpai had said earlier that reports had been coming in that there were people on the rooftop, which was off-limits.

If I bought enough time, there was a possibility that someone from the student council or someone else who heard the commotion would come.

MC: “That is my line.”

I turned slightly on my side and assumed a position that blocked the view with my arms, concealing senpai.

VP: “Ah…”

Senpai let out a voice that somehow seemed out of place, but this was not the time for that.

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MC: “You guys, what were you planning to do?”

I didn’t really want senpai to listen, but I have to do this in order to prolong the conversation.

G2: “Hah? It’s obvious, we’re going to mess you both up, then take a commemorative photo to make sure she never get c*cky again.”

MC: “Uoh~ what a really evil guy!”

MC: “You three are the perpetrators, right?”

…I didn’t have to hear it, but I still asked.

MC: “I’ll just tell them everything I heard just now.”

G2: “And the evidence? The only thing here is the proof that you beat him up, right? We’re going to make up as many stories as we can think of about you beating up a guy who was just trying to confess his love for her, but you got jealous and beat him up out of nowhere.”

G3: “Ga-ha-ha-ha!”

Really, these people laugh in a way that shows how stupid they are to no end.

N: “Thanks for the explanation. It really helps that you’re so dumb.”

And since who knows when… senpai’s friend was already in the rooftop doorway… pointing her phone’s camera lens at those guys.

Following that, another male student walked in.

I believe that was the Student Council President…

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N: “You see, ever since a while ago. We recorded the whole thing, including the part about how you’re going to mess them up. However, the person who was recording it with me has already gone back, so there’s no point even if you break this smartphone.” (TN: Why don’t they just use cloud storage lmao) (EN: No WiFi, too much data spent)

Apparently, we were saved.

I didn’t explain it to her at the time, but she must have sensed something was wrong based on the way I acted?

In any case, what a relief!

In the wake of this, the student body president opened his mouth.

P: “Even though it ended as an attempt, the criminal act statement is here. We could submit this to the police and have them charge you, or we could even call your parents and have them look at the evidence of their own sons attempting to commit a group assault on a woman… so, what do you suggest we do?”


P: “Let me tell you, there are many other things that can be done, such as civil claims for compensation and social sanctions. Of course, you were prepared to take these risks, right?”

G1: “No, making it a big deal like that.”

G2: “I’m not…”

G3: “He’s the one who directly touched that woman!”

Apparently, they’re trying to pin the blame on one person.

G4: “Please don’t report me! I’ll never do it again!”

The guy who had been knocked down by me apologized as he sat up, looking panicked. I guess he was the mastermind behind the crime, and from the reaction of the people around him, he sensed that he was in the most trouble if he didn’t do something.

Honestly, I wanted to beat the sh*t out of all of them and let them suffer in the hands of the police.

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However, I calmly thought about what would be best for Senpai.

If the police got involved or the parents of the morons got involved, they would have to publish not only the video evidence but also the fact that senpai had been targeted.

Even if we hid the fact that it was senpai, there would still be people who knew that these guys were aiming for senpai, and it would definitely become a hot topic at school.

If that happened, what would become of senpai…?

While I was thinking about it, I realized that I hadn’t let go of Senpai yet.

MC: “I’m sorry senpai, but it’s all right now.”

When she released me, I looked at senpai.

She wasn’t crying anymore.

She had her usual… blank expression, but she looked like she wanted to say something.

The Student Council President continued.

“If you promise not to tell anyone about what happened, and not to go near Satsukawa-san again, including your friends, then I’m willing to withhold the punishment. We have to consider the impact on the other students if the police got involved. Of course, if we discover that you have violated the law in any way, we will immediately bring all the data, including the recordings, to the police, and take all possible measures. If that happens, not only you, but also your family… you understand, don’t you?”

I’m sure… that the student council president was thinking of the same thing as I am.

But honestly, I don’t know if this was the correct judgment.

Instead, I think it would be best to involve the police, but if we pushed them that far, wouldn’t it be possible that there would be vengeance?

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Would it be better to deal with this in a somewhat gratuitous way so that there would be no repercussions?

So many possibilities came to mind, and I couldn’t figure out the best way to handle it.

While I was pondering, the Student Council President, perhaps considering that he doesn’t want to give those guys any extra time to make a decision, hammered the issue down at once.

If they accepted our reasoning that we don’t want to affect the school’s reputation or other students by police intervention as it is, how can they be sure that we wouldn’t do anything to them if the police or something else intervened later?

G1: “P-please. I’m not going to do bad things anymore!”

G2: “I was just watching! From now on, I have absolutely nothing to do with them!”

G3: “I’m so sorry, Satsukawa-san!”

G4: “Please! Please forgive us! Please don’t call the police!”

… In the end, we had no choice but to leave the situation to the chairman, which made me uncomfortable.

However, after all they’ve done… didn’t they think of the possibility that they could get themselves in trouble?

Whatever it is, this whole thing was really childish play. (EN: Although the repercussion would be nothing childish)

…By the way, ever since a while ago, senpai hasn’t said a word.

When I looked at senpai beside me, she was still staring at my face with the same blank expression on her face…?

And I just noticed that…

Well, she’s grabbing the hem of my blazer and won’t let go, and she just stares at me the whole time… what does this mean…

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